The young man smiled slightly and said, "Feng Daoyou, this trivial matter is nothing to worry about."

Feng Qi's heart was relieved, but he didn't dare to relax too much. He still said respectfully: "Dare to ask the names of the two benefactors?"

No matter how close this person looked, he didn't dare to be careless when he thought of the strange vine before.

The young man's expression was still gentle: "Xu Ziqing is under, this is under Dao Lv Yunlie."

Feng Qi couldn't help but glance at the man in the black cloak, only to feel that the man's breath was cold, and he didn't feel any disobedience in the ice and snow. He calmed down and said, "Young Daoist Xu, Daoyou Yun, Feng came from a Feng family, so he is considered a little capable. Although I don't know what the two of them are doing here, but if Feng can make a little effort, he will definitely not be able to. won't refuse."

Because he had promised to repay his kindness earlier, Feng Qi didn't dare to refuse at all.

He just thought that instead of angering these two people, he might as well take the initiative and make a good impression.

Seeing him like this, Xu Ziqing frowned slightly, and he really had a good impression on him.

Speaking of which, he really needed someone who was familiar with the icefield to answer his doubts.

Besides, a few days ago, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie entered this barren snow and ice field, so naturally they followed the news in the jade slip to find the trace of the South Rong Pole Water.

It is said that someone once saw an ice spring in the depths of the snow forest in a snow-capped mountain in the ice field. And the ice spring is extremely cold and generates heat, just in the center of the pole, a bunch of heat flow is born, and in the depth of this heat flow, some extremely hot water is born, which is the South Rongji water.

When a cultivator saw it with his own eyes, he thought it was just ordinary masculine water, so he took some and took it out. But later they exchanged it for resources. After some identification, it was discovered that these positive waters actually contained some positive anode waters! The cultivator regretted it too late, and after he went to the ice field again, he could not find it again.

But the incident itself, as important news of the source of Shenshui, fell into the hands of Zhou Tianxianzong.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie have been searching in many snow-capped mountains for many days, but unfortunately, they have seen a few ice springs. However, these ice fields are not long in the form of years, and their coldness is not enough. matter.

By this time, Xu Ziqing felt more and more difficult to find.

This desolate snow icefield was originally the most likely place among the several news sources, and it was all so difficult... But in the end, the time is not enough, and they can't find a few more days, so they can't delay here, and they need to get another place for news looking for it.

Just like that, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie wanted to try their luck on another hill, but just as they came, they encountered someone calling for help.

There was no hesitation, since there was a demon who wanted to eat people, and the two were human cultivators, it was natural to save the people first.

But the rescued person seemed to be sincere, so Xu Ziqing had an idea.

If there are people who live in the icefield to help...

Chapter 371 Snow Silver Ginseng

Xu Ziqing pondered for a while and looked at his senior brother.

Yun Li nodded slightly.

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "There is indeed something I need to ask fellow Daoist Feng."

Feng Qi felt relieved when he heard this.

Speaking of which, these two have such superb means, it is not a kind of repayment, but it is also very good to be able to tie one or two.

He immediately showed a smile: "I also ask the two of you to speak directly."

Xu Ziqing talked about the Antarctic Water in the South. Naturally, he did not go into details, but only said that he had to find this kind of divine water because of his cultivation and come to the Icefield to try his luck. And after searching for a few days, I haven't found something, and it's also a little mention.

Feng Qi's expression stretched when he heard the words: "It turns out to be this." He thought about it, and then said, "Although Feng has never heard of the South Melting Pole water in the ice field, there is a strange creature in my Feng family. The name is 'Yingbo Niu', and I don't have any other skills, but the kung fu of finding water sources is very good."

Many resources in the ice field are inseparable from the water source of the glacier, and the Feng family has this unique shòu, which is convenient for many things.

Hearing this, Xu Ziqing had a hint of joy in his eyes.

Feng Qi observed his words and continued to say, "If the two of you don't give up, you might as well come to my Feng's house as a guest. When the time comes, Feng will ask the owner of the house to use the Yingbo Niu."

After Xu Ziqing was overjoyed, he hesitated a bit: "I wonder if it's convenient to borrow a cow?"

It's not that he guessed anything, it's just that if that Yi shòu has such ability, he must have a high status in the clan. Although Feng Qi has responded, he is not the head of the family. .

Feng Qi heard the words, and it was indeed a little embarrassing.

Xu Ziqing was a little concerned, so he smiled and said, "If you have something to say, Daoist Feng, you might as well say it directly."

Feng Qi showed a hint of embarrassment, but sighed and said, "Yingbo Niu is supported by the head of the family. Although I am a child of the clan, my status is not enough for the head of the family to easily agree to it. I wanted to plan a lot, but in fact, the odds of winning are not big. .but……"

Xu Ziqing looked at him with a smile, but did not show a look of anger.

Feng Qicai was a little relieved, and continued: "Feng and several clansmen came here to find a 10,000-year-old snow silver ginseng and give it to the second young palace master of Frozen Immortal Palace as a birthday present. If we can get this thing smoothly, Dedicating it to the head of the family will surely make the head of the family let go."

Moreover, this Yingbo Niu can have such powerful magical powers, which is not something that a small family like them can have on the icefield. Walk. Therefore, in the birthday gift of the Second Young Palace Master every year, they

Nor dare to take it lightly. Otherwise, once the person is angered and no longer sheltered, the Feng family will be in great trouble.

Having obtained Wannian Snow Silver Ginseng, this year's birthday gift will be no problem, and if he can keep it again because of it, if he proposes to use it again, the head of the family should not refuse it.

This is not because Feng Qi is ignoring the grace of saving his life, it is because other people's words are light, and a life is not worth a fraction of that strange, so he can only find another way.

As it turned out, Xu Ziqing was stunned. Feng Qi told this frankly, he understood and asked, "Where can I get the Ten Thousand Years Snow Silver Ginseng?"

Feng Qi quickly said: "Since I came out, I found the whereabouts of the ginseng, but I just want to trouble the two fellow Daoists to come with me, so I can have a better grasp of waiting. speak."

Since Fengqi had originally planned, and even the news was very accurate, Xu Ziqing would not care about these Xu Gongfu. It has been a long time since he has been here for a long time, and it is easy to meet someone who is familiar with the ice field, so it is better to go with him. If you can't find it again this time, you can give up this place and go elsewhere.

So under the leadership of Feng Qi and others, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie hung behind the team and went on their way with them.

The weather is cold and windy.

During these days in the icefield, Xu Ziqing really felt as if he had returned to a mortal man, and was disturbed by the extreme cold. If it hadn't been for the undershirt and cloak to keep out the cold, I'm afraid that the primordial spirit would be frozen, and the true essence would be difficult to circulate.

But now it's just a little discomfort, but it's a lot more than what I'm used to before.

The group didn't say much, except for Yun Lie, the rest were all people who were not afraid of the cold, so they hurried on their way as soon as possible.

About half an hour later, no terrifying monsters were encountered on the road. Only some third-order and fourth-order ones sometimes rushed past, but as long as they didn't come to sneak attacks, they were all let go. After another half an hour, the glacier appeared in front of several people.

I saw that under the towering snow-capped mountain, there were countless ice ridges hanging upside down on the protruding ice stones, like jade threads, finely woven into a curtain of ice.

There is a lot of broken snow that comes with the wind and accumulates on the ice and rocks. When it accumulates more, it pours down like a waterfall.

When it fell to the ground, a boundless ice flower was formed, spreading out from near to far.

This scene is really beautiful, the snow-capped mountains are even more magnificent, and the sea of ​​ice seems to be endless.

It is also in this beautiful place, where the rumored Wannian Snow Silver Ginseng is located.

Feng Qi came over and slammed his heels on the ground, then he quickly squatted down and used his True Yuan to cut a piece of snowskin on the ground. He dug out and touched it twice, and he dug out a forearm-length snow-white object, like a piece of ice and snow, glittering and lovely.

Then he happily said: "Yes, this is Snow Silver Ginseng!"

Xu Ziqing walked over to take a look, and his consciousness was swept away. He knew that this was indeed Snow Silver Ginseng, but there were only three locks on it, which should be only three hundred years old.

Seeing that Xu Ziqing was interested, Feng Qi immediately explained: "Fellow Daoist Xu, there are thousands of years of ice ridges here, and snow silver ginseng will definitely be born. Now, when I look at it, it is not only born, but also a big one. There are so many ginseng, Presumably thousands of years are among them.”

The rest of the others also dug out snow silver ginseng of different years near their feet, ranging from decades to thousands of years, but each one was shiny and full, and it could be seen that the spiritual energy was strong, making people addicted to it.

These snow silver ginseng are born under the ice flowers, as if they are accompanied by them, but this is not the case, but it is because of the extreme cold here, and the formation of ice ridges for thousands of years, just now under the circulation of spiritual energy, it is a coincidence that this is formed. A snowy silver ginseng field.

Now that they found the place, everyone did not hesitate, and they all continued to look for it.

Xu Ziqing glanced at Yun Lie and said with a smile, "Senior brother, let's look for it too?"

Yun Lie nodded slightly and replied, "Okay."

The two then walked forward together, walking forward step by step along the ice flower.

Every time he walked through a clump, Xu Ziqing poked his consciousness into the ground to see if there was Snow Silver Ginseng. If the ice layer is so thick that even Xu Ziqing's consciousness cannot penetrate it, he will ask his senior brother to take a shot and come to visit.

So the two brothers joined forces and moved forward in a straight line, seeing that they were much faster than the others.

On the way, he encountered a lot of snow silver ginseng that was more than a thousand years old. After Xu Ziqing saw it, he took it out and put it in the storage ring.

Although it is only for the Ten Thousand Years Snow Silver Ginseng, the elixir that has lasted for a thousand years is also rare, so I have to save some. However, Xu Ziqing deliberately did not take it under a thousand years, leaving it for future generations.

Gradually walking a long way, Xu Ziqing collected at most 5,000-year-old snow silver ginseng, and the older ones were not seen.

But after swept through the consciousness for a long time, it is inevitable to have some difficulty in penetrating the ice layer every time.

Xu Ziqing shook his head and smiled: "It's strange that although there are many snow silver ginseng here, they can still reproduce to this day. If an ordinary cultivator comes over and wants to dig out all those ginseng, it is really not easy. Primordial spirits are frozen here."

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