When Canglan Jianxian saw it, he couldn't help laughing a few times: "Qinghua, it's better to say it directly. I don't need to play with the younger generation, I know you are euphemistic, but if you continue to euphemistically, it will scare people. already."

Xu Ziqing's heart moved slightly, and he had guessed just now that this might be related to the matter that Immortal Venerable Qinghua asked him to help. The other party gave this thing first, in the name of the method of discernment, but it was actually a kind of sincerity. However, he was also worried that if he was not able to handle it, he would take the things first, which would make him passive.

...Fortunately, he is a disciple of Zhou Tian Xianzong. If he is just an ordinary casual cultivator, I am afraid that even if he and his senior brother can be called great in the same realm, he can only let the scattered immortal predecessors exert pressure. And it will never be like this, it is actually a good discussion, and the fire in the wood is used to show the good.

Immortal Venerable Qinghua chuckled lightly: "I'm abrupt." After she finished speaking, she looked solemn and said to Xu Ziqing, "My concubine was originally cultivating the wood genus, and I found a way to change rain and meet chūn, but what I cultivated The Tao is biased towards Yimu, although it has infinite vitality, but it is lost in the softness of yīn, unable to completely eliminate the evil energy, so it is delayed for a thousand years. Now the next doom is only nearly a thousand years left. If you can't exorcise the evil spirits as soon as possible, I am afraid it will be too late to consolidate your cultivation. , will surely perish in doom!" Speaking of this, she changed her words, "Xu Xiaoyou's pure wood energy is rare for a concubine in her life, and the concubine intentionally uses the wood energy of Xiaoyou's yang Jiayi balance to try it out, I don't know. Are you willing to lend a helping hand?"

Canglan Jianxian also said: "If Xu Xiaoyou agrees, Qinghua will not only send the fire in the wood, but I also want to owe the two little friends a favor. As long as it doesn't concern my life and death, I will definitely take a shot for the little friends. How? ?"

Xu Ziqing was shocked.

At first he was surprised that the evil spirit that even the Sanxian could not expel even let him try it, and then he was amazed at the kindness of Senior Canglan - the Wulian Jian Xiu Sanxian shot. Will never really be able to compete with each other. In addition to the realm of kendo, this also has its own cultivation, which is also an insurmountable peak.

Getting this kind of favor is almost equivalent to a life for the two of them!

In comparison, the fire in the wood is not very eye-catching.

However, if the other party is willing to pay such a large price, it will not be easy.

The evil qi that has been rooted in Sanxian's body for thousands of years, even if his wood qi is useful, I don't know how much energy it will take, let alone how long it will take him to practice, or what price he will have to pay.

Thinking of it this way, you can't accept it lightly.

Being greedy for a while can lead to endless troubles for oneself.

It's just, if you don't agree, I'm afraid you will hate these two loose immortals. Especially after a thousand years, if Immortal Qinghua is caught in a doom and annihilation, then Canglan Sword Immortal, who is deeply in love with her, can't blame him and his senior brother for all this. At that time, a Sword Immortal. Instigated crazy, they are still far from being able to grow into the junior monks, but they are about to reach the big mold.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but smile.

No wonder the two loose immortals are so harmonious, they should also be very clear, even if he wants to join hands with his senior brother to live forever, most of them will agree.

Xu Ziqing sighed inwardly, but his face did not show it. Since he was about to agree, why should he be unhappy, and instead let the friendship that could be forged turn into a complete exchange of interests?

He just smiled: "Senior Qinghua, Senior Canglan, I don't know what the junior should do, how much attention should be paid to this move." After a pause, he continued, "In a few years, the junior and senior will be in the Xingchen Hall. There is a small banquet to entertain many fellow students, if the age is too long, I am afraid that it will have to wait until after the small banquet."

Immortal Qinghua and Sword Immortal Canglan heard this, and their expressions were happy. After looking at each other, Immortal Qinghua said, "Don't be in a hurry, little friend, although little friend's wood energy is mostly useful, it can't be said that there is any accident. So I'll give it a try first, and then talk about other things. The concubine has been delayed for thousands of years, and I won't make it difficult for my little friend for a few years."

Xu Ziqing nodded.

In fact, not only is there a few years of small banquets, but there will be decades after the small banquet. He and his senior brother will go back to the Great World to be stationed, and they will also meet their long-lost relatives and friends. If it exceeds this year, it will also be difficult.

However, just as Qinghua Xianzun said, let's try it first.

Seeing Xu Ziqing's response, Immortal Venerable Qinghua smiled and said, "Little friend, let's hold up this thing first."

After she said that, she handed over your magic weapon.

Xu Ziqing didn't dare to neglect at the moment. First, he activated the real essence from his dantian, and then sent it to the palm of his hand, where he wrapped a layer about an inch behind, and carefully took the 'Qingyun Linglong Leaf'.

At this moment, Immortal Venerable Qinghua and Sword Immortal Canglan also looked solemn and looked at them carefully.

It is also strange to say that when the 'Qingyun Linglong Leaf' landed on the layer of true essence, it did make a "swoosh" sound at first. It was worn away, and the blade slowly fell. But just after the blade fell about an inch, the "swoosh" sound suddenly disappeared, and the black air seemed to have reached a certain limit, which was firmly supported by the true essence, and did not continue to corrode.

Immortal Venerable Qinghua breathed a sigh of relief: "Little friend Zhenyuan, really can resist this evil spirit better than concubines."

Although this evil energy was directly introduced into her body through the magic weapon of her life, if her immortal essence was so balanced, she might be trapped for a while at first, but gradually she will gradually drive away the evil spirit with the dominance of immortal essence... It's not like it is now, thousands of years have passed, and they are still pulling each other.

At this time, Xu Ziqing didn't know whether it was a loose or a cold in his heart, it was always quite complicated.

But since he had already made up his mind, he would not back down, so he said bluntly.

Asked: "Since it is useful, the senior can tell the junior how to do it."

Qinghua Xianzun has long-cherished a long-cherished wish, and now he has achieved the hope, and he is more kind to Xu Ziqing: "Little friend, please send your true essence into the 'Qingyun Linglong Leaf' of your concubine, and first take a look at the one that drives away evil spirits. Difficulty."

Chapter 572 Help

Xu Ziqing is also a decisive person. Hearing the Qinghua Immortal Venerable talking about the way, he immediately supported the "Qingyun Linglong Leaf" with one hand, raised two fingers with the other hand, and swayed a very soft blue light on his fingertips. Slowly place on the leaves.

Immediately, he wasted his energy and sent the true essence containing pure wood energy into Qing Yun Linglong Leaf.

Only after doing his best, Xu Ziqing felt a strong squeezing force, as if he was constantly pushing and rejecting this group of true essence, not allowing it to enter. But the force of push and refusal did not come from the blade itself, but another extremely viscous force. As soon as it touched it, there was an extremely cold and evil feeling.

Very disgusting.

Xu Ziqing's brows were slightly wrinkled, and she became calm.

At this moment, although the evil force that had just been incomparably pushed back could not be stopped, it immediately wrapped around like a hungry tiger rushing towards its food, wrapping that bit of true essence from all directions.

He can perceive that this evil force is constantly eating away at his true essence, and the degree of intractability of the evil force in the leaves is far greater than what was touched on the leaves before!

However, Xu Ziqing didn't realize that when his true essence could really enter the leaves, whether it was Qinghua Immortal Venerable or Canglan Sword Immortal, the almost indiscernible nervousness in his eyes disappeared.

It seems that even though they promised a lot of benefits in advance, they were not very at ease with the monks in the spirit transformation stage, just because the gap between the transformation spirit and the loose immortal, the real essence and the immortal essence is like the difference between the sky and the abyss, even if Xu Ziqing's wood No matter how good the anger is, it is as they say, but just give it a try.

Xu Ziqing was still very focused at this time. He carefully pushed the real essence, and when the evil force was constantly entangled, he added some real essence into it.

Slowly, after about two hours, a small green dot suddenly appeared on the leaf.

This little spot is only as slender as a needle glow, but it is indeed true, and at this moment, it regains its original luster—even if it becomes pitch black again almost immediately!

Immortal Venerable Qinghua's smile at the moment is also truly revealed.

Xu Ziqing's forehead was dripping with sweat.

At this time, he hadn't stopped his hand, but someone covered his hand and pulled it away, no longer sending True Essence into the leaf.

The person who pulled him was the senior brother Yun Lie who had been sitting beside him, silent.

Yun Lie said, "Enough."

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the two scattered immortals. His eyes were very cold, but they did not mean to invade. It was just that displeasure that was rarely revealed.

Xu Ziqing's heart warmed: "Senior brother, I'm fine."

Canglan Sword Immortal and Qinghua Immortal Venerable just reacted. They asked for help, but they could not destroy Xu Ziqing's foundation. Otherwise, even if they were loose immortals, in the eyes of the first-rank immortal sect, they would definitely not be able to match them. A five-star disciple with bloodthirsty demon vines and unlimited potential - if Zhou Tianxianzong knew about this, even if the Qinghua Immortal Venerable was not damaged by the tribulation thunder, he would be eliminated in the hands of Zhoutianxianzong.

Immortal Venerable Qinghua calmed down, spread out his hands, and there were two water droplets on it, exuding a strong woody energy. What is surprising is that although the two water droplets do not mix with each other, the aura they exude is entangled with each other, as if they are at odds with each other, and they seem to be able to merge into one at any time.

She smiled and said, "Just now I have worked hard for Xiaoyou. This drop of Jiamu's spirit and a drop of Yimu's spirit will give it to Xiaoyou. Presumably after Xiaoyou absorbs it, those losses can be made up."

Yun Lie didn't move, but withdrew his gaze.

He has always handled foreign affairs to his junior and junior counterparts, but the matters handled by junior and senior seniors are often already in his heart, but he does not like to talk too much with others, so junior junior does it for him.

Now he has practiced for hundreds of years, and he has never been afraid of others since he was a child. Even in the great world of Qianyuan, because of the weakness of the Wuling lineage, he temporarily forbears. Enter the country to enhance the status of the Wuling lineage in Zhoutian Xianzong. He and his junior brother became star-level disciples, and since then they have also had life-saving means and sects to rely on.

Therefore, even if Yun Lie knew that the Sanxian asked them to be the younger generation, they should answer, but there is no reason to let the junior and junior brothers be squeezed. It is not a big problem to help Sanxian. If the other party bullies him instead, he has the ability to work hard.

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