As Xu Ziqing had already guessed in his heart, the ball of light was the mission, and these square pillars were the places to choose the mission.

Moreover, the square pillars entered by different star-level disciples are different. One-star disciples enter the most, and the square pillar is the widest, and there are more than ten square pillars of the same level; two-star to three-star disciples are also each star. There are independent square pillars, as few as one or two, as many as five or six; the four-star square pillar is only one, and the five-star and six-star pillars are actually within the same square... These square pillars are the same size , When the seven stars and eight stars are reached, although they each occupy a pillar, the size varies. The narrowest nine-star square pillar actually has no one entering.

——Undoubtedly, the higher the star rating, the fewer tasks you can do, and the narrower your choices. When they reach the nine-star level, those disciples will probably retreat all year round, and it is impossible to say that they will not come out once in a thousand years. Naturally, those who come to take tasks are even rarer.

However, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie came here not to accept the mission, but to spread the news.

The place where the news was disseminated was the dark stone wall in this stone hall.

There are several light spots of different colors above. The two brothers and sisters took a closer look. Isn't it the news sent by some star-level disciples? In addition to many people who need to barter, there are also people who also initiate small banquets.

The two of them saw that there was a line written in golden characters: "After thirty-two years, Feng Wu Kuangzun will banquet at the Fengming Hall of Yaoxingchi, and welcome all parties to come to the banquet!"

This handwriting is very wild, but you can get a glimpse of the book's temperament from it.

Xu Ziqing thought for a while, then smiled at Yun Lie again: "Senior brother, you and I have the same book?"

Hearing this, Yun Yan nodded slightly.

The two stood in one place, with Yun Lie taking the first shot, the sword pointed like electricity, and rushed out: "After a hundred years, I will fight for the building in Shaoxing Pond and kill Jianzun..."

Xu Ziqing continued to write: "And the Lord of Ten Thousand Trees set up a small banquet for the same family."

In this handwriting, there is a killing sword intent that is piercing and cold, and there is a surging vitality that is endlessly alive, and it seems to form a kind of life and death cycle. Just by looking at it, it is very noticeable.

After the two finished writing, they looked at each other.

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Senior brother, it happens that you and I are in the same mission, why don't you take a look first?"

Yun Lie said, "Alright."

Now that the decision was made, the two brothers and sisters entered the task square pillars taken by the five-star and six-star disciples together, and only when they stepped into it, the two of them could detect a force of force being thrown down from the air, dividing the void into two parts. Half, they also seem to be in the void, there are many star powers, pulling in the air.

The two halves of the void are where different star quests are located.

Xu Ziqing released his divine sense, turned it into a thin line, broke through the star power barrier, and went straight to the five-star task place on the left.

There are many light groups there, flickering and flickering, and the light is flickering. He wrapped his consciousness around one, and suddenly there was a message coming from inside.

"Incarnate as a Taoist soldier, go to the great world of Luoyin, lead a team of a thousand people, and retreat from the demons. On the day of success, the number of heads of demons obtained by the leading team, the contribution value of Jindan realm is one, and the contribution value of Yuanying realm is ten. The contribution value of the realm is 100, the contribution of the out-of-body realm is 10,000, and the contribution of the Mahayana realm is 100,000."

Xu Ziqing "sees" clearly, and is slightly startled.

Immediately, he withdrew his spiritual sense. No wonder many people were willing to do this military mission. For this reason, they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to gather with others. It turned out that in these tasks, the contribution value was really rich... However, he is just now. Entering the star realm, there is no intention to go there. At the moment, he should still put the practice first, and the contribution value second.

After giving up this task, Xu Ziqing sent his consciousness into other light groups and quickly browsed them one by one.

There are also many tasks here to kill the demons in the realm of the gods in this realm, as well as to search for extremely rare heaven and earth treasures, and to search for extremely dangerous secret realm relics, etc. There are many.

Suddenly, in the void on the other side, a divine sense came at a rapid speed, and directly wrapped Xu Ziqing's divine sense.

Xu Ziqing knew that this was his senior brother, so he would not resist. Sure enough, when he contacted him, several messages came from his senior brother, which were reflected in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Zhongsanqianchengde Great World, sitting in the second-grade Haowei Xianzong, as the chief inspector, monitoring the safety of the world."

"Three thousand virtual secluded worlds, sitting in the second rank and Zhenxianzong, as the chief inspector, monitoring the safety of the first world."

"Three thousand down..."

There are always ten cases, all of them going to the middle and lower three thousand worlds.

What shocked Xu Ziqing was the last one.

"Three thousand in the Great World, sitting in the second-rank Wuling Xianmen, as the chief inspector, monitoring the safety of the world!"

The Wuling Immortal Sect that ruined the world is exactly the sect of their two brothers and sisters!

So, isn't there a chance to return?

For a time, Xu Ziqing recalled his past mentors and disciples, friends of the sect master, and many pasts... Although he and his senior brothers have only been here for several decades, they have already made preparations, and I am afraid that they will not be able to go back for many years. But now that we have this opportunity, why not take this opportunity to go back and explore the past?

The road to immortality is really long, and I don't know if they missed it, when they can finally go back, how many old times will be gone, and the people they miss in their hearts will always have to see them before they can rest assured.

However, this task belongs to the six-star disciples.

Immediately, Yun Lie's divine sense transmitted a voice and said, "You can go to your place to investigate."

Xu Ziqing was reminded by his senior brother, and he was suddenly stunned.

Since there is a chief inspector, why can't there be a deputy? Since the Chief Inspector is a six-star disciple, then the Deputy Inspector

The inspector... The next moment, he divided his consciousness into dozens of strands and quickly searched in the void.

With a purpose, Xu Ziqing was relieved.

He did find it. He was also monitoring the abnormal situation in the great world of his subordinates. As the deputy inspector, he needed to assist the chief inspector in his role as an inspector... This task was really suitable for him.

After that, the two brothers and sisters carefully checked the details of the news.

After reading it, Xu Ziqing became more and more relieved.

It turned out that the mission of the inspector was two hundred years old each time, and after every fifty years, the same mission would be posted in the square column, asking many disciples to choose and arrange the time.

Just like this task, it has only been placed here for ten years, and there are still one hundred and forty years before the day when I will take over with the previous inspector, so there is no need to be anxious.

Since this task is a fixed task and takes a long time, it is also one of the tasks that five-star disciples must complete every two hundred years, and it is quite special. If five-star disciples choose this task, time does not count.

The contribution value of this task is also very abundant. Every year, you can get 10,000. When the task is fully completed, there will be as much as 2 million. It's just time-consuming and cumbersome, but not many five-star disciples choose it.

However... Xu Ziqing did not hesitate, stretched out his hand to grab it, a giant palm suddenly jumped up, grabbed the light ball in the void, and put it in the palm of his hand.

This task, he took it!

Similarly, on his side, Yun Lie also took over his six-star mission and obtained the light group.

Then, they only have to wait for one hundred and forty years before they can crush the light group and go to the sect to pick them up.

The two quickly walked out of the square pillar. When Jia Er saw the two of them so quickly, he had already made a choice, and immediately stepped forward with the star slaves to greet them. Then, the group came to the outside of the Star Picking Pavilion again.

Now that everything they had done in Shaoxing Pond had been completed, the two brothers did not want to stay any longer. After a short rest at the place where they stayed, they left Shaoxing Pond again and went back to join the twin stars.

Chapter 557 The Immortal Mansion is Completed

On the twin stars, Jia Yi led the star slaves, who had already refined the immortal mansions of the two masters.

As soon as Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie arrived, they saw a towering building below in the sky. It was very solemn and imposing, and there were many patterns engraved on the top, which was extremely mysterious.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Let's try the defensive power of this Immortal Mansion."

A Er immediately agreed.

As a monk in the Mahayana period, his consciousness is naturally more powerful than the two brothers and sisters, so he immediately gave Jiayi a voice transmission to explain the gān system to him. It also shows that the arrival of the master does not mean that someone is making trouble.

Jiayi responded quickly and brought the slaves to the rear.

Jia Er also said: "Please two young masters to retreat for a while, and Jia Er will come again to cast the spell."

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie retreated according to their words. At the same time, the other star slaves used their own methods to protect them both.

After practicing for many years, it was the first time that the two of them had been supported like this, especially Xu Ziqing, who felt a little rare in their hearts.

Immediately, Jia Er looked solemn, took out a knife-shaped magic weapon, and chopped it out!

The mountain-like gigantic sword light soared into the sky, as if training together, with an unparalleled speed, it slashed straight to the immortal mansion!


After the surging roar of the sky, I saw a circle of colored ripples suddenly appear above the immortal mansion, like ripples, into which the power brought by the sword light was transformed, and then the water waves rolled, a burst of clamor, slowly like a wave. Throwing the boulder into the big river, although it set off a giant làng for a while, it was quickly silent in the river làng, and finally calmed down, and could no longer be shaken by it.

Xu Ziqing's heart moved: "Jia Er, how much effort did you use?"

Jia Er hurriedly replied, "Reporting to Young Master Xu, I used 80% of my strength."

Xu Ziqing nodded: "You give it a try."

Jia Er immediately responded: "Yes, Master Xu."

At the next moment, the sharper blade slashed down, and the immortal mansion also rippled the huge force, but it was still not hurt at all.

Since Jia Er was chosen to be the housekeeper, he was naturally capable of figuring out the master's mentality, so he continued to slash continuously, using all his strength every time, and slashed a full twelve knives before he heard a crisp "crack". Loud, smash that protection to pieces!

After that, the Immortal Mansion didn't look as imposing as before.

Xu Ziqing pondered: "It seems that the defense outside the Immortal Mansion can probably withstand the twelve or thirteen blows of the Mahayana monks, but even the Mahayana monks have a gap in their power, so they have to subtract half and count as one. About six hits... Yes, the first class must have spent a lot of thought."

Jia Er bowed beside him, and did not dare to say more words at this time.

Xu Ziqing then smiled again: "It doesn't matter, if this Immortal Mansion is doing well, there is no need to change it, just ask Jia Yi to re-record the formation."

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