Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to occupy a mountain area. If you encounter a major disaster, you can also have the last means of protection.

Hearing this, Xu Ziqing took another look at the continuous Tianzhu and mountains, and couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The Lord Xing Zun opened the two cloth bags and dumped the contents on the grass.

As soon as Xu Ziqing saw it, he was curious, so he pulled Yun Lie and went to see it together.

At this time, the gambling fight came to an end, and many of the senior brothers looked quite relaxed, and they all surrounded the contents of the cloth bags.

Xing Zunzhu laughed and scolded: "What's the hurry? Can you make it short?"

There are not many of them, and it is difficult to defend the pillars, but it is not without benefits. For example, in the same small mountain area, the resources obtained are the same, and there will be a lot more allocated to each person. Inventory is more remaining.

Xu Ziqing took a closer look, and what fell on the ground were actually many heavy signs.

The colors are different, and the words above are also different.

Lord Xing quickly sorted it out. First, he divided the 20 brands of "two bottles of Xuanjie medicinal pills" into two pieces for each of the eight junior brothers below him and above Nascent Soul, and he kept the remaining four pieces for himself. I bought two pieces and gave one piece to Xu Ziqing, and the remaining piece was received and ready to be put into storage.

Xu Ziqing was a little surprised. He didn't know that he could still get this resource. It is reasonable to say that he is a senior brother and Taoist companion. Once it is applied, it should be used in conjunction with the senior brother.

On the other hand, many of the senior brothers did not have any grudges, and only said: "Since you are from the same sect, there is no reason to put you aside? It's just that you have not cultivated to Nascent Soul, so you have lost half of it, but it will not work if you don't give it. If you think you shouldn't. , it's better to practice a lot of hard work, and give birth to a baby early, so that I can wait and be happy."

When Xu Ziqing heard the words, he was very grateful, so he stopped being hypocritical. If he got something good in the future, he would not be stingy if these senior brothers could use it.

After that, there were many brands, such as "Three Ten Thousand Years Lingcao", "Two Jins of Top-Grade Spiritual Materials", and "One Low-Grade Treasure". Most of these brands are twenty or thirty pieces, and Xu Ziqing also got halved. The weight of the rest is divided as much as possible, and those that cannot be separated are both returned to the public library and reserved for future use.

Among them, the rarest brand is a "special resource", but there are only two pieces, and each piece is limited to one thing, which is often a very special and extremely hard to find resource. If a cultivator is going to break through, or even a great master is about to become an immortal, most of the resources needed will be obtained by relying on this brand.

If it is an ordinary brand, it can't be exchanged for such extremely precious resources. It is conceivable that this brand is really in short supply.

These two brands are naturally collected by the Lord Xing Zun, and then the domain owner will keep the public treasury of a domain. When the disciple needs it, he will take it out after consideration.

And this time, half of the resources of the Baiyun Mountain Region obtained from the gambling battle this month have also been charged into the public treasury and will not be used for distribution.

But for this reason, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also got a lot of resources, Venerable Master Xing was not biased at all, and many senior brothers were not jealous at all.

After everyone received the sign, the atmosphere became more harmonious. At this time, these senior brothers remembered that the newly arrived junior brother and his Taoist companion did not know where to live.

Chapter 367 Mansion

Upon seeing this, Master Xing Zun smiled and said, "Junior Brother Yun and Junior Brother Xu are new to the mountains and are a little unfamiliar with the mountains. Why don't I accompany the two junior brothers to find a place where the spiritual veins gather and let the two junior brothers live in."

Of course, the remaining seven brothers and sisters all said "Okay" in unison, and immediately got up.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie would never refuse their good intentions. After saying goodbye to the Lord of Hangyu, they drove Yuntou with them and flew to the Wuling Mountains.

When everyone is in the sky, they can see everything below.

There are a total of fifty-two peaks in the Wuling Mountains, with thirteen first-order spiritual veins and more than thirty second-order spiritual veins extending vertically and horizontally through the mountains.

The main owner of Hangyu lives in the main peak, and he usually focuses on cultivating his state of mind and will not leave easily.

Xing Zunzhu lives on the Tianxing Peak, just outside the main peak.

Mi Xing and many other Wulingmen people almost all occupy a mountain peak.

Everyone above the cloud head used their spiritual consciousness to peep the spiritual veins in the mountains.

Those many spiritual veins always have a place for each other, and the place where the aura is often more vigorous, is the best place to open up the palace.

Mi Xing and other seven people lived like this, and the peak was near, if there was anything that needed help, it was especially convenient to shout.

It is easy to see the spiritual veins with spiritual consciousness, and after a while, these senior brothers have also picked out some things that they think are good. Then everyone pointed these locations to the two junior brothers and asked them to choose them personally.

Xu Ziqing also looked at it for a while, and then looked at the advice of the senior brothers, then turned to look at his senior brother, and asked, "What do you think, senior brother?"

Yun Lie glanced over and said, "You can call the shots."

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly, his expression was very soft, and he pointed his finger at one place, and said, "If I were to call the shots, I think that peak is quite good."

The peak area he was referring to was quite clever. It was not far from the peaks where those senior brothers were located. Among them, two first-order spiritual meridians and three second-order spiritual meridians passed by, forming a natural treasure. The aura is strong, almost real. Moreover, the vegetation is exuberant and vigorous, and at the same time, there are few mountains, and the atmosphere is quiet.

He really liked it at first sight.

The only thing is that there are more rocks at the treasure, but it is easier for a monk to clean up these rocks.

When Yun Lie saw it, he nodded slightly: "Not bad.

. "

After the rest of the senior brothers watched, they all laughed and said, "This is indeed an excellent treasure land, and Junior Brother Xu has an excellent vision."

Once selected, it's time to clean up.

Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing didn't need to talk to each other, they had a tacit understanding and shot together.

I saw several icy sword lights piercing straight away, making bursts of banging sounds in the mountain.

The boulders burst one after another, and the gravel residue rolled down, and the momentum was very terrifying.

A few swirls of blue light flashed across the mountain, and many vines and grasses suddenly grew up in the mountains. They became long and tough in an instant, like strips of long whips, cleaning up all the gravel and soil, and all fell to the foot of the mountain. went.

In just a few short breaths, the peak has changed its appearance.

But all the huge rocks in the mountains have disappeared long ago, and the vegetation is also much neater and more elegant.

At the location of the spiritual channel, a large area of ​​open space was cleared.

This open space is on the mountainside of the peak, deep in a dense forest.

Xing Zunzhu smiled and said: "Since the decision has been made, it is time to open up the palace. If you need anything, you can open it up."

Xu Ziqing saw that the land was leveled, and the spiritual veins were spewing upwards from below, so he knew that this time, he couldn't open up the Dòng mansion directly, but instead built it separately.

Thinking like this, the person beside him moved.

I saw Yun Lie raised his hand, and a black and golden light group appeared in the palm of his hand.

He immediately shot the ball of light and landed on the open space, instantly turning into a majestic palace.

The palace is more than ten feet high, and the whole body is ancient and clumsy blue. There is no pattern on it, and the style is not very elegant, but it has a kind of heavy beauty.

This temple has just been formed, and it has already filled the entire mountain. At first glance, it is impossible to see how many halls and corridors are in it. It is really amazing.

Xu Ziqing was startled.

He didn't know about this palace, and on the day of the wedding, he had a glimpse of his brother's past memories, and he had never seen it.

So, this is what the senior brother got later?

Thinking about this, he looked at Yun Lie: "Senior brother..."

Yun Lie bowed his head, his eyes softened slightly: "This is for training to carry with me."

A person who cultivates immortals must have countless experiences. Since he is married, he and his younger brother are naturally companions. They should always have a companion. If the experience is outside, there is no need to eat and sleep.

At this time, it is just right to use.

Xu Ziqing was stunned when he heard it.

Immediately, I was grateful for the appropriateness of my senior brother, and I felt a little ashamed and thoughtful.

He looked at Yun Lie with two points of gratitude and a lot of affection in his eyes.

Everyone in the Wuling family couldn't help but laugh when they saw these two junior brothers staring at each other with warmth.

In the end, it was a newly formed Taoist companion, full of affection, so that those who did not have a Taoist companion were about to feel jealous in their hearts.

Soon Xu Ziqing came back to his senses. Seeing the teasing expressions of many senior brothers, he was a little embarrassed and calm, and said with a smile: "Why don't you start with a glass of water and wine?"

Lord Xing shook his head and smiled: "It's getting late today, you two should rest for a while, and I won't bother you."

Xu Ziqing heard the words, did not hesitate, and sent everyone away.

Xu Ziqing reached out his hand to Yun Lie when many of his classmates went back to his own peak, and smiled softly: "Senior brother, let's go back."

Yun Lie grabbed Xu Ziqing's hand: "Okay."

Afterwards, the two of them turned into a ball of escaping light and went straight into the sky.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie settled down in the Wuling Mountains. Everyone in the same family is reasonable, and their temperament is also generous and open-minded, and they get along very happily.

Although Yun Lie was taciturn, many senior brothers didn't feel it, instead they liked him for his murderous intent and valued him very much.

However, because the Wuling lineage is weak in the end, except for the gathering of everyone on that day, the rest of the time they cultivated separately, and there were few times when they gathered together.

Xu Ziqing's own cultivation base is the weakest, and he cultivates very hard on weekdays, so he doesn't dare to relax at all. But in the end, this day fell at the confluence of the spiritual meridians, and the spiritual energy obtained was more than ten times that of the Great Falling World. Every breath seemed to pour spiritual energy into it, and it was extremely joyful to swallow.

Yun Lie polishes his sword intent every day, but it is no different from the past, but he also releases the sword domain from time to time, and the pressure is deep. Ten thousand swords in the interior are screaming, and they are constantly entering the realm all the time.

In addition, every few days, the two of them have the good of double cultivation, and they do their best to communicate with each other, which not only allows them to gain a lot of benefits from each other, but also increases their tacit understanding and affection.

Xu Ziqing often joined hands with Yun Lie and learned from each other, and the ability of fighting skills also increased rapidly and progressed rapidly.

In the past few years, Xu Ziqing and Xu Ziqing have developed a deep friendship for the Wuling Mountains.

During the period, the two of them also saw several other mountain areas that were malicious to the Wuling lineage coming to the door to gamble. After several battles against the sky, they all guarded that Tianzhu. Over time, those mountains no longer dared to fight. Because of the low realm of the two, they feel contemptuous.

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