After lingering for a few days, Yun Lie broke through the Sword Spirit Pagoda once and was defeated at the eighty-fifth floor. At this time, there was only three floors left to the Sword Soul Eight Refinements - although these three floors were far away from many people. In his eyes, it is like a moat, but for Yun Lie, it is only the only way to go.

After bidding farewell to Tu Jin, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing took Shen Wu back seriously.

However, compared to those disciples who had been accepted earlier, this Shen Wuyi had never experienced the great terror between life and death like Yan Hua, nor had he seen countless lives and deaths in the great calamity like Yun Zhengrui and others. Countless demons have fallen, so both the brothers and sisters felt that he was not well honed, and even though they were both Jindan, they could not be promoted to direct disciples.

Shen Wuben is a arrogant person. Seeing the arrival of many senior brothers, he wants to learn from each other.

However, after the discussion, he found that even if he surpassed the two brothers in the realm of kendo, he would still be defeated repeatedly. By this time, he understood even more that what the two teachers had said was good. Even though he had grown many years older, his experience was far inferior, and he still had many shortcomings.

Yan Shuang's temperament is also very arrogant, and apart from discussing and discussing, he rarely has a few words with Shen Wu. However, Yun Zhengrui was quiet and honest, and he was violent when he moved, but he took care of Shen Wu very much. He was also friendly with Yan Shuang, and gradually, the three of Yun Lie's seat became harmonious.

And Yun Tianheng respects Xu Ziqing very much, under the influence of his eyes and ears, his temperament is also somewhat similar to Xu Ziqing.

Over time, even if Shen Wu arrives later, he will be able to develop fellowship with these direct disciples.

Xu Ziqing was very satisfied with this.

In the following years, he and Yun Lie did not go to the other side to practice, but while contemplating the laws of heaven and earth on the side-by-side twin stars, they taught their apprentices.

It was so peaceful, and the day was quite calm, like flowing water, quietly slipping by.

A few years later, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie retreated again. After ten years, they came out again. During this time, they also went to the Sea of ​​Stars to gain enlightenment. In the beginning, they could gain something, but later, even the Sea of ​​Stars was useless. .

...after all, the bottleneck has come.

The two are no longer entangled in the twin stars, and after looking at each other, they already understand each other's intentions.

They should go on a tour, looking for that silver lining.

After instructing many disciples to cultivate well, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie did not want to bring a star slave.

This trip is to find an opportunity, if there are people serving all the way, but the true meaning of this is lost.

A-1-A-2 were left in the twin stars, and they had their own business to do. With the strength of the two Mahayana monks, it was enough to give some pointers to the disciples for the two masters on weekdays.

Immediately, the two brothers and sisters no longer have to worry about anything, they just travel together and travel the world.


In the great world of Qianyuan, there are also countless mortal kingdoms.

There is the imperial court and the cultivator's morale machine connected here, and unlike the small world, there are cultivators who cannot interfere with the fate of the dynasty. Instead, there are often cultivators involved in the replacement of the dynasty, stealing the dynasty's luck, or strategizing, or gān. Crisply stepping in, tempering the heart of the Tao... Although it is not as involved in countless powers as in the catastrophe, but the tragic aspects are not necessarily inferior.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were in a place called the frontier of Qingyuan Kingdom at this time.

This place is the boundary between Qingyuan Kingdom and Dongli Kingdom. Both countries are attached to a five-rank sect. There are also national teachers and worshippers in the court. Regarded as the ancestor, very respected.

The two countries have vast areas, and there are many mountains and rivers in them. Naturally, there are also precious spiritual veins and mineral veins. Because the spiritual veins are not necessarily so neat, it is difficult to extract, and the mineral veins are even more difficult to mine. Therefore, the people of these two countries are also responsible for the important principle of mining resources for the "supreme sect". The luck of a country is connected with those two sects. .

It is also for this reason that there is always competition between monks, and there are sometimes wars between countries.

Over the past few months, heavy thunder has fallen, and after the blow, bào rain has washed away, and somewhere on the mountain, suddenly a vein of mine has been exposed, which is the gold source stone mine. This kind of ores can be extracted into a kind of golden source crystal, which is a thing that can provoke different fires and promote alchemy. On weekdays, if an alchemist uses this thing, he can have a little more confidence when he becomes alchemy. When a cultivator is cultivating, the elixir is an indispensable item. These mineral veins, naturally called these two five-rank sects, want to have it for themselves.

The place where the ore vein is located is quite close to the two countries, and no one can take the righteousness for a while. Naturally, it is necessary to speak with force.

And if there is a war between sects for the sake of resources, it will become a joke in the eyes of other sects of the same level. Therefore, the two sects issued a decree, calling the soldiers of the two countries to start a war, the winner can get the mineral veins, the loser will let go.

Although the lords of the two countries are reluctant to let their soldiers and soldiers fight for it, how can they turn a blind eye to the order of the emperor? In the past, if there were disasters between the two countries, the Shangzong also took action to protect their country.

So, in this realm, that battle is in full swing.

At the same time, on a peak around the battlefield, there was a cultivator in azure clothes standing side by side with a sword cultivator in white clothes, looking down at the battlefield with all kinds of emotions in his heart.

It turns out that Xu Ziqing has reached a bottleneck in his conscious visualization, and his own way has long been clear. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, he has the intention to go to the mortal world, to see the various states of mortals, and maybe he can gain something.

While escaping all the way, Xu Ziqing suddenly saw two armies facing each other, so he and his senior brother Yun Lie landed together.


On the battlefield, there is a front line of life and death, some are near death, some are on the verge of death, and there are many life and death, which is very suitable for comprehending the way of the reincarnation of life and death.

In the past, Xu Ziqing not only saw many wars, but even himself participated in many battles. But the people who were fighting were all monks or aliens with strange abilities, and mortals didn't have that kind of special power, so he didn't know how to fight.

Perhaps, after he has seen this battle, how much can he gain?

And cloudy...

He practiced the ruthless killing swordsmanship, and pursued killing to stop killing, and if he wanted to be successful, he must have a trace of friendship in his ruthlessness, and he must also leave a little bit of life in the killing.

Here, it is also very useful to him.

Chapter 713 Life and Death

These mortal soldiers, armed with swords, lined up in formation, shouted and shouted, and when the general gave an order, they clenched in the middle, and they collided. The formation is like a long snake, like a tiger, like a flowing cloud, like a flying rainbow. Countless soldiers fought with their flesh, swords and soldiers joined each other, shouting to kill the sky.

Not long after, there was a muffled sound of swords penetrating into the flesh, that is, the flesh and blood fell to the ground, and it was no time to be dragged away, and it had become a stepping stone for others. The blood gurgled, flowing into a river on the battlefield, and the evil spirit was strong, shaping the soul of iron and blood.

Some soldiers were killed by the enemy, their eyes were wide and desolate, and there were people who were seriously injured. Before they could escape, they fought hard and dragged the enemy to death.

In every battle, many soldiers died, but under the command of Ling Qi, more soldiers gritted their teeth and filled it with their lives again!

Every soldier wants to win over the other. They are just mortals, and they don't know how to use magic. The only thing they can fight is their passion and persistence.


Xu Ziqing's eyes moved slightly, and he had seen the monks sitting cross-legged on the high platform that stood in the military formations of the two sides.

All of them are only in the realm of golden core. In the great world of collapse, they are just outstanding young masters. In this great world of Qianyuan, they are even more ordinary.

But even in the fifth-grade sect, it is only a decent character, but in this mortal battle, he is so aloof. They saw countless mortals fighting fiercely for the mine, but there was no fluctuation in their eyes, as if they only saw a group of ants, without a trace of shame.

For monks, perhaps mortals are really just ants.

But for Xu Ziqing, cultivators came from mortals. Even mortals are like ants, but ants also have reincarnation, how can they play with life and death wantonly?

In Xu Ziqing's eyes, there seemed to be countless profound meanings of life, death, and reincarnation flashing in the blink of an eye, and many images seemed to be born in them.

There are mortals who are humble and diligent, and finally jumped to the dragon gate, and they have been loyal to the country and the people all their lives, but they have finally aroused suspicion, so that they are hidden by birds, and they can't rest their eyes...

Then the spirit overflowed, plunged into heaven and earth, reincarnated and became the son of a widow. He worked hard all his life and became the prime minister. However, when he had the heart to serve the widowed mother, the widowed mother died. After he regretted it, he was involved in the court again. Tang, who finally had power over the government and the opposition, was killed by the wise monarch when he was conspiring to rebel...

Its spirit reentered the world and turned into a wild shòu. This shòu was incomparably fierce, swallowing countless numbers, and eventually turned into a demon shòu. It was even more fierce and devoured many monks, and was finally killed by a great power. Refining materials...

The spirit reincarnated again and became the son of a monk. He cultivated from a young age with spiritual roots, and later guarded the court for the sect. Because he wanted to compete with another monk for treasures, he sent the mortal soldiers of the two countries to fight. Later, he narrowly won and got the treasure. hand, but on the way back, he was swallowed by a high-level demon shòu and died...

Reincarnated again, he was a mortal again. He joined the army since childhood, and was forced to be involved in the battle between monks. Later, he died in battle. The country where he was located was still a disastrous defeat, and all his comrades were slaughtered.

Xu Ziqing sighed softly, restraining the light in his eyes.

He couldn't bear it, but what if he couldn't bear it?

Within a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation, the me in the past life may not be the you in this life.

Since it is is incomprehensible!

Xu Ziqing turned slightly: "Senior brother, let's go."

Yun Li nodded slightly.

The two looked at each other, and in a trance, there was no more than half a person above this peak.


In the hearts of mortals, they all think that cultivators have the ability to overturn the sea, move mountains, and turn the world upside down. Although this is not true, if the cultivator has cultivated to the extreme, it is not far from this ability.

In the great world of Qianyuan, although there are many mortals, they also gather into countless countries and forces, but they also know that monks exist. Among them, those with wealth and power often contact monks.

Mortals admire monks, but they don't know that monks exist.

However, even if they knew that there were cultivators, apart from those mortals who were in contact with them and who could use them, it would be difficult for ordinary mortals to respect "Shangxian".

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