This sword was silent, but it was bigger and sharper than every previous sword. It seems to be able to cut through the sky, with a sharp wind sound, where the sword will pass, there seem to be tiny black slits around it, as if the space was cut open by the remnant of this sword. Small gaps in general!

Such a sword intent must be so powerful! How terrible!

After a blast, the oncoming flying demon head, which had been penetrated by the sword intent, exploded immediately, turning into a stench of flesh and blood.

At the same time, the shocking power around the sword intent shattered all five or six heads near the flying demon head. And the sword intent is inexhaustible and unstoppable, one after another, it draws a long, black-gold sword mark, and everything that blocks the front of the sword mark turns into minced flesh and ashes!

"That sword—what was that sword?"

"It's too fast! It's too powerful!"

"This kind of sword intent has never been seen before! Earlier, I thought that this person's sword intent was already extremely powerful, but I didn't expect him to not use all his strength!"

"Yes, this sword intent, how to stop it?"

All the geniuses were horrified when they saw the might of this sword.

In many previous battles, Yun Lie also used his sword intent, but although his sword intent was powerful at that time, it was not as terrifying as this time.

Such a sword intent, not only now, but in the past, no one has ever seen a lot of monks in the world!

Therefore, although many immortal cultivators felt that Yun Lie would definitely win this game, and they were very relieved, they also secretly felt a little bit of fear in their hearts.

Even the cultivators of the Golden Ranking who had the aura of dragons and tigers behind them, and the newcomers who participated in the ranking battle for the first time but whose strength was unfathomable, all paid 100% attention to Yun Lie.

This person is a threat to them!

On the other hand, the scattered immortals of the Immortal Sect in the void only expressed their admiration, while the old monster of the Demon Sect frowned.

They have a long life span, they have seen countless sword cultivators, and they have also seen more powerful sword intents, especially Jian Laoer, who is watching the battle with them this time, is the Seven Refinements of Sword Soul... but they also know that sword cultivators are afraid In the place of people, the might of Jian Laoer's sword, even if it is a seven robbery loose immortal, he would not dare to plunder his edge.

Fortunately, this Jian Laoer is only a loose cultivator and has a good relationship with Xianmen, so he will not be strangled by all the masters of the devil.

But Yun Lie is now 300 years old and has five refining swords and souls, and the demons have murderous intentions in their hearts. Among the immortals—especially the Zhou Tianxianzong, they didn’t know it before. Now that they know, they will naturally be after the battle. To be caring.

At this time, although they didn't shake when they saw Yun Lie, they were a little surprised.

Besides, the demon cultivator who was directly killed more than a dozen flying demon heads was just shocked and angry. Why does the treasure of the evil demons that he has painstakingly refined, appear fragile in front of this sword intent?

No - he would never believe it!

When he bit the tip of his tongue, blood spurted out.

This mass of jīng blood turned into a mist of blood, which instantly shrouded the remaining flying demon heads.

Those flying devil heads glowed red, and the whole face suddenly became more terrifying, with bào eyes and elongated tongues, which had become the appearance of fierce ghosts.

Such a situation is many times more terrifying than before!

The Flying Demon Head flew extremely fast, the shadows were heavy, and it was incomparably illusory. It seemed to be reaching its limit, and it seemed to be elusive. It seemed that it wanted to make the opponent elusive, so that he could attack and kill the opponent at any time.

But no matter how fast the flying demon head is, no matter how elusive it is, it will always be unable to escape from this field.

Yun Lie's mind is hard and indestructible, even if the situation changes slightly, how can he be hindered?

He immediately raised his sword again and chopped down heavily!

One sword, two swords, three swords... more than ten swords!

Every sword has nothing else to do, with the same fierceness, the same fierceness.

Yun Lie was terribly calm, he didn't waver at all, just one sword after another, just like when he used to sharpen his sword, he used to chop 30,000 swords a day, and each sword was exactly the same, without the slightest deviation.

This time, he used the killing sword and the killing sword to move out of each other, and his gestures, postures, and movements did not change at all.

The only difference is that after each sword shot, due to the constantly changing direction of the flying demons, the number of killed demons is not much... Visible to the naked eye, there are fewer and fewer flying demons. Demon Xiu's face became more and more ugly.

But Evil Demon Xiu has no way to resort to new tricks again, because each of Yun Lie's swords is aimed at killing the flying demon heads, but each sword will eventually penetrate these flying demon heads and beheaded by Evil Demon Xiu. On the body, tell him to stand on the left and right, and fight hard to resist.

Finally, Yun Lie's eyes moved slightly.

He had already cut off the last flying demon, and at this time, it was the demon's turn!

Yun Lie's right arm trembled slightly, and the black gold long sword was raised high and swung down——

The sword light that is like a piece of training is like a meteor, and it is like a long rainbow, straight to the evil spirit!

At this time, Yun Lie just said: "The task of eliminating evil is complete."

The next moment, Evil Demon Xiu exploded his flesh and blood just like his first flying demon head!

Even Yuan Ying and Yuan Shen were unable to escape!

In such a situation, many immortals were called in a flash, and they were all shocked.

What a neat method, what a ruthless mind!

However... but also called them all together, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Get rid of evil.

No matter how arrogant the demons are, they will eventually die!

Xu Ziqing sat cross-legged on the top of the peak, looked at the figure of his senior brother standing quietly from a distance, and smiled slightly.

Sure enough... it's my brother.

Chapter 522 Conflict intensifies

Because Yun Lie shot so hard, those experts who really noticed him also resorted to many secret methods.

Afterwards, all the monks who encountered the evil way were more ruthless, and they didn't have the will to be upright. Everyone felt that if they could get rid of the evil way, it would be a bit ruthless, and they could do as much as they could.

However, the demon cultivators who can stay are almost all in the realm of transformation, and it is difficult for Yuan Ying cultivators to escape when they encounter them. But there is also a precedent for the woman who blew herself up earlier. When these cultivators saw that they might not be able to escape, they all became ruthless, and they all used their ability to press the bottom of the box.

For a time, the sound of self-destruction was heard from time to time.

At the same time, the hatred between the immortal cultivator and the demon cultivator was already extremely strong.

The battles have passed, but the immortals keep their hands a little while fighting each other. Once they win, they will not kill them all and seriously injure their opponents. With these evil demons cultivating, even if there are some discordant opponents on weekdays, they will no longer regard each other as mortal enemy.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were sitting on the top of the peak, and the spirit of dragon and tiger behind them was already as much as ten feet and two feet.

Especially Xu Ziqing, seeing his senior brother just made a move to shock all directions, unknowingly, he was also eager to fight against a demon cultivator. It's a pity that in the next round, he failed to meet the demon cultivator, but an immortal cultivator who practiced the water dharma.

This immortal cultivator is at the peak of Nascent Soul's late stage. He has a single water spirit, and the power of water is extremely powerful. When he releases Xiao Qiankun, he has the power of the raging waves of the sea. However, Xu Ziqing Wanmu's hair growth and firmly rooted, not only made this sea làng difficult to shake, but also absorbed a lot of Wanmu, so he restrained this kind of magical power.

However, this immortal cultivator is not a weak person. He was beaten to the extreme, and he actually broke through! But after all, he had just broken through, but his realm was not stable, so Xu Ziqing pointed it out, and the fingertips were born and destroyed. In order to stabilize the realm, this immortal cultivator flew out, and he gave up.

Although Xu Ziqing was delighted to see the addition of another divine transformation among the immortal cultivators, he was a little disappointed that he had never encountered a demon cultivator.

This time, Yun Lie had never encountered a demon cultivator.

Just because the further down the road, the fewer the number of evil demon cultivators, and now there are less than a hundred people left, how can they easily meet? But the hundred demons who stayed behind were naturally more powerful.

He stabbed the sky with his sword intent, and the power of the five refinements of the sword and soul burst out. Although his opponent was also powerful, he couldn't shake the power of the sword intent after several attacks, so he had to admit defeat as well.

After one round passed, the aura of dragon and tiger behind the two brothers and sisters had reached 2.4 feet.

After that, there were only a thousand or so winners left, who were carefully selected by thousands of people, the masters of the masters.

Moreover, these many masters are all monks in the Spirit Transformation stage.

Yes, it is true that monks under a thousand years old and above Nascent Soul can participate in this battle, but among the 100,000,000 people, 99% or more are Nascent Soul monks. The rest are all cultivators.

——Naturally, there are geniuses who can reach the out-of-body stage at the age of a thousand, but such a character, whose realm can overwhelm all the fighters, is already the uncrowned king, who can neither increase his strength nor increase his knowledge. What are you still coming to this battle list?

Therefore, it has long been a tacit understanding of the immortals that the monks in the out-of-body stage do not come to the ranking battle.

Besides, there are 800 cultivators on the Golden List today, unless any Nascent Soul has the ability to act against the sky and the unfathomable true essence, otherwise even if he has the ability to leapfrog the ability to defeat the gods, how can he get ahead of himself? Being challenged repeatedly?

If there really is such a Nascent Soul cultivator, it must be a peerless monster genius who has been difficult to appear in the Qianyuan Great World for millions of years. Obviously, at least in this round of the ranking battle, the only one who can enter the final battle is Hua. god.

At this time, another mysterious word appeared in Xu Ziqing's sea of ​​knowledge.

The next time—that is, the fourth round of the round, the loser will not have to be eliminated unless he dies.

From this moment on, it will be the battle of dragon and tiger Qi plundering!

After this battle, the bottom 700 players on the gold list will enter into a two-to-two match, and the winners and losers will be divided into two batches.

Immediately, the loser can challenge anyone, and the winner can only challenge any winner. Anyone who has a dragon and tiger qi behind him who is less than ten meters tall, once defeated, the dragon and tiger qi will be swallowed up by others. If the qi is more than ten feet, unless the loser dies, the winner will only have half the qi of the dragon and tiger to devour the loser.

There is no need to wait for others to challenge this time. Whenever the battle is over, you can find your opponent again and enter it. If you claim that you have enough real energy, you can even pick ten or more people.

After five days, the monks can no longer challenge others. At that time, only by the strength of the dragons and tigers behind the monks, they can get 800 people, and then they will challenge each other with the top 100 monks on the gold list, and decide the final battle of the winners. result.

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