However, he has already felt a sense of familiarity with this person several times in a row, and Xu Ziqing does not want to miss it again when he encounters this time again. He was thinking hard, and he must come up with a reason.

After going through the past several times in his heart, Xu Ziqing finally asked, "Who are you?"

The man sneered: "If you ask too many questions, you will die quickly. You should not ask questions well."

However, it was this sneer that made the opposite person's mind flash.

Xu Ziqing said in surprise: "Are you Brother Nan Zheng?"

Hearing the man's "Huh" sound, there was a twist in the void, and after the dwarf green plants, a figure slowly appeared.

This person's black robe covers the top, and not a half of the flesh is exposed. At this time, on the ground next to him, there is a layer of transparent things like flowing water, which must be the hidden shadow clothing.

And as soon as the figure appeared, Xu Ziqing breathed a sigh of relief even though he couldn't see his appearance: "It really is Brother Nan Zheng, it's just your cultivation..."

The former Nan Zhengya, although he had a good demeanor, made him feel close, but the breath of his body was far inferior to that of the black-robed man at this time. This black-robed man, even if his qi is extremely restrained, the sense of coercion that is faintly overflowing cannot be ignored.

This is a natural oppression of the weak against the weak under the difference of realm.

The man in black robe turned his head slightly and looked at Xu Ziqing for a while before saying, "I underestimated you, but I didn't expect you to recognize me."

Xu Ziqing knew that his cultivation was high, but he never felt any fear: "I haven't seen you for a long time. Brother Nan Zheng entered the country so quickly, I really feel ashamed."

Just as Xu Ziqing seemed to have no defenses, the black-robed man didn't seem to have any intention of shutting his mouth, but rather a little chatter: "If you want to reminisce about the past, it's not enough at this time, you can make the wood a bit stronger here, and help me hide a little bit. two."

Xu Ziqing smiled, but he didn't deny it. At this time, he was quite energetic, so he smashed several seeds with his hands. It was the tree knot that he had integrated into his dantian earlier. The forest trees surrounded the entire courtyard in an instant. However, he remembered that his senior brother wanted him to consolidate his foundation. Instead of using his true essence, he sprinkled the seeds, threw out several spirit stones, and set up a spirit gathering array to provide these trees for growth, and also to promote more A lot of wood is coming.

Then, he took a few steps forward, sat opposite the man in black robe, and said with a smile, "Brother Nanzheng, it's all right now, can you and I catch up?"

Chapter 250 The cause and effect of the two

The man in black robe said: "Then let's talk about the old days."

Xu Ziqing was startled when he heard the words.

He just did it subconsciously, but when he really came to speak, he didn't know where to start.

Want to ask Brother Nan Zheng how to escape? What is his intention to come to the palace? I have to ask him how he is now cultivated, how could even his breath become so different?

But no matter which question it is, it seems to involve a secret place. If he asks it, I am afraid that in the eyes of others, it will not be a reminiscence, but a question.

Therefore, for a while, he hesitated.

After a while, Xu Ziqing gave a wry smile: "Brother Nanzheng is a keen person, you should know the doubts in my heart, but I'm not good at speaking, it's better for brother Nanzheng to pick up what he can and tell me to listen to it. It's time to reminisce."

The man in black robe laughed softly before he said these words: "I met you a few times earlier, I thought it was just a coincidence, but because you are Master Yun's junior brother, you have such a bit of a relationship. Now I Goodbye to you, but I found out that it turned out to be like that."

When he said these words, Xu Ziqing was a little confused: "Brother Nanzheng... What does this mean?"

The man in black robe didn't say anything. He changed his words and said again: "I came to the Tiancheng Palace to help me hide my devilish energy with the help of the dragon energy in the palace."

Xu Ziqing still had doubts in his heart, but because he finally talked about what he wanted to know before, he followed his words: "Oh, so it is." Then he thought about it and said, "Brother Nanzheng's current situation The situation should not stay in Shengyan City."

The man in black robe said, "I have to do this because I have something important to do."

Xu Ziqing nodded to show his understanding.

The man in black robe glanced at him and shook his head: "You're so honest, it's hard to bear to be bullied."

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Brother Nan Zheng has his own difficulties."

The man in black robe sighed, and the aura of his body suddenly rose, but it subsided in just a moment. There were restrictions and wood qi blocking, but it didn't let others notice.

But Xu Ziqing felt it clearly.

Such an aura, he had only seen it in Yuan Ying's ancestors...

In an instant, Xu Ziqing's pupils shrank suddenly: "Brother Nan Zheng's cultivation has reached this level!"

Three years ago, he met in the Mang Shòu Plain. He already knew that Nan Zhengya's cultivation was not only in the Yuan Dynasty, but he never imagined that Nan Zhengya was the ancestor of Yuan Ying!

He immediately felt nervous, yes, this person was sitting in the room on the third floor in the auction meeting, and his cultivation base should naturally be above the Nascent Soul stage.

But since he is the dignified ancestor of Yuanying, it is meaningless to experience in the plains, but to become the ancestor of Yuanying, all the savings must be a lot, and there is no need to covet the inner elixir.

Then, why did Nan Zhengya go to the Mangshòu Plain?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but feel a little bit of doubt even though his affection for Nan Zhengya continued in his heart.

And the man in black robe seemed to be more satisfied when he saw Xu Ziqing's expression: "Finally, you still have some vigilance."

Xu Ziqing was at a loss for a while, and couldn't help but smile and sigh: "If Senior Nanzheng has anything to say, it's better to just say it."

The man in black robe said: "You don't have to panic, I watch you be cautious, so as not to burden my benefactor."

Xu Ziqing was stunned: "Benefactor?"

At this time, the man in the black robe spoke a lot more gently: "Your senior brother once saved me once, but made me owe him two favors, but because of me, you came here, and it is considered to be repaying one, but it is not enough. One. If you are not reckless, even in the face of Yun Zhenren, I will not do anything to you."

Xu Ziqing was astonished, why did this involve senior brother? And Nan Zhengya's words were so vague, it really puzzled him. Speaking of the benefactor, with the eyesight of the senior brother, if he had seen him, he would never forget him, but the senior brother did not recognize him, so he should have never seen him.

Thinking about it like this, my heart was tumbling, and my mind was very complicated.

However, the man in black robe said again: "What's strange? You were not from this world, but you were born in this world, and you can meet Yun Zhenren only later. Haven't you thought about the reason?"

Xu Ziqing was shocked. He had memories of his past life, and even his senior brother didn't know about it, but why did the person in front of him seem to be so clear?

The man in Heipao smiled when he saw him panicking: "In those days, someone suffered hardships and was ruled by the Jian people. On the way, there was a Jianxiu who killed the enemy for him, and at his request, he ended a cruel life for him, so he owed him money. Humanity. After that, the time goes back, and the person who died actually returned to his youth, and he could practice assiduously and plan, and be reborn with revenge. In that time, the torrent of time and space rolled, and he was involved in a lonely soul, reincarnated, and became a family. The son of Yao has also become a person who will not exist in future generations."

Xu Ziqing heard the "buzz" in his head, and murmured in his mouth: "That Jianxiu is the senior brother, the one who was reborn is you, the lonely soul... it's me."

The man in black robe nodded: "That's right, because I can only be reincarnated with your reincarnation, and only with your reincarnation can I have Yun Zhenren to form the elixir, so I have half of my favor."

Xu Ziqing was still a little stunned: "That's why every time I see you, I have a sense of closeness. It is because of you that there is my fruit."

The black-robed man nodded again: "Exactly."

After a long time, Xu Ziqing let out a long sigh.

No wonder he knew that this person was dangerous, but he couldn't be vigilant. It turned out that the two sides were linked by cause and effect. And that person tolerated him in many ways, and never showed the dignity of the Nascent Soul Patriarch, which is probably also related to this.

It seems that the other party is also a person with clear grievances, as long as there is no threat to his life, it will not hinder him and his senior brother.

At this time, Xu Ziqing finally had two points of peace of mind, and when he had any uncontrollable trust in Nan Zhengya, he also put his heart into practice, so as not to guess what he was confused by.

Seeing that he recovered quickly, the man in black robe gave him some praise, and continued, "You have the initial doubts in your heart, and I might as well tell you about the rest of the matter."

After the words are finished, let’s talk about the previous situation.

Xu Ziqing could hear that Nan Zhengya was originally invited by Tianjin Wang Xuanli to enter the Mang Shòu Plain together, and only then did he meet him on the plain.

When the shòucháo surged up, Nan Zhengya got the cheap he wanted, so he naturally took the opportunity to escape. After a period of hard work, he came to Shengyan City at the auction meeting to get some things he needed.

As Xu Ziqing knew, Nan Zhengya photographed the Thousand Ghosts Flag at the conference. Even though he was wearing the Hidden Shadow Clothes at first, Guilingmen still had a slight sense of the Thousand Ghosts Flag, so he had to try his best to escape until the shadow. Yi was completely rejuvenated with supernatural powers, which allowed him to get rid of the enemy.

However, because he still had something important to do in the city, he couldn't stay too far away. Later, he quickly returned to Shengyan City, and found a nearby palace of the prince, and used the dragon energy to hide. I hope that I can recover and make some preparations in order to deal with unexpected events in the future.

The man in black robe smiled lightly: "I will rest at your place tonight, and I will go to work tomorrow. I wonder if you are willing to entertain me?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziqing also smiled: "Senior Nanzheng just lives here, I will keep it hidden and not seen by others. It's just that I'm afraid I can't do enough by myself, why don't I go and invite my senior brother, and even more so? to be reliable."

The man in black robe turned his head slightly: "Why, do you want to tell your senior brother about the past life?"

However, Xu Ziqing shook his head: "The previous life is already a previous life, so you don't have to worry about the senior brother. Senior Nan Zheng has no ill will towards the two of us, and the senior brother will not object... Besides, the senior brother mentioned the relationship between you and me earlier. There is cause and effect, but at the time I thought it was just the future, but I didn’t expect it to be related to the origin of my reincarnation.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought, I wonder if my brother knows this is the cause and effect? After a second thought, he shook his head again.

Certainly not, otherwise, the disposition of the senior brother would have been explained to him in the future, and he would not have been informed until today.

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