The young cultivator nodded: "Those who can be called the true one divine water, the five divine waters make up the five elements, either all are positive water, or all are yīn water. If you care about it, there are eighteen types of yīn water. There are six kinds of water in the anode, and you have a look." When he said, he wiped his palm.

A jade board appeared in front of Xu Ziqing, with many small characters and images on it.

Sure enough, there are many kinds of yīn pole water and anode water, but whether it is yīn pole or anode, the five elements are not complete.

In the water of the anode, two kinds of gold and fire are lacking, and in the water of the yīn pole, there are two kinds of lack of wood and water.

There are two kinds of missing, and it’s not enough to want more pictures and cheaper.

After Xu Ziqing saw it, he gave the jade plate to Yunlie and asked his senior brother to take a look.

Yun Lie glanced over and nodded slightly to show his understanding.

When the young cultivator saw that the two had finished, he asked, "How?"

Xu Ziqing thought for a while, then replied with a smile, "It's embarrassing that you can't get both of them together."

The young cultivator said, "The divine water here is uneven, you can go to Wande Hall to try your luck."

Xu Ziqing also had this intention, but he was also grateful for the other party's kindness, so he thanked him and dragged his senior brother to go out with him.

As the name suggests, Wande Hall is where Zhou Tianxianzong released the mission.

Ordinarily, if there are treasure resources that cannot be found in the Wanbao Palace, you can go here to find the corresponding news.

——Yes, in addition to the tasks required by the sect, there are also many news related to heaven and earth treasures, all of which are collected for the convenience of the disciples in the sect. Anyone in need can be answered here.

Since Xu Ziqing couldn't find Shenshui in Wanbao Hall, he had to come here to search for news about Shenshui, or go to find it. No matter if the news of the water of anode or the water of yīn is found here, it is always after finding it that one can go to Wanbao Hall to exchange for the other three kinds of divine waters that are compatible with it.

When he entered the main hall, he realized that regardless of whether it was inside or outside the hall, this Wande Hall and Wanbao Hall were almost identical in shape.

If there is something different, it is that the light group suspended in the hall has turned into countless jade talismans.

Every jade talisman is full of brilliance, like a magic weapon, but in fact there is a universe inside.

The information Xu Ziqing needed was also hidden in these jade talismans.

There was also a steward clone wearing a robe. After learning what Xu Ziqing was looking for, he flicked his sleeves and pushed a piece of jade talismans over. I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of them.

"These are all water related, you can find them yourself."

Xu Ziqing smiled bitterly, but thanked the steward first.

Yun Lie stood beside Xu Ziqing and said bluntly, "I will find you with me."

Xu Ziqing felt a little warm in his heart, and also brushed away the sullenness, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Senior Brother."

The two immediately released their divine senses and searched for them one by one in the thousands of jade talismans.

It took two or three hours to filter out five jade talismans.

These jade talismans are undoubtedly news about Shenshui.

Chapter 369

Xu Ziqing's consciousness swept over, and his brows furrowed slightly.

It's not a side thing, but although there are five jade talismans, the information contained in them is not enough.

Among these jade talismans, three of them said the whereabouts of the South Rong Pole Water, and the other two were the traces of the Chiyan Pole Water.

——It was actually the news of the water of the anode of fire.

But even if they can find this successfully, there are only four kinds of divine water in the end, and the metal anode divine water is still unknown.

The only good thing is that there is no need to choose, and the current situation can only be found in the water of the anode, and more than one is always better than none.

Xu Ziqing changed his mind and made a decision, looking back at Yun Lie: "Senior brother, is that all it takes?"

He dialed the five jade talismans.

As soon as Yun Lie raised his hand, he picked up these jade talismans. After he glanced at it, he nodded slightly: "Okay."

The two wrote down all the news in the jade talisman. No matter what, the more news about the divine water, the better. If one cannot be found, there is always another.

The luck of the two of them should not be so bad.

After finding the news they wanted, the two left Wande Hall and went back to Wanbao Hall.

Xu Ziqing took out a few of the signs he had accumulated in his hand, and after doing some calculations, he gave it to the steward in the hall, and exchanged the three types of anode water.

Fortunately, although these divine waters are precious, they have not been able to enter the category of special resources. Only those brands of equivalent value can be exchanged.

After collecting the Shenshui, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie did not stop, and went directly back to the Wuling Mountain Region to ask to see the domain master.

For this purpose, he wanted to go out and find the divine water.

Guarding the pillar is extremely important, but because of this, Xu Ziqing felt a little ashamed when he wanted to leave the sect.

But for him, Jie Ying couldn't take it lightly, so he had to ask the domain master to see if there was any way.

Worst of all... He could only bid farewell to his senior brother and go out to find it by himself.

Above the main peak, when Xu Ziqing told the domain owner about this, the domain owner smiled kindly: "Ziqing doesn't need to mind."

Xu Ziqing raised her head and listened to what the Domain Master had to say.

The master of Hangyu said: "You two are extremely talented, especially if you haven't yet conceived a baby, you can't spend your talents in vain, but stick to this mountain area."

Xu Ziqing is still apologetic: "The Battle of the Doutian..."


The domain master raised his hand slightly, stopped his words, and continued: "In the past, when the two of you were in the future, my disciples of the Wuling lineage never neglected cultivation. Although the rules of the sect are strict, they are not There may be no accommodation.”

Just like this battle of Doutian Shouzhu, if you don't fight for gambling, you will be expelled to the barren mountains and fields, and you can no longer occupy a mountain area, but it also has some protection. For example, there should be no more than once a month, and at the same time, there is an opportunity to get a free battle card once a year, and once a free battle card, you can be free from battle for three months. During the war-free period, you can go out to experience and find the required resources.

It's just that after three months, if someone happens to challenge, but no one arrives, the Tianzhu guarded by that person can only be regarded as admitting defeat.

In the past, when Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie had not yet arrived at the main sect, the Lord Xing Zun also came to guard the pillar. At this time, if any disciple was in a hurry to ask for resources and had to leave the sect, and someone happened to come to gamble at this time, he had to hang up the free card. Come. Unless it is lucky and there is no one to gamble, then the free card will be saved.

But after the two came, there was already some room for them. If they wanted to travel, they could just let Venerable Master Xing come to the top again, that's all.

When Xu Ziqing heard this, he felt relieved.

Although he is bound to go out for this trip, it would be better if he could not hinder the Wuling lineage.

With the consent of the Lord of Hangyu, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie no longer hesitated, and only paid a visit to the Lord Xing Zun, told the matter, and then left the sect.

On the other hand, Xing Zun saw that the two of them seemed to be fleeing on their own, so he reminded him: "The great world of Qianyuan is boundless. If you two want to come and go freely within three months, you might as well go to the Wanshòu Hall to find a spirit bird for travel, otherwise If you only use your own cultivation as your way to go, I am afraid it is not very appropriate."

Such a point is a good point of gold and jade, Xu Ziqing did not dare to disobey, and before leaving, according to the words of the Lord Xing, he purchased two royal shòu cards with a large pen of spirit stones, each with a fifth-order spirit bird, which flew. The speed is not under the light, and it can fly continuously for three days and nights, which is really an excellent thing for rushing. Now that there are two ends in hand, let them travel day and night and take turns to carry people, so that they will not be too tired, and Xu Ziqing Yunlie and the two can also save the true essence of this journey.

——In this great world of Qianyuan, there are countless secrets and dangers in the outside world. If you can keep a little strength, you should keep a little more strength.

With the disciple card in hand, it is not difficult to go out of the sect. The two sat side by side on the back of the carved wind, and the surrounding wind was overflowing, and they flew outside the Zhoutian Xianzong.

After a long time, the main sect's outer door was finally crossed, and the sky was clear outside, the spiritual energy whistled in the ears, and there was a clear spirit in the mouth and nose.

What the two of them are rushing to now is the Barren Snow Icefield, which is located in the extreme north. It is covered in ice for millions of miles. It is rumored that ordinary monks will be frozen by the ice and snow when they enter it. In the past, there were also bone-chilling colds, and only the cultivation of the ancestors above Nascent Soul could be regarded as normal. But this is just the scary part of the climate. If you talk about how many monsters there are, some of the most vicious people and races hidden in them, and even countless sects that practice ice magic... Even the ancestors of Nascent Soul, It may not be able to come and go freely.

The wind sculptor hurried on the road without interruption. In the middle, Yun Lie tore through the void with sword intent, and walked between the gaps, and then once again took the wind eagle to recuperate. It took 15 or 6 days after this. close to the ice sheet.

But just getting close, it was already extremely cold.

Xu Ziqing has been practicing for many years, and it has long been cold and hot, but when he encounters such a strange place, he can't help but feel the chills.

It was as if the operation of the True Yuan had to be a little jerky.

Yun Lie took out a robe and put it on Xu Ziqing: "It's extremely cold here, let's go to Fangshi."

Xu Ziqing's breath was full of chills, and she nodded naturally: "Yes, senior brother."

So the two turned a corner, raised their feet and approached a magic circle.

In that circle, there is an extremely vast market, and its scale is not under some of the businesses and auctions that Xu Ziqing has seen before.

But in this great world of Qianyuan, it is just a fair market.

There were monks guarding the formation, and after receiving ten low-grade spirit stones from each of them, they put the people in.

Xu Ziqing stepped in, and suddenly a warm current hit, swept away the cold all over his body.

"The power of this array is really amazing."

Yun Lie didn't move, only his consciousness swept forward and walked to the right.

Xu Ziqing naturally followed, and after about a few hundred steps, he saw a "Yubaozhai".

There are many treasures and wonders in Yubaozhai, but most of them are used in the cold and snow, especially some vestments, magic weapons that have the ability to keep out the cold, and even the furs of the demons that have magical effects in themselves. Countless places.

Yun Lie walked straight to a shelf, where several magic circles shone with light, and inside the magic circle, there were many shòu leather garments and some cold-proof clothing.

Xu Ziqing also walked over. He raised his eyes and looked at it, as if he had seen a clothing store in his previous life. It was different from the light and thin robes in the clothing store he had seen before. Many of the clothes here were extremely heavy, which was really very heavy. extraordinary.

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