So the two of them looked at each other and felt amused.

Besides, Xu Ziqing followed Yun Lie back to the room, and his mood was really different from yesterday.

Yesterday, he was only a senior brother, but today, although he is still a senior brother, he vaguely wants him to have a sense of inseparability.

When the outer circle was closed and the door closed, Xu Ziqing felt a little bit at a loss.

This, this Daoist couple who is about to get married, how should they get along?

Seeing that Yun Lie was already sitting on the couch, Xu Ziqing thought about it and sat down on the other couch.

Senior brother has always been diligent, and now should be the time for penance.

Thinking like this, Xu Ziqing also went to visualize the realization of yesterday.

Unexpectedly, before he closed his eyes, his senior brother said again, "Zi Qing."

Xu Ziqing's heart skipped a beat: "...Senior brother?"

Yun Lie said: "On the wedding day, invite all Taoist friends to come. If you know friends, you can make a list and invite them by posting."

Xu Ziqing was determined, and he really thought about it, but he thought about it, and the only people he could invite were Su Xin, Nan Zhengya, and Luo Yao, and there were not enough hands in total. After thinking about it, he said to his senior brother, and said, "There is another master and eight junior sisters, but I can't think of the rest."

Yun Lie nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Xuanze Xilin and I are two people who have experienced an experience, so they should have handed over the post. Other than that, I have nothing else to do. As for the teacher who knows a lot, then You can ask for the list from your teacher's esteem."

Xu Ziqing also responded, "Yes, Senior Brother."

After the two discussed it, they were speechless.

Although Xu Ziqing has been with Yun Lie for many years, but because Yun Lie is taciturn, most of the two just meditate on their own. Now that the business is finished, I don't know what topic to look for for a while.

And because he was nervous, getting along with Yun Lie was not as natural as before.

Yun Lie did not meditate directly, but said bluntly: "Ziqing, before and after I fell into the devil, why did you treat me so differently?"

Xu Ziqing was taken aback.

Yun Lie said again: "I have now become a fairy and a demon, and my temperament has changed, and I can no longer be like a demon."

Xu Ziqing looked confused and became more and more puzzled.

Seeing this, Yun Lie's eyes were slightly cold.

It turned out that after Yun Lie controlled the demon thoughts, he never forgot everything when he entered the demon. Naturally, he could see his junior brother's affection for him, and under the demon thoughts, his affection for his junior brother was also very obvious, which made him understand immediately.

Since the two are interested in each other, they are in love with each other. Yun Lie thought that since he had done light things to his junior brother, he should get married as soon as possible. Although his seven emotions were frozen, he would not miss the double-cultivator couple, so before retreating, he asked him for a kiss, and Yun Lie's answer was also expected.

After that, Yun Lie followed his own thoughts and treated his junior and junior brothers more and more differently, but his behavior seemed quite unwilling.

Yun Lie thought that the younger brother's mind had changed, so he had a correct answer this morning, and the younger brother agreed again, and he naturally felt at ease.

But now that the junior brother was alone with him, he seemed a little stiff, which made him a little unhappy.

After thinking about it, Yun Lie only felt that his junior brother had a deep friendship with him when he entered the devil, but after waking up, he avoided him. Could it be that he only had affection for his devil body?

It's just that when he was in a demon body, he was very dignified to his junior brother, and his behavior was extremely inappropriate. Why did his junior brother love him instead?

Thinking of this, he frowned a little.

Yun Lie thought that regardless of the deity of the demon, it was his two sides of one heart. But his immortal and demon body has been formed, and the demonic thoughts have been transformed into the deity as early as possible, and will never be released again.

If the younger brother only has affection for the demon body, but is ruthless to him, he will not give up, and he cannot keep the younger brother by his side with the matter of marriage.

Therefore, Yun Li said this.

But for many years, he has clearly been the deity and his junior and junior counterparts, but he is not as good as the scene of the devil's thoughts for dozens of days; he is clearly a person with two sides, but the junior and junior only value one side and give up his deity... Even if Yun Lie's heart is like a rock, it is inevitable that it cannot be taken lightly. open.

Between the expressions, it is naturally more and more cold.

Xu Ziqing only knew that his senior brother had feelings for him, but he didn't know that. How did he think that his senior brother would have such feelings?

After he was puzzled, he remembered all the events when he was in the devil because of the words of his senior brother, and he couldn't help but say: "After the senior brother entered the devil, I have no memory. I am indeed a little rude. I hope my senior brother will not take offense." He didn't understand the sentence, so he just said, "Senior brother can achieve the body of immortals and demons, which is very beneficial to the immortal journey. I am naturally happy for the senior brother. From now on, it is even better that the brother can control the body of immortals and demons."

Yun Lie heard it, her brows slightly loosened.

But even though what the younger brother said was so heart-warming to him, he did not answer his question.

Yun Lie is by no means an indecisive person, so he asked bluntly, "I can't let out my devilish thoughts anymore, are you still willing to marry me?"

Xu Ziqing was stunned, then couldn't help crying.

Together with what Senior Brother Fang Cai said, does this Senior Brother think that he only loves that Mo Nian?

This, this is really a big misunderstanding.

Xu Ziqing pinched his fingers, his heart beating faster and faster.

Since the senior brother asked this question, he seemed to be very serious about him. In this case, he might be a little more daring?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing stood up and took a few steps forward.

Then, he placed his hands lightly on the shoulders of his brother.

Seeing him like this, Yun Lie did not stop him.

Xu Ziqing became more and more nervous, he closed his eyes and put his head on his brother's lips.

After that, he said very gently and clearly: "Whether senior brother is a fairy or a demon,

All are loved in my heart and held by my soul. "

Chapter 316

It's just that Xu Ziqing is more careful now than when his senior brother was enchanted. At that time, he was able to lick and test his senior brother with his tongue, but now he only dares to stick his lips and teeth with his senior brother, and if he goes further, he can't do it anymore.

Now the two are entangled in their breaths, and there is a kind of ambiguity.

This breath swept across Xu Ziqing's face, causing him to redden from his cheeks to the base of his ears.

The shyness in my heart is far more than before...

Seeing Xu Ziqing's actions like this, and hearing what he said before, Yun Lie couldn't help but relax.

He also recalled the situation when he entered the devil, his eyes moved slightly, and according to the time he remembered, he licked his tongue between his younger brother's lips, and with a little force, he went straight into it.

Xu Ziqing shuddered, then held his breath, his face was red like drops of blood, and his heartbeat became more and more rapid.

This is... Senior Brother. a sober senior brother.

He thought so, and before he knew it, his body became a little hot.

Yun Lie didn't know that Xu Ziqing's heart was moving, and since he was close to him, he found the tip of Xu Ziqing's tongue, rolled over and tangled it.

No matter how close the two of them were in the past, they couldn't compare to the entanglement of their lips and their teeth.

To him, it felt unfamiliar.

But also...

Xu Ziqing's eyes were tightly closed, and he didn't even know that he had changed from standing to sitting beside his senior brother, and he didn't even know that he clenched his hands into fists.

Now he only felt numbness on the tip of his tongue, and the whole mouth was filled with the cold breath of his senior brother. If he wanted him to be a little addicted, he panicked.

Brother, brother.

He only thought about it in his mind, but he forgot all the other things.

For a long time, the lips were differentiated.

Xu Ziqing was short of breath and was speechless for a while.

He was so involved just now that he didn't realize that his body was stiff due to tension, and now he was a little paralyzed.

Yun Lie reached out and grabbed his arm.

Before Xu Ziqing could react, he had already fallen into his brother's arms, with his head resting on his left shoulder.

At this time, his body was sore and weak, and he was unable to support him, so he could only lean on his senior brother.

And his waist and shoulders were all held by his senior brother.

It's really close...

Xu Ziqing pondered vaguely, he had never imagined that one day would be the same as today.

But when he was able to get close to his senior brother like this, he felt more embarrassed than the forty-nine days when his senior brother fell into the devil.

Xu is because the senior brother didn't understand the world at that time... huh?

Now that his senior brother is sober, he always admires him in front of his senior brother, so that when he is intimate, he is even more at a loss.

The two embraced each other quietly, without saying a word.

But the atmosphere was quiet, and the heartbeat gradually became the same, making people feel that there is nothing closer, more calm and stable than now.

When Xu Ziqing woke up, the sky was hazy.

Just as he was about to turn over, he realized that he was lying in a warm place with an arm under his head, and there was a feeling of being suppressed by a heavy object around his waist.

Yes... brother.

At this moment, he was still awake in the arms of his senior brother.

Xu Ziqing raised his head, and sure enough, he saw Yun Lie lying sideways on the bed, with black hair hanging straight down, his expression still and his eyes slightly closed.

For some unknown reason, he fell asleep in his brother's arms yesterday. For immortal cultivators, meditation can often be a hundred times more powerful. Such a situation is rare.

He thought, maybe because his long-term wish was finally fulfilled, he relaxed and fell asleep.

When Yun Lie was enchanted, Xu Ziqing also took a close look at the appearance of his senior brother, but after Yun Lie's return, he never saw it again.

Now when I look at it again, my mood has changed a lot.

But considering the appearance of everyone in his past and present life, there is no one who is so fond of him like his senior brother.

Xu Ziqing looked at him, his lips curved slightly, and his eyes softened.

At this moment, Yun Lie opened his eyes, facing his eyes.

Xu Ziqing's expression was gentle: "Senior brother."

Yun Lie said "um": "You are awake."

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Yes, I'm awake." He stretched out his hand, paused for a moment, and brushed his long hair behind him for his senior brother, "How long have I slept?"

Yun Lie replied: "It's the next day."

The two answered each other, but neither got up.

Xu Ziqing was surrounded by his brother's breath, and felt very comfortable, but a little lazy.

Yun Lie didn't know why and didn't move.

After lying down like this for a while, seeing the bright sky, Xu Ziqing was a little reluctant and sat up.

He stretched out his hand and took the robe from the couch and put it on.

Yesterday he slept like that. Since his senior brother removed his clothes for him, it made him feel embarrassed and warm.

Yun Lie was also wearing only obscene clothes, and now the light all over his body moved slightly, and he had put on the robe.

Then Xu Ziqing pulled up his hair, and Yun Lie also tied his hair.

Xu Ziqing saw at this time that not only did he only use the bamboo tube given by his senior brother to hold his hair all year round, but even now, his senior brother still uses the hair band he woven with grass.

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