After a while, the cultivator had enough exposure, and somehow he used his magical powers again to gather the gray light and re-formed a humanoid appearance. In a blink of an eye, it was his deity.

He bowed and saluted: "I'm going down, senior, please correct me."

Xu Ziqing met, and Chen Ni and Chen Chang sisters, and told the origin of this person.

It turned out that this Huáng Yuanguo was as he thought. He was a news dealer on this street. He was always alone, but he was able to find out the privacy of even some Nascent Soul cultivators, and used them to privately communicate with some forces and families. Or it is easy for one person to do it, regardless of whether it is meat or vegetarian, good or bad, as long as the price is enough, everything will be said.

As a result, the reputation is naturally bad.

What's more, when he did this thing, even Yuan Ying couldn't find a trace, and no one knew when there was such a person hiding beside him to spy on his body, and it went straight to the gangrene of the bones, how could it not be creepy. ?

This trafficker, Huáng Yuan, even caused several forces to unite to encircle and suppress him at one time, but he couldn't catch his deity, and he killed the flying insects he transformed, but if he did not kill all the flying insects, he would just rest for a while. , you can recover, but once again publicize the unspeakable things in those forces.

Over time, Huáng Yuan became a big limelight.

Later, if he hadn't taken the initiative to restrain himself and made a choice, he would no longer sell all the news arbitrarily, and he would never be able to detect the news of the monks above the gods, and that "once the monks attached to the flying insects used the powerful technique of flying insects. The rumors of "mortal death" were released, and he was afraid that he would be completely wiped out by the top powers at a higher price!

Now, he is finally lingering on.

It is not that there is no force to recruit him, but Huáng Yuan refused one by one, and those forces involved in the interests of each other restrained each other, resulting in no result in the end.

However, perhaps it was because he had been chased and killed for many years, and Huáng Yuan was already afraid. Perhaps it was because he was no longer willing to wander alone. After the news that the five-star disciple of the inner door wanted to accept a waiter, he became a One of the last monks who persisted.

Thirty-five years later, no matter how many monks gave up, he was as stubborn as ever!

At this time, Huáng Yuan raised his head and let Xu Ziqing look at it, waiting for Xu Ziqing to pronounce the sentence.

He was a little uneasy in his heart. Now he is more than 400 years old. Although his aptitude was good, he felt inferior because of his ugly appearance and was ridiculed in his early years. Then he obtained the excellent practice, but he became arrogant and regarded himself too much. High, reckless behavior, causing public anger. Afterwards, he was wiped out several times by most of the flying insects, and it took a lot of light to consolidate the realm in the early stage of Jindan, but it also wiped out most of the original rebelliousness and calmed his mind.

But he did consciously act inappropriately, but he didn't want to flatter the enemy, so he wasted many years.

This seizure of the waiter order is probably the only chance he has before the end of his life, and he can't be shaken by waiting for decades - he has even decided that even if it is a hundred years, two hundred years, he will wait!

... so much hope, naturally, the more afraid of disappointment.

Xu Ziqing nodded: "You go and sit there."

Huáng Yuan was suddenly startled: "...What do you mean by senior?"

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly and said, "Your skills are quite interesting, but you can't decide immediately. Let me see the others."

Huáng Yuan raised his heart high, and let it go a little.

Although it's not certain, the chances are a little bigger...

The rest of the monks all looked a little bad.

Huáng Yuan has a greater chance, that is, they have a smaller chance.

Xu Ziqing pointed to that place with his hand, and in the direction where Huáng Yuan was going, several vines appeared again, forming the appearance of many high stools. Huáng Yuan quickly realized it, so he chose the one on the far side and sat on it cross-legged.

The rest of the cultivators with sharp eyes saw that there were more than one or three high stools there, but more than ten. That is to say, those who went there were not certain candidates, and they could try their best!

Immediately afterwards, there was the second-ranked cultivator, who could not wait to jump out.

After this one appeared, he immediately released his most powerful magical powers, causing the walls and the ground to make a "boom" sound.

But after he was revealed, Xu Ziqing never called him to sit on the high stool, so he had no choice but to retreat first.

The third, the fourth, after the second cultivator hit the wall, he also woke up from the urgency of being favored, knowing that if there is nothing special, or if he is not calm enough, he can only be eliminated.

Therefore, they also used 100% of their strength, but unfortunately they still failed.

These are all Jindan cultivators, and Jindan cultivators were originally inferior to Nascent Soul in realm, so how could they easily be valued by others? After digitizing, the atmosphere became tense.

After more than half an hour, the Nascent Soul cultivator gradually showed his ability.

Xu Ziqing sat high and looked at the many monks carefully.

It's a pity that apart from the first huáng yuan, during these times, there were no cultivators who had a crush on him.

This is not surprising. After participating in such important events as the Billboard Battle, Xu Ziqing has seen many amazing magical powers, techniques, and exercises, and he has also seen countless side-door methods that make people stunned. The dazzling wizards are the outstanding monks who gathered the entire Qianyuan Great World. These outer sect disciples—even the Yuanying monks who used their best skills, in his eyes, are nothing but unsatisfactory.

Xu Ziqing sighed, the waiter will serve him in the future

Those who rely heavily on senior brothers will take on the responsibility of revitalizing the Wuling Mountains together with many Wulingmen, and they must not be taken lightly.

If the rest of the people are no longer outstanding, I am afraid that only Huáng Yuan is still worthy of attention.

Suddenly, a beam of sword light burst out, and compared to the dullness just now, it was a bit surprising!

Xu Ziqing moved in his heart and looked over.

I saw that the sword light was extremely cold, like an ice line, and the sword move was also extremely simple, crisp and neat, without any fancy. The number of sword moves will come out, and there is a sharp feeling that splits the space!

For a time, Xu Ziqing seemed to have seen a hint of the meaning of being taught to use swords by his senior brother Tianchun when he was in the small world... However, this kind of swordsmanship has not yet formed sword intent.

In other words, the young sword cultivator's understanding of the sword is not enough to condense the sword intent, and, from Xu Ziqing's eyes, this person seems to lack guidance in the swordsmanship, but relying on his own will, he alone tempers the sword. Refine basic swordsmanship without being distracted by fancy swordsmanship.

This sword cultivator lacks a leader, or in other words, lacks a hint, and can make him advance by leaps and bounds!

But it is the young sword cultivator of the Jindan period who is so urgently in need of training and now seems to be only close to 300 years old, but he is willing to wait like this.

You can see him, not arrogant or impetuous.

Xu Ziqing waited for him to use up his sword skills without saying a word.

The young Jianxiu had a solemn expression, his thin lips were almost pursed into a straight line, and his eyes were very stubborn.

He is extremely stubborn, he clearly accumulates his true essence very quickly, and he has formed elixir early, but he only has a soft spot for kendo. However, although his sword is fast, his aptitude in swordsmanship is not very strong.

At least, far less than his understanding of magic.

But he still refused to give up.

Even if you know that it may be empty after waiting for decades, you can't put it down.

Seeing him like this, Xu Ziqing smiled gently: "Just go and wait."

The very calm young Jianxiu suddenly raised his head, the ecstasy in his eyes flashed, and he immediately restrained: "Yes!"

Afterwards, he straightened his back, like a long spear, and sat beside Huáng Yuan with his sword in his arms.

Then, it's the next one.

It took three days for the many monks to show their skills.

Chapter 562 The waiter has been appointed

Later, the number of people was exhausted, and the more than ten vine seats that were expected to be selected were not filled.

Xu Ziqing instructed: "A Second, send them away."

Jia Er waved his robe sleeves and sent the many monks who had not been selected out of the Yangling Building, leaving only the people in the Yangling Building.

Xu Ziqing looked at the rattan seat and smiled slightly: "You can come with me."

After he finished speaking, the vines under him suddenly shortened, like running clouds and flowing water, without a breath, they indented into the ground, turning into a halo and dissipating.

There is real in the virtual, and there is a virtual in the real. These vines are not born from seeds, but are transformed by his true essence.

Chen Ni, Sister Chen Chang, the stewards, and Jia Er, all obeyed and stood behind Xu Ziqing without saying a word.

Xu Ziqing said, "Can you still see people on the third floor?"

The two sisters hurriedly said: "The residence of the two masters on the top floor, the maid has already cast a dust avoidance spell, sealed it up, and will never dare to let others in."

Xu Ziqing nodded to the two of them with a smile: "It's hard work." He said again, "Go to the top floor."

So, all these people followed Xu Ziqing, step by step, to the top floor.

The scene here is not different from the last time Xu Ziqing came here. There is still an inner and outer room, and the two sisters in the outer room still only have two futons.

However, although the inner room was the residence of the two brothers and sisters, neither of them ever went in to see it. At this time, when the brother was not there, Xu Ziqing would not go alone.

The reception for these people was in the very empty place where the two sisters usually practiced.

Xu Ziqing is still smiling: "Sit."

Chen Ni, Chen Chang, the stewards, the second class, and the others sat down on the sides and the back in turn. The seven or eight monks who wanted to be waiters looked at each other, and then sat down opposite Xu Ziqing.

Now, it's up to you to see who gets the favor.

For a time, these cultivators felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing only asked two sentences:

"Why do you want to be a waiter?"

"What are you going to give me?"

The next moment, many monks answered.

There are different answers, most of them are aimed at "taking longevity and setting the path to immortality", and most of the things they give are "doing their best to be loyal and uncompromising". Generally speaking, it is enough for the servants to do this.

However, there are three different.

You Huáng Yuan replied, "I want to be a servant because I admire the two seniors. I can dedicate my life, my life, and the reincarnation of my primordial spirit to the two seniors."

There was that young swordsman who replied, "I want to be a servant because of the way of swordsmanship. If you don't let me live up to the way of swordsmanship, I will obey everything and have no regrets for the rest of my life!"

There was actually a girl in a huáng shirt who replied, "I want to be a servant for the person I love. If I see him again, I will give everything."

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