Seeing this place, Li Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is the place."

Xu Ziqing regained his senses and asked, "I don't know... how do I get in here?"

Li Qingyuan smiled: "This wind wall has three weak points. It is shaped like a 'pin' and is extremely stable. If we want to enter, we must enter the same number of people at each weak point at the same time, so as not to destroy the balance and attract attacks."

The cultivators thought for a while, and they all understood, nodded and said, "It's up to you to assign."

When Li Qingyuan heard it, he did not refuse, and quickly divided the crowd into three groups. Among them, Li Qingyuan and Tu Jin, Yin Xiu and Xun Liang, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, entered from those three weak points. As for the other dozen or so spiritual cultivators, they were distributed in various weak points to guard and protect them.

The monks also responded.

Li Qingyuan even reminded: "The seventh-level wind can be slaughtered from any part of the wind wall, everyone be careful!"

Then, a group of six talents spread out, and each walked in quickly from the weak point!

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were hand in hand, very vigilant.

Among the three groups of people, the two of them have the weakest cultivation base, and they must be more likely to be targeted by Feng shòu.

At this time, Yun Lie stimulated the sword spirit to release the sword intent and attached it to the surface of the two of them. After that, he cast out the magic weapon that the two of them had been practicing for a while, and then swallowed aura outside to protect the two of them.

Sure enough, even in the weak points, the strength of the wind is far superior to the outside world, and the winds are wrong and extremely terrifying.

The two kept walking, crossing the wind wall.

The aura of the two magic weapons was almost only a few breaths away, and they were cut to nothing!

When their feet finally stepped into the wind wall, the magic weapon was already damaged, and they were consuming Yun Lie Sword Intent!

Xu Ziqing raised his head at this time, his consciousness swept away, and sure enough, he saw the swaying wind and flowers in the valley.

Chapter 469

All the flowers in the wind are connected, and the white petals swing left and right with the wind wall, forming a layer of illusory things like clouds and fog, fluttering slowly, extremely beautiful, like a dream.

This kind of beauty is unforgettable once you see it.

And the number of hurricane flowers is probably in the thousands, which is difficult to estimate.

Xu Ziqing was overjoyed when he saw it.

If there were so many wild flowers, if they were all picked, he would not be worried about not being able to defeat those few opponents, but after thinking about it, he still refused to take it lightly.

It is true that there are a lot of flowers here, but they also met the Li family. With this adventure, they can reap a lot. But that group of people also have to stay in this absolute domain for a month, and know that they can't find such a place where the wind and flowers gather?

Sure enough, you have to be more careful.

Just as he was thinking about it, Tu Jin and others also came over to the other two weak places.

It is more convenient for people to gather in one place here.

Seeing everyone coming in safely, Li Qingyuan was relieved, and immediately said, "I'll wait to pick it quickly." He thought for a while, and continued, "It's better for me and Brother Tu to be on guard, and the other four brothers to try their best to pick it up. How about taking the wild wind flower?"

His arrangement is very appropriate.

Among the six, Tu Jin had the highest realm, and naturally reacted faster. Of course, it was the easiest for him to resist the possible attacks of the seventh-level wind. On the other hand, Li Qingyuan knew Feng shòu very well, and he could cooperate with Tu Jin.

The cultivators naturally did not have any opinions, and they agreed immediately, and they did what they said.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie looked at each other, and without hesitation, leaned over to pick.

At the bottom of the valley, because the wind wall has formed a balance of the wind, although the wind inside is still fierce, it is only fierce, and there is no difficult to deal with. Therefore, even if everyone can only see things with divine sense, they don't need to use too much real energy to protect themselves, and they work immediately.

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved, and he pointed a little, and a ray of black gold sword light appeared on his fingertips.

After the sword light burst out, it immediately turned into countless sword threads, almost in the blink of an eye, it was already rushing out, as if countless extremely flexible snakes shuttled among countless wind and flowers.

Every time those sword threads were slashed, the turbulent flowers there were cut off, and then Yun Lie took it over with a move and put it into the thick earth box that had been prepared.

Yin Xiu and Xun Liang also have their own means. One sword is dense, like a drizzle of rain, all-pervasive. Wherever they pass, the wind and flowers are all floating up, and they are rolled by him; the other sword is heavy, Just stab into the ground, and the ground will turn up the soil, so that the windless flowers have become rootless flowers, and they are swept away.

Both of them moved very fast, and in a short while, they almost scraped a large layer of land.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing did not want to be too backward.

A round of tai chi floated above his head, the door of the yang fish opened wide, and countless thin vines only the thickness of fingers sprang out in an instant. These vines were not bloodthirsty demon vines, but another kind of extremely flexible vines. Nearby the wind flowers were all twisted and returned.

Then he tapped his finger lightly, and under his fingertips, there was a blue light.

Soon, within a few meters in front of that, there were fine grasses growing around the wild wind flower, and they also suddenly pounced on the flowers, wrapping them all tightly, uprooting them, and rushing back!

In this way, not only is he not slower than those sword cultivators, but he seems to be a few points faster.

This is because he has a lot of skills in practicing Dharma. On the contrary, in such meticulous work, he seems to be more capable.

So the crowd gathered together, and it was less than a stick of incense, thick

There were already seven or eight hundred Floral Flowers in the earthen box, and they were densely stacked together, making people's eyes warm when they looked at them.

For a time, several cultivators increased their strength, and they wanted to collect all the chaotic flowers!

But at this moment, a very dangerous and terrifying feeling suddenly came.

Xu Ziqing's heart froze, and dozens of blood vines were entangled all over his body, and he rolled to the left again, only to escape!

And where he was originally, a very deep hole appeared, and it seemed that he could not see the end, and it was extremely terrifying.

With this kind of ability, even if Xu Ziqing used Wanlong Fist, he couldn't smash such a smooth and deep hole, and if he used other magical powers such as Qingyun Needle, it couldn't be as natural as this hole. He couldn't help being astonished, and immediately became more careful, and his consciousness was also spread farther away, lest one accidentally be seriously injured or killed by it!

Xu Ziqing realized that not only was he attacked, but his senior brother Yun Lie and several other sword cultivators were all attacked in the same way!

Yun Lie reacted immediately and blocked the black gold sword in front of him with his backhand. The long sword instantly became huge, like a door, blocking him tightly, and was hit hard by that thing!

At that time, even with Yun Lie's cultivation, it was only after the body of the immortal demon slipped backward by nearly a zhang, and it was able to stabilize.

Yin Xiu and Xun Liang were both connected with sword intent, and they were equally incapable of receiving it. However, although they did not possess the body of a fairy, their realm was higher than Yun Lie, their true essence was more powerful, and they retreated as much as Yun Lie.

Xu Ziqing became more and more shocked.

He hurriedly extended his consciousness and kept looking for the source of the attack in the wind.

Suddenly, a ray of blood came from somewhere in the wind!

There was even a young voice: "Everyone be careful! It's an eighth-level wind!"

This is Li Qingyuan's reminder.

The monks were also extremely shocked.

It's actually... an eighth-level wind?

Originally Li Qingyuan said that there should only be a seventh-level wind shòu here. If the eighth-level Feng shòu is as powerful as a Mahayana cultivator, they, at most, are only those in the late stage of out-of-body, so they must be more careful. Not necessarily coming here.

But now, there is no turning back.

The eighth-level wind was very cunning. He saw that Tu Jin himself had a late stage of out-of-body, and at the same time, the sword and soul were refined, and he had a kendo realm bonus, so he would definitely be able to deal with it. Therefore, it did not alert Tu Jin at first, but made a sneak attack, wanting to kill a few other people first, and then concentrate on dealing with Tu Jin.

Fortunately, Xu Ziqing and others also had a lot of experience, and they were extremely vigilant, so they reacted quickly between the lights and flints and escaped the disaster. At the same time, Tu Jin naturally found out.

Now that Tu Jin was angry, he tightly entangled the eighth-level wind, so that he couldn't come to trouble other people for a while.

Li Qingyuan hurriedly said: "You have already picked a lot, so let's run away quickly!"

The other cultivators also knew that they were far from being an eighth-level opponent, but they nearly died before, and there was a lot of anger.

Yun Lie's eyes were cold, and when he raised his hand, a ray of light appeared.

In the blink of an eye, a giant shòu appeared in that light!

Yin Xiu and Xun Liang couldn't help but say out loud, "Puppet giant shòu!"

Yun Lie said: "Help Tu Jin."

The giant puppet swayed slightly, and in an instant, it appeared beside Tu Jin, and attacked the eighth-level wind with him!

At this time, Xu Ziqing also said: "Let's also go to raid for Brother Tu?"

The other monks have no objection at all.

And Li Qingyuan looked at the giant puppet in awe, in shock, and after gritted his teeth, he was going to follow.

But Xun Liang and others said: "You protect yourself by the side, I don't have to intervene in the battle."

Li Qingyuan took a deep breath and stepped aside.

He used to rush his blood for a while, and now he has understood that the methods of cultivators are different from those of spiritual cultivators. If he was easy to disrupt others in the past, it would be better not to cause trouble to others.

So there were thousands of monks, and they were divided into several directions, and the wind was surrounded by them.

Just because the wind is extremely powerful in this wind wall, if they put it into the wind wall, it will manipulate the evil wind to form the wind wall, and then it will shuttle between the wind wall and the strong wind inside the wall, then more dangerous!

On the contrary, now, they prevent Feng shòu from entering the wind wall, then Feng shòu can only come and go in the strong wind inside the wall, which is a little easier to deal with in comparison.

The monks planned well, and they each resorted to means.

Xu Ziqing first released countless long and thin grasses like silk threads, which were woven into a giant grass wall in a split second, which tightly blocked the wind wall in the direction he was guarding. The eighth-level wind was originally more capable of transforming wind than other winds, and the trace of abnormality when transforming the wind was naturally milder. But now the grass walls are all over the place, and it is not airtight. If the wind wants to enter it, there must be a breath of obstruction, and within this breath, the abnormality will inevitably become larger, and it will be easy to be caught and blocked.

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