This is a five-foot-tall treasure chariot, deep purple in color, with the appearance of stars in the sky, and a large hollow inside. There are two seventh-order black dragons and four puppet silver dragons in front of it, which are the spirits of pulling the chariot.

Not to mention how many rare treasures are inlaid on this treasure car, how luxurious and magnificent it looks, only when it is revealed, people can't help but be dazzled. Look more.

Xu Ziqing couldn't help laughing when he saw such a luxurious car.

When he traveled with his senior brother for many years, he often traveled lightly. Now that he has become a star disciple, he has such a means of transportation, and it is a bit embarrassing to think about it.

But after thinking about it, they are going to visit two loose immortals, so it is better to be more serious.

So Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie swayed and entered the treasure car.

The interior of this car is more luxurious than the exterior. Although there is no high seat inside, there is a very comfortable cushion on the ground. When I touch it a little, I only feel that the tentacles are smooth, and when I sit on it, I feel that my mind is clear and clear, like drinking an ice spring, and the top and bottom are transparent.

Xu Ziqing recalled a little and knew that it was made of silk yarn in the sea. I'm afraid it would take tens of thousands of years for him to be able to enjoy such a cultivator in the spiritual transformation stage. And to weave a cushion that can hold up, I don't know how much it will cost. Also extremely luxurious.

A-1-A-2 also jumped up and sat at the front of the frame, where there were also two futons, where they sat cross-legged and each held a bridle to control the dragon to move forward.

Although this seventh-order Flood Dragon is comparable to a monk in the Nascent Soul period, he is also well-behaved and calm under the hands of two Mahayana monks, and does not dare to be a little savage. Not to mention the puppet silver dragon at the rear, they are very obedient.

After that, Jiaolong rose into the air, the wind was blowing on both sides of the treasure car, and on the layer of clouds behind, there were several monks of different realms standing, and there were two Jindan teams behind them, showing a solemn appearance.

Huáng Yuan stood firmly behind a monk in the out-of-body period, with several spiritual monks, and behind him was a team led by two Nascent Souls.

He used to be in the outer door, and when he was young, he had seen the style of many big families, but he had never seen such a pomp... He only felt that his eyes were widened, and he felt that he could overcome all difficulties and become the master. The waiter was really lucky.

On the twin stars, only a few Nascent Souls and some Jindan teams were left, and then a cultivator in the out-of-body period was left to guard the gate of this immortal mansion.

It is not so rare for a star disciple to travel in the inner sect of Zhoutian Xianzong, but most cultivators always work hard in the mountains on weekdays. They often avoid the densely mountainous areas, so there are many monks who have stayed in the inner door for hundreds of thousands of years, and they have also never seen such a scene of "dragon roaming, treasure car in the sky".

Those who have seen it below are quite proud, and introduce it to the acquaintances next to him, but those who do not know after inquiring know that they are either ambitious or envious, and they show a hundred kinds of gestures.

However, these two brothers and sisters in the sky have nothing to do with each other. They are under the rapid speed of the dragon, but in a short time, they have already crossed and flew over the people, passing through the inner gate, the outer gate, and straight out of the mountain gate.

After less than half an hour, they came to a large county, adjacent to Zhoutian Xianzong, called "Mirror Heaven County", and Duobaolou was at the hub, called "Tongyong City".

This is also a big city, with a lot of people coming and going, the horses and horses do not stop day and night, and the mortals and monks live together.

However, the mortals who live in this city are often those born from many cultivating families without spiritual roots, or they are relatives of monks, neighbors, and the like. If they don’t have some means, they cannot live in peace here.

When the treasure car came from the sky, it was majestic and majestic, and the great coercion that descended from the sky made people tremble even more!

For a time, many ordinary people and monks with lower realms took a breath and looked at that place with a good eye, and they were shocked.

"That, that is..."

"Little old man I met many years ago, he is a star disciple of Zhou Tian Xianzong! Only such a treasure car!"

"It's actually the imperial envoy Jiaolong. If you look at the back, could it be a real dragon?"

"No, no, if it were a real dragon, how could it follow the demon, it must be a puppet..."

"But such a lifelike puppet, I don't know what the price is, and only the first-class sect will match this thing for the core disciple!"

In the final analysis, people in Jingtian County, whether they are monks or mortals, always know more, and because they are close to Zhoutian Xianzong, they have some understanding of that sect.

Therefore, although a few people lose their temper, more people are only envious and in awe.

The treasure cart is hovering in the air, about to fall, and there are many people passing by in front of the Duobao Building, where is there any free place to come? And even if it is vacant, does it mean that the core disciples of the major sects should be squeezed in and squeezed out together with ordinary people? This is a bit too disrespectful to Yipin.

Yes, the disciples of the Zhoutian Xingchen Temple go out, they represent the Immortal Sect, and they must not lose their prestige. And if businessmen like Duobaolou don't want to tear their face with Zhou Tianxianzong, they must not be neglected.

So, an imposing old man walked out of the door, and with a flick of his wrist, he threw out a long silk.

This long silk glowed brightly and slid extremely fast in mid-air, and it actually formed a long road there, and the brilliance was faint, which was very strange.

At the same time, several delicate girls flew into the air, standing in two rows on the long silk, and the old man in front also stood up, like a steward, welcoming the guests.

However, the person in the treasure car did not come down like this. Instead, Jia Er spoke. Under the guidance of the old man, he let the treasure car slide on the long silk until it entered the depths of the Duobao Building. It's... and where the end is, it's not something that anyone outside the building can see.

Only a few sharp-eyed people could vaguely see two young monks in blue and purple clothes sitting in the car. see it clearly.

Until the treasure car disappeared without a trace, there were still people staring blankly at it, looking forward to it.

Besides, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, they only felt that the treasure car passed over many pavilions and stopped directly on a vast field. There were many buildings on both sides, all of which were the area of ​​Duobaolou.

Chapter 570 Two Loose Immortals

Those delicate girls stood quietly on both sides, and the old man at the head bowed and waited. Although his attitude was humble, he had no sense of inferiority. Instead, it made people feel extremely comfortable.

At this end, Jiayijia2 also jumped out of the car, went to the door of the treasure car, and greeted his young master.

Immediately, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing swayed slightly, and they were already standing under the treasure car.

Those Flood Dragons and Puppet Silver Dragons actually put their heads down at this moment and made a state of surrender.

The two sides had their own pomp and circumstance, the old man saw the true faces of the two brothers and sisters, and his attitude was more gentle: "I dare to ask the two young masters, what are you asking for here? I have many treasures in the Duobaolou, since it is the Zhoutian Xianzong. The star-level disciples who are interested will come out of nowhere."

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "You're very polite, my senior brother and I are here to visit the two Sanxian seniors."

When the old man heard it, his expression was a little surprised: "Well, did the two young masters have an agreement?"

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "Exactly, Jia Er, I will present the invitation."

When Jia Er heard it, he took a step forward, holding two salutations in his hand, and placed them in the hands of the old man.

The old man didn't dare to take a closer look, and only asked, "Which two elders are you going to visit?"

Xu Ziqing said: "In the early years, Canglan Sword Immortal had an appointment with his senior brother, but when he was not there, he was invited by Qinghua Immortal Venerable. In the past, because of many trivial matters, he could not escape, and he never came to see him immediately. , came right away."

After listening to Xu Ziqing's generalization of the matter, the old man also understood that this remark was not false and did not dare to neglect. At that time, a woman in a palace dress was called to entertain the two distinguished guests, and he hurried back to the building in the middle of the building. The special method in the Baolou was to send the invitations to the hands of the two scattered cyclists.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie came here with sincerity, and they knew that the two Sanxian seniors were not necessarily in this building, so they went to an elegant hall with the woman in the palace dress, and were entertained by her, and they waited with peace of mind.

About half an hour later, Xu Ziqing had just finished drinking the cup of tea in his hand, and the old man rushed over again and said repeatedly, "This old man has communicated with those two elders, and now the two elders have arrived. Here, I am waiting in the middle of the building, and I also invite the two young masters to meet the old man."

Xu Ziqing's brows moved slightly, these two scattered immortal seniors came quite quickly.

He naturally also stood up and got up with his senior brother.

Those delicate girls are not enough to enter the building, but the two Mahayana star slaves followed.

After a while, the building in the building will arrive.

This is the place where the guarded Sanxian lives. It is also the place where the supervisors and stewards of the branch building live. It is the core of the Duobao Building. There is a treasure house in the interior. It is separated from the outer building. It is the most important place. .

The old man took the two brothers to the top floor of the building, led by the teleportation array, and saw countless restrictions along the way, and the space magic array played a role in it. In the end, they became different loose immortals. field.

However, what makes Xu Ziqing feel strange is that this old man did not separate the two of them, but brought them to the same place.

Could it be that the two Sanxian seniors want to see him together?

Just as he was thinking, the old man took the two out of the teleportation formation and stood in front of a gate. He already said in his mouth: "Canglan Sword Immortal and Qinghua Immortal Venerable are both among them. The two elders know that the two young masters are a pair of Taoist companions, so they will welcome them together, and they will rest assured."

Xu Ziqing was stunned, and he valued the two Sanxian seniors a little more.

It can be seen that the two really received them with sincerity, and they were so considerate to the mere **** child.

The door opened slowly, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie looked at each other and walked straight in.

As for A, A, and A, they are guarding the door with the old man—the two scattered immortals of Tangtang, if they really want to be detrimental to the two of them, how can the Mahayana monks stop them? What's more, the two brothers and sisters came generously, so there is no need to be stingy at this time.

In the door, there are layers of white jade stones, and a majestic sword intent rises into the sky, but it never protrudes outside. Expansive.

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