But no matter how strange the sword-shaped wood is, it can only reach this point.

--After all, the fourth realm of Sword Intent is the highest realm of sword cultivation, and it cannot be broken through by external force. Otherwise, after so many years, there will not be only a few people who can reach this realm.

Xi Rin is already very satisfied with his gains, but although he can continue to consolidate his realm, he is more loyal to Xuanze in the end, so when the sword cultivators started fighting, he took the opportunity to escape and began to search for what King Tiancheng wanted. things come. Afterwards, several of Xuanze's other subordinates also tried their best to join him, and everyone fished in troubled waters in an attempt to find the strange grass.

After some searching, Xi Lin's realm was at the highest level, and he noticed a kind of pure killing intent lingering not far away, and immediately recognized that it was Yun Lie's sword qi, and several people wanted to share Yun Lie's spirit again. Reunited, so I looked for it.

No, those few talents were just about to touch Yun Lie Sword Territory, when they noticed that the push and refusal in front of them dissipated, and then they immediately saw the two brothers.

Xi Lin was the most sensitive, and saw them faster than the others, and when he saw Xu Ziqing walking out of Yun Lie's arms, he felt a little surprised, and he saw both of them. again.

It's just that Zhenren Yun's expression is cold, and his eyes are smooth, but he can't see anything. On the contrary, the youth in green clothes, although his brows seemed to be as relaxed and peaceful as in the past, but when he walked out of Yun Zhenren's arms, there was a slight difference.

However, the relationship between the two brothers and sisters has nothing to do with Xi Lin. He is also a sword cultivator who pursues the swordsmanship wholeheartedly. ...at most, he was just thinking: When the two of them become Taoist companions in the future, it will not be too late for him to send congratulations.

This thought flashed by, and the next moment, Xi Lin's attention fell on the invisible mass floating in front of Yun Lie.

There seemed to be a living creature lying down in that invisible thing, and Xi Lin quickened his pace with a move in his heart.

He opened his mouth and asked anxiously, "Zhenzhen Yun, Daoyou Xu, are you two already done?"

No matter how calm and steady he is on weekdays, it is unavoidable that he is slightly moved at this moment.

When the other people heard the words, they also showed hope.

If they can succeed as soon as possible, it is naturally the best, and let them retreat faster and digest their previous gains.

Xu Ziqing didn't want to disappoint others, but fortunately, he just accepted the flesh and bones spirit, so he smiled and said, "Fortunately, I didn't die."

When everyone heard it, they were greatly relieved, and then they were all ecstatic.

After many years of planning, the wish was finally achieved. There must be many rewards from the lord, and there is also a self-conscious person who will always live up to the lord's kindness, and he has a lot of admiration for Yun Lie.

Xi Rin stabilized his mind, and took out a jade box from the storage ring. A layer of fine sand was spread inside, and the silver light was shining, which seemed to be extraordinary.

Xu Ziqing observed its shape and recognized that it was a kind of fertile soil sand, which could best accommodate the spiritual energy and wood energy of plants and trees, so that its medicinal properties would not be lost. Come.

However, this huge amount of resources is nothing compared to one life.

To avoid misunderstanding, Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie and asked, "Senior brother?"

Yun Lie nodded slightly, bent his finger a little, took the invisible prison in front of him, and looked at Xu Ziqing slightly.

Xu Ziqing understood, walked closer, and stretched out his hand.

The other people are very puzzled, and Xu Ziqing's cultivation base is not high, how can he get the strange medicine? In addition to Xi Rin being thoughtful, some people with lower realms had doubts in their hearts, and it appeared on the face, but Yun Lie was so lonely and arrogant that they didn't dare to ask for details easily. But they didn't dare to ask, but looked at Xi Rin.

Xi Rin said, "Since Master Yun has this intention, it must be reasonable, and you don't have to worry."

Xu Shiyun Lie also has two points of appreciation for this Xi Lin, and perhaps for some other reason, but he opened his mouth: "Ziqing has a single wood spiritual root, and his physical nature is pure. ."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

Sure enough, although Xu Ziqing didn't explain it, when he stretched out his hands, there was a faint azure light, and the light enveloped both palms without leaking at all.

Then he put his hands into the invisible cage in front of Yun Lie's body. This was because of Yun Lie's sword intent, and he would not hurt his junior brother. Therefore, Xu Ziqing's hands were very smooth, but it took a few breaths. , is already holding the miracle medicine from left and right.

Everyone watched with bated breath, and at this moment, they dared not speak out to disturb them.

Xu Ziqing was also very careful, he released the wood energy again, wrapped the body of the flesh and bones, and slowly took it out.

At this time, several people gathered around to watch, and they saw that inside the blue mask, the strange medicine took the shape of a tiger, with eyes, ears, nose, nose, limbs and a long tail. And at this time, the chest of the strange medicine was up and down, and it seemed to be breathing, but the tiger's eyes were closed, as if it was sleeping.

For a time, I couldn't help but be amazed.

Xi Rin responded very quickly, and when he was about to hand over the jade box in his hand, he said quickly, "Excuse me."

Xu Ziqing was also unambiguous, so he neatly placed the flesh and bones in the box, let Xilin cover the box cover, and then took out the talisman and pasted it.

Until now, everyone was happy.

In the past, some people were worried that Yun Lie was too strong in force and refused to deliver the miracle medicine as promised. Seeing that the two brothers and sisters are so fragile now, in addition to being relieved, they felt a little more apologetic in their hearts.

But neither of the brothers and sisters ever cared about it, and what they need to care about now is to find an opportunity to get out of this sword-shaped wood domain


Because Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie quickly found the flesh and bones, everyone just stayed for a while and did not attract the attention of others.

So Xi Rin made a gesture to those people, and they jumped on several branches and went to compete with other sword cultivators, which was also concealed. As for Xi Lin, who was equipped with a strange medicine, he turned around immediately, and after jumping back and forth a few times in the crowd, he gradually restrained his sword intent and walked outside the sword-shaped wood domain.

Yun Lie glanced at Xu Ziqing and said, "It's time to go."

Xu Ziqing nodded: "Everything is up to my brother's instructions."

Yun Lie's realm is extremely high, and as long as he releases his aura, the people around him will avoid it for thousands of miles. Some people are keenly aware that Xu Ziqing is being protected by him. Therefore, it was very natural for Yun Lie to leave with this junior and junior brother with a low level of kendo.

The two walked out of this field quickly, and then their bodies flickered, they turned into two groups of light, chasing Xi Lin's figure, and threw themselves into the place where King Tiancheng was driving.

After a breath, they were in the car.

Xuan Ze had been waiting anxiously for a long time. He was protected by several old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage. He had almost no worries about his life, but the anxiety in his heart was beyond words.

In particular, the ancestor of Yuan Ying was able to detect the abnormality in the tree, and Xuan Ze, the prince who was so prosperous in the palace, also had a keen sense of perception. Almost at the moment when he saw those sword cultivators falling, he had already inferred the fate of the future. Seven seven eight eight. After years of painstaking efforts, he learned a few years ago that there are flesh and bones in Tianlan's secret treasure, no matter how thoughtful he is, he can't calm down easily.

At this time, Xuanze saw Xi Lin suddenly come back, and there was joy in his eyes, and when he saw that Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing also escaped in, he was more confident.

Sure enough, when Xi Rin saw Xuan Ze, he took a step forward and saluted, "With the help of Master Yun and Daoist Xu, Xi Rin finally lived up to the prince's request."

Xuan Ze couldn't hold back any longer, a soothing smile appeared on his lips, he took a deep breath, took the jade box handed over by Xi Rin, and lifted the upper talisman very carefully.

Soon the jade box was opened, and the turbulent wood gas came from the inside, which made people sane, and the breath was full of fragrance, and vitality came from... The thing inside that looked like a fierce tiger made his heart move even more. dàng.

But all the strange medicines between heaven and earth that can be condensed into the shape of a bird or a human being are the things that God cares about and often have the ability to defy the sky.

So... it's really good, it's this thing!

Afterwards, Xuan Ze carefully closed the jade box and sealed the talisman again, and then said with a serious face, "Thank you for your hard work." He looked at the two brothers again, "Thank you for your help, I am so grateful. ."

He especially glanced at Xu Ziqing, Xi Lin's temperament is the most frank and upright, since he specially mentioned this young man in the Yuan Dynasty, this young man must have played a big role in it, and he deserves to be looked up to by him. Two points.

Yun Lie nodded slightly, but didn't intend to talk to him any more, only said: "I want to return to the sect, so let's separate."

Xuan Ze was stunned at first, and then he soon showed a smile on his face, and gestured to the people on both sides.

So there were two people who presented two storage bags, and Xuan Zecai said: "I can get this miracle medicine, and the two of you have contributed a lot, so I offer a small gift to express my gratitude. And I wish you two here. Antai all the way, and a smooth return to the ancestry.”

Having said this, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lizi also took the storage bags separately.

Xuan Ze really thinks a lot, he is so comprehensive, he has done his best, and no one can say that he is not. When he gave gifts, he could block the mouths of everyone, and he would not let him owe favors. And although he very much hopes that Yun Lie and the two can continue to be his disciples, he also understands that the core disciples of large sects are similar in status to his prince and cannot be forced. This gift can allow him to retain this affection, jiāo Well, the two brothers and sisters. And they will come back to hunt for treasures later, and they are unwilling to continue walking with this pair of "outsiders", otherwise, they will be divided into two parts, which is enough to make people feel painful, just to give each other as a gift.

That's a real feat.

Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing didn't care about his thoughts, and it was indeed time for the two of them to go back to the sect.

Chapter 301 Interception

The storage bag that Xuan Ze gave didn't contain many things, but there were only hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones, a top-grade spirit sword, and a box of various plant seeds, which was considered a big deal.

For Yun Lie at this time, the spirit sword was just the icing on the cake, and it was of no use. However, those grass seeds were quite fond of Xu Ziqing-most of them were the seeds of spirit grasses that were used in alchemy, and their thoughts were really precious. .

The two of them put away the storage bags and flew all the way out of this place. Although no one stopped them, the two of them still felt a thorn on their backs.

--There is no doubt that this should be the two sword masters of Wanjian Xianzong.

Yun Lie was not afraid, Xu Ziqing sweated a little because of the momentum, but quickly suppressed the fear and took a deep breath.

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