Later, there were times when many monks couldn't really watch the battle.

But for many heroes, if they can't compete with supernatural powers, that's all, and they can't even watch the battle. Wouldn't it make them unhappy? Therefore, each of them showed their abilities and used many means, and they had to sneak in and watch them.

Soon, dozens of spiritual consciousnesses gradually entered the sand sea.

After that, there were more and more, and there were hundreds of them—the monks who came to participate in the ranking battle were really like Lin.

The cultivators saw that the huáng sand was devouring the swamp, little by little, spreading towards the strong man.

And the sandy land is getting wider and wider...

Finally, the strong man saw that the swamp in Xiao Qiankun was engulfed by others, and he finally felt fear in his heart. He suddenly shouted, and sacrificed a huge funnel-like magic weapon in his hand, as if he had the power of dragon suction, and swallowed the huge sand. stand up!

At the same time, his mind turned around, and he quickly put the intact swamp into the small universe.

Xun Liangzhi was on the sand, the sword intent was faint, and he couldn't ask anyone to take it. But the funnel is really powerful, it seems to be a kind of nemesis.

The strong man was quite uneasy. He had long known that huáng sand was powerful. Although the funnel was good, it was limited. After entering huáng sand, the sword intent collided, and it was destroyed very quickly from the inside. It's just that he endured heartache and stalemate with others in order to keep the small universe.

Xun Liang's ability is far more than Xiao Qiankun, and at this time, he naturally refuses to continue.

Immediately, his mind moved, and the sky was full of sand and rolled back.

The strong man was not as happy as he was, and he had already noticed that the surging power suddenly contracted and condensed on the opposite side!

He was suddenly startled, and the magical powers gathered together to form a circular mirror in front of him.

Sure enough, in the next instant, a powerful sword intent slashed straight at it!

The strong man was not flustered, he set up a round mirror and bravely greeted him!

The mirror has a reaction force, and all attacks can return.

Therefore, although the sword intent is powerful, once it is returned, how can it hurt people?

But the reaction force has a limit, and if it exceeds the limit, it will damage itself.

At the first fencing intention, the strong man already felt that there was not much.

The round mirror made a "humming" sound, and the sword intent suddenly rebounded!

If it is normal, this sword intent should retaliate against its master, but this time it is different, the sword intent just returned, and it flew away in mid-air.

The strong man became more and more suspicious.

And Xun Liang, cut out the second sword.

This time, the power sensed on the round mirror is even more powerful!

The sword intent was bounced back again, and the trembling sound of the round mirror became even more intense.

Xun Liang looked resolute, and said in his mouth: "The third sword of Zhenshan."

This power has increased again!

It turned out that this was Xun Liang's sword intent, and it was the shocking and overlapping, which increased heavily.

Every sword has an extra shock, and every shock will make the sword intent even more powerful!

Such a sword and a sword, layer upon layer, the sword intent is becoming more and more powerful, and all the blocking forces will be destroyed!

Xu Ziqing sighed, "Fellow Daoist Xun's sword intent is even stronger."

That's right, although Xun Liang's sword soul is not capable of second refinement, his sword intent is unique, and his senior brother Yun Jie also appreciates this kind of sword intent. When they were in the Realm of Nine Voids, the two often exchanged views and sharpened Xun Liang's sword intent.

By this time, the ending was already doomed.

Sure enough, Xun Liang below had already made eighteen swords.

The Nascent Soul, which was firmly resisting, suddenly made a crisp sound and shattered.

In this battle, Xun Liang won.

Chapter 519 The second round

After watching this scene, many cultivators were also quite satisfied, and each withdrew their consciousness and paid attention to other scenes.

Xu Ziqing was no exception. Seeing that Xun Liang was born well, he wanted to take care of the seal repair. They used to spend many times together in the realm of the nine virtual worlds, and they are not only tied up by the brothers in the Wuling Mountains, but also have a love for each other.

However, when his consciousness changed, Xu Ziqing sensed a familiar aura.

His consciousness trembled slightly: "Senior brother, that is..."

Yun Lie said, "Bai Longsheng."

Sure enough, although Xun Liang and Yin Xiu were about to participate in this battle on the Billboard, they had already become Bai Longsheng's followers. If they could get the honor of the Golden Billboard, they would also add brilliance to Bai Longsheng—and let him be like this. The position of the Young Palace Master was more secure.

Therefore, Bai Longsheng was also very concerned about these two rare sword cultivators.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie's consciousness were still in one place, and they went to Bai Longsheng's consciousness for a little test.

That side also recognized it and immediately contacted: "Fellow Daoist Xu, fellow Daoist Yun."

Xu Ziqing smiled: "The eldest son has accepted a good client. Brother Xun is very powerful, and he will definitely win the honor."

Bai Longsheng's spiritual sense is very smart, but also mellow, so he sent a voice transmission: "The ability of the two is even more unusual... Especially Brother Xu who has made breakthroughs in succession, it is a rare talent in the world, and I really admire it."

The two sides exchanged a few words, each with a bit of sincerity.

When Bai Longsheng led many of his subordinate disciples to this place, he noticed Yun Lie's sword intent from a distance, and when he looked down, he knew that the two of them were cultivating hard, as if they were about to break through some shackles. He didn't pay much attention to it at the time, he only felt that the two of them were really diligent. He didn't expect that only a few dozen days had passed, and Xu Ziqing had already become a cultivator in the Spirit Transformation Stage... In addition, he had seen him make such a move before, so he feel more and more

This man cannot be underestimated. At the same time, Bai Longsheng's perception of Xu Ziqing is also more different from before.

Xu Ziqing also admires Bai Longsheng, but they are definitely not the same people, so they are not as close as Xun Liang and others, but the impression is not bad.

However, the immortal cultivators did not have too many emotions. After saying this, the consciousness of the two parties dispersed again. This hasty meeting took less than a breath of time, and then they went to watch the battle separately.

Xu Ziqing swept his consciousness and settled on Yin Xiu.

However, it was too late for him, and when he concentrated on this time, he realized that the battle of Yinxiu had already ended. At this time, it was his dragon and tiger that was devouring the dragon and tiger of his opponent, and he was eating heartily.

It turned out that Yin Xiu was not as lucky as Xun Liang, and the only person he encountered was a Nascent Soul. How could this Falun Cultivator, which is several levels lower, compare with the Sword Cultivator of the Second Refinement of Sword Soul? Naturally, after a little battle, the opponent will be defeated.

Therefore, he fought faster than Xun Liang in this battle.

After the dragon and tiger were swallowed up, Yin Xiu seemed to notice something and threw his consciousness upward.

Immediately, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie both noticed it, and after only conveying congratulations, they also withdrew their consciousness.

The other battles gradually ended, and in this first round of battles, 5,000 people were decided.

Then, the second round of battle began.

At the time of the battle, no matter how many times a cultivator is in the battle, he can only rely on his own abilities or medicinal pills to recover his true essence. A game, even if you lose, there is nothing you can do.

Previously, it was more fashionable and better than Do Wanchang and Qianjian, and it could take a long time to recover, but the further later, the closer the interval between the games, it would be hard to predict when that happens.

This time, Xu Ziqing saw a cultivator in the middle Nascent Soul who met someone of the same realm as him.

It's a pity that the former was seriously injured in the last match, and now he has only recovered 70%, but the other party is in a state of prosperity, so it was only a stalemate for a moment.

This cultivator was originally a powerful supernatural power, at least against this opponent now, he should be able to defeat it, but he expected... only a sigh.

About a few hours later, Xu Ziqing came off again.

His opponent was a male cultivator who practiced the ice genus. He shot like electricity. In the blink of an eye, the entire field was already frozen, and the climate suddenly became cold, as if it would freeze between breaths. The true essence of it will also be stiff in the dantian and meridians.

That male cultivator was at the peak of Nascent Soul's late stage, although it was considered to be a very high threshold from Xu Ziqing, but if a cultivator of this level had great ability, he might not have a chance of winning by leaping to the early stage of God Transformation.

He is obviously very confident, and for the wood cultivator, when it is frosty and cold, it is also the time when all trees are withering.

When Xu Ziqing saw it, he sighed slightly.

Immediately, he turned his palm out, and a big blue slap suddenly descended from the sky and slapped it on the ice!

Only a few "clicks" were heard, and the place hit by the slap was actually a puddle of puddles, which quickly flowed everywhere. Every time he passed by, there was a faint blue light covering it, and there was a vague appearance of the earth returning.

The male cultivator shrugged, his expression solemn.

He immediately released a small universe behind him, and the ice and snow in it poured like a flood, instantly freezing the earth again!

However, he found that this would not work...

When he looked closely, the male cultivator discovered just now that among the white snow, there was something on the ice that did not belong to his domain, and it was drilling out from below.

The clusters seemed to be very tender, but when Xu Ziqing smiled, they quickly rose up, forming large snow-white flowers visible to the naked eye! Each of these flowers is the size of the mouth of a sea bowl, and the roots are strong and rooted under the ice.

This is exactly the ice grass seeds that Xu Ziqing once got. As long as they meet the ice, they can break out of the ground at an incredible speed, spread and grow, and the roots can reach hundreds of miles, thousands of miles or even more. many!

It is also this kind of ice grass, but it is a disaster for those who live on the ice plains and practice the ice genus...

Blossoms bloomed, the ice layer shattered, the thick glaciers melted into snow water, and then turned into torrents, rolling in and out.

Xu Ziqing's expression was calm, and he flicked his fingers together, and countless seeds burst out, turning into giant trees, and sucking up the flood, making everything into a chūn color, full of vitality and beauty.

But at the same time, the male cultivator was suffocating in his chest and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

This trick is called Bingxuechengchuan, and when combined with its small universe, the cold air is deep, and anyone who is trapped in it, even a monk of a higher level, will be affected by it.

And the cold air in it is not ordinary cold air, but Xuan Yin Zhen Qi, which is colder than the ice field, colder than the heavy snow, and can freeze the true essence, the primordial soul, and even the primordial spirit!

It's just that when the realm has not yet been achieved, Xu Ziqing has already destroyed this artistic conception with the faster-growing ice grass, which caused the magical power to backlash, causing the male cultivator to suffer internal injuries and suffer a lot.

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