He finally spit out a word: "...Okay."

At this time, Jia Er finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The last sentence he said was a threat and a suggestion, but it was also a truth.

If the human and demon were not persuaded by him in the end, he would indeed explode the Nascent Soul and try his best to keep the human and demon behind.

——The reason why they are so willing to be driven by people is that the primordial spirit has already been connected to the primordial lamp in the Xingnu Palace in the Xingchen Hall of Zhoutian.

If they die faithfully, even if their bodies are damaged and their realm is completely lost, their primordial spirits will be captured by that primordial lamp, so they can be nourished. Since then, there will be Xianzong to escort this primordial spirit to take birth. If you have spiritual roots in the next life, you can be directly accepted as a disciple of the Zongmen, and you will no longer be a star slave!

This is also the reason why many low-level star slaves are willing to serve... As long as they can work hard to advance to the Mahayana, they can have one more chance to be reborn.

Of course, it is not known how the aptitude for the next life will be, so it would be better not to blew yourself up.

Yuehua got out of the restraint, and first heard a soft "嘤咛", and saw Hu Xue'er, the fox who had been put aside, just woke up at this moment.

He was also worried that the moody Yu Zhan was going to change his mind again. He didn't care that Hu Xue'er was still in the dark at the time, so he immediately grabbed her and quickly fled away together.

On the other side, although the Pillar of Seven Emotions has disappeared, the lines of anger are still tangled around Jia Er's body.

Yu Zhan absorbed countless desires, and the black lines on his face and Luǒ exposed skin were even more bizarre, as if they were living things, extending to all parts of the body.

Then, he said hoarsely, "Go."

Jia Er knew that he was a demon, and in order to achieve meritorious service, he naturally obeyed.

But Yu Zhan was unexpected. He walked forward step by step as usual, and every time he walked a distance, emotions and desires continued to come...

He wanted to see Yan Hua, but he also remembered being powerless at the time.

If he wants to have full confidence, he still needs to be stronger and stronger... He knows that the farther he goes, the bigger he can become - just as he remembered, the one who stood outright under the sky. Magical!

After parting with An Jinshu that time, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie continued to visit several dark workshops, and they still exchanged the souls of many mortals and monks as before. Purify it, and if you can't meet it, then the sect can entrust the temple to the sect, and it can also save these souls and make them reincarnate in peace.

At the same time, the two brothers and sisters have also visited several nearby cities, but the two big cities where the Ghost Spirit Gate and the Blood God Sect are located have never been there. It is more likely that they will be subject to various investigations, which is really not good for them.

However, these days, the two have never found the whereabouts of the strange mine. Although they have also inquired about some information about the strange mine in the underground dark workshops of some cities, the specific situation is unknown, even if they encounter the blood of the order The people of Shenzong could not interrogate them—even if they used the soul-searching method that people in the immortal realm would easily refuse to use, they could only see that the demon was doing a lot of evil, but it was about the strange mines, and they didn’t know more than the monks outside. a bit.

The only ones that are still useful are in the God of Blood Sect, and only a few elders know how to refine and refine the rare ore, and only those with great power can know the specific whereabouts of the strange ore. In addition, no matter the mining person or the tempering person, they are only sent by the teleportation array with their eyes open and closed, and they are completely unable to know the real location.

From this, it can be seen that the Blood God Sect has a very tight control over the strange mine, and no ordinary person can touch it at all, let alone see what it is with his own eyes.

Fortunately, after Guitu Yinshan successfully formed a baby with the help of the strange mine, the strange mine is already famous. Even if there are still many demons that are not as good as the two giants, if they are united... The situation here is more and more complicated, and the future doom is unknown. Should it be on top of the odd mine?

Xu Ziqing couldn't get a glimpse of the inner tangle for the time being.

And just as the two brothers and sisters were slowly investigating, more than three months had passed. At this time, the marriage between the Ghost Spirit Sect and the Blood God Sect—that is, the day when the Ghost Tuyin Mountain and the Blood God Son got married, was just around the corner. to come.

Chapter 609 Ghost slaughter gets married

Blood God Sect.

On the winding blood-colored mountain road, a handsome man in a scarlet purple robe walked quickly. His whole body was full of blood and energy, and he moved a few times. He had already crossed this path and came to a cliff.

Just as he approached, there was a rush of blood rushing towards his nose, and the rich blood energy was steaming, and the only thing that escaped was that it made people unable to open their eyes, and it was extremely difficult to breathe.

This cliff is called Blood God Cliff, and there is a sea of ​​boiling blood in the valley below the cliff, which is called "Blood God Valley" and "Blood God Sea".

The Sea of ​​Blood Gods has as many as nine levels, and it is a secret place of the sect. Only those who are highly valued by the sect can receive the order of the blood god and enter this sea of ​​blood gods.

The handsome man in the scarlet purple robe held the blood-red token and threw it into the air. The token changed tremendously in an instant, carrying the man down at a high speed, straight into the sea of ​​blood.

The place where this person went is the eighth level of the sea of ​​blood, which should have been the place where the Mahayana monks could resist the corrosion of blood and enter, but the person he went to visit was only stationed in the middle of the current out-of-body life. ——Apart from going out to practice occasionally, that person almost never leaves this sea of ​​blood, and only practices hard there. This state has existed for hundreds of years.

Through the blood làng tangled like a ribbon, the man

into the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

Here, countless blood bands are like chains, and they are constantly entwining a person sitting at the core.

It was a burly man with no strands all over his body, only the blood mist surrounded him, covering him. His complexion was extremely white, and his face was resolute, but at this moment, when he suddenly opened his eyes, he immediately showed a bit of evil.

There are seven blood lines on the man's eyebrows. This is the performance of the seventh level of the "Blood God Collection". When the ninth level is reached, the nine blood lines will form a kind of talisman, which has earth-shattering power-here Before, none of the previous Blood God disciples had such abilities, and even at the time of ascension, at most they only achieved the eighth level!

And this one, only in his current age, has reached the seventh level, which shows that he is extremely talented.

The man in the red and purple robe came over and saluted very carefully. He didn't dare to be disrespectful: "The disciple has seen the master."

Not to mention that he is now a disciple of the other party, many things are under the control of the other party, and he does not talk about the illustrious reputation of this person many years ago, only that he has been missing for many years and is considered to have long since fallen, but he has made breakthroughs after his return. , reached such a state in just a few hundred years, and quickly entered the core again, mastered the great authority of the inner sect, and even was reused by the sect, and even discovered the existence of strange ore, and discovered the usage of strange ore—— So many credits, as well as the unfathomable scheming, made him not dare to disobey, and it was also the fear from his heart.

The burly man, the Demon Venerable Blood Soul, said casually, "Blood, is the auspicious time coming?"

The blood in the red purple robe said respectfully: "Exactly, the idiot of the blood razor is very proud, and he wants to marry the demon head of Guitu. Although that bitch is a watery poplar, but he has been sticking to the yīn yuan, the blood razor must think that he can Picked it up on the wedding night, but as far as my disciples know, I am afraid he gave him to that slut for no reason."

Blood Soul Demon Venerable sneered: "You don't have to take him seriously, this idiot is just the blood god son on the bright side, but only the blood gods and the sect masters who have inherited the past dynasties know about the people who are hidden behind the 'blood god son'. In the middle, there is the real Son of Blood... Bloody, you have already accepted the bloodmark, don't let this seat down!"

Xue Ruo naturally said in a continuous voice: "Master, please rest assured, the disciples have sworn an oath when they are apprentices. When the disciples become the suzerain, they will definitely send a battle letter to the Eastern Region, and they will definitely unify the four regions and promote the divine power of my Blood God Sect!" There was a glint of jīng in his eyes, "The powers of the Eastern Region, Xianmen, Western Regions, Imperial Dynasty, and Southern Regions were originally giants, but now the Master has found a rare mine, and my Blood God Sect controls this thing, and then manipulates many forces of the Demon Gate. I will definitely be able to quickly gather the Demon Dao and become the real Demon Dao Overlord!"

Blood Demon Venerable nodded: "Very good, you should have this ambition!" Then, he closed his eyes again, "Gui Tu's marriage will definitely spy on my Zong Qi Mine, that idiot will not fail. Besides, you need to pay more attention to Guitu. She is a smart woman, if you can win over, you might as well make a fool of yourself with her first."

Bloody is also called "yes".

The Blood Soul Demon Venerable waved his hand and told Xue Ruo to step back: "Go to the wedding hall and accompany you to welcome your relatives, and you must not let others take advantage of the loophole, otherwise it will not only be that idiot, but also the face of my entire Blood God Sect. Step on the soles of your feet."

Xue Lu naturally agreed again, and then he withdrew.

After he completely left the Sea of ​​Blood God, he took out the defensive magic weapon that had been protecting him for a long time. Sure enough, the light above was already dim. The eighth sea of ​​blood is indeed extraordinary. He didn't even talk about cultivating in it. He just stood for a while and said a few more words, and he had already weakened this magic weapon to this point.

His master... how terrifying is he?

The fear in his heart flashed, and Xue Yu returned to his gloomy and arrogant appearance, and quickly left.

What he needs to do most now is to go to the ghost gate as a foil for the idiot of Xuejiao, together with many of the same generation of brothers and sisters-that is, those who have failed in the competition of the "Blood God Son" on the bright side.

Standing outside Erlo City, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie could clearly see that the sky above the city was blocked by the Void of the Mighty One, but they did not know what magic weapon they used to clearly reveal the scene.

There are towering boats swooping across the sky, and countless men in black and red and purple robes stand on the opposite building boats.

There are also black clouds rolling, blood fog lingering, countless magic magic weapons competing to show the magic light around, and there are shadowy shadows and countless demons hiding in them, crowding around the two building ships, it is really shocking!

Undoubtedly, one of the two building ships is owned by the Ghost Spirit Sect and the other is owned by the Blood God Sect.

The city of Erlo is located between the Ghost Spirit Gate and the Blood God Sect, and the place where the contemporary blood god son, the blood razor, was established here.

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