Shen Wu took a deep breath, stepped forward quickly, and looked at the first shortest sword mark.

As soon as he saw it, his mind couldn't help but "hum"!

It turned out that Shen Wu had just seen it clearly, and it seemed as if countless consciousnesses had come, all of which were poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, forming countless peculiar images. In each image, there is a monk who is practicing the basic sword moves one by one. This monk has a different cultivation base in each picture, but his appearance is the same - it is the senior Dao Luyun, the lord he serves today.

After he took a few steps back, these images seemed to be suddenly pulled out, and the sea of ​​​​consciousness was empty, and they all disappeared. Shen Wu set his mind and looked at the second sword mark.

In this sword mark, there are also countless images.

But these images are no longer the people he respects, but countless blurred faces. But these vague faces are holding different swords and using different swordsmanship. Those swordsmanships ranged from crude to brilliant, from simple to complicated, and then to simple.

Shen Wu pulled away again and turned to look at the third way.

However, this time, when he just looked at it, he felt an extremely terrifying killing intent coming towards him, which completely froze him in an instant. For an empty shell!


For a while, Shen Wu actually felt that he was about to die—

But in the next moment, his consciousness was ejected, making his legs weak, and he almost collapsed to the ground! But he didn't want to admit defeat because of this, danger and danger, using the long sword to support his body, so as not to fall into such a situation.

But even so, he was still very awkward, the cold sweat on his back, and the sweat on his forehead rolled down even more.

He had never felt such a terrifying killing intent before, as if he could be killed with just this idea!

In Shen Wu's heart, he became more and more in awe of Senior Na Yun, but the reverence returned to awe, but it made him even more proud.

Since a sword cultivator can become so strong after all, since someone is already so strong, then even if he can't attain the Dao in the future, the Dao of Swords itself is right after all, and his pursuit is also right.

With his mind set, Shen Wu slowly adjusted his breath and regained his former calmness.

Next to him, Huáng Yuan also tried every sword mark. He was still amazed and shocked at the first two, but when he got to the third, he felt a great terror, as if danger was looming in front of him. Turned into countless flying insects, to escape this danger!

Until his mind returned, Huáng Yuanfang knew the reason and felt a little ashamed.

On the contrary, those star slaves, because they have been cautious and modest in these years, can be regarded as governors who understand the etiquette. In addition, they all work for the two brothers and they also have some comradeship towards him. What's more, they were horrified when they saw the third sword mark, and they wouldn't make fun of him.

The two Mahayana have more knowledge and experience, and from these three sword marks, they also noticed something.

Jia Yi was assigned to Yun Lie's steward earlier, he looked at Shen Wu, and seeing that his will was stronger, he nodded secretly. After thinking for a while, he said to Shen Wu: "Young Master Yun has a lot of care for you, you have to cherish it." , you can testify it with your own body." Then he clicked on the second sword mark, "This is the swordsmanship that the young master has seen for many years. Throughout the world, there may not be a few swordsmen who can compare with him. You can use these swords. The method of sharpening swords, from simple to complex, complex to simple, clears the way of oneself, and obtains the true meaning from other people's swordsmanship." Then referring to the third sword mark, "If ordinary swordsmen want to comprehend Sword Intent has gone through trials and tribulations, and you have an epiphany in the Sword of Life and Death, you have a young master left behind to help you with killing thoughts, and you are honed every day, even if you live and die every day, you have many more opportunities than others."

Speaking of this, Jiayi's voice was a bit harsh, but also a bit hopeful: "You are firm in your heart of swordsmanship, but your aptitude and understanding in swordsmanship are ordinary, and Master Xu's taking you back may not be because of your heart. In the name of accepting a disciple for Young Master Yun. Young Master Yun examines Young Master Xu's intentions, and then puts you to a test, and gives you three sword marks, which is a chance for you." He said with a pause. His expression also became solemn, "If you can keep your original intention unchanged, and your sword heart will be clear in the future, if you want this opportunity, you can become real, otherwise... it will be just an empty space."

Although Shen Wu's heart was stoic, his expression changed continuously when he heard what Jiayi said, and finally became more determined: "This junior will definitely try his best to strive to be filial to the two seniors. Even if it fails, the junior will regard Senior Yun as a mentor. Go through fire and water, do whatever you want!"

Seeing his sincerity, the star slaves, A, A, A, and 2, have a little more affection for him.

Unlike Huáng Yuan, who is good at speaking, Shen Wu has always been obsessed with practicing swords, and his temperament seems to be a little withdrawn, and he has no affection with all the star slaves and even Huáng Yuan. But now they see his gratitude and repayment, and their perceptions are different.

These star slaves are not the same as the waiters. Although the waiters cannot betray, they are less restrained than the star slaves, and the star slave's life is just right. The star disciples are really tied to them. Now they don't know that Huang Yuan and Shen Wu's oath is extremely strict, and sometimes they have to beat the young master, which is a matter of course.

From then on, in their cultivation practice, each has a task, so they also do the task.

And when Yun Lie entered the Immortal Mansion, he settled down in the closed room adjacent to Xu Ziqing's retreat.

Just as Jia Yi speculated, Yun Lie had the same mind with his junior brother, and when he saw Shen Wu, he immediately knew the intention of his junior brother. Although Yun Lie already has two disciples, Yan Shuang and Yun Zhengrui, compared to his junior apprentice Xu Ziqing, there are fewer. Now it's a coincidence, since it's a good one, you might as well accept one.

However, this test cannot be avoided.

In particular, Shen Wu is already in the golden stage, but the swordsmanship is still ignorant, and it will take a while to watch.

After making three sword marks, Yun Lie stopped thinking about such trivial matters. He sat upright with his eyes closed, swallowed the surrounding spirit mist whales, and kept compressing them into his dantian.

In this way, he must also concentrate on accumulating true essence.

Thirty years later.

On this day, the aura above the Immortal Mansion was a masterpiece, and countless spiritual qi formed a huge vortex. When expanding and contracting, visions appeared frequently, as if there was a cyan dragon that was swallowing and sucking in the sky, which was extremely spectacular.

At the same moment, more auras gathered together, forming a huge vortex, in which the killing intent was rolling, and it was much more domineering and fierce than the previous one.

After a while, the two vortexes collided suddenly, but they did not make a violent explosion, but they were close together at a touch, and they merged together! Immediately, another black dragon stretched out its head, and after a long groan, the dragon's tail rolled back, encircling the previous blue dragon, and immediately entangled it. The two dragons had almost their entire bodies attached to each other, and the spiritual energy swallowed by the two dragon heads merged with the other's when the twisted twin tails flapped suddenly.

As if they were communicating with each other.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder sounded, and the giant dragons swam again and again, and finally jumped up abruptly, the long tail rolled back, the dragon head was facing down, and then submerged into the immortal mansion!

At the same moment, the huge aura vortex gradually shrank, and the mighty momentum finally dissipated into nothingness.

The star slaves, the two waiters, were all awe-inspiring.

At this moment, the gate of the Immortal Mansion opened wide, and two figures came out side by side.

The one in the blue shirt and the one in the white shirt have a kind of extraordinary bearing.

Up to now, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing have both made breakthroughs, and they have both become monks in the middle stage of God Transformation.

Chapter 566

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, after many years of comprehension in the sea of ​​​​starfalls, and accumulated for many years, one after the other, qi and qi attract each other, both broke through to the middle stage of God Transformation, their cultivation realm has greatly increased, and their supernatural powers are even better than before. Several times, the strength can be increased by bào. It is also because of this breakthrough that the blue and black double dragons merged with each other. In the dark, the way the two cultivated also became more and more compatible because of mutual benefit in their early years. Not only did the Taoist couple have the same heart, but also the opportunity for enlightenment.

If there are no accidents, both of them will probably break through in the future - the advantage is that as long as one has a sign first, the other will definitely find the key immediately; and the disadvantage is that the two cannot be separated when they break through. If it is far away, otherwise the Qi machine will not be able to pull it, and both of them will miss the opportunity and only wait for the next time.

The two servants and several star slaves in the lower realm don't know the importance, but the two Mahayana monks have a hidden understanding. For a time, they realized more and more that the two young masters were connected by their lives, and they, who were servants, also needed to be more closely connected, and they had to be regarded as one from the bottom of their hearts, so that there would be no errors when serving.

Afterwards, everyone said in unison, "Congratulations to the two young masters/masters for breaking through!"

Xu Ziqing smiled and waved his sleeves: "You have been taking care of this place for many years, it's hard work."

Everyone said in unison again: "Don't dare to be so hard-"

However, at this moment, there was no one moving.

The whole audience was congratulating and saluting, but it was very obvious that he fought alone in the local area.

Huáng Yuan realized that it was his colleague Shen Wu, and he was in a hurry, so he hurried to pull him. Unexpectedly, Shen Wu jumped up one by one, and a very large and sharp aura surged around him, causing him to pull him. Come on, I never got it!

After that, Shen Wu jumped a few times, and actually quickly appeared in front of a nearby river.

Xu Ziqing's heart moved: "Senior brother, it seems that there is another happy event."

Yun Lie said: "You can go and watch together."

The two of them looked at each other, nodded slightly, and with a flick of their figure, they suddenly caught up with Shen Wu, and even stood in front of him.

As soon as Huáng Yuan saw it, he felt a little at ease, as if the two lords had never been annoyed by Shen Wusheng, but seemed to have noticed something. He pondered secretly, and suddenly seemed to realize something.

At the moment, he also hurriedly set off, and the others waited before the big river.

I saw that Shen Wu Zhou's body was soaring, he was aiming at the big river, and he cut out with a sword——

Hearing a "swipe" again, the torrent of water broke off!

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Sure enough, he realized the sword intent."

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "The first realm of sword intent."

Xu Ziqing continued: "When the water is fast, the sword is fast; when the water is slow, the sword is slow. When the water goes down, the sword stops the flow."

After Shen Wu stopped the flow, his movements did not stop. He shouted loudly and chopped several times in the river. Although the water flow was unstable, he could also break it again and again.

Then he used his strength again, and his momentum changed again!

At this time, when he swung his sword out, people with lower realms such as Huáng Yuan couldn't help being shaken. He was instantly reassured, but extremely surprised.

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