Jia Er explained: "Here, except for the star-level disciples who come to relax or have some motives, all the other people who live here are all star slaves without owners. They will use all means to let the star-level disciples get The best enjoyment and satisfaction, but in this Shaking Star Pond, no star disciple is allowed to fight privately, and no star slave can be trained at will. If there is really a grudge that cannot be solved, there are also various ways here. , can be used.”

Xu Ziqing nodded slightly to show that.

After saying this, Jia Er took a step forward, leading the two young masters and digital star slaves behind him, and threw himself into the galaxy.

On this Star Shaking Pond, the feeling is no different from that in other worlds. Even the level of spiritual energy is only similar to that of Qianyuan Great World, and it is not comparable to the stars they own.

Therefore, this place is really just a place for entertainment and recreation, and it is by no means an excellent place for cultivation.

After Xu Ziqing stood still, he saw a huge pond, like a jade pond in a palace. It was carved out of some kind of jade. I don't know what water it is in the pool.

There were many different flowers growing while eating, and when he looked around, he saw that there were many kinds of things that were rare in the world. Because they were born near the water, they were not complete in his realm of ten thousand trees. But it was also because the flower was beautiful, but it was not very useful, so he never wanted Tete to get the seeds for storage.

By the pond, there are many men and women in blue and purple robes, leaning on the railings of the Jade Pond, as if enjoying flowers.

I don't know that Yaochi is tens of thousands of hectares wide, and you can't see the edge at a glance. From a distance, there are still many petite pavilions in the pond, floating on the water and falling among the flowers.

In those pavilions, there are also many monks, in groups of three or five, gathering to drink and have fun.

Looking at it like this, it is really enjoyable.

Xu Ziqing also saw that there are indeed many star slaves here, all of them are very respectful shuttles, and they are very enthusiastic and attentive to bring pleasure to these disciples. There are also some beautiful women with gorgeous dresses in their arms. These women are also star slaves, and they seem to be very happy.

This situation made him frown slightly.

Seeing this, Jia Er also glanced at the women with a little disgust and said, "These female nuns are in the original sect, and they are not people with outstanding aptitude. When they become star slaves, they can't wait like me. Usually they work for star-level disciples. Then they couldn't bear the hardships, but they used such a promotion method."

But this kind of action would never be used by any female cultivator who wants to have a long immortal journey.

If it was in the original sect, it might be possible that the disciples with high cultivation level would use both soft and hard, encourage them, or be accidentally kidnapped by others, or be oppressed by others... But after becoming a star slave, although there is no freedom , but he will not be deceived by others in such matters, otherwise he will be reported to Xianzong, and there will be punishment. People who are single-minded cultivators, as long as they work hard, even if it takes a long time, why can't they get resources?

Under such circumstances, only those with weak will and unwillingness to pay will think that this is a shortcut, and take the opportunity to fall into such a situation.

However, which of the star disciples are not well-informed? Their status is precious, and there are many people who are willing to embrace them. They also have a lot of choices to choose a Taoist partner. The left and right are just a little pleasure after the tense cultivation. Since these female cultivators are not willing to respect themselves, they are just venting, and they will not have the slightest pity. Even accepting a concubine, often not selected from them.

Then Jia Er seemed to remember something, and continued: "Actually, not only these female cultivators, but also some male cultivators..."

Xu Ziqing followed his gaze, and sure enough, he saw some handsome male cultivators, all around one or a few women, they were all star slaves, but those female cultivators were all wearing star robes. In addition, there are some handsome and charming, who are snuggling with some male disciples and female disciples... It can be seen that in this way, there is no distinction between men and women, and it depends on personal temperament and behavior.

It wasn't the first time Xu Ziqing saw such a scene, but he didn't expect it to be the same in the world of stars, so he couldn't help but sigh in surprise. But he only looked at these two glances, and after that, he didn't care.

On the other hand, he first explained the matter. He originally wanted to test the temperaments of the two young masters, but now he found that one of them had a cold expression and the other was indifferent. Obviously, they were both pure and self-disciplined people, and they probably only had their own family in their hearts. Dao Companion, can't help but feel relieved.

For example, what kind of master they are with star slaves is also very different for their future. Now it seems that even if they are not the best, they will never be the most unwilling to follow. The worst.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie stood beside the giant pond for a while. They were not in a hurry to visit this continent, but instead, they first went to enjoy the beautiful scenery here, and their mood was quite smooth.

About half an hour later, the two of them looked back and wanted to go to another place.

Unexpectedly, before taking a few steps, they saw a group of people walking towards them.

The one at the head is extremely familiar.

It turned out to be Dongliqi!

There were more than ten men and women in the group. Except for Dongli Qi, who was a disciple of Seven Stars, the rest were at most six stars.

Dozens of paces behind them, there is a group of people, there are several Mahayana, many out-of-body and spiritual transformations are the star slaves brought by these disciples.

And Dongli Qi, like being surrounded by stars, is in the center of all star disciples, and is sought after by everyone.

These people came over, and naturally they also saw Xu Ziqing facing each other.

With Yun Lie and others.

Dongli Qi seemed to be stunned for a while, but his posture was still graceful, but his face was smiling: "Junior Brother Yun, Junior Brother Xu, I heard that you two also entered the Xingchen Hall, and I really saw it today."

Now, instead of appearing to be a bit arrogant at the time of the battle, he seems to be a little more amicable. This must be his attitude when facing disciples of the same sect, or those he recognizes!

As soon as Dongli Qi said this, several more people immediately looked over.

Xu Ziqing also recognized that there were two or three of them, all six-star disciples who also participated in the ranking battle. Their faces were fair, and they bowed their heads as a salute, but there were one or two others, but their expressions seemed to be a little unhappy.

Huh? Xu Ziqing was a little puzzled, but when he realized that these people looked at Dong Liqi with respect, he was a little surprised. They should be annoyed by the fact that Dongli Qi was defeated by his senior brother by a single sword in the battle.

This is not surprising. All beings have different attitudes and human natures. Even if they step into the path of cultivation, they also have their own dispositions, and they are not necessarily very broad-minded people.

Those people value Dongli Qi, and it is human nature to feel unhappy when they see them.

While his thoughts were turning, Xu Ziqing still replied quickly: "I have seen Senior Brother Dongli... I haven't seen him for a few days, and Senior Brother Dongli is still as good as it is, which is really enviable."

Since the other party took the initiative to express kindness, he also returned it with kindness.

Dongli Qi heard the words, and his expression became even more gentle: "I am going to have a small gathering in Yaochi. Since we met, the two junior brothers might as well go with me?"

Xu Ziqing was slightly surprised.

They... were actually invited at this time.

After seeing Yun Lie and getting his approval, Xu Ziqing did not refuse, but smiled and said, "In this case, it is better to be respectful than to obey."

Chapter 554

In the Jade Pond, surrounded by strange flowers, there is a huge stone pavilion, surrounded by shark gauze.

Dongliqi and others occupied the pavilion early, a group of more than ten people, held a small banquet, and invited all the people they knew well, as well as Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing, the two brothers who met by chance.

For example, Xingnu and others, most of them only stand on small boats and float around the stone pavilion. Only a few who are trusted or have a different relationship with their masters can serve around.

Behind Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, stood Jia Er, and the other star slaves also set up small boats and landed on the pool surface.

There are many long tables in the pavilion, which do not follow the order of the host and the guest, but are scattered, and it does not appear that which is more noble and which is lower.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie sat behind a long table, and this long table was in the opposite corner of Dongli Qi, and it was not far or near from the other star disciples.

After all, they are not uninvited guests, but also strangers.

Many women in Caiyi Xingnu, who had been standing around the stone pavilion, held trays of wine jugs and placed delicacy and delicious food on many long tables. These things may not be of any benefit to your disciples' cultivation, but they are incomparably wonderful in taste, and can be called a peerless delicacy. The wine may not contain many magical effects, but the spiritual energy is extremely abundant. .

The two brothers and sisters were guests, and they didn't say much. Xu Ziqing waved back the star slave who came to serve the wine.

Yun Lie did not drink alcohol before, but after entering the realm of cultivation, although he is still restraining himself, he does not need to do it deliberately. Today, in a place where such star-studded disciples gather, if he does not drink, he will arouse resentment from others. Also unknown.

His identity is quite subtle at this time.

Dongli Qi invited this pair of senior brothers as guests, so naturally he couldn't be too scornful. After he had spoken to the others, he went to Yun Lie to raise a glass.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also had a good impression of him, and they did not refute his face, and also raised their glasses to drink.

However, after Dongliqi made this move, some people were unhappy.

——It's not that he has any opinion on the person he admires, but he thinks that Xu and Yun don't take the initiative to toast... The self-esteem is very high, and it is too arrogant.

In this way, the impression is even worse.

However, in front of Dong Liqi, no one would make a provocative word, just look at each other and have plans in their hearts.

Those six-star disciples who had seen Yun Lie's action participated in the battle for many days. Knowing Yun Lie's temperament, they didn't feel anything, but because of the same feeling of participating in the war, they raised their glasses when they saw Dongli Qi. Now, they all raised their glasses and wished Xu and Yun from afar. Speaking of which, he was ranked first and ninth on the list, which is indeed worthy of respect.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie didn't know how to show anyone's face, and they also respectfully returned.

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