Xu Ziqing said, "Go to the Northern Territory."

The lazy man froze, his consciousness immediately penetrated into his storage ring, and then quickly took out an array plate: "Please come to make this array travel, and be able to go to another place."

Xu Ziqing nodded and let him use it.

Then the light disappeared, and the group disappeared again.

This situation is repeated several times.

After about seven or eight sects of the seventh or eighth rank, many monks finally came to the land near the sea.

Because the sea area surrounded by the four regions is a desolate sea where monsters gather, if ordinary monks want to communicate with each other in the four regions, they often do not pass through the sea, and would rather take a detour. The treasure ship made by the gate passes through the sea. And these large gates often draw a route, bought from the monster, and can run through the two domains. It's just that the price... is also extremely expensive.

Xu Ziqing and the others are naturally not short of money, but because human and demons are very likely to appear in the place where demons and demons are entangled, it is not easy to detour, so they decided to travel by treasure boat.

So, I came to this seaside and saw the pier that looked like a tall one.

In the sea water, there are many boats of different sizes, the small ones are like flat boats, they are very light, and they seem to be overturned in a single làng; the large ones are towering with several floors. There are also different fishing boats, in groups, I am afraid that they will go out to sea to fish and hunt sea shòu together.

That huge treasure ship is the ship that goes straight to the two domains.

The Northern Territory and the Eastern Territory are quite far apart, even though this ship is extremely fast, and it should have a half-month journey. This ship is controlled by a third-grade Immortal Sect Flying Dragon Immortal Sect in the Northern Territory. There will be a treasure ship docked in the future, if the time is wrong, it will not be able to go.

At the moment, the first treasure ship has gone, but the second one still has to wait for some time.

However, Xu Ziqing and others never got on board rashly.

After inquiring a little about the time when the treasure ship sailed, Xu Ziqing led the star slaves and went to the nearby sea town to rest with his senior brother.

There are dozens of them. If they want to get on the boat together, it will be too eye-catching. After arriving in the Northern Territory, the more people there are, the easier it is to be targeted. Everyone has never been to the Northern Territory before. , and how can it work smoothly? Of course, no matter how cautious it is, there is no exaggeration.

So, Xu Ziqing only thought for a moment, and then gave the order first: "A, A, A, and two are with me and my brother, and the rest of the people will take a detour."

He and his senior brother mainly made secret visits to the traces of people and demons. If they couldn't make a statement, they would not go with these many star slaves. The star slaves were originally powerful, each with their own skills, and they should be foolproof.

Moreover, even these star slaves, when they gradually reach the Northern Territory, have to act separately and cannot easily expose others. Disguise, restraint, and camouflage are all essential.

The star slaves also understood Xu Ziqing's intentions very well, and they all agreed with their hearts.

Although they have become slaves, they were also sect disciples back then. When they really want to complete the task, it is not that they do not understand flexibility.

Therefore, after only an hour, these star slaves made a cover up according to the words of the two brothers and sisters.

Then Xu Ziqing didn't care about how the star slaves behaved, and only brought A1A2, followed by the senior brother, and went to the place where the treasure ship was docked.

They quickly purchased a letter of entry into the ship, and very quickly found two cabins on the treasure ship.

Between the mountains, several escaping lights traveled back and forth, very quickly.

At the front were two young monks, a man and a woman. They were very skilled and fast, but because the girl was a little inferior, they still needed the help of young people, so that even though they ran first, they could not escape from the rear. man's pursuit.

The young man in white stepped on two white lotuses under his feet, and clasped the girl's wrist tightly with one hand. His expression was always indifferent.

The people chasing after him, like the young man in white, are also Jindan cultivators, but there are four or five of them.

"Little thief, you have hurt my son, yet you dare to run away, it's really worth your life!"

"Stop quickly, don't let this old man hurt you!"

"The thief goes away!"

No matter how shouting and scolding from the rear, the person in front just didn't hear it, and refused to stop at all.

The girl stole a glance at the back, and said quickly, "Second Senior Brother, I'm sorry, I'm the one who has troubled you!"

The youth's tone was light: "It's not your fault, it's the fault of others."

These two are from the line of Xiaozhufeng, the two disciples of Xu Ziqing, the master of Wanmu Peak, Lian Yao Yuehua, who came out to find medicine for his younger brother, and Hu Xueer, the fox who wanted to come out and meet the world.

With the assistance of A-3, this trip was very easy, but the seven-leaf green lotus is an excellent spiritual object. , want to win this thing, refining blind medicine. Naturally, Yi San wanted to hold him back, so Yuehua and Hu Xue'er left quickly, but they were waiting for Bing San in a nearby town, but they encountered another trouble.

Chapter 600 Goodbye Human Demons

The appearance of a fox is seductive, although Hu Xue'er is a spirit of heaven and earth, and the body of a fox, and because of her early transformation into a human being and following the immortal monks to cultivate ascetic, her charm that originally belonged to a fox demon has been restrained, but she seems very refined. But in the end, Tianhu is also a fox, and the charm hidden in her bones can still be revealed in her frown and smile.

This stunningly beautiful girl, even if she just smiled softly at the second senior brother of the same class,

In that unconscious eye movement, it attracted the attention of the mad bee làng butterfly.

Unfortunately, not all of the disciples disappeared with a single flick, and some of them boasted of strong backgrounds. Not only did they not want to retreat, but because of their lust, they made things difficult for them.

In that town, there was a direct disciple of a certain elder of the Fourth Grade Immortal Sect. He also had some aptitudes, but he liked beauty. After seeing Hu Xueer, he was shocked. People stole it.

Although Xu Ziqing has a gentle temperament, he is not afraid of things, and the disciples under him seem to have different temperaments, but without exception, they act brittle—even Yun Tianheng, who is somewhat similar in temperament to Xu Ziqing, is not afraid of anything. There is a decision.

As a white lotus demon, Yuehua prefers to be quiet and quiet, but facing her fellow junior sister being insulted by others, it is also unbearable, so she will take action. And although Hu Xue'er was only in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, she was very well-behaved with Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie on weekdays, but after all, her shòu temperament had not yet completely melted away, so she moved first before Yuehua took action.

Hu Xue'er's cultivation technique is special and has a solid foundation. Although the cultivation base of that Dengtuzi is close to the formation of elixir, after all, there is no elixir. Naturally, she hurt people very quickly, and it was quite ruthless, causing the Dengtuzi to be seriously injured.

It's just that the disciple didn't come alone, but accompanied by many of the same sect, and even the worshipers in his family, who also rested and drank tea in another place.

This was considered a hornet's nest, Deng Tuzi quickly spread the news, Yue Hua and Hu Xue'er could not match the attack of a group of people, so they had to escape immediately.

It also caused a scene where several Jindan stage monks were closely tied behind them.

It's a pity that Yisan is still fighting with people, otherwise, with his escape, he doesn't have to worry about being caught up by a few Jindan juniors.

Yuehua took Hu Xueer to run together, running very fast, he used his own natal supernatural power, so he stepped on the white lotus, which made him a little more agile. However, in the end, the cultivation level is similar, but they cannot completely get rid of the rear.

This is escaping, escaping, and veering away from the direction.

About a thousand miles away, Yuehua suddenly frowned.

His heart beat fast, as if he heard something, and there was a very slight "humming" sound in his mind. There was also something he hadn't felt since he was conscious, a kind of lingering meaning that seemed to be absent, and the strands refused to cut off, but he was extremely stubborn, trying to get into his seven orifices.

Unconsciously, his speed slowed down.

And Hu Xue'er, who was beside Yuehua, also said "Aah": "Second Senior Brother, I, I feel so uncomfortable!"

Tianhu's mind is clear, and it shouldn't suddenly produce such a feeling.

At the same time, Yuehua heard several muffled noises from behind, as well as the panicked voices of the pursuers. He calmed his mind and immediately turned around to inquire.

As soon as he saw it, he saw that some of the Jindan cultivators' faces were red, some were blue, and they all hugged their heads involuntarily, and there was a flying sword under his feet that seemed to be pulled by something. Together with this cultivator, he fell down all the way. The screams came from the blue-faced monk.

This, what's going on?

Weird, so weird!

Gradually, Yuehua was affected more and more seriously. The magic weapons sacrificed by the few Jindan cultivators seemed to be polluted and lost their effect. ...It's like, all the real essence can no longer function, and the dignified cultivator has been reduced to the level of a mortal——

Yuehua was shocked.

He also realized at this time that his true essence also felt stagnant.

And Hu Xue'er also whispered: "Second Senior Brother, I, I'm so heavy, my head is so dizzy... Many voices are calling me, but I can't hear clearly."

Yuehua also felt the same way, but his cultivation base was more sturdy than Hu Xue'er, so his reaction at this time was also shy. It's just that he didn't know why he was a little inferior to the one or two in the pursuit, but he persisted longer than them.

At this time, he didn't have time to think about it, but immediately restrained his mind, released his consciousness, and looked down.

——No matter what, the abnormality occurred after the two of them came here, so the source of the abnormality should be somewhere nearby.

Yuehua lowered his head, his divine consciousness spread out in all directions, and on a mountain road in the southwest, he saw a seemingly ordinary person.

It was a young man in a gray robe, with long black hair hanging down, but no matter how wild the mountain wind was, the man's robe sleeves were clearly dangling, but his long hair remained unmoved.


So, it must not be an ordinary person.

Just when Yuehua's consciousness touched the man, the young man in gray robe also raised his head.

His face was pale, his lips darkened, and the moment he raised his head, he opened his eyelids—yes, when he bowed his head, he originally closed his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, the surrounding sky , seems to have darkened.

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