"...Hmm!" After a grunt, Xu Ziqing's forehead was suddenly covered in fine sweat.

It is worthy of being a top-quality spirit stone, and the aura in it is so powerful that it hits the meridians, which is really excruciatingly painful!

Even if Xu Ziqing has a strong accumulation and extraordinary aptitude, after absorbing such aura, it will take a lot of effort to surrender, until these auras are combined with the true essence in his body, the pain will slowly subside a lot.

It's just that the feeling of swelling is still faintly present and has not disappeared, but the true essence in the dantian is even more vigorous.

All the puppets were firmly guarding Xu Ziqing's side at this time.

Because many spiritual cultivators were slaughtering violently, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were not in the center of the battle, so as not to disturb the tactical layout. Therefore, the demons on this side of the sky were not killed by she more than in the densely populated areas of arrows. On the contrary, there were many low-level and intermediate-level ones who escaped the arrow net and fell to the ground! The first to bear the brunt is naturally Xu Ziqing.

Those puppets swayed, and they quickly threw their hands into knives, fighting against the demons!

At the same time, the branch of the demon vine that stayed beside Xu Ziqing also quickly woven into a cocoon, tightly surrounding him in the middle.

Xu Ziqing was completely focused, absorbed in spiritual energy.

Such a continuous absorption of Qiáng force, even his meridians will gradually be unable to withstand the impact, but he is a wood cultivator, his body is full of vitality, and he is supported by the realm of ten thousand trees, there is no serious problem, it is true Yuan occasionally stagnated due to running too fast, and he immediately swallowed the medicinal pill to relieve it...

In this way, Rong Jin was able to use Xu Ziqing's true essence to rush to kill in mid-air!

At the place of the god cultivator, many people have fallen.

Whether it is the body of the demon or the body of the gods, they are all piled up first, and then quickly burned.

The lives of each creature are like ants, and it seems that this battlefield will be filled.

But Rao is like this, in those cracks that seem to be invisible, all kinds of monsters continue to appear.

These monsters seem to be inexhaustible, and they want to swallow this space.

Sure enough, it was like a cháo xi.

Chapter 455

On the battlefield, many soldiers were all red-eyed, unable to monitor the battle situation keenly.

Those who turned the Yang God into a giant bow were all cultivators in the Juyuan Realm. Those who entered the Tribulation Realm and the Tribulation Realm did not draw bows or arrows. The Tribulation Realm cultivators coordinated the rear, gave orders, and then entered the calamity realm. The realm god cultivator implements this order and directs the gathering source realm god cultivator. It is passed down layer by layer, and there is a degree of division of labor.

Therefore, even if the situation is severe now, the war is not chaotic in the slightest, and even if there are gods who fall, the number is still under control-compared to the number of demon beasts killed, it can be said to be a negligible price.

On the sky, blood-colored fireworks exploded and turned into dazzling lights, which were extremely dazzling.

In the field formed by the arrows, the heat was amazing and the divine power burned to the sky. Later, some low-level demons were only stained on the side and turned to ashes! Countless intermediate-level demons have died, and high-level demons can also be killed with one arrow... Within the scope of tomorrow's protection left by the Illumination Realm Divine Cultivation Center, the strength of almost all spiritual cultivators has increased by one level. On the contrary, it is the demons. restrained. Compared with the divine power in the realm such as the Juyuan Realm, the divine power of the Transparency Realm, compared to the divine power of the realm such as the Gathering Source Realm, the oppression of the monsters, I don’t know how many times to go!

The high-level demons went one after another. If it weren't for the demons, there would never be so many high-level demons appearing together on weekdays.

They used to be more than ten or so, but at this moment, there are more than a hundred, a few hundred, or even more, more dense!

Because of this, more arrows were shot out at once, but despite this, they still failed to stop them from slaughtering their whereabouts. Countless high-level monsters died, but countless more advanced monsters came on the bench!

Below, the group of spiritual cultivators who had filled the gaps came up one after another.

The fierce shòu, birds of prey, and even the Dharma Body of the True God transformed by the Yang God all fought against these monsters, and they cooperated well, but because there were too many high-level monsters, they couldn't be as easy as before.

In a short time, many sun gods collapsed. The lord of sun gods will inject divine power tomorrow to make sun gods take shape. However, these sun god incarnations did not rush to kill for long, instead they were torn apart by demon claws again! Until the divine power is exhausted, the soldiers who manipulate the Yang God will be killed by the monsters if they are not supported by their comrades in arms. Qiáng dragged back to heal and left the battlefield!

Xu Ziqing on the ground was far from being calm.

On the one hand, he tried his best to endure the pain of the spiritual energy colliding in the meridians, and on the other hand, he kept running the real essence, supporting Rong Jin outside, and strangling demons. Several puppets guarded his body, killing all the low-level and intermediate-level demons who attacked him.

However, since the high-level monsters in the sky have also started to fight in groups, those high-level monsters who were not removed in time naturally also noticed the existence of Xu Ziqing, and many of them were surrounded.

Almost every humanoid puppet in the god-transforming stage can fight a high-level demon, and the one in the out-of-body stage can compete with one-to-three. It's just the high-level monsters that came over, and there are more than these numbers? Soon, after these high-level demons led all the puppets away, there were only a hundred blood vines left in front of Xu Ziqing for protection!

Xu Ziqing himself cannot act.

The suffocating air is soaring to the sky, the blood is sparkling, and it is blowing in the face.

Xu Ziqing was already very sensitive to maliciousness, and immediately opened his eyes, two groups of blue light erupted in his eyes, extremely pure!

Then his eyebrows flashed, and within the Taiji Sunfish behind him, there were tens of thousands of things like steel needles, all rushing out!

Each of those steel needles is extremely sharp, densely stabbing all the high-level demons who are fighting against the puppets, and will also attack Xu Ziqing's obstacles. Using this difference, dozens of demon vines protecting Xu Ziqing were separated, entangling those high-level demons, struggling to suck and swallow them.

Dangerous and dangerous, kill this group of high-level demons!

But this matter is still unfinished. Many high-level demons on the ground are still like flies, scrambling to kill each other...

Xu Ziqing gradually felt the depletion of his dantian. At this time, he was distracted by two uses, while constantly absorbing spiritual energy, while manipulating the demon vine, and paying attention to the movements of the surrounding high-level demons. The harder Rong Jin killed, the more real energy was consumed. For a time, his heartstrings tightened. The more urgent the situation, the more calm he became.

In Xiao Qiankun, the green dragon of wood breathes and breathes wood energy, and continuously sprinkles on the ten thousand trees, so the grass and trees grow scales, and there is a vague sign of dragon transformation.

He is already brewing a ten thousand wood dragon transformation technique. Once the situation is urgent, he will fight his dantian to be injured, and he has to give it a try!

And Yun Lie, as soon as he stepped on the demon vine that he handed over, the whole person rose several meters high, and was rushing to the bottom of a crouching high-level demon, the long sword twisted, and it went from bottom to top, penetrating the depression in the demon's chest, Cut it open!

The high-level demon can die, but Yun Lie will turn around and kill the other high-level demon!

Before, he had traveled a long road alone and suffered numerous injuries, so he had figured out the attack methods of many monsters. Within such a group attack, he had a lot of use. So much so that now, with the assistance of Rong Jin, he is holding on firmly, hardly falling behind.

However, Yun Lie's true essence also consumes a lot.

Fortunately, in that period of experience, he was even able to recover his true essence while fighting with all his strength. When his murderous aura became more and more vigorous, his Sword Region in Xiao Qiankun also emptied into the air, constantly absorbing the murderous aura on the battlefield.

The ruthless killing swordsmanship he cultivates is based on killing.

After Jianyu absorbed countless murderous auras, the shadow of a giant sword faintly appeared in the upside-down Xinghe in Jianyu.

This giant sword has a faint meaning of "dao", it is his understanding of kendo, it can be said that it is almost a phantom of kendo.

It seems to be different from his sword soul - if the sword soul is real, the swordsmanship is empty, but the swordsmanship can become virtual, and the swordsmanship can also be attached to it. The more comprehension, the higher the realm, the stronger the sword spirit, and the more comprehension is promoted. The two are both one and the other.

Yun Lie's swordsmanship has become more and more powerful in countless fights.

That huge sword domain is also becoming stronger and stronger in the continuous condensation of murderous aura.

If it is said that Xu Ziqing's realm of ten thousand trees needs the crystallization of the power of time and space to consolidate it, it is possible to develop a real world in the future, then Yun Lie's sword domain is single, and it relies on the condensation of murderous aura to make it form another world. a field.

After killing an unknown number of demons, Yun Lie's dantian finally dried up completely. Even if he took the medicine pill, he couldn't turn around immediately. He immediately patted the demon vines on his side, and dozens of them suddenly rolled up, protecting him tightly and leading him to land quickly. Because of this, he avoided the demon that rushed at almost the same time and quickly fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the demon vines opened a path, and Yun Lie jumped a few times, and already entered the huge tomorrow, the back of the boiled ointment.

By this time, more than 100 of the original 1,000-strong vanguard had already died and could no longer be consumed. Therefore, the third and fourth batches of troops moved forward and replaced the first and second batches. The rest of the idle people, etc., all rushed over, put the injured in the protection center, healed their wounds, applied a thick plaster to the wound, and brought toxins from the demon's claws and sharp teeth to speed up the healing.

Yun Lie only glanced at it, took several pills, held the top-quality spirit stone, and immediately adjusted his breath.

There are still a few puppets to protect him, and the demon vines return to the battlefield very quickly, and start a killing ring above!

At the other end, Xu Ziqing let out a clear roar, and a blue dragon rushed out of the Tai Chi Yang Fish at a high speed, and suddenly bit the head of the high-level demon that rushed towards him! Only a crisp "click" sound was heard, and the head of the demon was bitten off immediately, the sarcoid was torn apart, and he died immediately.

Afterwards, the blue dragon swung its tail, swept across several demons, opened its mouth again, swallowed many demons, and spit it out again—similarly, the sarcoid of these demons was damaged, and only one corpse remained.

But at the same time, Xu Ziqing's face was pale, and the consumption of True Yuan was too great.

Whether it is supporting Rong Jin alone to fight outside, or releasing Qinglong to fight the enemy, there is only one kind, which can always make him last longer, but now both are coming, which instantly aggravates his loss, and the pain in his dantian is the same. The feeling is getting stronger.

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