Thousands of puppets and thousands of puppets have developed the art of puppets, and every member of the sect is devoted to refining puppets.

And refining puppets is about to involve the Tao of Talismans, the Tao of Item Refining, the Tao of Refining Formation... and many small ways, which are broad and profound, and extremely difficult.

Now Xu Ziqing only picks out some obvious ones, which has already opened the eyes of the two sisters.

After Chen Nishang and sisters expressed their loyalty, Xu Ziqing said again: "You can recruit some talented monks and train your heart, and some of these methods can also be passed down. If you can be completely loyal in the future, you can also have A higher heritage of craftsmanship.”

The two sisters were even more overjoyed, and said in a row, "The maid understands!"

Now this Yangling Tower has two ways of recruiting, but after all, it takes a lot of time to be useful, and in the near future, there will be other ways to manage it.

Xu Ziqing did not embarrass the two sisters, and only said: "Ling rice, spiritual food and the like."

The eyes of the two sisters lit up.

The cultivators below the Jindan stage all need to eat, but as the cultivation level increases, the spiritual food they need is not much. Ordinary families and powers often open up spiritual fields and plant such spiritual plants, but the less powerful the power is, the more difficult it is to recruit people, and it is always more troublesome.

If the sisters can do a good job in this business, it is also a kind of income. Even if they can't gain too much from it, they can still make some profits - at least until the talisman and the simple array can enter the business, it is relatively easy.

Xu Ziqing has only been here for a while, and he has already solved a big problem for Sister Chen Nishang, and he doesn't need to worry about the rest.

But he thought about it for a while, but still asked the two sisters to lead him to the Yangling Tower to open up the spiritual field. Although it is still deserted, but...he can set up a formation here.

Under the eyes of the two sisters, Xu Ziqing's robe sleeves flicked, and several azure lights burst out and scattered in the spiritual field. After that, his fingers moved again and again, and he made countless hand tricks, and typed out countless restrictions.

Soon, a faint cyan fog appeared on the periphery of this piece of spiritual field. This was created by that formation. From then on, life gathered in this piece of land, and the spiritual plant will grow faster in this place... Plant it today. The seeds will only ripen in about a month, and some shops around should have been renovated by then, and the first batch of spiritual food will be placed.

Since then, Yangling Tower can be turned around.

Many means, the two sisters are dizzying to see.

At this time, Xu Ziqing also understood the current situation of all the forces in his body. Since he felt that the two sisters did a good job, he was not stingy. Immediately, he played another third-order spiritual vein to make a capital for the sisters, and then divided two bottles of elixir to promote the true essence, and told them to accept it.

Then he said, "Even though the two of you are doing business now, you can't let go of your cultivation. It's the right way to form a pill early."

Sister Chen Nishang heard that, besides joy, she was more respectful, all bowed their heads and said, "Yes, master."

Chapter 485

The reward that should be rewarded, and the one that should be pointed has not fallen. Xu Ziqing hesitated again and again, and did not take out the flower in the end.

Let's say that after the gambling battle that day, five of them won, and the more than 8,000 wild wind flowers they got were evenly divided. Among them, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie won a total of more than 3,000, which is quite a harvest.

This kind of wind flower grows in a place with abundant wind, and has a miraculous effect on refining magic weapons. In many worlds where monks live, it is actually extremely difficult to obtain. Even if you find a windy place, it is often not easy to get a few flowers. These more than three thousand flowers, if they are managed in this lower realm, will be a lot of wealth - however, with the power woven by the two sisters today, But not enough to operate. Moreover, the two of them are not high-leveled, and getting too precious things will lead to disasters, so it is best for Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie to keep them.

At this time, everything has been dealt with, and Xu Ziqing did not stay much, so he said goodbye to the two sisters. After going out, he immediately turned into an escape light and went to the Wuling Mountains.

At this time, Yun Lie was still in seclusion in the secret room of Dòng mansion.

Yun Lie entered the secret room and sat down directly with his knees crossed.

His expression remained unmoved, the black-gold light between his eyebrows flickered, and the sword domain rose into the sky behind him, hovering steadily above his head.

The wall of the sword domain gradually became more solid.

Yes, if it was only close to the substance in the past, now, it has completely turned into the substance.

In the dantian, the black-gold Nascent Soul had clear brows and eyes, a solemn expression, and an ice-cold aura, just like Yun Lie.

From time to time, it opened a small mouth and spit out a mass of black gold gas, which was continuously sent into the Sword Territory, and once it reached the Sword Territory, it immediately turned into smoke and dust, and was involved in the upside-down galaxy.

The galaxy spun up.

The black-gold giant sword vibrated continuously in the vortex, and every time it vibrated, it absorbed a trace of starlight.

At the same time, in the Sword Domain, countless sharp swords that rose to the sky and transformed into sword intents also burst out many streams of light. Those streamers are the pure murderous aura emanating from every sword intent, and they are also entangled in the vortex. , gathered within that great sword.

Suddenly, the giant sword shook!

Immediately, a long black and gold dragon shook its head and swayed its tail, revealing a ferocious and mighty domineering image!

——The sword turned into a dragon, this is a benefit that Yun Lie got after meeting with Xu Ziqing Yuanshen.

Xu Ziqing has legendary exercises, and "Wanmu Hualong Jue" is one of them. This dharma can transform ten thousand trees into dragons. If one does not practice this "Ten Thousand Trees Seeds of the Heart Dafa", they will naturally not be able to learn it.

But Yun Lie is different.

He and Xu Ziqing have a deep friendship, and they have nothing to hide from each other. The two of them are also dual cultivators who are eternal companions. They can learn from each other what is beneficial to their own bodies. Not only Xu Ziqing has gained a lot, but Yun Lie has also gained a lot. When the realm between them gets closer, the more they gain from each other.

With the help of the millions of sword intents in Yun Lie's body, Xu Ziqing can trigger the sword-shaped wood in Xiao Qiankun. Yun Lie also got a little secret of Wanmu Hualong when he was happy with him. At the moment when his affection melted, the black gold giant sword couldn't help but fall in love. , also incarnated as a giant dragon, and wanted to quarrel with the green dragon of wood.

Up to now, within the Sword Domain, Yun Lie can already turn the giant sword into a dragon on his own, but he still can't release it outside the body to carry out more powerful attacks - but once he can really do it, the sharpness of the black-gold giant dragon will become more powerful. It is unstoppable!

Now, the giant dragon seems to dislike the slowness of many murderous auras, opening its huge mouth and sucking in more light!

At the same time, the black gold Yuanying in Yunjie's dantian continued to spit out more air masses.

After about a few hours, the giant dragon sucked a little, and then it opened its eyes and opened its mouth again!

In an instant, an invisible force spewed out of its mouth, exploded in the air in an instant, and landed on every sharp sword!

This is the feeding back of killing intent. The giant dragon absorbs the killing energy from countless different sword intents, digests it as his own, transforms himself, and then spit out his strong killing intent to nourish those sword intents.

Repeating this over and over again, all the sword intents can be filled with the murderous aura that belongs to Yun Lie... These sword intents, originally obtained from the sword-shaped wood, used to live in the sword domain, but they are not actually affected by Yun Lie. Lie manipulated them, but what if they were controlled by Yun Lie?

It is conceivable that at that time, Yun Lie will gain so much power!

This is not impossible.

Maybe this is not possible for other swordsmen, but for Yun Lie, it is a water mill.

Just because he practiced kendo, it was the ruthless killing kendo.

This kind of swordsmanship is so difficult to practice, and it may even be hopeless for a lifetime. If it is cultivated, how can it be no good?

As its name says, swordsmanship is ruthless, and the sword-wielder is ruthless with a little bit of sentience, and is based on killing.

The sword is the weapon of slaughter, no matter what kind of kendo it is, it cannot be separated from the word "kill".

And the ruthless killing kendo, it has only one word "kill".

Therefore, Yun Lie can use the murderous aura of a million sword intents for his own use, and he can also use his own murderous aura to eliminate the murderous aura of other sword cultivators, or even replace their murderous aura.

In the end, although Yun Lie didn't comprehend any of the millions of sword intents, he could use the power in those sword intents, or one day, he didn't need to comprehend at all, the true meanings of those sword intents would come naturally. Earth, absorbed by him!

At that time, Yun Lie would be better than any sword cultivator.

But now, all Yun Lie needs is to insist on manipulating those sword intents.

He even more carefully tempered the sword soul - otherwise, when millions of sword intentions are attached, there will be countless conscious attacks. If the sword soul is not stable enough, it will eventually be smashed into pieces!

Of course, that's the last level...

Just when the black-gold dragon was busy manipulating millions of sword intents, Yun Lie moved again.

He opened his eyes and pointed out a green bottle with a hundred first-grade Feng Yuandan in it.

Then the bottle stopper jumped up automatically, and the medicinal pill in it jumped up suddenly as if it couldn't control itself! In an instant, the rounded 100 pills were suspended in front of them, and suddenly, like marbles, they collided suddenly and turned into a cloud of powder!

Those powders quickly gathered together to form a fist-sized mass, and then stretched again, just like a small snake, rushing over very quickly, and was being swallowed by Yun Lie's mouth.

This is to eat all one hundred first-grade Feng Yuandan.

Yun Lie is now an immortal and demon body, very strong, not only difficult to hurt, but if he is seriously injured, he can heal quickly, which was originally a great benefit. But no matter how good the body of the fairy is, Yun Lie's sword soul enters the realm faster - you need to know that the sword soul is sharp and unparalleled. To burst along the body, there are extremely high requirements for the meridians and Dharma bodies.

When ordinary swordsmen can reach the Five Refinements of Sword and Soul, their cultivations are often above the realm of being out of one's body. And Yun Lie is only in the late Nascent Soul now. If it weren't for the body of the fairy and the devil, he couldn't exert the sword intent of the five refinements of the sword soul.

Now that there is Feng Yuandan, it can increase the qiáng of the body, and the body of the fairy is more able to absorb the effect of Fengyuandan than the ordinary body, so this kind of medicine is really clever.

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