Ceremony... He does know a little bit. After ordinary monks form pills, if there is no major event in the sect, they will always hold a ceremony and invite friends to come to the meeting to celebrate. After his senior brother formed the elixir back then, all the events came one after another, but it didn't happen.

Now it's his turn, and the senior brother wants to celebrate for him... It really made him happy for a while, and disappointed for a while.

Worth mentioning, the formation of pills is indeed the most important now.

The senior brother has a lot of accumulation, and I am afraid that he will not be able to form a baby for a while. If he can accumulate a lot and form an elixir early, he will be able to catch up with the senior brother.

At that time, although he was still unable to match his senior brother in terms of force, it also gave him a lot of confidence.


Since the senior brother remembers the matter of Hanyuchi, he must also remember everything in that devil land.

But the senior brother never gave birth to a estrangement towards him, and this maybe... it might not be his hope.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly.

After conjuring the pill, he might be able to confide in his brother.

Volume 16: Desert Demon Flame

Chapter 303 Ten Years

As the saying goes: Cultivation has no time.

Xu Ziqing's retreat lasted for ten years.

In the past ten years, it took him a full five years to completely cultivate some useful seeds, especially the "Golden Blood Grass" which took the most time. But the result was not bad. Not only was this golden blood grass full of vitality, but it was also successfully collected by him as a secondary tree.

After that, Xu Ziqing raised the seeds of the three sword-shaped trees near the heart orifice. These seeds have a straight sword energy and are one of the plants that can best balance the A and B wood energy in his body. Naturally, they cannot be ignored.

There are also some spiritual medicine plants, including the flesh and bone seeds, which are also well cultivated by him. But flesh and white bones are not ordinary things. The vitality it needs is more than a hundred times that of ordinary elixir. Therefore, among the many elixir left by the ancients, there is only this thing that defies the sky, and it cannot be integrated.

As for the sword-shaped wood seeds, their vitality has not been cultivated enough, the golden blood grass has been cultivated enough, and a seedling has grown, but it has just emerged, and it is immediately noticed by Rong Jin, who rushed out and swallowed it... Xu Ziqing really didn't know whether to laugh or cry that day, so she had to stop giving birth easily.

It's no wonder Rong Jin is impatient. Even if it only ate that seedling, it has grown again, and the vines actually split again, creating sixty-four thin vines. Why doesn't it make it very greedy? It's a pity that with Xu Ziqing's current strength, the wood energy accumulated in one day can only supply this golden blood grass seedling. Can.

But despite this, Rong Jin, who has sixty-four vines, can communicate with Xu Ziqing more and more clearly. When Xu Ziqing turns a thought, it can communicate with him like an arm and a finger, and it is smoother than before. several times.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing was very satisfied.

In addition, he spent another two years to sacrifice and refine the Qingyun Needle.

This needle is the prototype of his first supernatural power, but if it can't be formed in one day, it can't be completed in one day. However, he can refine it a lot, come up with several sets of formations, and cooperate with the enemy to match the swordsmanship he has learned before.

And he manipulates hundreds of Qingyun needles at the same time, which is more distracting and multi-purpose, can exercise the soul, make it more condensed, and also lays a foundation for extracting that trace of primordial spirit when forming pills.

In the last three years, Xu Ziqing first sacrificed and refined the bitter bamboo tube given to him by his senior brother, and it became a magic weapon connected with his heart and soul. He didn't add any other spiritual materials, the bamboo itself is already an excellent thing. It's a pity that there is no Pill Fire, otherwise the power will be more complete.

But this is the case, the power of this bitter bamboo tube is also very powerful, not only can it be used to clear the mind and refresh the mind, it can even be used to attack the enemy with sound. Moreover, because it is the relic of the ancient innate spiritual root, its preciousness is that it can continuously improve itself with the power of the master. Every time Xu Ziqing is promoted, he can sacrifice and enhance its power.

In addition, there are some techniques, especially the "Wanmu Hualing Jue" which is the most practiced.

Turning ten thousand trees into all things has many wonderful benefits.

For example, investigation, tracking, disappearance, and confrontation with the enemy, there are so many things, the list goes on and on.

Xu Ziqing doesn't know much. He can turn ten thousand trees into eagles, ten thousand trees into worms, ten thousand trees into foxes, and ten thousand trees into snakes. Among them, eagle fox is easy to learn because he knows Chonghua and Hu Xueer very well, while insects and snakes are It is something that is often found in grass and trees, and it is not difficult. But if he wants more... not only is there not enough time, but it is indeed difficult for him to simulate things that are unfamiliar quickly. Moreover, this technique has extremely high requirements on the consumption and control of real essence, and it becomes more and more difficult.

In addition, he absorbed Shenmu seeds and became familiar with various techniques that he had practiced for a long time. Xu Ziqing only felt that ten years had passed by in a flash, which was extremely fulfilling, and he did not realize that time had passed at all.

Later, when his mind moved, he felt that the day to leave the customs had come.

Without any hesitation, Xu Ziqing stood up, broke the restriction at the door, and walked out.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, he saw his senior brother who was meditating cross-legged.

Yun Lie was dressed in white and sat on the ground like a rock.

His expression was still, his eyes were slightly closed, and his breath was extremely frozen and cold.

It is like an ice sculpture that will not melt for ten thousand years.

This made Xu Ziqing shiver slightly as soon as he walked out.

Senior Brother, his cultivation level is indeed even more powerful!

Then, Yun Li opened his eyes.

Xu Ziqing smiled at him: "Senior brother."

Yun Lie looked at him

: "But met a bottleneck?"

Xu Ziqing sighed: "It's the bottleneck."

He has reached the peak of the late Huayuan, and he is also sure how to extract the primordial spirit. It can be said that he can form an elixir at any time.

But unfortunately, he has not yet condensed the Dao Seed.

The Dao Seed is something that is necessary to nurture the prototype of the Dao, and it is also the thing that manifests and condenses the Dao of one's own body.

But if you want to condense the Dao seed, you need to have a cultivator who really understands the direction of his own quest, but he can't do it at will, otherwise once the condensate is wrong... either there is no hope of ascending to the immortal, or he can only be reincarnated and rebuilt.

Therefore, it is dangerous and dangerous, and you must be cautious.

Xu Ziqing has seen a lot of great things in the world, but the opportunity for him to really take action against the enemy is not that much.

It can be said that most of the time, he is under the protection of Yun Lie's wings, which is naturally a little vague.

That's why he pondered for ten years in the Dòng mansion, but couldn't really figure it out.

However, this is not a great embarrassment. Xu Ziqing has only practiced for more than 20 years in total. It is really fast to accumulate to this point and reach the peak of the late Huayuan period. Afterwards, as long as he accumulates some more experience against the enemy, it is impossible to say that in any battle, he will suddenly realize something.

Yun Lie knew this as well. He had been with Xu Ziqing for many years. What he knew about Xu Ziqing was beyond his own understanding.

What Xu Ziqing can understand, how can he not understand?

So he pondered for a while and said, "Let's go out the mountain once."

Xu Ziqing nodded solemnly: "Reporting to Senior Brother, I have exactly this intention."

Yun Li also stood up: "Go to the Gongde Pavilion together."

The two quickly left the mountain and fled towards Shifang Pavilion together.

The Gongde Pavilion is where the disciples accept tasks and exchange credit points. Xu Ziqing has only entered the door a few years in the future, but he still sees many stewards in the side hall's credit hall busy with each other, each recording and exchanging non-stop.

But Xu Ziqing didn't come here to exchange credit points, so he wouldn't go looking for people inside.

He and Yun Lie came to a tall black stone pillar in the main hall.

Undoubtedly, this stone pillar is called the Pillar of Merit. There are a total of 108 pillars in the entire main hall, which are equal to the number of heaven and earth, and are changed every day. The above books are all feasible tasks in the near future. Each task often also has a number of requirements, usually less but not more. If the task is issued by an outsider, it is even more necessary to act according to their requirements. Otherwise, if the employer refuses to acknowledge the account, the credit will be lost.

This pair of brothers and sisters just came to the seventy-eighth pillar. Most of the books here are for the cultivators of the Huayuan period and Jindan period, which are suitable for both of them.

Xu Ziqing released his consciousness, and he was about to look down from the top.

Lines of golden characters are pulsing, most of them are the tasks of searching for treasures, killing evil spirits, and escorting people. They are not much different from what he has seen in Sanxiu League and other places before. Presumably everywhere in the world, all tasks are issued. are, for the most part, somewhat similar.

However, he also found that among many tasks, there are also more special ones. For example, for some tasks of slaying demons and eliminating demons, I am afraid that only such great sects of immortality use them as a way to test and train their disciples.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing's heart moved slightly.

In terms of state of mind, he was actually a little weaker, not strong enough, and although his heart toward the Dao was strong, there were some flaws here.

He can't always be a last resort, and just now he is willing to kill, but if he is asked to go to some people to wait for quarrels and troubles, fight bravely, or even kill people to win treasures, he really can't do it.

But if you take on such a task, it will be very different.

Any task of eliminating demons that can be engraved on the Great Sect's Merit Pillar, as the name suggests, killing these demons is considered merit.

Then these devils must be full of evil, killing them will eliminate harm for the people, and if they don't kill them, they will help Zhou become nüè.

As a disciple of Immortal Dao, no matter how merciful he was, he would not have compassion for such demons.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing had the intention to take the next one.

However, the next moment, he heard Yun Lie's voice: "This matter is suitable for you."

Xu Ziqing looked at it in response.

I saw his senior brother pointing out a golden word, and the word flowed brightly, and the book was written in one line, and the task was written.

There is a group of sand bandits in the Taigu Desert, entrenched in the Taigu desert in the desert, specializing in looting people who come and go.

These sand bandits are a group of demon cultivators, each of which is not weak, the lowest is also the foundation-building stage, and the highest sand bandit leader is a half-step Nascent Soul, which is very impressive.

If it's just looting people who come and go, it won't cause resentment.

But this group of sand bandits are too inattentive, and they are too vicious.

Not only did they loot, but they were all lustful, regardless of whether they were male or female, monks or mortals, but as long as they encountered them, they would all make up for it.

If mortals were harvested with their anger, they would be taken away together with their anger, and they would be killed immediately; and if cultivators were harvested and could not die for a while, they would be harvested by dozens or even hundreds of sand bandits in turn, until they were harvested. The vitality was exhausted, and the blood was exhausted, and finally turned into a dead bone.

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