These monks have high self-esteem. Seeing that a young monk like Xu Ziqing can make a fortune, how can they shrink back?

Since he is also scrambling to try it out.

At this time, Xu Ziqing entered the third stage.

The magic eye became bigger, and the power of consciousness released was three times that of the second level!

——That is to say, since the breakthrough, the power of this consciousness has increased by nine times!

The power of consciousness that is being forced by now is like a rising tide, setting off a continuous roar, and each wave is like a hundred-zhang peak, roaring endlessly! It was like a giant rock, coming from a distance, as if it was going to smash people into patties, and it was extremely powerful.

The power of Xu Ziqing's consciousness formed a hood-like thing around him. No matter how cháoxi rolled, I would stay still and not be affected in the slightest - in fact, the current power really couldn't help him.

In this third level, compared with the difficulty of the first two levels, the difference is huge.

Moreover, the power of consciousness released by this magic eye did not come in a sudden attack, but it took a long time for a stick of incense to dissipate suddenly!

He passed again!

After the golden light passed, a bottle appeared in Xu Ziqing's palm. He glanced at it. It was a wood elixir. It was not very useful to him, but to other monks, it was very good for healing. drug.

He turned his wrist and immediately put it into the storage ring, ready to meet the fourth level.

In the fourth level, the power of consciousness produced a qualitative change.

In the previous level, this power was condensed like water, but now, although there is still plastic flexibility, it seems to have a sense of hardness.

Naturally, the pressure brought on by it is also even greater.

At the moment when the power of consciousness came, Xu Ziqing felt as if there was an iron rod that was about to stab into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Life and life, brought a dull pain!

His expression became solemn, the blue light in his eyes flashed, and the power of his own consciousness had gathered, attacking the iron rod!

It was as if there were silent swords and soldiers, and in just one breath, the hard feeling that invaded the sea of ​​​​knowledge was expelled, but then, there were countless iron rods, one after another, continuously, smashing over.

The moment each iron rod was struck, it was immediately broken and destroyed by another force.

Xu Ziqing sat still, his consciousness was extremely agile, and he didn't take these "iron rods" to heart.

After insisting on a stick of incense again, this fourth level was also passed.

He entered the fifth level.

At this time, the people watching outside were a little shaken.

If Xu Ziqing was able to pass the three levels, it was nothing to them, but even passing the fourth level would be surprising.

——The four sword cultivators in the past all failed to pass the level. Why does a cultivator of the wood genus appear to have more power of consciousness than those sword cultivators?

It would be fine if Xu Ziqing's own cultivation was already going out of the body, but he clearly was only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

What's more, the monks watching from the outside found that Xu Ziqing's expression was calm, and there was no difficulty in it. It can be seen that this is still far from his bottom line... How can they not feel strange?

Naturally, they didn't know that Xu Ziqing's primordial spirit, even if it was only the primordial spirit of a wooden monk, was already different from that of ordinary monks.

Xu Ziqing's Primordial Spirit, long ago, was constantly polished by Yun Lie's sword soul... When the two of them were deeply in love, they would always use Primordial Spirit during double cultivation. In addition to comfort, Xu Ziqing's Primordial Spirit's qiáng had long been saved. Extraordinary.

Chapter 493: Twelve Levels

In addition, there is a bloodthirsty demon vine Rongjin who is the tree of life. He is naturally fierce and suffocating. When hiding in Xu Ziqing's body, he will attack his sanity at all times. The more Rong Jin grew and matured, the more he swallowed, the more vicious he became, and the heavier his suffocation became. Later, when he moved into the small universe, it covered a whole world and became even more terrifying. Devour... After many years, Xu Ziqing and Rong Jin have been companions. Even if there is bitter bamboo to help, it is only a support, and more of it is a will to hone.

——He can always stay awake, and he has made great progress in the power of consciousness.

Moreover, Xu Ziqing practiced "The Great Law of Seeding the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees", which transformed ten thousand trees for his own use. Although the rest of the plants and trees were not as conscious as Rong Jin's, they also had countless thoughts, all of which were turned into fragments, which also sharpened him. When he used the Ten Thousand Woods Spiritual Transformation Art, he divided many plants and trees, so that they could move according to his thoughts, and the control of the power of consciousness was also indispensable.

In this way, it can be seen that his power of consciousness is indeed not weak, and it is nothing to those sword cultivators who have not yet condensed their sword souls.

At this time, Yin Xiu and Xun Liang, the sword spirits wrapped around their bodies were even bigger, and they were already protecting half of their bodies.

The magic eye in front was half a day high, and the blood inside was dense, making it horrifying to see.

They have just passed the sixth level and are receiving the reward of this second round.

What came from outside the sky were two treasured swords. The treasured light was flowing, very moving, and it looked like a middle-grade treasure!

Xun Liang and Yin Xiu were both monks in the Spirit Transformation stage, and it was enough to use the middle-grade treasures, and now that they had reached the second level of the sword soul, they originally needed to have better magic weapons in hand. Although the two of them each got a sword after joining the White Dragon Mansion, there is still a gap compared to the two swords in their hands now - as expected, Duobaolou Yi

Get started, and you will know that it is extraordinary.

The two immediately entered the seventh level again.

Xu Ziqing's side has also been supporting for some time in the fifth level.

Outside the crowd, they only saw that in these few pictures, Yin Xiu and Xun Liang's bodies were tense, and it seemed that the endless surge of consciousness had already caused some impact on them.

This is not surprising, the seventh level is naturally a great improvement again compared to the sixth level.

At the same time, Xu Ziqing's body was covered with a very pale azure light, and an invisible force entwined around him was also driving away the invading force for him.

Now the "iron sticks" that are hitting again are different from the one-by-one beating in the previous level, and have turned into simultaneous blows from all directions, as if it was a bào torrential rain, making it difficult for people to breathe.

That kind of dull pain is endless, and the roar in the ears is constantly... If it is an ordinary monk, what kind of torment should it be?

However, the power of Xu Ziqing's consciousness revolved, and they revolved faster and faster, continuing to strangle, causing his pain to disappear suddenly.

The blue light around him was still very stable.

Not to the limit, he can still do it with ease.

Another stick of incense, the fifth level is over.

In the sixth level, it seemed like countless iron cones were stabbed down from the heavenly spirit, and it was like countless fine needles of cattle hair, impermeable into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Xu Ziqing let the power of consciousness rotate like a spiral, Like a tornado, it shattered them all.

At this time, he got a piece of wood pith that was 100,000 years old.

Although this thing does not have endless vitality and infinite wonderful uses like Yimu, it can only be nurtured in the spirit wood that has survived for 100,000 years. It is also full of pure wood energy, which is used to refine medicine pills and improve cultivation. Treasures of heaven and earth are very rare.

When he got this thing, the monks in the picture outside saw it and were stunned.

Next, is the seventh level.

The magic eye doubled the power of consciousness, which lasted for a tea time, but Xu Ziqing still couldn't do it.

In the eighth level, the power of consciousness is like the wind, overwhelming the sky and covering the whole person.

Xu Ziqing stood there, as if a giant tree had taken root and remained motionless.

At the ninth level, he finally spread the power of consciousness all over the body surface, forming countless small spirals, not letting go of the power of consciousness that came from the air, so that they could not find the slightest gap.

Still the same, we have to stick to a cup of tea.

At the other end, Yin Xiu and Xun Liang both held on to the tenth level at the same time.

In the ninth level, they got the elixir that can increase the power of consciousness, which is also a great harvest.

But in this next level, the two of them protected their bodies with their sword souls, and their expressions finally changed!

At this moment, Xun Liang's face twitched, and his rock-like solid body seemed to be like a rock that was on the verge of its limit. If he took a little more pressure, it would collapse immediately. He was still holding on, but the big beads of sweat were already rolling down.

At Yin Xiu's forehead, the muscles were throbbing, his back was wet with sweat, and his back was like a long bow, as if it had been subjected to extreme force and was about to bend. He must have felt severe pain, such pain even made his eyes a little slack.

Obviously, these two sword cultivators in the second sword and soul refinement will not be able to hold on anymore.

But at the same time, the monks who watched the breakthrough showed some admiration to them.

Now at least one or two hundred people have passed the level, but the number of people who have actually passed the ninth level is less than one palm.

How difficult is it for these two people to hold on to the tenth level, and how eye-catching is it?

Bai Longsheng is now a sword cultivator of Sword Soul Three Refinement. He watched Yinxiu and Xun Liang's breakthrough, and he also speculated about where he could reach. It's a pity that he couldn't go, which is really a pity.

But obviously, the two new guests he received were unable to go any further.

Sure enough, in the next instant, Yin Xiu was the first to be ejected. After he stood firm, he immediately sat cross-legged, took out the medicinal herbs, took some medicine, and adjusted his breath. But he was also ejected, but no one made fun of him, but many people admired him.

After a few more breaths, Xun Liang was also ejected. He persisted a little longer, but in fact, he didn't need to practice much, and he also adjusted his breath.

Now, among the monks at the White Dragon Mansion, only Xu Ziqing is left.

Bai Longsheng looked at the monk in Tsing Yi in the picture and then looked at Yun Lie again.

Yun Lie was still the same as before, his eyes were fixed on one person, and he never moved away from the beginning to the end. And his expression did not change, as if he was not worried about his Taoist companion at all.

Is it because of his nature, or is he extremely confident in his Taoist companion?

Can't be seen.

When Bai Longsheng looked back at Xu Ziqing, his eyes were a little complicated.

He had long known that this person had extremely high potential, but he never thought that in terms of the power of consciousness, he could do such a thing.

In that case, Xu Ziqing, he broke the ninth level again.

What he got this time was a piece of strange wood with precious light flowing. Although it only had a branch, but after a little observation, it was known that the tree was as long as one million years old. There is a wonderful magic.

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