Gradually, Xu Ziqing's figure also entered deeper.

In his hands, several zombies have fallen, but because they are all extremely low-level, for a while, he can't be sure. After a few hundred more steps, he suddenly heard a few rapid breaths, which came from the side path.

It seems that someone was forced by ghosts?

Chapter 699 New News

Now that you find out, you can't ignore it.

Xu Ziqing hesitated for a while, then walked away.

When he saw the scene clearly, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Is it someone he has met?

At this moment, in that stone dòng, there were two zombies, both of which were extremely agile, entangled with four men and women. And the four of them were actually the girl Xu Ziqing saw by the huáng spring who also used vines, and her three junior brothers.

Their cultivation level is only at the golden core stage and the Qi refining stage. If the girl at the golden core stage is fully prepared, they can explore the periphery of the Nine Nether Ghost Realm, but the three Qi refining monks are undoubtedly some Reckless.

Just like at this moment, the vine girl can still deal with it, but she still has to protect a few junior brothers, so it is inevitable that she is a little awkward and can't get out easily.

Since they had met once, the four of them were obviously not evil people, and Xu Ziqing was there to help.

He just pointed it out, and a blue light burst out, splitting in two in front, penetrating the two zombie heads respectively, causing them to instantly turn into dead wood and fall to the ground.

This kind of power is really powerful.

When the four of them saw this, their faces were horrified, and immediately they were a little collapsed. They only felt that they had escaped from death and were very happy.

When they turned their heads, they saw a gentle and amiable-looking monk in Tsing Yi.

The vine girl took a deep breath and led the three junior brothers to go forward and salute: "Yin Qi of Yuanmumen, and junior brothers Li Yuda, Ran Ming, Cao He'an, thank you for your kindness, senior!"

Xu Ziqing smiled and said: "No need to be more polite, you can go by yourself, and then you should be more careful."

Such gentle consolation made the girl's eyes slightly red.

Xu Ziqing had no intention of staying with them any longer, and after signaling to them, he was going to go deep into the curved road.

Seeing this, Yin Qi hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't help calling out, "Senior, wait a moment!"

Xu Ziqing was slightly startled, but turned around and said, "Is there anything else?"

Yin Qi summoned his courage: "I don't know why the senior came to this Jiu Ming Ghost Realm?"

Xu Ziqing smiled but didn't say a word. Naturally, he couldn't talk to others about the big matter of the unicorn scale.

When Yin Qi saw it, she knew what Xu Ziqing meant. She was well prepared, but she was not too disappointed, she just continued: "The senior's cultivation base, when I came here, I wanted to go to the deepest place... The junior is not talented, although The skills are not good, but I still have some understanding of the ghosts in the Nine Underworld Ghost Domain."

She said here, seeing that Xu Ziqing seemed to be listening, gave herself some encouragement, and continued to speak.

"Don't hide it from the seniors, the juniors are here to find a treasure to heal the teacher. I thought that with the map in the jade slip, I could successfully avoid the evil ghost, but I didn't expect to come here, just..." With a wry smile, she said, "Junior knows that he is beyond his own power, but he wants to try his luck. Now that he meets senior, if senior is willing to take some of our brothers and sisters along the way, junior is willing to tell senior what he knows."

Hearing this, Xu Ziqing pondered: "Do you know what the most powerful ghosts in each prison are in this Nine Underworld Ghost Realm?"

When Yin Qi heard it, he knew it was possible, and he was overjoyed: "The younger generation knows! The Nine Underworld Ghost Territory has existed for many years. Although it is difficult to draw a map because the ghosts and objects in it are constantly changing, the younger generation knows that it is a part of the younger generation. An elder, an image carefully left by his spiritual sense. Even if there are changes now, it is not too long, the general scene, some places that must be bypassed, are still there."

In fact, it is not impossible to describe it at all, but at most those who can enter the ghost realm are only monks in the out-of-body stage. It is really difficult to insist on clarifying the mysteries of the ghost realm for many days and to describe them in detail. What's more, the ghost realm is only fatal to monks with low realm, and there are no extremely precious treasures that are suitable for everyone... Therefore, even those who have the ability to draw maps have no time to spare. Do.

But if you only depict a few scenes in the ghost realm, when you come in, you will find that the winding roads are like a labyrinth, and there is nothing you can do with the map.

Over time, no one has painted the so-called "map of one prison".

Xu Ziqing understood Yin Qi's words.

Probably this female teacher really needed something from the ghost realm. A person with a higher cultivation level had already come here. Later, he was in some danger, and after he came out, he could only pass the image to Yin Qi, pinning his hopes on this little woman.

So, Xu Ziqing thought for a while, then nodded and agreed, "You can come with me."

Yin Qi was overjoyed, and immediately summoned three junior brothers, who followed Xu Ziqing carefully.

As Xu Ziqing walked forward, he asked, "Miss Yin, do you know what ghosts are entrenched in this curved path?"

Yin Qi thought back carefully for a while, and then answered cautiously: "If the younger generation remembers correctly, this is the corpse prison, and it should be the place where the ghosts like zombies reside." She thought for a while, "The zombies here are mostly iron-boned corpses. , and the higher levels are bronze bone corpse, silver bone corpse, golden bone corpse, jade bone corpse... respectively corresponding to the foundation-building period, the Yuanyuan period, the Jindan period, the Yuanying period, the spirit-transforming period... until the corpse Wang, it is comparable to going out of the body

monk. "

Hearing this, Xu Ziqing paused: "This means that the most powerful ghost here is the Corpse King?"

Yin Qi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Exactly."

Xu Ziqing frowned slightly: "If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll have to change the path."

Yin Qi's heart tightened.

Xu Ziqing did not embarrass her, and explained gently: "I came here to find a kind of ghost. But the corpse king is not that kind of ghost, so I have to go to another prison to find it."

Hearing this, Yin Qi frowned for a moment and asked quietly, "I don't know what kind of ghost you are looking for, senior...?"

Since he wanted to use this woman's memory, Xu Ziqing no longer concealed: "Ghost unicorn."

When Yin Qi heard this, his complexion suddenly changed: "Senior is also looking for a ghost unicorn?"

She was outspoken, and her face turned pale immediately after she said it.

Xu Ziqing's heart moved: "Why are you looking for ghost unicorns?"

From his point of view, no matter how rare the ghost unicorn is, the use of the unicorn scales is nothing more than a refining tool. Others have never encountered a catastrophe or a damaged boundary membrane, so they will not use it there.

The scales cannot be used for healing, so even if the girl's original purpose is similar to his original purpose, the final needs may be different.

Yin Qi saw that this senior didn't want to kill her, so he cautiously said: "Junior wants to steal a unicorn egg and go back to save the teacher..."

Xu Ziqing's expression became strange: "Kirin egg? This unicorn... can it still lay eggs?"

A unicorn such as a unicorn, should be born for... womb?

In his opinion, among the four spirits, the real dragon is the sea clan, the phoenix is ​​the sky clan, and the Xuanwu land and sea twins, these three spawning is very in line with the principle of heaven, and the unicorn is clearly the spirit of the land, but it should not be spawned. It is.

Furthermore, the ghost unicorn is already a ghost, and even if another ghost unicorn can be born by chance, it is difficult to match the male and the female.

That Yin Qi said quickly: "This unicorn egg is not the child of the ghost unicorn, but a kind of unicorn power condensed in it. The unicorn is one of the four spirits, with thousands of auspicious qi and strong yang qi, but the ghost unicorn is a Ghosts, even after the formation, if the power of the unicorn is not transformed, it will still make it very uneasy. Therefore, every time this power overflows, it will gather it into an egg shape and expel it, just like giving birth to an egg. ."

Xu Ziqing was stunned, and smiled again: "It's like this. Miss Yin, don't worry, what I need is not a unicorn egg. If this trip goes well, you can take it by yourself."

Yin Qi was really ecstatic this time.

If this is the case, then not only does she not have to worry about not getting unicorn eggs, but her safety along the way is also guaranteed.

This... She was very grateful, and she was a little more attentive to Xu Ziqing.

Immediately, Yin Qi said solemnly: "Don't lie to the seniors, that ghost unicorn is very cunning. It is not only powerful, but also good at illusion. Although it can't use the unicorn egg, it is very caring for it because of that little unicorn resentment. Be willing to ask others to take it. Usually, if it encounters a qiáng, it is afraid that it will flee from the wind, and the senior will just go there like this, or it will not be known if it will not see the ghost."

Seeing her expression, Xu Ziqing happily asked again, "You said that, but you already have a good plan?"

Yin Qi also smiled: "Junior and juniors go to this curved path in order to find yīn and weeds. This thing is only born in places where yīn is extremely strong. The older the year, the more yīn's qi is, and the more it is affected by that. Ghosts love it. Especially the ghost unicorn, I like it even more. If the senior can get a long-term yīn weed, after the ghost unicorn is drawn out, it will be less vigilant every time it devours it. At that time, the senior will be successful. Fight against it!"

Earlier, Yin Qi's idea was just to try his luck, to see if he could go and steal one when the ghost unicorn devoured Yin Jue grass. Now that he has such a powerful senior, it is naturally unnecessary.

She has seen the fighting skills of the elders of the division, so she can know that this senior in Tsing Yi must be a monk in the out-of-body stage!

Moreover, she dared to come over because she was Shanmu Linggen, and she was quite sensitive to wood energy. No matter how yīn grass is born from yīn qi, after all, it is also a thing of grass and trees, so she hopes that she can use it to find it. But now she has discovered that this senior is more than a thousand times stronger than her, and naturally has a greater grasp!

For the sake of the unicorn eggs, she told it all, without any concealment.

When Xu Ziqing heard this, countless thoughts came to his mind. Then, he smiled and said, "If that's the case, then go look for yīn weeds."

Chapter 700

Since you want to find Yīn Juecao, you don't need to go out and take a detour. This place is the corpse prison, which can breed so many zombies, and it is naturally full of yīn energy. It's just that I don't know if this zombie requires yīn weeds to advance, and I don't know if it can find enough years - however, it still needs to be explored to understand.

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