This kind of situation is very strange, and it makes him helpless.

Now that it is at the juncture of life and death, they have to fight hard. Immortal Dao's will is so firm, whether it is for self-protection or for counterattack, they must support it.

After many outstanding disciples of the Blood God Sect fought, secretly, the Blood God Demon Venerable had dispatched an elder of the blood hall to bring the Jindan peak disciple, who would have to go to merge the strange mines for a while, into the secret room. .

Odd mines are too important. Those elders who guard the odd mines are all Supreme Elders of the Blood God Sect’s secret treasures. Usually, they hardly show up in front of people. Now even if someone knocked on the door, the Blood God Demon Venerable still never invited them out.

At this time, in order for more Nascent Soul cultivators to turn the tide of the battle, it is necessary to let this group of outstanding disciples go ahead to find the strange mines, break through as soon as possible, and kill more immortal cultivators!

——No matter how arrogant the Blood God Demon Venerable is, he also knows that all the big giants in Immortal Dao are here to surround and kill his Blood God sect, even if the Nascent Soul cultivator in their Blood God sect is far better than any immortal sect, but If compared to the number of Immortal Gate Unions, it is still a lot worse.

Really, there can't be any carelessness.

Otherwise, there will be an immediate disaster!

In order to buy time for those disciples, the Blood God and Demon Venerable glanced at the many elders of the blood hall and said: "At this time, when the Buhuzong grand formation, you will quickly sacrifice the spell."

The elders of the blood hall looked at each other in dismay, but there was no objection, they all responded: "Yes, Sect Master!"

Then, in their respective positions, they each took out a strange magic weapon, or a black flag, or a blood seal, or a ghost head, or a skeleton, and each released hundreds of blood slaves. The blood cloud platform circled around in circles, setting off an overwhelming blood fog.

This is the formation being made.

The Blood God and Demon Venerable looked at Yu Nongqing again: "You call your disciple in your sect and set up a 'Desire for Immortal Tenderness'!"

Yu Nong was in love for a while, and then smiled tenderly: "Yes, ancestor..."

Then she opened her cherry lips slightly, and when her small tongue trembled lightly, countless invisible voices spread out, passing through many monks and entering a garden in the Blood God Sect.

After Su Numen entered the Blood God Sect, they followed Yu Nongqing and found a quiet place in the sect. On weekdays, he is cultivating such seductive methods, and when he has nothing to do, he has to go for a walk in the sect.

Now that the Blood God Sect was attacked, they only belonged to Yu Nongqing, but they did not come out to fight against others, but at this time Yu Nongqing summoned them, and they left.

Soon, many enchanting women appeared around Xueyuntai, and each of them was born as beautiful as peaches and plums, with charming eyes and full of love.

Then they were charming and charming, and they all saluted: "Niangniang Yu, what are your orders?"

Because they were under the Blood God Sect, they changed their names for Yu Nongqing.

Yu Nongqing covered her lips and smiled: "Tell them to see our methods and set up a 'Desire for Immortal Tenderness'."

The girls are blessed again: "As per your order, Niangniang Yu!"

Immediately, these many women twisted their bodies, and they were graceful and flew into the air.

They are dressed in colorful clothes with different colors, and their delicate bodies are looming, their skin is as white as snow, and they are as smooth as fat, which is extremely moving, and even their red lips are delicate and charming.

After that, the girls raised their arms lightly, their waists twisted, and they actually danced in the air.

When he raises his hands and gestures, when he frowns and smiles, there is an unspeakable style and an unknown temptation.

At the same time, there is a faint sweet fragrance that spreads out through the bloody sky.

Anyone who smells it will only smell good at first, and if you smell it more, it will seem to become sweet and greasy, and your mind will become drowsy. If you look at those women again at this moment, it will be as if seeing them misty, making them feel that something is wrong, but they are reluctant to look at them... Afterwards, when the waist and abdomen hurts, and the eyes are dark, they don't know anything.

Xu Ziqing also quickly realized that something was wrong. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that in some directions, many cultivators were shaky and stopped attacking for a while, while their opponents, the demons, grinned and kept their hands, killing them directly. !

Not long after these women came out, the sweet fragrance had already spread hundreds of miles away, and many of the immortal cultivators were involuntarily confused by the fragrance. Even if some people are determined not to look at them, the movements of their hands will slow down by one or two points, which gives the demons a chance to be hurt and harmed by them.

The situation...was not good.

Those women are setting up a formation, a very strange formation!

Xu Ziqing's brows moved slightly, and when he shot again, he shot out countless leaves, each of which turned into a tall man, like layers of quilts, floating down from the air, protecting the nearby immortals.

At this time, he did not care whether those immortals were Xu Wei immortal soldiers or Wuling immortal soldiers. At this time, if the opponent used such tricks, life was the first... Otherwise, these immortal soldiers would die too much. not worth it.

Besides, as early as when these women appeared, there were people from Ruyi Xianzhuang who noticed the clues.

Ruo Yan Yu Nongqing leads the plain girl who knows best, and only the jade girl who has been interdependent with the plain girl for countless years... It's just that they used to be sisters, but now they are enemies.

Muronghua is the owner of a village, and her location is also high in the sky, on the side of the immortal giants. Her disciples are constantly fighting, but she herself is still unable to take action.

Although she seldom said anything when many giants were negotiating, it was different at this moment.

Muronghua clenched her silver teeth: "Desire to be immortal and tender!"

The giants also heard it, and an almighty asked: "How to break this formation, does Master Mu know?"

From their point of view, the great formation was controlled by Yu Nong's affection, and many plain women incarnated into countless lustful women, hiding in the great formation, stirring up feelings of lust, which was disgusting, but also quite difficult to deal with.

At this time, when the big formation is coming out, there are already many low-level disciples who can't resist it. If the big formation is turned more urgently and Yu Nongqing makes another move, I am afraid that even these people will be difficult to escape!

Mu Ronghua took a deep breath and said calmly, "This formation is based on the words 'love' and 'desire'. Although the formation is based on women, it is not just women who are attracted by the formation. But there is desire. Anyone can be seduced by it, and my cultivators, no matter how firm their minds are, they still have desires to cultivate immortals.

After saying this, Ji Qing was thoughtful.

Such a large formation, its effect seems to be... somewhat similar to human demons?

However, humans and demons can be released and retracted, and they can advance and retreat, and this formation is mainly based on attacks, and I am afraid that they can only be released and cannot be retracted.

Although Mu Ronghua was resentful in her heart, the Jade Girl faction had practiced the method of purifying the mind, and they were not afraid of this simple girl's evil power.

Even if she doesn't want to, she has to admit that even if she sends many beautiful girls into the formation and tries to kill the plain girls to break the formation, I'm afraid she will have no choice but to go back... Yu Nong is too affectionate, And the number of plain girls is indeed more than today's jade girls!

Although the rest of the giants were disappointed, they would not question Mu Ronghua because of it, but now they are all thinking about how to crack it.

Ji Qing thought for a moment and suddenly called out, "Is Yu Zhan here?"

The next moment, in the sky behind him, a faint gray shadow popped out, and it appeared beside him in the blink of an eye.

He was a scholar in grey, like a modest gentleman, and he looked very ordinary.

However, all the giants who participated in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference knew this... the devil.

He was that man, Mo Yuzhan, who had never made a move and hid in the Wuling Tianque where Ji Qing was located.

Emperor Yan stroked his palms and smiled, "Sect Master Ji has a good plan! Given the current situation, isn't it the time for this fellow Daoist Yu to show his skills?"

The rest of the giants were all stunned when they heard the words.

That's right, human beings and demons have become real demons, and they have already manipulated their emotions and desires. Now he is standing on the side of immortality, and when he encounters that kind of demon formation that also confuses others with emotions and desires, he just bumped into his hands!

At the moment, the giants laughed and said:

"It's going to bother you, Daoist friend Yu."

"Although some outstanding disciples are struggling to maintain it at this time, it has dragged on for a long time, and the great formation has become more powerful. I am afraid that the loss of Immortal Dao will be too great, and it is a pity for those disciples."

"Just ask fellow Daoist Yu to break the formation quickly!"

Yu Zhan bowed and said calmly, "Dare to obey?"

Then his figure suddenly disappeared, and after a flash, he appeared in front of the big formation.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Zhan stretched out a hand, as if there was something he desperately wanted in front of him, and he suddenly grabbed it!

With a "swipe" sound, the void seems to be twisted!

In the great formation of Desire for Immortal Tenderness, there is an invisible air current that circles around the delicate body of each plain girl, and turns again, like a spirit snake turning around and rushing out of the formation!

Yu Nong was surprised: "Who sucks my lust?"

Numerous plain girls also felt that something was wrong. When they formed the formation, there should be colorful auras lingering around their bodies. The more intense they became, the more they could confuse others, and the stronger the aura, the more powerful the formation, and the more confused the people. more.

Now this breath is gradually thinning... The true essence that is running in their bodies is also agitated, making their faces blushed, their eyes seem to be dripping with water, and their whole body will become sour.

No, so wrong!

If it is normal, they seem to be immersed in lust, but in fact they are very sober, just look at the ugly appearance of those stinky men and women, but it is not enough to make them addicted first, isn't it bad?

But no matter how they knew it was bad, they couldn't do anything else. They could only watch the loss of lust, and their strength became weaker and weaker... After that, the real essence was no longer restless, and it didn't work anymore.

Yu Nong's eyes turned cold, and he immediately looked for what was wrong.

She released her consciousness, like cháo water, rushing in all directions.

Sure enough, I saw that lustful energy was absorbed by a young man in gray through the great formation!

Yu Nongqing was annoyed in her heart, and she shouted loudly: "Look at you and this seat, who is more capable!"

After she finished speaking, she quickly ran the exercises, her hands suddenly pinched out hundreds of tricks, and she actually wanted to suck back the lust of lust with this great formation that was not completely out of control.

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