Xu Ziqing is in the inn, but every time he cultivates for a period of time, he will always go to the Sword Spirit Pagoda to gather with his senior brothers to discuss a few sentences, or show the magical powers and techniques he has cultivated to his senior brothers. Fan.

Therefore, he knew that when the seniors were contemplating on weekdays, there were still some sword cultivators who came to discuss swords with the seniors, or asked the seniors for guidance, or learned from the seniors.

Yun Lie is dedicated to the way of swordsmanship, that is, he will not refuse to come, and he will learn about the swordsmanship and swordsmanship of various schools, and it will be beneficial to himself for a long time.

But Xu Shi has accumulated in previous years and has erupted at this time, and now he is only climbing up the tower slowly.

However, this is the case. With the speed at which he rose to four or five floors again in a few months, many sword cultivators were still amazed.

Tu Jin, Yin Xiu, and Xun Liang all had the most discussions and discussions with Yun Lie. Tu Jin was originally at the peak of the second sword and soul training, but suddenly realized that he had entered the third sword and soul training! It's just not stable enough. Occasionally, the sword intent can be displayed, and it can't work again and again. It needs a lot of practice.

At the same time, Yin Xiu and Xun Liang also made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the Second Refinement of Sword and Soul, but to go further, more accumulation was required.

However, one day, Tu Jin suddenly called everyone to the inn to discuss important matters.

The group of five did not go to the Sword Spirit Pagoda, but each came to the room where Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing were, and asked Tu Jin what he meant.

The corner of Tu Jin's mouth was slightly hooked, and he said four words: "Battle of the Storm."

Xu Ziqing was startled.

Xun Liang and Yin Xiu also suddenly said: "Time flies, so it's already this time."

Once a hundred years, the Battle of the Billboards is a battle. Anyone who has a baby can participate in the battle. If they can reach the Eight Hundred Gold List, they will become famous in the world, and they will be attached to all directions, which is very honorable. Not only the face of many young talents, but also the face of the sect.

Now there are only two or three years left in this ranking battle. If you stay here, you will miss it. If you want to participate, you need to go back to the lower realm as soon as possible, so you can prepare.

When Xu Ziqing and others thought of this, they also had their own thoughts.

Xun Liang and Yin Xiu can now be said to be loose cultivators. If they want the immortal journey to last longer, they will naturally have to make themselves famous, so that they can easily obtain resources for their continued cultivation. The battle of the list cannot be missed. And their age is almost a thousand years old. If they don’t go this time, there will be no next time—the first few times, their rankings were not good. Now that they have achieved little in kendo, they want to give it a try.

On the other hand, it was Tu Jin. He himself had already passed a thousand years, but he did not need to participate in the war. He raised this matter just to remind the younger generation.

And Xu Ziqing himself wanted to participate in the war.

... He is not for his own reputation, but the battle of the top ranks is really a grand event. After participating in the battle, he will definitely be able to meet more masters, which will be beneficial to himself. Moreover, if he and his senior brother can really get the ranking, it will also be very beneficial to the status of the Wuling lineage in the Zhoutian Xianzong.

Chapter 480 Bai Longsheng

Thinking like this, Xu Ziqing first said to Tu Jin, "Thank you Brother Tu for reminding me."

Xunliang and Yin Xiuzi also thanked them.

Tu Jin snorted coldly: "You don't have to thank me, I just want to make it clear, lest Brother Yun and Brother Xu leave with the Sword God's decree, but it will make me lose my place."

He said so, but how did everyone present not know his intentions? If it was really just for this, wouldn't Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing have a word with them before they left? It's just that he has always had a weird temperament and is tired of other people's sticky words.

Xu Ziqing and the others didn't say much and just smiled.

Afterwards, everyone will discuss how to act.

Xun Liang asked first, "Brother Xu, Brother Yun, what do you two want?"

In the end, the Sword God Order belonged to the two of them, and the two of them should be the main ones.

Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie: "Brother, what do you think?"

Yun Lie thought for a while, and said, "Leave after three days."

Xu Ziqing smiled warmly: "As senior brother said."

This pair of Taoist couples are in the same mind, and whenever one decides to make a decision, one person often makes a statement, and the other person agrees to follow, and there will be no disagreement. Therefore, this time is also normal. Yun Lie thought it would be enough in three days, but Xu Ziqing also felt that it was all right.

The two of them decided quickly, and several people there were slightly startled.

Then Xun Liangfang said, "Since that's the case, I have no opinion."

Yin Xiu thought for a while and nodded, "Me too."

At this time, who was still silent, only Tu Jin was left.

Tu Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "I still stay here to cultivate."

As soon as he said this, the rest of the people couldn't help but be a little surprised.

It should be known that the five of them came to the Realm of Nine Voids using this Sword God Token as a medium, and their breath was recorded in the Sword God Token, and they could only use the same Sword God Token when they left. As the master of the Sword God Order, only Yun Lie can manipulate this Sword God Order.

If Yun Lie brought Xun Liang and Yin Xiu down and participated in the battle of the top tier, he would not know when he would come back to the realm of the nine emptiness. If he never came, Tu Jin would have to stay in the realm of the nine emptiness. .

Even... if Yun Lie dies, I am afraid that in this life, Tu Jin will not be able to return to the lower realm.

If Tu Jin decides to stay here, it is conceivable that he will take as many risks!

Xu Ziqing looked over and asked, "Have you already thought about it, Brother Tu?"

However, Tu Jin smiled: "I have only pursued swordsmanship all my life. After staying here for just three years, I have gained more than I had in the past thousand years. How can I not be satisfied? If I am lucky

Not bad, even if you spend the rest of your life here, it's not bad. What's more..." He spoke more freely, "Even if it really fails, I am practicing hard here, and I may not be able to fly away by becoming an immortal, so what is there to be afraid of? You really don't have to think too much, but you have lost the open-mindedness of my practitioners. "

Xu is because the parting is imminent, Tu Jin used to speak erratically, but now he seems candid, and it is rare to say such many words.

The other four also laughed when they heard it.

This is indeed the truth, following nature, there may be no other way out.

This is settled, after only three days, only Tu Jin will be left here.

Suddenly, there was a movement outside.

When a few people moved in their hearts, they were all swept away by their consciousness.

Tu Jin said, "Is it the store's second?"

Xu Ziqing also said: "No, there are others."

That's right, everyone has already discovered that the shopkeeper's second person just brought another person here, and soon called the door outside.

And the one who was brought in...

Xu Ziqing couldn't help but look at his senior brother, and then at Tu Jin, with a puzzled expression.

The person who came was actually a young man in Chinese clothing who had gambled with the three of Tu Jin that day.

But at this time, he was only here alone, neither the pretty woman nor the three Nascent Soul cultivators who caused the discord between the two sides had never seen them.

It's just that the day was over, and the two sides owed nothing to each other. What did he do?

For a while, it made people a little puzzled.

However, since the youth in Huafu did not deny it at that time, this time he came alone, so he wouldn't be seeking revenge!

So Xu Ziqing didn't hesitate, waved his hand, removed the formation protecting the room, and let the people outside.

The shopkeeper's second left on his own, and the young man in Chinese clothing still looked lazy. When he walked in, he said hello to Tu Jin: "I've finally led people away, and I'm late to see you. Don't blame me." He glanced at the other monks at random, "I was too pushy before, I'm sorry."

At this time, not only Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, but also Xun Liang and Yin Xiu, who had been practicing with Tu Jin all the time, were surprised.

In this situation, it is clear that Tu Jin and the youth in Huafu are old acquaintances?

That gambling thing... but what happened?

When Tu Jin saw this person, he hummed and said, "Why, did you get rid of those three goods?"

The young man in Huafu also smiled and said: "The left and right did not take their lives, but they have already repaid their master's favor, and the retrograde of their cultivation is just their own sins. I don't blame them for giving them face. Can't suppress me!"

Tu Jin sneered and said, "Who told you to be inattentive, you owe that favor."

The young man in Huafu sighed: "In the eyes of all the people, although I don't need him to intervene, he is meddling with his own affairs and earning my favor in vain. It really makes me very unhappy. If these three disciples know things, that's all. But it was so stupid that I couldn't bear it."

The two had a few conversations, leaving others confused.

The more they heard, the more the monks felt that something was wrong.

It seems that the two of them are not only acquainted, but also united, calculated someone?

Seeing their expressions, Tu Jin smiled and pointed at the young man in Chinese clothing, and said, "This person is Bai Longsheng, the only son of the Palace Master Bailong, who has a distinguished status and is lazy. He can be regarded as an old jiāo of mine."

Everyone hesitated for a while, and then they greeted the young man in Chinese clothing first.

Then Xu Ziqing couldn't help but ask: "The thing about gambling..."

There was a hint of sarcasm on Tu Jin's lips: "This fellow is also unlucky. When a ruin was excavated, he wanted to join in the fun alone. As a result, there was an accident, and a very strong demon came out."

It is normal to encounter any kind of accident when going through a crisis, which is nothing. Bai Longsheng, as the son of the palace lord, has astonishing financial resources and abundant resources. He really couldn't deal with that monster with his own cultivation, but if he played his trump card, he would be unscathed.

Who would have known that he was stabbed horizontally.

Mansion Bailong's status is respected, and after Bai Longsheng entered the ruins, many people fawned over. Although the Hongchuan faction is considered a big faction, it is really nothing compared to the White Dragon Mansion. Therefore, the master of the three Nascent Souls, Qianshan Patriarch, was also very attentive to Bai Longsheng.

At that time, the demon shòu made a surprise attack, Qianshan Patriarch only made a small estimate, and he held a good magic weapon. He was badly injured.

Many cultivators who came to adventure together took this situation into the eyes, Bai Longsheng was so embarrassed, so he pinched his nose and recognized this favor.

Later, Bai Longsheng had to be kind to Qianshan Patriarch, and even Bailong Mansion, the Qianshan faction of the Hongchuan faction, could only take care of him a little more. It was also because of this that Bai Longsheng swept away his previous laziness and practiced hard for a period of time, raising his realm to the current level.

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