"Even if cultivators practice various methods, they are not ruthless and lustful, but those with seven emotions and six desires cannot escape the influence of humans and demons. Moreover, the influence of humans and demons is not only a few people, but hundreds of thousands. How many, but as long as you enter that human and demon realm, you will no longer be able to hurt humans and demons."

Such a terrifying ability can be regarded as created by doom!

Hearing this, Xu Ziqing's eyes could not help but fall on Yun Lie.

Ji Qing noticed that his tone softened a bit: "What Yun Lie cultivated must be the ruthless killing of kendo."

Seeing Ji Qing like this, Xu Ziqing's heart moved slightly again: "If you freeze seven emotions and six desires like senior brother, can you also be affected by humans and demons?"

He remembered that his senior brother had also fallen into the devil, but because of this, he cultivated the body of a fairy and a demon. The Seven Emotions Moruo had already been absorbed by his senior brother. It is reasonable to say that it is not only because of the swordsmanship, but also the merits of that experience, senior brother should not be accepted. The magic effect is.

Ji Qing nodded sternly: "Yes, if humans and demons are incompetent in the world, they will also lose the original intention of heaven. Among the monks of my generation, the stronger the will, the easier it is to wake up, and the more indifferent to the emotions and desires, the less the impact. There are very few people who practice the ruthless way, and there are some in the end, but it is difficult to cultivate, it is difficult to comprehend ruthlessness, and it is difficult to comprehend the calamity, so that most of the realms are not high." A glint of admiration flashed in his eyes, "But cultivation is ruthless. The slaughtering kendo practitioners were originally practiced in that slaughter every day. I heard that this dharma leads to seven emotions because of one emotion. When it is needed, it is there, and when it is not needed, it freezes. Although the practice is more difficult than the ordinary ruthless way, But once the pill is formed, it will be much smoother to break through in the future, even among opponents of the same realm, it will be able to rank among the best, qiáng is unparalleled... Yun Lie cultivates this way, but this seat will be relieved a lot."

Xu Ziqing breathed a sigh of relief, the power of humans and demons is too terrifying, if there is no way, he will be worried. Now since the senior brothers are not afraid, they will not be too passive.

It's just that he also understands that if there is only one senior brother, at most, he can only keep him and his senior brother. If there are more people, it will not work. Master, fellow disciples and disciples, still can't let go of their hearts.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but look at Yun Lie.

Yun Lie glanced over and said, "Don't worry too much."

Xu Ziqing smiled, and he naturally understood that he would not shake his mood.

Ji Qing was also quite satisfied, these two disciples were extremely intelligent and determined, and they deserved to be the people who broke into such a position in the Zhoutian Xianzong in just two hundred years.

After Xu Ziqing and his fellow apprentices chatted for a while, their attention returned to Ji Qing: "Sect Master, how do humans and demons often behave after they are born? What rules should I have?"

Ji Qing pondered for a while: "There is a lot of ancient books, and people and demons have a lot of hatred. They often kill people and cause a lot of trouble. However, their temperament is not good at scheming, so they are often attached to the past by the demons, and instead they use him to help them. Power, gather forces, stir up blood and blood, and make the demons prosperous. If there are many dooms, the evil demons will take the opportunity to act recklessly, pushing the dooms even more terrifying and causing more casualties."

Xu Ziqing thought thoughtfully: "So, humans and demons... are evil?"

After thinking for a moment, Ji Qing replied: "Not at all... According to the classics, the actions of humans and demons should be related to their obsessions. It's just that after I was born in Wuling Xianmen, I only encountered two great calamities, and I saw two people and demons. All of them were betrayed because of their own faults, causing their families to be destroyed, and their obsession with revenge turned into human demons, so they became angry, and when they became real demons, blood was everywhere. There are a few capable people, who have gone through countless hardships, and finally imprisoned the demons under the glacier, refining them every day, and after hundreds of years, they were finally eliminated."

The implication is that this human demon controlled by anger has done a lot of evil, and it can only be dealt with by killing and refining. But whether there are still people who have been incarnated as demons because of other obsessions, these generations have been passed down from generation to generation, and they have never been seen, and they have no way to deal with them - and among the seven emotions, anger is the easiest to control people's hearts, and it is also the most intense. This time, humans and demons are still absorbing all kinds of emotions and six desires, and most of them are also "angry people".

And the "anger" is naturally to be removed.

Xu Ziqing understands that those who do evil should naturally be killed. Even if they were only mortals who suffered hardships in the past, their sins are sins, and they should not be turned away by what they encountered in the past. Otherwise, how should they face those who are now harmed by them? In the end, you have to settle for what you did.

It's just that I don't know if the demons this time have started to do evil...

Here Xu Ziqing is still thinking, but Ji Qing on the other side has spoken again: "Ziqing, the traces of humans and demons are still not available, it is not the main thing for this seat to find you and the two of you, the most important thing is that the heaven and the earth are really big. robbery."

Xu Ziqing was stunned, and immediately came back to his senses: "Yes, humans and demons have already been born. Since there is already a way to deal with it, there is no need to think about it. On the contrary, it is impossible to know what kind of doom it will be."

Seeing his realization, Ji Qing continued: "Before the birth of human beings and demons, the way of the demons was already in motion, and in many states and counties, the immortals and demons rubbed against each other from time to time. Compared with a hundred years ago, it was much more frequent, but I didn't know that the way of demons was brewing. What a conspiracy. I have also sent people to investigate, and it seems messy at one time, and it seems to be well-organized at the same time, but it feels weird everywhere."

Although human beings and demons are born, there is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, but not every catastrophe is a catastrophe.

If this time, the evil spirits are responsible for causing disaster, and another individual demon is manipulated by it, it will cause even more bitter consequences and make the blood flow into rivers, it may not be impossible.

——After all, if there is no sign of disaster today, it is a sign of a demonic disaster.

Chapter 598: Zongmen's Order

If Xu Ziqing realized something, "What does the sect master mean?"

Ji Qing said: "Human devil

It has already come out, the catastrophe is about to start, and the investigation can no longer be as vague as before. "

Xu Ziqing is clear.

In the past, the evil spirits changed, although the people in the immortals also investigated, but in the end they only paid attention to them, and did not really investigate in detail. Now that the omen of the catastrophe is so clear, it is natural to be more careful.

Then the sect master called him and his senior brother to come, and there was probably a generation.

Ji Qing continued to speak at this time: "Ziqing, you and Yun Lie are the inspectors sent by the main sect to this realm. This sect will have major arrangements, and it will only be implemented with the consent of the two of you."

Moreover, both parties know that when the demon appears and the catastrophe appears, this matter also needs to be reported to the main sect. And the information contained in the report needs to be explained in detail by the inspector and the deputy inspector, so the process of how the lower realm responds and even the ins and outs must both be involved.

Xu Ziqing is also quite stubborn: "Although my brother and I have this status now, whether it is our understanding of the world or the balance of many forces in the sect, we are very shallow. The experience of the suzerain and the elders is more than two times that of me. , where is our turn to dictate? Just as long as the suzerain and his colleagues have negotiated properly, then tell me the results, and if there are any arrangements or orders, my senior brother and I will definitely cooperate."

Ji Qing heard the words, and his heart was at ease: "In this case, you and Yun Lie go back first, and wait for the sound transmission of this seat."

Xu Ziqing nodded: "Alright, the disciple will say goodbye to the senior brother."

Ji Qing didn't want to keep anyone else, the two brothers and sisters bowed their heads to Elder Xingshi and left.

Naturally, when they were leaving, the old man who led the two of them reappeared, unfolded his robe sleeves, and sent them out.

After returning to the upper peak, Xu Ziqing said goodbye to the old man again, and met with the first, first, second and so on.

Because the sect master just wanted them to go over and talk, it took less than a few hours in total, and nothing major happened in this peak.

It's just that the name of the peak must be established first.

Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie.

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "Since it has been blurted out, there is no need to change it."

Xu Ziqing smiled.

That's right, when he took Yan Hua back, he had already said the words "Wan Mufeng". Just because that "Slaughter Sword Peak" is already the name of Zhongfeng, and this peak was bestowed by the sect master to the two of them... There is no distinction between him and his senior brother. On top of this title, senior brother really thinks the same as him.

It seems that he has brought his senior brother into the peak of his family?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but smile.

This is not the case, but when I think about it, I find it interesting.

Since the senior brother agreed, Xu Ziqing did not hesitate, and he swiped his fingers, and a blank stone wall appeared on the top of this huge peak. He changed his mind and said to Yun Lie again, "Senior brother, why don't you and I write letters together?"

Yun Lie glanced at him and agreed.

Immediately, the two of them shot at the same time, and only a few rays of light flashed on their fingertips. On the huge stone wall, the three characters "Wanmufeng" were written immediately. The combination of sharp edges actually shows a balanced and harmonious artistic conception, which makes people feel different every time they look at them.

After establishing the name of the peak, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie went back to the Little Lotus Peak again, together with many disciples and teachers, to take care of Yan Hua, who was still under heavy damage.

Five more days passed.

A piece of jade slip came out of nowhere and sent it directly to Xu Ziqing's hands. He opened the jade slip and received the voice transmission of the sect master Ji Qing.

After these days, it turns out that the sect has already arranged.

Among the many masters of small peaks and disciples of Jindan stage in the sect, hundreds of people were selected and divided into dozens of teams, each team has more than ten people, and they have to go to different places in this world, with the same domain. Contact the sects of various states and carefully investigate the traces of the demons. It is best to pull out some sneaky sects and find out what clues are there.

Naturally, in order to ensure the safety of the disciples, in each Jindan team, there is a great power above Nascent Soul to protect them, so that the task can be successfully completed.

Such power seems a little shabby to Xu Ziqing, who has seen the strength of Zhoutian Xianzong, but he knows even more that in his own sect, disciples above Jindan can already open up the peak, accept the disciples and continue the inheritance, It means that this Jindan disciple is already a small force in Wuling Xianmen, which can be called the foundation of the sect, and Yuan Ying is the master of the middle peak. The power, and even the power of the upper-level - formed a team with such tasks, Wuling Xianzong has shown great sincerity, and is also 100% vigilant against the omen of this catastrophe.

In addition to this, the most important place to pay attention is one location - the Northern Territory.

This ruined world is divided into four major domains: the east, the south, the northwest, the eastern domain is dominated by the immortals, and there are often few demons who dare to make trouble. There are many, but there are not too many demons. The most chaotic place is in the Northern Territory, where the demons are very arrogant, and even the people of the Immortal Dao cannot easily control them, but several giants of the Devil Dao have taken root in the Northern Territory and passed down the Dao lineage.

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