However, there are countless monks vying to break through the level, and these attention did not stay for long.

Yin Xiu and Xun Liang had some respect for Xu Ziqing because of this. They reached the tenth level, and they naturally understood how difficult it was after that. Xu Ziqing's ability to persevere to the last level means that his power of consciousness is more in Sword Soul II. On top of the sword cultivation.

In the past, the two of them admired Yun Lie's kendo realm at such a young age, but they didn't know much about Xu Ziqing.

On the other side, Bai Longsheng and his subordinates also looked at Xu Ziqing more highly.

After thinking for a while, Bai Longsheng looked at Yun Lie and asked with a smile, "Brother Yun, won't you try it?"

He himself is naturally more powerful than Yin Xiu and Xun Liang's consciousness, but he doesn't know how to compare with Xu Ziqing. If Yun Lie also tried it once, he can calculate it again.

When Xu Ziqing heard the words, he also looked at his senior brother.

He does know that senior brother must be able to break through...

Yun Lie raised his eyes slightly: "You can give it a try."

Bai Longsheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "Brother Yun, please."

Yun Lie didn't say much. With a flick of his figure, he appeared in front of the old man in huáng clothes: "Go and check the magic eye."

Seeing his appearance, the old man in huáng looked at him for a while, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He smiled and said, "Go!" Then he flicked his sleeves and sent the person in.

The next moment, Yun Lie also appeared under the devil's eyes.

Previously, because of Xu Ziqing's move, and Yin Xiu and Xun Liang entering the ten stages together, the Bailong Mansion and his party really took the limelight. Now that there are more people going there, it naturally attracts many more people to watch.

Especially those who have a heart and have noticed that the white-clothed swordsman and the blue-clothed cultivator get along very closely, and they are more and more interested.

And in that picture, after the power of the magic eye consciousness swept through, the first level has been broken. Immediately afterwards, the second and third levels seemed to take no effort at all.

After Yun Lie got a reward, he immediately entered the fourth level.

There is a fifth level, a sixth level, one after another to pass through, and then get a reward.

Seventh, eighth, ninth...

Tenth, eleventh...

He is like a sharp sword, pointing straight at the queen of the sky, but he is unable to stop him!

At the twelfth level, Yun Lie was still sitting under the devil's eyes, his expression was still, and there was only a wisp of black and gold sword intent circling around his body, like a wisp of smoke, seemingly invisible, inconspicuous, but everything. The power of consciousness has been cut off.

...It's like, an understatement.

Until Yun Lie passed another twelve levels and got the final reward, the people outside finally came back to their senses.

Previously, the one in Tsing Yi passed the twelfth level and exhausted all his strength, but this one seems to have only walked there once, and when he came back, he didn't even mess up his clothes?

When Yun Lie appeared outside the big formation again, many monks looked at him with a strange feeling in their eyes.

It was too easy, too easy.

But at the same time, there were several extremely sharp sights that swept across Yun Lie.

Xu Ziqing pays attention to his senior brother from time to time, and he is immediately aware of it.

He keenly looked at those lines of sight, and found a few extremely obscure and extremely powerful forces hidden in the bodies of several fierce young monks. Each of them is more powerful than all the passers-by he has seen just now, several times more powerful or even... unpredictable!

Those people are the formidable enemies of Senior Brother, as well as his formidable enemies.

Moreover, I am afraid that it is only now that they have seen the senior brother in their eyes.

But he himself... Maybe his cultivation base is still insufficient, maybe because of other reasons, he has not been taken seriously by them.

But once they meet, senior brother will never back down, and he will never lose the face of him and senior brother!

Yun Lie didn't come back, just as Bai Longsheng and Xu Ziqing thought, the power of consciousness is no longer a level and a test for the sword cultivator who has already refined the soul of the sword. After all, this is a good channel for Duobaolou to communicate with potential fighters on the list. Even the twelfth level, it will not be so big that it has to be a tribulation stage monk or a Sanxian almighty to break it. And Yun Lie's power of consciousness, in the way of swordsmanship, is not much worse than the ordinary power, this magic eye impact is of course useless to him.

What he wants to break through now is to break through the level purely with swordsmanship.

Chapter 495

The old man in huáng clothes sent Yun Lie into the swordsmanship gate. It was an empty land, and there were only many water clouds floating in front of it, forming a wonderful beauty. Other than that, nothing else.

Yun Lie stood in the picture and shadow, and those water clouds suddenly changed.

They quickly gathered together to form a water mass the size of a wheel, and then quickly stretched to form a real figure.

These figures have unfamiliar faces, but their demeanor and behavior are the same as real people.

Xu Ziqing thought to himself: Could it be that this is also a formation?

But he immediately thought that he once had the inheritance of thousands of puppets, and there were countless human-shaped puppets, but no matter how real these human-shaped puppets were, they were not as subtle and vivid as the people who were transformed by these water balls.

So what's going on here?

In the picture, the figure nodded to Yun Lie, raised his sword and stabbed!

Yun Lie's wrist turned over, the black gold long sword was held in his hand, and he also attacked.

The sound of swords colliding, clanging.

Bai Longsheng seemed to be interested in answering Xu Ziqing's questions, so he said, "This is a guest in the Duobao Building, all of them are masters of swordsmanship. They were peculiarly drawn by the great power and put them into this great formation to fight swords with others. Neither of them can move their true essence, nor can they use sword intent, they can only use swordsmanship to compete with people."

Xu Ziqing suddenly said: "So that's the case, thank you Brother Bailong for your guidance."

Thinking about it a little, it is not surprising that such magical powers were deliberately used in order to avoid any damage to the cultivators, to affect their subsequent performance in the battle of the rankings, and to not damage the power in the building.

After that, everyone concentrated on watching Yun Lie swordsmanship.

Many people have doubts in their hearts. They have seen that the power of consciousness of the white-clothed swordsman is extremely powerful. It can be seen that the sword soul has been tempered to a very deep level, but they do not know what his accomplishments in swordsmanship are? But since there is such a high level of kendo, the swordsmanship will definitely not be inferior!

Bai Longsheng is full of confidence in Yun Lie.

In the Realm of Nine Voids, under the Sword Spirit Pagoda and in front of the Sword Shadow Wall, Yun Lie created his own sword move. I'm afraid it's just a discussion, and I can't help him.

Xu Ziqing has been with his senior brother for many years, and naturally he understands it better. He also knows that his senior brother not only has only one sword move created, but also the second one is also extremely powerful. Now it is just an experience, and there is no reason for defeat.

Sure enough, Yun Lie defeated the sword cultivator in the first level with one sword, and in the second level and the third level, he only needed one sword.

If it weren't for the middle, he would be rewarded, I'm afraid he wouldn't stop for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Lie passed through the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels with only one sword, and the seventh and eighth levels were no exception. Until the ninth level, he finally calculated three swords, and the tenth level used After five swords, the eleventh pass changed his movement, and he moved against Banzhuxiang. At the twelfth pass, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and the long sword in his hand flew over the sword shadow, which was exactly the tenth of his first sword move. The three variants, precisely the thirteen swords, passed the test smoothly.

Many sword cultivators who were watching the battle all thought: If I go through the barrier, how much can I pass? If I play against this person, how many rounds can I take? What kind of swordsmanship is the last move, so powerful, if it is aimed at me, I may resist?

Lots of thoughts, one after another.

Naturally, there are also some sword cultivators with bright eyes, happy to see the hunter.

Sword cultivator, bloodthirsty and belligerent, seeing such brilliant swordsmanship now, I can only hope to fight against him in the battle of the rankings, and also gain a lot of knowledge and improve my swordsmanship. As for jealousy and envy, there are also people who have this idea, but they often suppress it when their minds move slightly, and turn to recollection of what they have just seen.

At this moment, Yun Lie was in the limelight. The old man in huáng clothes had also valued him before, but at this moment, his eyes were even more strange, but he didn't know what he was thinking, and he never took the initiative to say anything.

Then, Yun Lie turned back to Xu Ziqing, but there was no joy.

Xu Ziqing asked in a low voice, "Brother, how is it?"

Yun Lie knew what he meant and said, "Although there are some swordsmanships that I have never seen before, they are basically the same, and they are of little use to me."

Xu Ziqing sighed and said, "Now that all the masters are not out yet, when it's time for the battle, I'm sure there will be something to gain."

Yun Lie nodded slightly and said no more.

Bai Longsheng listened to the conversation between the two, and he knew it too.

He is also a person who often works hard in the Sword Spirit Pagoda, breaking through dozens of floors, constantly using himself as an opponent, and constantly being surrounded by several people to fight. He has long been accustomed to such intensive moves. The qiáng is big and the swordsmanship is also very good, but for them, it really can't pose any threat - when Yun Lie fought, he also saw the swordsmanship of every gatekeeper, but even he himself, passed through Twelve levels are also easy to do, I am afraid that only the eleventh and twelfth levels will fight for a while, not to mention that Yun Lie has already surpassed him in swordsmanship, and there is no exception...

Also as Xu Ziqing said, many masters rely on their own identity, and will not be the first to break through. But seeing that Yun Lie had such brilliance, Xu Ziqing even grabbed the title of being the first to pass the 12 levels, and they would never let the two of them specialize in beauty.

When it was, a few more figures flew out. These young monks with different expressions brought a sense of threat far more than those who just passed the level... The masters who are really expected to make a name for themselves in the ranking battle. We, finally willing to show up.

Not long after, several heroes passed through their twelve levels one after another, all of which didn't take much time, and when they came out, their clothes were neat and their hair was neatly tied. láng awkward state.

After they passed through the barrier, someone suddenly glanced at Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing, and then turned back to their companions.

Xu Ziqing's brows moved slightly, and then he glanced at the brother who had never moved like a mountain, smiled gently, and said nothing.

Under a thousand years old, above Nascent Soul... Such an age, such a cultivation base, such a genius.

On the way of cultivating immortals, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was young and vigorous.

Regardless of whether they have reached this point by virtue of their own strength, or the monks who have achieved success by virtue of the cultivation of their families and sects, they always have one thing in common - talent.

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