It was still the lake and the mountains, but the actual situation was very different from what they had seen outside the formation.

——For example, the two people thought that the monster shòu should be entrenched in the lake. At this time, the huge body was crooked to one side, and the breath of blood burst out from above, which was extremely pungent... Obviously, it was a corpse.

A corpse that was killed and emptied because two female nuns wanted to create a dojo to the death.

Above the lake, there are two powerful forces rising into the sky.

On the left is a huge water column, and at the top stands the cold woman in white, with long hair like a waterfall, and her temperament is absolutely dust. It is the ethereal fairy An Jinshu. On the right side is a strange black smoke, also wrapped in a graceful beauty, she was born stunningly enchanting, extremely charming, she is the ghost Tu Yinshan who married a woman.


Even though Guitu Yinshan was so beautiful, An Jinshu was mediocre in appearance, but for some reason, if anyone, male or female, saw them for the first time, they would always feel that An Jinshu was more attractive than Guitu Yinshan. people pay attention.

Xu Ziqing saw the two of them clearly, and even more clearly saw behind the ghost slaughtering mountain.

Not far from there, there are two figures, one of which he can see clearly, is the appearance of the late Nascent Soul's peak close to a god, while the other is several times larger, making people feel unfathomable - of course, For the two brothers and sisters, it is not completely unpredictable, at least, above the out-of-body stage.

Difficult to deal with.

Only then did Xu Ziqing understand why An Jinshu would break the wooden talisman regardless of the others, only because the ghost slaughterer did not keep his promise this time and brought the other two demon cultivators.

She is indeed a confident and arrogant woman, but she is not a foolish and conceited person. She knows that she is invincible, she knows she has already been deceived and deceived, why should she continue to hold on?

Therefore, An Jinshu moved in her heart and invited the other two to come over.

At least the two seem to be of good intentions, and their aura is far superior to hers--if the three of them join forces, even if they can't leave the other's demons, they may not be able to escape.

As for the others... An Jinshu also tried to summon the information, not wanting the place to be completely blocked, but she couldn't, and she had to recognize it.

But having said that, An Jinshu was not very sure about whether the two would come, and whether they would be able to catch up. Now that I really saw the two of them, I felt relieved.

The Fairy An said lightly: "Thank you two fellow Daoists."

Xu Ziqing pulled his senior brother, and clouds formed under his feet. It was the ethereal spirit that stood behind An Jinshu.

He said in his mouth: "Fairy An is polite. Since she is a fellow, how can she stand by? Now it is a fair confrontation, and Fairy An can do her best."

At this moment, both sides are three people. Although the other party has an out-of-body stage, it also has a Nascent Soul stage. Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie are both in the late stage of God Transformation. Not afraid.

If they really meet, I don't know who will kill the deer!

On the opposite side, Guitu Yinshan's face became a little ugly: "I thought you, An Jinshu, how bright and upright you are and how to keep yourself clean, aren't there two concubines here too? But I'm afraid it's useless for you to call someone here. If you have two, if you die, you will get another pair!"

An Jinshu looked at her indifferently, with a tone of contempt that was different from when facing others: "There is dirt in your heart, and there is dirt everywhere you see. The two fellow Daoists are dual cultivators. I see." Then she didn't say much, just said, "It's useless to talk too much, just do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, An Jinshu raised her hand lightly, and a crystal clear mirror that was as white as jade appeared in her palm. Before, radiate that astonishing power, and attack the Ghost Tuyin Mountain—

Chapter 613 Recognition

Guitu Yinshan sneered: "Good day!"

Immediately, when he showed his hands, the tips of the ten fingers were like ghost claws, and in the black mist, countless claw shadows formed again, the duration was short, and the ghosts cried.

The clear and spiritual energy that An Jinshu released was like a cloud, pure and pure, with a kind of great power, but it could not be effective against the ghost slaughtering mountain.

I saw that the ghost claws were grabbing again and again, and the clear spiritual energy was shattered again and again, just like tearing the cotton wool, tearing it all clean.

An Jinshu's expression was cold, she snapped her finger, and a cloud pad flew out from her fingertips, turning it into a kind of prison, to firmly bind the ghost slaughtering mountain in it, and then reciting the art again and again, countless ice needles were like bào wind The showers, wrapped in the cold murderous intent, will pierce the Ghost Tuyin Mountains from all directions!

The corner of Gui Tu Yinshan's mouth hooked, and he also grabbed a ghost flag, and when he waved it in mid-air, countless evil ghosts rushed out, turning those ice needles into snow water, and then rolling over the cloudpa. , biting endlessly.

Come and go, evenly matched.

The two women are both in the Nascent Soul realm, and both have their own magical abilities. They can kill like flying sand and stones for a while. Black and white are entangled in endless entanglements. Their strengths are not inferior to male cultivators in the slightest.

Seeing the battle between the two women, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

In the Qianyuan Great World, he had also seen countless fighting methods, and even went back and forth several times in the battle list. Although it was the top 3,000 worlds, the current ruined world is only in the middle 3,000, but the ghost slaughtered. The battle between Yinshan and Fairy Ethereal can be regarded as a first-class means even in the great world of Qianyuan!

visible world

Although the resources of the world are different, if they are truly excellent cultivators, they will never be troubled by it.

At the same time, Xu Ziqing did not forget to pay attention to the two demon cultivators behind Gui Tu Yin Shan.

Those two people are eyeing them, and the people in the evil way have no credibility at all, and it is possible if they suddenly take action in the middle of a death battle. Since he and his senior brother came to help An Jinshu once, they didn't say that they would protect her completely, but they couldn't let her be defeated by a secret hand. In order to fight to the death, there must be some fairness.

Yun Lie also thought so, although he did not raise his eyes to pay attention, but his vigilance did not diminish.

On the other side, two demon cultivators were also watching the battle.

One of them frowned: "Master, there seems to be a variable here, those two immortals... I don't know what their origins are?"

As soon as he said this, he found that his master did not answer, and when he looked up, he seemed to be thinking, and he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

This person is the secretly hidden real son of the blood god, Xue Rui. He was instructed by his master, and he intended to have a good relationship with the newly married Guitu Yinshan, and Guitu Yinshan had great plans and got along with him. . The two made a fool of themselves, and Guitu Yinshan asked him to help him. It was considered to be an early cooperation, and the bloody cruelty showed his sincerity, so he naturally agreed. However, he went to visit the master once, but he didn't expect that the master would suddenly come with him.

However, Xue Rui didn't know it. He himself felt that the master was weird, and his master, the blood demon, also didn't know the clue.

When the bloody violence left the day before yesterday, it was only to explain that he had something to do with Guitu Yīn Mountain, but for some reason, the Blood Soul Demon Venerable jumped in his heart, and he felt a kind of excitement and wanted to follow. Now he is looking at the two immortal cultivators on the opposite side, although the appearance of the other side has never been revealed, but after seeing it, when he is unknown, there is a vague hostility.

Blood Soul Demon Venerable thought deeply, even if this sudden feeling was unknown, he would not let it go, and he was very concerned about the two immortal cultivators.

These two people...either had his plans against him, or they had a lot to do with him...

Therefore, when his disciple's bloody inquiries came to him suddenly, he didn't hear them clearly, and he didn't answer them either.

Not long after, Guitu Yinshan and An Jinshu fought fiercely.

The two women have been fighting for many years, and they know each other very well. Whenever An Jinshu has the upper hand, Gui Tu Yinshan is also brave after knowing shame and never retreating.

This time, it's still a draw.

An Jinshu said indifferently, "How is your husband?"

She was originally a pure woman, but this time it was ironic.

Gui Tu yīn Shan smiled charmingly: "You are a dignified fairy, but don't you think about someone else's husband? It's better to let people see it sooner!"

An Jinshu was unmoved. She had been fighting this demon for a long time, and she didn't know how many foul words she had heard. If it was said that in the early years, she would have been slightly shaken by this, but now not only can she not stir up the slightest wave in her heart, but she can fight back, and there will be no more ripples.

She was still speaking: "I heard that you used a kind of strange mineral to break through for this death battle. Now your strength has risen, and I think it's also because of this. It's just that people who practice cultivation like me should follow the destiny, you know that. When the realm is not reached, but qiáng acts with the help of external force, although there is a temporary success, if it continues for a long time, not only will it not be able to stabilize the foundation, I am afraid that there will be a great calamity, and by then, it will be too late to regret."

Guitu Yinshan's expression changed, and he snorted coldly: "Don't shake my mood!"

After all, countless evil ghosts came to bite! The sky and the earth were obscured and turned into darkness.

An Jinshu shook her head slightly: "Loyalty words are hard to hear, nothing is more than this."

Of course she didn't have the kindness to persuade a demon, but the words just now were what she thought. However, she also knew that the way the demons practiced was different from that of immortals. There are hidden dangers in immortals, but they could be done overnight in the demons, and let the power be added to the body... The words she said were indeed words to challenge each other, just to shake the opponent.

After the battle of words between the two, they fought again.

Gradually, half of each other's real energy was consumed, magic weapons were exhausted, and the means were exhausted. The victory and defeat were already within a single thought, and within a single move, they became more and more brave.

At this moment, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie became more and more vigilant.

Sure enough, just as An Jinshu and Gui Tuyinshan were brewing for each other, when they were about to unleash a powerful blow, the two demons on the opposite side also moved!

In an instant, the shadows of blood were heavy.

All cultivators of the Blood God Sect, with some aptitude, must cultivate the "Blood God Collection". , pounced on the human body, and immediately sucked up the blood of the human body, and plundered all the beauty of the body for his own. The more intense the cultivation, the more powerful the monks who can smash food, the more they gain, and the more powerful they are.

As a true Son of Blood, Xue Rui is extremely skilled. At the peak of the late Nascent Soul, he had already cultivated to the fifth level. Even if he couldn't compare to his talented master, it was by no means easy to get along with him. generation.

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