The immortals were also very careful, and they quickly deduced some news from the general's mouth.

The Nine-Headed Overlord seems to be an extremely rare type of demon, whose bloodline is higher than that of thousands of demons, and Zhang Jiu is highly valued, and the reason is not only his own strength, but also important, presumably because he inherited it completely. Overlord bloodline? That is to say, the other princes never fully inherited...

When the immortal cultivators thought about it carefully, Zhang Jiu also seemed to have received a response from the overlord.

I saw him turn his head and call out, "Brother Xu, please come with me, the royal father has promised to meet."

The immortals were relieved, and they stopped worrying about it, and immediately walked away.

That Zhang Jiu stretched out a finger and swiped down the water wave in front of him.

Immediately after, he passed through a water curtain, and with his arms, he aimed at the huge portal and pushed it straight--


The dull voice kept ringing, and the door was being opened by a huge force.

The immortals hurriedly entered the gate, but when they raised their eyes, before they could see the scene behind the gate, they met a huge one-eyed that could almost see through the world!

Chapter 645 Sea Clan Demon Soldier

Such a strong demonic aura, such a mighty coercion!

The one-eyed only looked out a little, and all the immortals felt as if they were imprisoned, and they couldn't move at all!

Zhang Jiu said helplessly: "Father, the honored guests are coming, don't do this."

The huge one-eyed turned around, and the immortal cultivators no longer felt anything.

Xu Ziqing and other immortal disciples saluted: "I have seen the Nine-Headed Overlord!"

As for those Loose Immortals, their disguise disappeared as early as the one-eyed turning, and in their hearts, there was also a feeling of shock.

Especially thank you.

At the moment just now, not only many disciples and scattered immortals whose realm was not as good as him, but even himself was also bound.

He has already passed five doomsdays, and he can't resist the one-eyed supernatural power!

Such a nine-headed overlord is really too terrifying!

The other loose immortals, after recovering as before, also looked at Xie Yun immediately.

When they found that Xie Yun's expression was not good-looking, they set off a shock in their hearts.

Even Xie Yun is no match...

At this moment, the Loose Immortals are rarely heartbroken.

Earlier, I thought that they were escorted by them, not to mention that I could come and go freely, or at least retreat.

But now it seems that their immortals still think too much of themselves. They are just the nine-headed overlords in the East China Sea, and they have such power—if it wasn't for the demons who only wanted to stick to the deep sea and never set their sights on the mainland, where would they be on the mainland now? Can they still be occupied by their monks?

Naturally, the loose immortals were in the game, and after being too surprised, they also ignored some things.

Although the Nine-Headed Overlord is more powerful than Xie Yun, it is impossible to kill the Loose Immortals easily with a kind of supernatural power.

The strike just now worked. First, the loose immortals did not mention ten percent of the defense, and secondly, the deep sea was extremely beneficial to the Nine-Headed Overlord's magical powers, which was known as a bonus.

Let's talk about the disciples.

Xu Ziqing quickly calmed down. The Nine-Headed Overlord's move was not so much a demonstration as it was a test. They came all the way to the deep sea, and it was only natural that the other party wanted to measure their depth.

Yun Lie is not afraid.

The other monks were equally determined and their expressions were as usual.

The eyes of the Nine-Headed Overlord are still rolling, but they are different from before, as if they are extremely majestic.

The giant eyes swayed up and down, as if it had already answered.

This shrine is very dark, except for the light in the giant eyes, there is no bright spot. The immortal cultivators have keen six senses, but they can't see the scene in the hall.

They all understand that this is because the demonic energy in the palace is too strong. Because of the power of the Nine-Headed Overlord, every drop of sea water seems to be condensed with demonic energy, and there are many disturbances to these immortals. It also blocked the way of consciousness to spy in all directions.

Zhang Jiu walked forward, submerging into the deeper and deeper sea water, and after a while, he couldn't see anyone.

General Donglin didn't move, and still stayed by the side of the immortals, which was also his reassurance.

However, Zhang Jiu's voice still came.

"Father, my main body is too huge. If it looks like this, the words spoken will not be understood by others."

"Divine consciousness is also not acceptable. How huge is the father's spiritual consciousness? It is not very meticulous to use it. If it hurts people, it will not be beautiful."

"Father, don't be annoyed, there is something important right now, which can be said to be related to the survival of our sea clan."

"Father, let's listen to the report of the son, it is so... so so..."

In the last few sentences, Zhang Jiu's voice also disappeared.

Xu Ziqing felt that something was wrong at this time, so he calmed down and checked carefully.

Only later did he realize that within this seawater làngcháo, there seemed to be a very subtle but vast sense of fluctuations, which was difficult to detect only because it vibrated with the seawater.

When I listened carefully, there seemed to be some words conveyed in the fluctuations, but they were too obscure and completely incomprehensible.

The scattered immortals and other immortal disciples, like Xu Ziqing, could not hear the news in the ripples.

After thinking about it, they knew that this was probably the way of communication among the Nine-Headed Overlords.

You can hear it, not to mention that they are an immortal cultivator of an alien race.

After thinking for a while, at this time, the nine-headed prince was talking to the overlord about the monster outside the world, and they just waited.

Sure enough, after a moment passed, the incomparably huge one-eyed in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Although the pressure of the dàng in the sea is still there, it seems to be a lot introverted for a moment, but it seems to be absent, flowing slowly. After that, the demonic energy in the sea also seemed to form a huge vortex, and it pulled away in an instant.

The color of the sea water was a little lighter at first, and then the lighter the demonic energy, the lighter the color of the water.

Finally, after another half an hour, the sea water actually returned to blue, clear and transparent, and the scene in front of him and the surrounding things could be seen clearly - even the consciousness, there were many fewer obstacles.

At this moment, many immortals have finally seen the shrine clearly.

The huge empty palace has no tables and chairs, and no extravagant displays. There are countless stone platforms on both sides, each of which is huge, in the shape of a staircase, going down layer by layer.

There should be one person sitting on each stone platform.

But what the immortal cultivators paid attention to at this time was the tallest glazed platform—no, it was not so much the glazed platform as the glazed ground. Although it was several meters above the ground, it continued to extend deep, almost seeing not the end.

But at the very front of the glazed stage, two men were sitting casually.

One of them was naturally Zhang Jiu, a sturdy man, but the one beside him was even more powerful, not only half a head taller than Zhang Jiu, but his body texture was also tougher.

He has dark complexion and no hair on the top of his head, but his appearance is 80% similar to Zhang Jiu.

Undoubtedly, this man is the nine-headed overlord.

Although there has never been any action now, just sitting still like this, it seems to have the spirit of swallowing the sky and devouring the earth!

Many immortals came to see him again.

Zhang Jiu didn't jump off the stone platform, he just smiled and said: "Father, please listen to Xianxiu's voice transmission." After he finished speaking, he turned to Xu Ziqing and winked.

Xu Ziqing was not a fool, so he immediately stepped forward, took out the spar, and offered it with both hands.

Before he could pass the spell, the Nine-Headed Overlord made a move with the palm of his hand, and the spar seemed to be attracted by something.

The Nine-Headed Overlord tapped the spar, and a divine sense floated out of it, but the sound transmission of the divine sense was secret, so only the Nine-Headed Overlord could hear it.

Xu Ziqing and other immortals deliberately peeped at their expressions, but they didn't see anything unusual.

After listening to the Nine-Headed Overlord, he shoved the spar into Zhang Jiu's hand: "My son also listens."

He spoke just now, and his voice was low, as if it came from the depths of the sea. There is a feeling of strangeness that is indescribable.

Zhang Jiu also pointed it with his finger, and also listened to this divine sense.

Immediately, he said, "What does the royal father think?"

The Nine-Headed Overlord said, "I've never seen it before, so it's hard to convince the public."

Xu Ziqing immediately understood.

Yes, no matter how he talked about the monster outside the world, and the immortals showed how sincere, in the end, the nine-headed overlord had never really seen the monster outside the world, and he had never fought against it. The jiāo generation under his command? A hegemon can never be so reckless.

Seeing this, other immortals also felt that it was a problem.

Xuanyuan said: "Why don't you invite one or two messengers to follow me and have a look on land."

Hearing is false, but seeing is true.

However, there is also a difficulty. The monster outside the world has not yet been slaughtered. Even if he does, he can only go to the Northern Territory to investigate. At that time, the investigators could only see the overwhelming monster, and could not fight against it, not knowing what its strength was. And if there is a battle, the messenger will probably provoke the demons, and it is impossible to attack immediately. If it is weak, wouldn't the messenger's life be wasted? Can't get the message back.

At this time, the immortals also pondered.

After all, it was Xu Ziqing. There were many derivative chapters in the "Ten Thousand Trees Seed Heart Dafa" that he cultivated. He had an idea in his heart. After searching carefully, he actually found a method.

This method is not an extreme method, it is only a skill, but this skill should be extremely useful at this time.

At the moment, Xu Ziqing said: "My brother and I have seen the monster before, so we can extract the scene and show it to Brother Zhang and the overlord."

The rest of the immortals heard it and turned to look.

Speaking of practitioners, if they want to see the memories of others, people in the evil way often have to mix people and gods, and in the immortal way, there are some ways. However, even if the hands of the immortals are softer, it will affect the person being peeped to some extent. Usually, they don't think about it here.

Now that Xu Ziqing took the initiative to propose, it made their mood a little complicated.

Xie Yun and other scattered immortals admired Xu Ziqing and hesitated.

Originally, in this great catastrophe, this disciple had a lot of credits, so at this time, could he still be hurt? Although it is for the sake of the overall situation, it is also inappropriate.

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