Finally, the blue light flashed between his eyebrows, and the small universe above his head was looming, and he immersed his mind in the secret technique.

In an instant, many things appeared in front of Xu Ziqing.

There are two spiritual meridians of the first order, circling endlessly; there is the jīng of Jiamu, which turns into crystal beads and jumps; some medicinal herbs shatter and turn into a glow; stand up.

In a short while, these things come together and all rush straight into the small universe!

At this moment, countless pure power poured into the body, Xu Ziqing only felt a roar in the small universe, the first level had been opened, he broke through and directly entered the late Nascent Soul!

At the same moment, the Azure Dragon of Wood roared and rolled, and shuttled up and down in the Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish. Thousands of trees on the ground turned into dragons, breathing wood energy. In the two first-order spiritual veins, the spiritual stones were all shattered, turned into pure spiritual energy, and formed again. Pure woodiness!

The bloodthirsty demon vine Rong Jin's countless vines are like messy hair, "crack" in the air, the blood-colored evil energy forms a thick fog, wraps it almost completely, and absorbs the masculinity of the surrounding wood many times, forming Yin Yang balance.

Gradually, the power of the secondary wood was insufficient, and a group of armored wood flew towards him, entangled with the mist for a moment.

The blood mist is purified, the sky and the earth are clear, and countless wood qi fills it...

Nascent Soul in Xu Ziqing's dantian also opened his mouth and swallowed hard.

Countless wood qi poured down from the small universe, making this blue-colored Nascent Soul grow slowly and visibly with the naked eye. After reaching a limit, it slowly shrinks and becomes more solid, and then swallows it again and grows again. It shrinks again, and it solidifies again.

After repeating like this, the shape of the Nascent Soul is also clearer, the eyes, ears, mouth and nose are incomparably fine-tuned, and the power contained in the middle is even more powerful.

After many rounds, Nascent Soul clearly reached the limit, and suddenly there was a phantom of Nascent Soul that appeared in the realm of ten thousand trees.

At the same time, the blue-colored Nascent Soul spit out a jīng pure air mass, which kept submerging into the phantom, gradually becoming clearer, and then the wooden blue dragon screamed in pain, split into two, and plunged into the phantom Nascent Soul!

It was the same as when Yun Lie was cultivating in the past, Void Shadow Primordial Soul did not enter the Purple Mansion, and hid with the half of his Primordial Spirit.

At this time, Xu Ziqing also showed pain on his face, and blasted the barrier of breakthrough in one fell swoop——

He also became a god.

By this time, in the Realm of Ten Thousand Woods, everything had slowed down and was no longer as crazy as before.

It's just that Wanmu, who has turned into a dragon below, is a little sluggish, and the Taiji yīn yang fish and the wood dragon in the air are also flickering, and it seems that the realm is not very stable.

At this moment, Xu Ziqing endured the pain and kept urging Nascent Soul to consolidate his strength.

Suddenly, someone put their palms on his back, and the surging power came very quickly... The black-gold Nascent Soul suddenly jumped into Xu Ziqing's dantian, and the four small palms of the blue Nascent Soul were tightly attached.

In an instant, a very comfortable feeling melted away the endless pain, making Xu Ziqing's expression gentle and calm.

Chapter 511

Two different forces are constantly communicating, flowing, and rotating between the two Nascent Souls. The cyan Nascent Soul, which was originally somewhat unstable, was comforted by the Black Gold Nascent Soul, no longer trembling like that, but quickly. Stable, clear and solid.

At the same time, in the realm of ten thousand trees, there is also a surging power surging in, and a long black gold dragon suddenly rushed out, entwining the body of the green dragon of wood, connecting its head and tail, and the power changed, and the green dragon of wood was at this moment. Vibrate, and spit out countless wood energy again, which made all the dragon-turning wood below become radiant, and after a while, it turned into ten thousand wood again.

Xu Ziqing held her breath and focused her energy carefully, stabilizing her current state.

Perhaps it was because of his strong accumulation in the past, or because he had a peaceful mind and had a long understanding, so under the Ten Thousand Trees Shuiling Spirit Dafa, he first advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage, and then he advanced to the early stage of spiritual transformation!

By this time, his realm was already the same as that of his senior brother!

However, this is not without its dangers.

At this moment, Xu Ziqing was bursting with vigor. With a strong will, he broke through again and again, but he had to stabilize as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only would he not be able to fight against others, but it would be easy for him to fall down.

If it is only on his own, I am afraid it will take more time, but after all, he has two cultivators by his side, who used to be lingering day and night, water rǔjiāo, regardless of each other. Therefore, his Dao Companion poured in the power in time, making up for the power he needed, and completely stabilized the state that was still swinging.

This is the advantage of dual cultivation—the true dual cultivation is, of course, the best combination of the two, but it is not always necessary to connect the body and mind when practicing the exercises on weekdays. Now Yun Lie only uses Yuan Ying to protect Xu Ziqing's Yuan Ying, and then sends the sword soul into the realm of ten thousand trees, which is naturally a very pleasant double cultivation.

One helps the other to consolidate their strength, and the one who just broke through is sending a mysterious energy to the other party...

It is beneficial to each other.

After a long time, the black gold Yuanying returned to Yun Lie's body, and the black gold long dragon also let out a long whistle, let go of the wooden blue dragon, and rushed back.

Then, Xu Ziqing opened his eyes.

At this time, his aura rose sharply, and the blue light in his eyes was purer. If you look closely, there is infinite vitality in one eye, and there is endless silence in one eye, the meaning of life and death, but as long as someone looks at him, it seems To be immediately stunned, in between life and death, turn into a piece of rotten wood.

Gradually, the blue light finally subsided.

Xu Ziqing sighed for a long time, and a cyan rainbow spewed out, hitting a boulder next to it, turning it into a handful of powder.

When he looked up at Yun Lie again, his eyes were already black and white, but it was clearer and gentler than before.

"Thank you brother for helping me."

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved: "Between you and me, there is no need for this."

At this time, Xu Ziqing was already a stable spiritual cultivator.

At the top of the Eight Hundred Gold List, he finally had the power to compete.

In addition to the eighty-one days when the spirit was poured, it took another day to stabilize the realm, and when you factored in the previous journey and other situations, before you knew it, March had passed, and just tomorrow, it was time for the battle.

The surrounding peaks were filled with geniuses from all over the world as early as when they were in retreat, and Bai Longsheng of the White Dragon Mansion, along with his disciples and subordinates, also occupied a peak that was closer to the valley. It's just that the top of the peak is not very close to where Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie are, and it's only after they woke up that they saw a ray of divine sense transmission, and only then did they know the traces of Bai Longsheng and others.

Xu Ziqing calmly realized the realm he had just broken through, and then rehearsed all the many supernatural powers and techniques from the past, and his cultivation base has greatly increased. Many different techniques have also been derived from the legendary practice "Wanmu Seed Heart Dafa". , told him to think carefully, choose some of them, and figure it out repeatedly to increase his strength.

Slowly, the night passed, the sky was bright, Zixia was born, and many peaks in the entire mountain range woke up at this moment.

Countless auras gradually climbed up between these vast mountain peaks.

It is qiáng that is extremely powerful, and it is also extremely huge!

The day of the battle is here!

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also opened their eyes and looked at the sky at the same time.

There, at this moment, the endless void was locked by many surging powers, so that the monks from all directions were settled in this field - every monk felt a power that was countless times greater than his own. , firmly suppress themselves, so that they can not act rashly.

But they were not afraid.

Probably deliberately, many towering figures disappeared in the cracks of the void, and the breath leaked was clearly different from ordinary monks.

It is a loose immortal, a lot of loose immortals from different forces and different directions!

They came to watch the battle, and they also came to judge. Under the restraint of many parties, the geniuses in the ranking battle must not be opportunistic, let alone make trouble.

However, these scattered immortals are not all people of immortality.

True Demon Dao, Evil Dao Dao, and some terrifying and ferocious flavors occasionally flashed by, although they did not target anyone, they also made many monks in Immortal Dao feel terrified. But for people in the magic way, why not tremble because they are surrounded by immortals?

This ranking event is not only for the examination of the school, but also for the display.

It has no deliberate rules, and no deliberate hosting, but the participants... no matter if they live or die!

In an instant, the void lock was completed, and all the scattered immortals were in place.

All the monks flashed the same consciousness in their minds, announcing that the battle for the list had begun.

For the first time, thousands of people compete!

Just like countless moths flying into the fire, countless monks jumped down from the surrounding peaks and landed in the vast valley in the middle.

The countless breaths of the immortal way and the devil's way rose to the sky, but they were not divided into distinct barriers, but were mixed together, or they were fighting each other.

Many magical treasures were sacrificed, and many spells were cast. In an instant, the roar was endless. In the valley, without mentioning a point, these monks were already fighting each other. At the same time, in just one face-to-face time, hundreds of cultivators flew out from different directions—in this instant, they were defeated by others and had to withdraw from the valley!

Xu Ziqing looked carefully, and he realized that on the ground, blood was already flowing and corpses were piled up.

Yes, Immortal Dao may still hold hands with each other, but once the Demon Dao makes a move, it will be ruthless and vicious, and Immortal Dao will show no mercy to that Demon Dao. Therefore, once they meet, they will never die!

Some monks were killed before they could quit on their own, and they fell completely!

Such a battle is extremely cruel.

Ten thousand people are bigger than the valleys, and within a thousand miles, they are all battlefields.

If you admit defeat, you have to flee for thousands of miles, otherwise you can't get rid of the opponent's pursuit, and you can only hate it.

It's just that no matter how dangerous, no matter how cruel, for these born geniuses, they would rather fight and fight vigorously than avoid them and retreat.

About half an hour later, in the valley, there were fewer and fewer still fighting.

Finally, when there were only a hundred people left, a surging force suppressed them and told them all to stop.

... In this first match of 10,000 people, in each match, only 100 people will continue!

Xu Ziqing could see that most of the hundred people left behind were slender, but there were also a few people who still stood firm and did not care about the battle just now. Obviously, they won this battle easily. It is the master of the masters.

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