Zhenren Qiuhe saw many young monks in front of him, not to mention his two direct disciples, the younger one was taught extremely well by the older one. Except for their talent that makes me feel unfulfilled as a master, the others are really impeccable.

But he was big-hearted and didn't care about this, and in the blink of an eye, his eyes fell on a few friends of his second disciple, Xinjiāo.

After the first round of competition, Master Qiuhe also had some understanding of them.

Yue Jun seems to be romantic, but in fact there is no lust in his body, he is a person with a straight heart, his cultivation is also very good, and his mind is sharp, which can be trained.

Qiu Ze has a stable temperament, is warm-hearted, and is simple and honest without losing his flexibility. He is also very simple on weekdays.

Long Xuan has a rough personality, but there are subtleties in his roughness, his style is arrogant, and he is very loyal.

The last one, Luo Yao, although he had a very deep mind, had arrogance in his eyes, he would rather be straight and not bent, and could see that he had no intention of harming others, and he was able to make up for his own deficiencies with a talisman, showing dexterity.

These four people have their own advantages, all of which can be made.

It's just that in Wuling Xianmen, there are millions of inner disciples alone, and there are too many qualified people. Unless they are outstanding to the point of the emperor's favored son like Yun Lie, ordinary disciples can only rely on their own efforts. , so that they can leave a name in the eyes of high-level monks, and this is the day they will come out.

Not to mention that these four people are not as talented as Xu Ziqing, even people with single spiritual roots like Xu Ziqing, in such a large second-rank immortal gate, may not be able to be looked at by experts at a glance.

Now Luo Yao was looking for Xu Ziqing because of his fanaticism about the talisman. Xu Ziqing was born with a gentle personality, but he was so sincere and sincere, the two became friends.

And Qiu Ze and the three got to know Xu Ziqing because of Luo Yao, and because Xu Ziqing got to know the real person Qiuhe, they also got a little attention from the real person Qiuhe, which is a kind of chance.

Today's Master Qiuhe is pulling their character one by one, and he values ​​them somewhat.

While his thoughts were spinning, he had already made some calculations, but if he brought it up now, it would be too early.

Only after a few more rounds of fighting can he make a decision.

After the first round of the battle, Heilong spit black light again and listed his opponents in the second round.

This time Xu Ziqing was in the eighth group, but he was very far ahead.

Not long after, it was his turn again.

Xu Ziqing smiled warmly and jumped to the stage.

His opponent was short in stature, holding a green dagger in his hand, and he knew at first sight that it was poisoned, and it was very difficult to deal with.

It is a pity that the opponent this man met was Xu Ziqing of Shanmu attribute.

However, people of the wood genus are not immune to all poisons, but they are also better at detoxification than monks with other attributes.

Xu Ziqing didn't underestimate his opponent, even if he wasn't afraid of a little poison, it would always be troublesome if he encountered something he couldn't restrain.

However, after the opponent made a move, Xu Ziqing felt the difference as soon as he tried it.

That short cultivator is not very clever, except for his good light-weight skills, he just used the poison on the dagger, which is really opportunistic.

Xu Ziqing's expression remained unchanged, thinking to himself that if this person could break through the first round, he was probably just unprepared.

When it was, Xu Ziqing was rude, his eyes turned cold and his long arms shook, he had already broken through the protection of the short cultivator, and threw the steel-wood sword across his neck.

However, the little cultivator didn't give up. Suddenly, his arm twitched like a twist, and the dagger was like a poisonous snake, like lightning and flint, and he immediately stabbed Xu Ziqing's throat with his backhand!

It turned out that this was his trump card!

It has to be said that this short cultivator is very smart. He is not good at aptitude and skill, but he knows how to use his strengths and the weaknesses of his heart.

If it is an ordinary person, when controlling the opponent, he will inevitably have a bit of slack, and he can take advantage of this opportunity to counter the opponent.

Unfortunately, he met his nemesis.

Xu Ziqing had been cultivating in the sword dòng Five Elements Gangfeng for so long, and he had practiced to the point that he could react quickly to any murderous intentions coming from any direction, and immediately attacked at the smallest angle.

Therefore, when the dwarf cultivator's murderous intention suddenly appeared, Xu Ziqing, who was most familiar with the idea of ​​killing, shook his wrist indistinctly. Live in your throat!


After the crisp sound of jiāo, the short cultivator missed.

Xu Ziqing showed no mercy, his left hand bent a little, "Muhua Finger" burst out of the air, and pierced the short cultivator's shoulder! Under the impact of the force of his fingers, the short cultivator slammed down from the martial arts platform!

No matter whether this person really wants his life or not, since he dares to say hello to his throat, it is no wonder that Xu Ziqing is going to make a serious move!

Undoubtedly, Xu Ziqing won again.

Like him, Yue Jun, Qiu Ze, Long Xuan, and Luo Yao also fought against their opponents one after another. Perhaps it was because of good luck, except that Long Xuan met a more qiáng opponent and took a little longer. The remaining three People are also destructive, and they each solved their opponents in a stick of incense.

Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie and smiled slightly.

Yun Lie said: "The further you go, the more cautious you must be."

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Yes, I will follow the teachings of my senior brother."

In the third round, Xu Ziqing confronted the last jīng strong man who was fiery.

This person steps on the steamer, can be

Attacked in mid-air.

Xu Ziqing gave birth to green leaves under his feet, and swayed up to confront him.

Fire can kill wood.

Xu Ziqing knew that he would encounter a natural enemy, but his opponent was only in the early stage of foundation building, but he might not be able to do anything about him.

The chūn rain is like silk, too dense; the thunder of Xia Lei is rumbling, and the fall creates a fire; the autumn wind is bleak, which can help the fire. These three types of swordsmanship all want to boost the opponent's arrogance, and he can't use it.

There is only one move, the snow in winter, that can destroy all things and overcome the enemy.

Xu Ziqing stood up with his sword and fought with the red-haired man Xiu in the air.

The red-haired male cultivator also held a sword, and the fire on his sword was dazzling, which was called the "Flowing Fire Sword Technique".

Xu Ziqing and him fought hard for several rounds, and put the real essence on the sword's edge. In an instant, the sword light turned into countless snow flakes, bringing bursts of extremely cold air.

Although the red-haired male cultivator has a lot of firepower, he is inexperienced in the end, and it is not often that Xu Ziqing sells a flaw to coax him. Then Xu Ziqing repeatedly hits the "Muhua Finger" and is knocking down the steamer under his feet.

He lost the magic weapon under his feet, and the red-haired male cultivator was about to fall. He wanted to use a Royal Wind Art to come, but Xu Ziqing chased after him. Suddenly, the sword shadows were heavy.

Xu Ziqing wins again!

In the fourth round, Xu Ziqing met a local monk.

That cultivator can use the power of the leylines to crack the land and trap people.

Xu Ziqing paused, and countless green grasses burst out of the ground, firmly fixing the ground.

The earth cultivator took out the flying sword and manipulated it to compete with Xu Ziqing's long sword, but he didn't want to, but a vine came out from under his feet, and instantly bound him firmly.

The vines are very ordinary, and they cannot restrain a foundation-building cultivator for too long, but even so, it still makes him sluggish for a moment - in this moment, Xu Ziqing's long sword is near, and his eyes are full of flowers, Just as he was about to resist, a strong force came from his lower back. The next moment, is to be kicked off the stage!

Xu Ziqing wins four!

In the fifth round, Xu Ziqing stabbed a wild man with a giant knife in the waist and abdomen, and kicked him out of the stage.

Xu Ziqing has five wins!

In the sixth round, Xu Ziqing met a cultivator holding a soul bell and wanted to shake his spirit. He closed his consciousness, and cut off the cultivator's crown with the perception that he had trained in the Five Elements Gangfeng, making him lose.

Xu Ziqing has six wins!

In the seventh round, Xu Ziqing faced a burly man with a giant axe. His true essence was rolling in endlessly. offstage.

At this time, Xu Ziqing won seven times.

As this round of battles continued, the time between them became shorter and shorter, and each battle took longer and longer. Many cultivators ate the pills that replenished their true essence, and barely managed to support them.

Xu Ziqing's seven victories in seven battles is even more exhausting, and it can be said that he is exhausted. He flew back to the high platform after the seventh battle, and just landed, he stumbled.

The white shadow passed by, and Yun Lie stood quietly on the spot, reaching out to support the person.

Luo Yao and others, who were also coming over before, took a step slower. Seeing that Xu Ziqing was fine at this time, they retracted the hand they were about to extend.

Xu Ziqing slowly stood up straight, his face was a little pale, but his spirit was good: "Thank you, brother." He smiled bitterly again, "This time it is also good luck, if he has a little more energy, I will be the loser. already."

Yun Lie said: "Its cultivation is similar to yours, and it is normal to win or lose. After this battle, you should have something to gain."

Xu Ziqing nodded: "Yes, I will have a good understanding of it."

Yun Lie let go of his hand: "Let's go to adjust the breath, there will be a hard fight after that."

Xu Ziqing answered "yes", then sat down to the side, cross-legged and exercised.

Now that after rounds of screening, those who can get to the point where they are now, if they are not fortunate and have never met a strong opponent, then there must be a few brushes.

And Xu Ziqing's cultivation level is in the forefront on this martial arts stage, but only the one who just lost Wang Fu has the same strength as him. The previous battle can also be said to have brought the championship battle ahead of schedule.

There are still two rounds of battles to come, but neither of the opponents in those two rounds can compete with Xu Ziqing.

What Yun Lie said about the hard fight actually refers to the battle with other people on the martial arts stage later.

Unlike Xu Ziqing, Qiu Ze and the other four also fought hard, but unfortunately, not all of them persisted to the end.

Longxuan Gongfa is the most domineering, and he is the only person on his martial arts stage who can fight to the end. However, Qiu Ze and Yue Jun met a very powerful expert ahead of time and had to break their wings halfway. What's surprising is that Luo Yao was able to persevere to the end because of his endless talismans and many means.

It's just that although Luo Yao persisted to the end, his luck seemed to have run out.

During the battle of Yanwutai, he met that Du Zihui in the first round.

Chapter 157 Big Competition ④

Today, Du Zihui is wearing a five-color robe, which looks very fancy, but he stands upright, which is more pleasing to the eye than the way he used to be in the past.

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