The official murmured even more in his heart.

Could it be that there are liars from all corners of the world, who used tiger-like medicine to deceive the people? If this is the case, then it is necessary to arrest these people who make a fortune while taking advantage of the disaster, especially as an example.

So the government official walked quickly and walked quickly to the top of the mountain outside the city.

He had seen this place before, it was quite desolate, but now it seems that there are many refugees from the common people, in groups of three or five, with their families and their families, all waiting at the foot of the mountain, forming a long queue.

The government official looked into the distance, and could see that on the mountainside, there was a doctor in green clothes, who was treating an old man, and there was indeed a chivalrous man in white standing beside him. , to the rest of the people and so on, never looked straight.

Although the two of them were not well-dressed, they were both well-mannered. After seeing this one glance, the official believed in the doctor a little more, but he felt that the two of them didn't look like such evil people, I'm afraid they really have some way of doing things.

Thinking like this, the official and several warrior guards also followed in the last row of the team.

While waiting, he asked in a low voice, "Hang Wu, how is the strength of the white knight compared to yours?"

Hang Wu is the head of the guards of the government officials. He already has a ninth-level warrior of the acquired day, and he is not far from the innate. Several of his subordinates are also at the sixth and seventh levels of the day after tomorrow, and they are all excellent.

The government official asked this question because he knew what to do.

Unexpectedly, after looking at the chivalrous man carefully, Hang Wu gave a wry smile: "Sir, this subordinate is really far inferior to that person."

The government official was startled: "Is he innate?"

Hang Wu nodded slightly: "I'm afraid it is."

When the official looked at the two people again, his eyes were a bit complicated.

To be able to obtain innate protection, the doctor in Tsing Yi is really extraordinary, and looking at the situation of the two of them, it is obvious that the friendship is deep, not such an ordinary relationship... Could it be some hidden medical school, specially let the children of the school come here Aid to the victims? But no matter what, they are dedicated to helping, but it is worth getting one or two.

At the very least, express gratitude.

The sight of this government official and his guards has long been noticed by Yun Lie.

Unlike Xu Ziqing, who was immersed in the realm of refining his mind, Yun Lie was always awake, and naturally he could see the difference between this group of people and others. No need to think about it, the identity of this group of people was also known to him.

It's just that outsiders and foreign objects will never haunt Yun Lie's heart, so he is silent, and Quan Zuo doesn't know.

The queue was getting shorter and shorter, and it was getting closer and closer to the doctor in Tsing Yi.

The government officials are very patient and sincere.

However, at this moment, on the official road outside the barren mountain, there was a rush of hooves.

The government official's expression changed, and he turned his head to see a group of burly men dismounting from their horses.

In an instant, the official frowned.

Doing this seems like a bad person...

The leading man hurried up the mountain, came all the way to the table, and shouted directly: "Wu that doctor, hurry up and go back with someone to save people!"

This sound was very loud, but many people behind him were pulled aside.

The common people and refugees did not dare to resist when they saw that these big men were fierce.

When the official saw it, he was a little displeased.

These people, etc., originally came to seek medical treatment, but such a posture is really inappropriate.

What's more, there are so many patients here, how can the doctor in Tsing Yi leave them all behind and just run around for that one person? This is too insane!

But although he was not happy, he didn't say anything.

Just because he didn't know how the Tsing Yi doctor would choose. After all, the doctor is a free clinic. If he has to visit the clinic again, how can he overtake it?

But the government officials never imagined that in the next instant, no matter whether it was the big guy who slapped the table, or the dozen or so guys who were expelling the common people and refugees, they all seemed to be lifted up by some invisible force. But he couldn't hold it, and he rolled down the mountain.

The government official was stunned and looked up.

However, seeing that the doctor in Tsing Yi was still smiling and friendly, treating the patients one by one, on the contrary, the chivalrous man in white had cold eyes and said something: "The seeker comes here on his own, no need to say more."

This sentence alone has an invisible power that makes people dare not make trouble.

Undoubtedly, it was this white-clothed chivalrous man who quickly drove out all those who wanted to take the healer away. This kind of skill, this neatness, is really... admirable.

Chapter 716 Free Clinic

All the big men who were driven down the mountain were all in a state of embarrassment.

The headed man shouted sharply, "Do you know who the master family is? If you don't know how to lift up, you are not afraid that someone will blame you, so you can't be here!"

The official only saw that the white-clothed chivalrous man remained silent, but these stern men suddenly rolled down as if they were overturned by something.

It wasn't even the slightest bit of scruples.

Seeing that these big men could say a word, they were about to roll in the mud for a while, and their hearts became more and more resentful.

But they are not completely ignorant. Seeing that they can't get any benefits here, they have to lead the horse and gallop back to the other end.

As for how to tell their master when they go back, it is another way of saying.

The official waited,

Mian also quietly asked the guard leader of his own family: "Hang Wu, do you recognize that group?"

He only thought that if he was really a powerful person, he might be able to deal with it for a while. And if it's just that kind of fox-fake-tiger-powerful generation... Hmph, he's not watching in vain as a government official!

Hang Wu had also carefully observed it before, and when he heard the words, he said: "Those big men have tall horses, but they are quite arrogant in their words and deeds. They should not be members of the military. The subordinates thought that they were taken by some rich squire. The nursing home and the like, or they are also under the command of Jianghu Hao Ke, so it should not be a cause for concern."

The government official nodded secretly: "If this is the case, you will send someone over and send those who come after you. Don't disturb the genius doctor, and let him heal the people here with peace of mind!"

Hang Wu showed a bit of approval on his face: "the adults are sympathetic to the people, and they deserve to have such a clear name."

The official twitched his beard, shook his head and said, "What's the name? It's just someone flattering. It's rare to find a doctor with such a character today who is willing to help the people in a city. As a parent official, I can't drag the people away. hind legs."

Hang Wu praised again: "adult benevolent."

After a few words, Hang Wu instructed a subordinate of the seventh level of the day after tomorrow to go to the city to dispatch people, make sure to find out who the big men are, erase the matter, and do not disturb the doctor again.

That subordinate was also very brittle, and left this place very quickly to go to the city to run errands.

At this time, after Xu Ziqing finished treating another patient, his mind turned around, and he woke up from that mysterious state.

He opened his eyes and smiled at the person in front of him: "...Go back to rest for a few days, and take a few prescriptions to replenish your body, and you will be fine. That medicine doesn't need to be expensive, just what the poor people eat at home."

The sick person went away with great gratitude, and the person who came back was a gray-haired, very thin sixtieth man. However, this person is thin and thin, his spirit is very vigorous, and he has an air of being in a high position.

Xu Ziqing's mind changed a little, and he recognized it.

Let's say that although he entered the realm of refining the mind before, he was not ignorant of external affairs. Otherwise, how would he use the wood energy to dispel the disease energy to heal the many refugees?

It's just that because he was wandering in the sky, he couldn't react for a while, but now after he wakes up, all the previous things will naturally re-enter his heart.

This 60-year-old man is the official of Jingyuan's mansion. In the hearts of many refugees, this official is very honest, and he cares about everything in the mansion and is very popular.

At this time, he suddenly came over, and it should be because he heard that there were some waves of free medical consultations by doctors, so he came to investigate in person.

Such a person, although Xu Ziqing is no longer in the world, still respects him.

Aren't mortals who are like government officials just like the suzerain in the great calamity, who work hard for the children behind them?

In this matter, monks and mortals are no different.

They're all looking for that ray of hope.

Xu Ziqing recognized it, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he smiled and went to check the pulse of the government official.

The government official managed to get in front of the doctor with great difficulty, and as he got closer, he could see it more clearly, and his heart became more and more admirable.

Previously, when he was far away, he only said that these two people are extraordinary, but now that they are so close, there is an indescribable feeling... I just feel that this kind of talent has never been seen before, and no one can match him. a comparable.

After calming down a bit, the official showed his wrist.

Seeing this, Hang Wu was quite nervous and couldn't take his eyes off it.

After Xu Ziqing made the diagnosis calmly, he said with a smile: "This old gentleman is not serious, but he has worked hard for a long time. If he is not able to rest and recuperate, he is afraid that he will become ill." When he said, he pointed his finger at the government official Xué clicked and injected wood energy into it. If a mortal does not practice cultivation, his orifices are also inaccessible, and he cannot save his spiritual energy. He can use wood qi to remove the accumulated dark wounds in his body, but it is very easy.

The government official only felt a warmth flow into his body, and his exhaustion disappeared instantly, as if he had taken a panacea, and he became more refreshed, which was really effective.

He was more and more sure of the doctor's ability in his heart, and he didn't say much, just cupped his hands and said: "The genius doctor is Gao Yi, this old man is grateful. If the genius doctor has any orders in the future, just go to the city to find a man named 'Hang Wu'. Reciprocate with all your might.”

A pun, not just for the healing power of this moment.

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "Old gentleman is polite, it is the duty of a doctor, there is no need for this."

The government official looked kind and did not reveal his identity. After indicating it again, he turned and left.

Immediately, Xu Ziqing healed the next person, and never inquired about the identity of the government official.

However, for several days after that, he could enter the realm of mind refining at any time, and there were always bad guests who came to invite him, and he never appeared again.

This must be the care of that government official!

Because there was no more disturbance, Xu Ziqing spent more than a month here, and he has already treated many severely ill refugees in the entire city, and the remaining people with minor illnesses do not need him to diagnose them one by one. Moreover, because of his actions, the other doctors in the city were no longer so busy, so they also freed up their hands to diagnose and treat many refugees under the call of the government officials.

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