After those senior brothers arrived, they saw Xu Ziqing's figure at a glance, and their faces couldn't help showing joy.

In addition, there were some new faces, all of whom were Jindan stage monks. Although they also walked out of certain peaks at this time, they never came here.

It turned out that in the past few decades, the Wuling Mountain Region has also accepted some disciples, but these disciples are not the same generation as those senior brothers, and the signals used to convene are also different.

Just now, Hangyu's main game is to summon Xu Ziqing's generation of disciples.

Among the many senior brothers, Ke Hong has the most detached temperament. He walked quickly and laughed loudly: "It's Junior Brother Xu who is back, why didn't Junior Brother Yun come with him?"

However, before he could go far, there was a graceful figure blocking him, facing him head-on, but he was behind him, who had not seen Junior Brother Xu for a long time.

Ke Hong was a little surprised, stopped and looked at Xu Ziqing.

Xu Ziqing was slightly embarrassed, and pointed at the girl blocking the road: "...My new waiter."

At this moment, Qiu Sutong's face was reddish, but her eyes were clear, and she said in a crisp voice, "Ke, Master Ke, do you still remember me?"

Ke Hong was stunned and even more puzzled: "You are..."

He really didn't know what the little junior brother's waiter had to do with him.

When many other Wuling disciples saw Xu Ziqing, they wanted to come to say hello. Now, seeing this, some looked weird, some looked surprised, and some seemed to have narrowed eyes.

At this moment, the master of Hangyu also understood. He glanced at Xu Ziqing and saw that he was a little embarrassed, so he smiled and said nothing.

The matter of this junior...

Na Qiu Sutong heard that Ke Hong did not know, her flushed face turned pale, and then turned redder: "Ke Gongzi, three hundred and twenty-six years ago, you traveled to Fengyang County and beheaded more than a dozen heads. The Golden Elixir Demon saved the life of a female cultivator who was almost taken captive. That female cultivator is me."

Ke Hong thought for a while, but there is such a thing, he waved his hand and said: "If you want to thank me, you don't have to. It's just a gesture of effort, people in my generation have never seen a demon who did evil but not executed. The truth of the devil."

Qiu Sutong heard this, her eyes brighter and her voice a little faster: "Since that day, I have been fascinated by Mr. Ke, and now that I see him so easily, I have to come to express my feelings. In the infant realm, Mr. Ke is far better than me. With my qualifications, I can only be a concubine. But I adore the young master and don't want to serve with her. Now I am beyond my own power. I would like to ask a question. Can I marry the son and be the son's Taoist companion?"

She was agitated when she spoke, and even walked forward.

Ke Hong never expected that a woman would express his affection so loudly, and immediately took three steps back, his face flushed: "...Miss, stay!"

Qiu Sutong's expression darkened, she immediately turned around, and stopped: "Ke Gongzi, my admiration is definitely not false, can't you really think about it?"

Ke Hong has never encountered such a thing before, and it is very embarrassing.

Thinking of his thousands of years of practice, he was only focused on hard work, never thought of getting married, and never had a deep relationship with any woman. How could he think that he was just meeting his junior and junior brothers at first sight, but he brought out someone who loves him... ...I really don't know how to react.

Seeing Ke Hong's embarrassed appearance, Qiu Sutong's expression became even darker, and her eyes became a little sad.

Seeing Xu Ziqing on the side, he was also a little helpless.

In the end, this matter of love must be consensual. It's okay for Miss Qiu to love Senior Brother Ke, but she is too anxious. His Senior Brother Ke has long since forgotten her, so how could he answer so quickly?

It's just that Senior Brother Ke's reaction is indeed somewhat funny.

The dignified man was not afraid to go to the Tianzhu to fight with others, but he was at a loss here.

The other brothers on the side had seen enough of the jokes, and Mi Xing, who had always been calm, said, "Junior Brother Ke, whether you have the same intentions for Miss Qiu or not, you will carefully consider it, and the answer is yes."

Ke Hong is also a monk in the late stage of God Transformation. He was caught off guard before, so he couldn't react in time. At this time, he calmed down and replied with a solemn face: "Ke is very grateful for the love of Qiu Daoyou. However, you and I are not the first... The second time we meet, although I have never fallen in love with any woman, I can't decide on a Taoist partner so rashly."

Qiu Sutong's fingertips trembled slightly, and after listening to it, her already extremely sad thoughts turned back. She was originally a person of benefit, and she waited for so many years, the hard work was unspeakable, and she just met, and she hurriedly opened her mouth to confess her feelings. Now she also knew that she was too anxious, and she felt ashamed: "Yes, Mr. Ke is polite, you and I...let's wait for the future."

At the other end, Xu Ziqing also sent a voice transmission to Ke Hong, telling him that Qiu Sutong had been infatuated for many years. Otherwise, if it was just an ordinary frivolous concern, how could he give Qiu Sutong such a chance? Even if it is a senior brother, he has no reason to be so troublesome. When Ke Hong heard this, he cherished Qiu Sutong's heart.

If it is a man who has no one in his heart, but whoever it is, hearing someone is so sincere, he can't help but be moved.

Lord Xing Zun watched for a long time, then called someone and said, "Let's go and arrange a place for Miss Qiu."

Qiu Sutong took a deep breath and looked at Xu Ziqing.

Xu Ziqing smiled: "Now you'll be a guest first!"

Qiu Sutong understood what this meant, suppressed her joy, and left the main peak with a new Jindan disciple who was called.

At this time, Xu Ziqing said to Ke Hong: "Senior brother Ke, I brought her here, not just for the life of my brother, but her own supernatural powers and perseverance are not ordinary, so I can see her.

It was my brother who always had no intention of her, just let me know and I will take her away. From now on, I will only serve as my attendant, and I will not cause trouble for my brother. If my brother is also interested in her, I will take back the order of waiter and return her blood. As for her heart demon oath... Originally, it was not to hurt me and other Wulingmen. If she becomes the wife of a senior brother, this is her due, and it will not hinder anything. "

Ke Hong naturally understood what Xu Ziqing meant, nodded and agreed.

Thinking of Qiu Sutong, although he didn't have any affection for her at this moment, he still had a warm expression on his face.

Many other senior brothers came over, all laughing loudly: "Junior Brother Xu is in love with his Senior Brother Yun, pity you and no one to take care of them, so they brought a beautiful girl, but they are very kind to you. The beauty is getting married, but don't forget the glass of Xie match wine from Junior Brother Xu!"

Ke Hong didn't care about being teased, but just laughed back: "Where in this entire mountain area is the only one I'm not married to? All of you are included." Then he said to Xu Ziqing, "If Junior Brother Xu meets another good one, just don't care. Bring a few to these bitter old boys, don't favor one over the other!"

Xu Ziqing burst into laughter: "If we do meet, there is no need for a few senior brothers to remind him." He laughed at Ke Hong again, "It's also because Senior Brother Ke's heroic appearance is what attracts the love of beautiful women. The younger brother is just at the right time."

These brothers and sisters laughed at each other, and their friendship grew stronger.

Later, Jia Er took out the delicious wine scattered among the many star disciples in the Xingchen Hall, and gave it to Xu Ziqing to share with his seniors.

Xu Ziqing only told all his fellow disciples about the events in the Hall of Stars, and discussed the method of passage with them. It took several days and nights before he stopped.

After that, he also told everyone about the development of Yangling Tower, and then left Qiu Sutong here, while he took Jia Er and the other two attendants to the Zhoutian Xingchen Realm.

In practice, parting is common.

He is now going to meditate in the immortal mansion.

Chapter 564

When he returned to the Twin Stars, Jiayi led a group of star slaves to greet him. Although his coercion was concealed, it was also dàngdàng, which was very terrifying.

When Huáng Yuan and Shen Wu saw it, their expressions changed, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

A five-star disciple, with such a pomp, there are such capable people! For a while, Shen Wushang was still good, but Huáng Yuan's confidence in himself became more and more insufficient. In the eyes of the star-level disciples, the star slave of Jindan period was just the lowest soldier, so even if he had some special skills, he was still considered. What?

Just when Huáng Yuan felt a little self-pity, Xu Ziqing took the two to the side hall of the Immortal Mansion.

After Huáng Yuan and Shen Wuxing bowed, they sat down.

Xu Ziqing said with a smile: "There is nothing to tell you to wait, you two can practice here first, and then make plans after the senior brothers leave the customs."

Huáng Yuan was still terrified in his heart, so of course he quickly responded. Shen Wu's eyes lit up when he heard the words "Senior brother out of the customs", and he agreed immediately.

One of the two begged for a safe life, and the other begged for success in the swordsmanship.

Xu Ziqing felt that there was nothing that still needed to be replaced. As for the monthly resources required by the waiters, there were first-, first-, and second-generation to handle. After thinking for a while, he looked at Shen Wu first and said, "I accepted you earlier, just because of your sincerity in swordsmanship. Senior brother must be happy to see it. It's just that now senior brother has not come out, it is not good to ask others to teach you first... I remembered that when I first met my senior brother, he also taught me to practice swordsmanship. The method is very simple, so you can practice it like this first, how about it?" He paused, then said, "If you can't wait, I will Among the fellow disciples, there are also swordsmen who can give you pointers."

However, if someone else pointed it out, this Shen Wu has embarked on a path, and naturally it is no longer the original piece of jade, but it may not be able to make the senior brother fancy.

Shen Wu didn't hesitate: "Please advise your lord, and your subordinates are waiting for Senior Yun to leave the customs!"

He didn't let him down... Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Without him, just practice the most basic sword moves one by one, split 30,000 swords a day, every day."

Shen Wu's eyes brightened slightly, as if he had realized something at this moment, and immediately said loudly: "Shen Wu obeys!"

After Shen Wu was placed, it was Huang Yuan's turn.

Xu Ziqing's words were also very gentle: "Your method is unique, you can tell A1A2, both of them are in the Mahayana realm. If you want to give advice to you, I am afraid that you will be more thoughtful than me."

Knowing that he could be instructed by the two Mahayana monks, Huáng Yuan felt a little at ease, and he didn't want to. But he is not afraid that the practice method will be known. The two Mahayana paths have been determined early, and they will not be rebuilt. Moreover, the two are the masters and slaves, and the bondage is greater than that of the servants, so they are not afraid of anything. And he himself has already put his life and wealth in the hands of the lord, even the primordial spirit, not to mention a mere practice method? It is the most important thing to make one's immortal journey longer and to seek eternal life!

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