——This is the power of the swordsmanship that is close to the sky.

So Xu Ziqing saw that Luo Tianfang's sword was as fiery as fire at first, and it was crimson. Then he slashed more and more urgently, and the more he struck, the more vigorous he became. , qiáng big!

Gradually, the color of the scarlet sword gang deepened, showing a dark color that was almost black, while the shadow of Shetong's dark stick gradually dimmed - he was still inferior to Luo Tianfang, even if he belonged to the powerful one. , and a bit of a failure.

As for cultivators like them, once their momentum is slightly weaker, they will be chased by the other party, and it will be difficult to turn around.

As a result, that She Tong was able to do it with ease, to the strong support, and then to the left and right... In the end, it was impossible.

At this time, Luo Tianfang laughed "haha": "Come again! Come again! It's not enough! How can I make this seat happy!"

It turned out that he challenged She Tong precisely because he was participating in the ranking battle for the first time, and most of the immortal cultivators who were similar or not similar in strength to him and who were on the golden list with him had been battled by him before, and they were no longer there. new ideas.

Therefore, he wanted to fight more opponents, so he set his sights on the newcomers.

She Tong was useless, Luo Tian finally turned his sword into deep black, and smashed it with one more body, causing the dark stick to be bent a little, and there were countless small wounds on it.

Then there was a sudden explosion, and the big stick suddenly snapped!

She Tong spat out a mouthful of blood and took many steps back, unable to fight him again.

Luo Tianfang started fighting, so his eyes were also red. At this time, he looked at She Tong, and his aura was very violent. It seemed that he was about to kill someone—then he took a few deep breaths and put away the giant sword. return.

Seeing this, She Tong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I lost."

Luo Tianfang snorted, if he said that before the battle, he was quite interested in this person, but after the battle, it was difficult for him to arouse his interest, so he ignored it and just kept the spirit of dragon and tiger behind She Tong. After swallowing half of it, I looked at the many monks who were still able to fight, intending to pick out a new one.

She Tong's face turned red, but his skills were not as good as others, so he had to retreat angrily.

Such people in the devil's way are really arrogant, and they really make people unhappy!

After reading this, Xu Ziqing smiled slightly.

The way of righteousness is really different from that of evil. If it was evil, he already wanted to kill him again, but this man of righteousness told him that he only wanted to fight him. However, at this time, his true essence has not yet responded, so it is not good to go, otherwise, instead of being able to learn from each other, it seems to be sending vegetables, which is really unnecessary.

Not long after Luo Tianfang, he picked a new immortal cultivator again, and he also fought with him. So again and again, every battle will be won, and the strength of the body does not seem to be under some monks in the top 100.

Then why is he only in the 100s?

Soon, Xu Ziqing saw that the remaining cultivators of the righteous path also ended up fighting. They were almost the same as Luo Tianfang. They were all looking for opponents among the new entrants. .

These magic cultivators are often victorious in all battles, and their skills should also be ranked in the top 100.

By this time, Xu Ziqing vaguely understood.

Because the final ranking of the ranking battle is based on the length of the dragon and tiger qi, these magic cultivators are probably rough and fine, and they control the dragon and tiger qi above this level... If you think about the rules of this ranking battle, the former There are restrictions for those with a hundred people, but less than a hundred people are much more relaxed. If he expected it well, these demon cultivators probably placed themselves in one or two hundred rooms in order to challenge their favorite opponents at will, so that they could not only accept the challenges of the first hundred honorable monks, but also challenge others at will. It really kills two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing suddenly felt a little funny.

Just thinking about the righteous swordsman Tu Jin he had met, he was also eccentric and even a little eccentric, but if he met a good opponent, he was so fanatical and very aggressive... It seems that the monks of the righteous way are very aggressive. , but also kind of cute.

But maybe it's also because what the magic cultivators want are good opponents. They pick and choose from people who are full of vigor. If it is obvious that they are already consuming a lot of real energy, they will at least take a look. Some regrets, but they will not immediately challenge others. It can be seen that when they face the opponent they want, they are just dàngdàng in their hearts.

About an hour or two later, many monks in the field below fought in turn, and the dragon and tiger aura behind them gradually increased, slowly approaching the immortal monks who had fought with the demon monks. At the same time, those who consumed The violent immortal cultivators also slowly eased during this period of time, and their true essence is about to return to its original state.

The magic cultivators have challenged all those who should be challenged, and some of them have ended up adjusting their breaths, and they have also raised their spirits.

When it was getting late, the originally deserted atmosphere gradually became a little restless.

In less than two days, the Battle of the Billboards will end.

And during this period of time, it was also the last moment, and it was also the most intense moment for the fight for the Qi of Dragon and Tiger!

Xu Ziqing's true essence has long since recovered to its full extent.

Just because the person he cultivates is a legendary practice, there is another kind of ability, that is, he can use the energy of thousands of trees in the small universe to make his power return to the beginning as quickly as possible, and every time he exhausts it, he can Make the dantian deeper, make the meridians more tenacious, constantly transform and smash his physical body and his inner world.

Now is no exception, he is more than many other immortals

Xiu, he has to reply faster and earlier, but because after many previous battles, he has some gains, and he also needs to reflect on himself, so he did not go to challenge again, but just wait and see.

Now slowly, he is about to rewash himself, and his mood is more transparent.

Afterwards, Xu Ziqing looked at another mountain mansion closest to him, where Jianxiu in white was sitting cross-legged, his expression still and his breath cold.

Because he was not close to his senior brother at this time, and he never had a breath, so he didn't know what his senior brother was like at this time. He only felt that the ability of senior brother should have been restored, but after all, he was not sure, and he couldn't help but be concerned.

At the moment, Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie and asked, "Senior brother, you now..."

Yun Lie realized what he meant and nodded slightly: "It's all over."

Xu Ziqing was a little relieved.

That's right, he has his own legendary cultivation technique to protect his body, and his brother's immortal and demon body was originally a very powerful body. Even if he was cut to pieces, he could recover very quickly, not to mention the loss of true essence?

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziqing asked again: "Senior brother is now, do you want to take action?"

Chapter 539 Battle

As usual, his senior brother likes to learn from masters the most, and whenever he encounters a qiáng, he is unwilling to have a battle with him. At the time of this battle, there was a gathering of qiáng people, especially the many fights with the demon Xiu before, and the meaning of killing in his sword intent was polished to a more pure, should not be satisfied.

However, Yun Yan shook his head slightly: "Don't be busy."

Xu Ziqing was a little surprised, but after a second thought, he asked tentatively, "Brother is...waiting?"

Yun Lie's expression softened a little: "Not bad."

Xu Ziqing couldn't help but smile.

This is also the reason. Just now, the senior brother has responded to many opponents, and those who can know have seen a lot. At this time, he went to find someone to challenge again, but the other party might not accept it, but it stirred his interest. Seeing that his brother's sword is terrifying, but still dares to take the initiative to challenge his brother, he deserves a fight with his brother.

However, Xu Ziqing understood better that the senior brother was waiting for him to return, but it was not that he really stopped taking the initiative.

I am afraid that at the last moment, he will never miss that battle...

While thinking about it, two voices suddenly came.

"Three-turn sword master Luo Tianfang, challenge the killing sword master Yun Lie."

"The Leopard Demon Fist respects Zhanxiao and challenges Xu Ziqing, the Lord of Ten Thousand Trees."

Xu Ziqing was startled.

There are actually two people at the same time, challenging him and his senior brother?

Luo Tianfang had read it carefully before, and naturally knew it, and he also had some impressions of the Leopard Demon Fist Venerable, knowing that he was fighting with boxing skills. Both of them are monks of the righteous way.

Xu Ziqing didn't think much about it, and raised his voice first, "I'll fight next time!"

After speaking, he turned into a cloud of light and came to the venue where the Leopard Demon Fist Zhanxiao was located. Although Yun Lie didn't answer, he himself entered the arena and stood opposite Luo Tianfang.

Xu Ziqing looked at Zhan Xiao.

This person is about eight feet or so, not very high, and his body is not very burly, but he can see the full power in his flesh. He had hard, stubby hair, tied short by a hair band behind his head, which looked a bit stinging. His lips are thin and his pupils are dark, which shows that he should be a rather tough person.

Of course, the most striking thing was undoubtedly his double fists, which not only showed a very unusual blue-black color, but also the fists were quite large, wider than ordinary monks.

It seems that he is really keen on boxing, and this boxing is by no means ordinary boxing.

It's just, I don't know what the devil cultivator of the righteous way is looking for in him, Xu Ziqing, and he will come to challenge him?

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziqing's whole body was full of blue light, and he was already wearing the robe of the wooden cloud wall.

Zhan Xiao looked at Xu Ziqing, and slowly held his ten fingers. A pair of strange magic weapons glowing with golden light also firmly covered his fists, just like a pair of gloves.

His momentum was also rising at this time.

On the other side, in the quiet position of Yun Lie, like a glacier, his breath seems to be very quiet, but it overflows everywhere, as if mercury spreads, it will be imprisoned in all directions.

Luo Tianfang was still wearing a giant sword and was very arrogant, but when he faced Yun Lie, he seemed to be a lot more dignified, not as casual as he was with many opponents: "In terms of strength, I'm not as good as you."

He opened his mouth so frankly that he was invincible.

But he immediately said: "It's just that if I don't compare with you, I feel unwilling. If you can still give me a bit of face, don't be merciful, just use your best skills and convince me. "

Yun Lie's eyes slowly fell on Luo Tianfang.

Luo Tianfang's muscles were tense, and before he knew it, he had already grasped the giant saber on his back with his fingers. He squeezed his fingers so hard that his knuckles were almost turned white, and his tendons couldn't help collapsing.

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