Facts are also as immortal cultivators expected, the guardian formation is really powerful, but it can't resist these repeated bombings, and in the countless explosions, its blood light gradually fades.

The Blood God and Demon Venerable looked ugly. With a wave of his hand, he let people make more powerful shots to maintain the magic circle and buy time for those disciples who had already gone to the secret realm to break through.

If the Blood God Sect plans for countless years, after the Nascent Soul disciples have reached the sum of many immortal ways, there will be more disciples to break through to a higher realm with the help of strange minerals, which will greatly increase the number of top masters, and then unify the evil spirits. Fighting against Immortal Dao is bound to be different from the current situation.

It is a pity that the preparations are far from enough. There are only a few top masters, but they can never reach the realm of controlling the overall situation. There are not enough Nascent Soul disciples. unwilling to come to help.

After many reasons, the further the battle situation was, the more it seemed that they were just stubbornly resisting. Although the people of the Blood God Sect have been trying to resist, the fact is that there is only a little hope, hoping that other demons will see that it is not easy for the Immortal Dao to gather, so they come to do it and let the Blood God Sect survive.

The worst thing is to kill a few more outstanding disciples of the Immortal Dao. If the real sect does not exist, we must do our best to fight to the death!

The Blood God and Demon Venerable jumped up, and with the help of the corner of the guardian formation, he knocked out the supernatural power out of thin air, and there were more elders of the blood hall. , while fighting against that digital immortal great power.

There is also a large array of guardians to help, and in a short period of time, it can be a stalemate.

Soon, the countless terrifying magical powers roaring like fire from the sky and the ground roared, causing the air to flow across all directions above the sky, and the terrifying impact accidentally overflowed, calling the monks in the mid-air below to all Injured by that Yu Wei, I can't wait to dodge away.

All sides, the fighting is in full swing.

In the high sky, even if there is a large formation protecting the sect guarding the demons, there are still some old demons who were caught by Xian Xiusheng with supernatural powers, and then beaten to death.

In mid-air, Jian Xiu was domineering, and Fa Xiu had meticulous tricks. No matter how cruel and vicious the disciples of the Blood God were, they were gradually wiped away by this "human grinding formation", making it difficult for them to continue.

It's just unexpected that after the blood god disciples have fallen, the blood ghosts they originally released are even more powerful - it's as if they have blood god disciples attached to their bodies, and they are more agile, and also Get smarter.

With Xu Ziqing's fingertips, several thin vines were woven into a giant net, and all the blood ghost nets from a blood god disciple were brought over and stayed in front of him.

He took a closer look and saw that many blood ghosts were rushing about in the vine net, and the faces of each one showed exactly the same ferocious meaning!

As if... a person?

In an instant, Xu Ziqing realized.

The blood god sect protects the sect, so that the fallen disciples in the sect can live in their own blood ghosts. With the disciples, he finally found a body and reborn.

——Not only can it be used as a power of assistance and protection, but it is also a lifeline for the disciples in the sect. This is the real defense formation!


Although it is true that the gods are scattered and it is easy to escape, it is only "easy".

If it is Xu Ziqing who has cultivated to the realm of Nascent Soul or above, if his consciousness is placed in the most open place, he can see traces within a radius of 100,000 miles.

How can these vampires escape?

But it is hoped that the qiáng will not pay attention to it, so that it can survive.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziqing didn't look at it any more. He gently grasped it with his palm, and the vine net shrank immediately, and all the blood ghosts inside were vanished and vanished.

After that, he let go of his consciousness, looking for the blood god who was at the Nascent Soul stage or above, and wanted to continue to kill him!

At the other end, the Blood God Sect's Blood Killing Hall Elder is leading more than a hundred Blood God disciples of the late Jindan stage to the secret room to find the rare minerals used.

Along the way, they walked in a hurry, and everyone had a solemn look on their faces - at this time, the sect was at the juncture of life and death, and their lives were not the juncture of life and death?

Only by breaking through in one fell swoop, can you have a chance to survive, otherwise, you will only have to fall.

However, just because they were so anxious, they never saw two phantoms, not far or near.

The elder of the Blood Killing Hall brought many disciples to the secret room quickly, and he really saw the elders of the blood god who were in charge of the "key" to the secret realm.

In the face of these elders, the elders of the Blood Killing Hall did not dare to be disrespectful.

When these blood god elders heard the words, although they laughed "Jie Jie", they agreed.

At this moment, someone came from outside the secret room.

When everyone looked back, it was actually the Blood Soul Demon Venerable and the Blood Shadow Hall Elder.

The elder of the Blood Killing Hall looked cold: "Xue Ying, you were ordered by the sect master to call out the blood and bring it with you, why did you come here?"

The Blood Soul Demon Venerable did not speak, but the "Blood Shadow Hall Elder" did not oppose him, but smiled: "The blood soul has not only recovered this time, but has also advanced. When the two of us came out, I saw you After waiting for a group, I followed. Now that my sect is in the midst of turbulent times, these disciples are the foundation, and there is no room for loss. There is no shortage of me and me for a while. It is better to protect these disciples first, and also use Prevent those immortal cultivators from scheming and scheming, and take the opportunity to seek bad luck."

There is some truth to what he said.

The elder of the Blood Killing Hall turned slightly, and said, "If that's the case, the two of you should protect the law in front of the door."

The Blood Demon Venerable and the "Blood Shadow Hall Elder" moved neatly, one left and one right, and they went to the door.

The elders of the Blood Killing Hall also took a step back, leaving the center of the secret room and letting several elders of the Blood God cast spells.

Just like every time before, the blood god elders sacrificed a blood-colored magic weapon, gathered in the middle, cast a spell, and released a blood-colored arch.

Those blood god disciples already knew how to act, and they entered in sequence at the moment, without any pause.

In the eyes of the Blood Demon Venerable, a cold light flashed past.

There was also a subtle smile on the face of "Blood Shadow Hall Elder".

Gradually, all the disciples of the Blood God entered the arch.

The expressions of many blood god elders loosened, and in their palms, the blood light slowly faded away, apparently taking back their true essence, and the blood-colored arch was slowly shrinking...

The elders of the Blood Killing Hall were also a little slack at this time.

Suddenly, in this slack, a very slight killing intent came straight!

not good!

The elder of the Blood Killing Hall responded immediately, but he never thought that someone would sneak attack on him from such a close distance. At the moment, the dantian was dug up, and the Nascent Soul was taken out and swallowed!

At the same moment, a figure bào rose up, and in a split second, killed the two blood god elders one after another!

The same is a sneak attack, the same is because of that slack, and it is also because of the lag caused by the operation of the true essence when they are recovering the magic weapon——

It simply couldn't be done in time.

This was caused by An Tianai's mad attack... And at the moment of killing the elder of the Blood Killing Hall, the monster wearing the skin of the "Blood Shadow Hall Elder" burst out with a Mahayana strength that can only be used once. Also killed two elders. Immediately after that, Antiian Ai kept making shots!

Intentionally calculating without any intention, these two demons have eliminated the elders of the Blood God Sect and made them fall into a rut.

And that arch has only the last bit of halo left, because the last bit of true essence has not yet been recovered.

An Tianai rolled up the monster, which had regained its huge size, with his robe sleeves and got into the arch!

Chapter 639: The Demon Reappears

In the secret realm, many disciples of the Blood God were focused, carefully selecting the rare minerals that they could use, with expressions of worry and fanaticism on their faces.

They all know that as long as they find the ore that suits them and fuse them together, they will be 70% sure that they can directly form babies!

——This is much faster and easier than they can comprehend by themselves.

If it is an immortal cultivator, most of the people who are in a good mood still have to think about it. This method is so convenient, but what's wrong with it? Will there be any dangers afterwards? It will only do so until it is compelled to do so.

But the way of the demons is different. They have used various evil ways to improve more often. There is such a fast way, there is no need to think about it, just do it!

Immortals and demons are different, and they are fundamentally different.

Therefore, many demon cultivators did not hesitate to pick ores as soon as possible.

The lucky one was selected first, and he was overjoyed. When he looked up, he saw a blood demon who entered the secret realm.

The disciple said strangely: "Elder, why are you here?" He looked at the tall monster behind him again, with a trace of awe on his face, "This thing is..."

Antiian Ai said calmly: "This is the place to refine the magic puppet, you don't need to care. This place is here to protect the law, and there is also the support of the elders of the blood killing hall. Infants are."

The blood god disciple was completely convinced, so he stopped talking, and hurriedly went to find a secluded place to meditate and practice.

Gradually, all the disciples of the Blood God found their own compatible ore. After a while, they were already scattered, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

And the rich magic energy and blood energy gathered from the top of their heads, this is a sign that they are going to impact the Nascent Soul!

An Tianai was not in a hurry, he only took the brown monster and walked back and forth in the secret realm.

At this time, he was also investigating.

Since he successfully washed away the mortal body and became the host of the demon master, his many abilities have been different from before. He is now about to get acquainted with it carefully, and it is even more urgent for the demon master to replace it.

Sure enough, after he gathered his energy, he opened his eyes, and the blood light flashed—in an instant, he discovered that there was something extremely subtle in the bodies of these blood god disciples who had already fused the ore.

It seems to be a living creature, it should be the seed of the devil master - what's more, An Tianai can see that there is a disciple who happened to break through the Nascent Soul Stage. Rooted down!

But at such a critical juncture in the formation of a baby, those disciples who should have known the inside of the body, but no one found the existence of that subtle living thing...

An Tianai closed his eyes and pierced his fingers.

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