Immediately, he spoke softly, slowly persuaded him, and later allowed the young man, who was more than half better, to follow along with his sister, so that he could escape.

That night, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were different from before.

The two of them walked among the mountains, using a blinding technique, and pretending to be collecting medicine, but in fact they were just sitting cross-legged, collecting leaves of plants and trees, and refining the medicinal liquid by themselves.

That pair of brothers and sisters was very pitiful. They only rested for one night in a ruined temple with the two of them. They didn't dare to fall asleep seriously all night. Before sunrise, they woke up immediately and went to see the two brothers and sisters.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing smiled at him.

The young man was relieved, and there was some embarrassment in his eyes.

Xu Ziqing didn't think so.

The brother and sister, who were already on the verge of recovery, followed, no doubt for the refugees who had not yet been healed. They have just gotten out of the crisis of life and death, but they have never forgotten the people who were in the same trouble. It can be seen that their xinxing is excellent. How could these nervous precautions make him angry?

Immediately, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie came back to the place where the refugees gathered.

This time, he took several more hours of diagnosis and treatment, and finally cured all the bad ones, and then he deliberately stayed in the barren mountain for treatment, so as not to block the official road.

However, after that many refugees did move to the foot of the mountain, but there was still no one on the official road. Until all the refugees outside the city have been cured, there is still no patient in the city to seek medical treatment.

After a while, Xu Ziqing also understood.

It turned out that those who had been cured only secretly went to the city to get a piece of drinking water every day, and they came out immediately, and they would never say a word to others. The people in the city do not know that there are free medical doctors outside the city, and they will not go out of the city.

And the people in the city were hard-working, and many officers and soldiers suppressed them in a powerful way, asking the people to contribute to rebuilding the city, leaving many victims of the disaster in a lifeless state, and they were thrown out of the city when they were seriously injured.

Most of the doctors in the city only treat the dignitaries and wealthy people. Although ordinary people seek medical treatment, the medicines are very expensive due to the hoarding of medicinal materials by the city's pharmacists, and it is difficult for the poor to buy them. Therefore, only at the command of the government officials, I made some simple concoctions, let the victims drink a bowl, and prevented and controlled.

There is not a bit of the vigor and vitality of Jingyuan Mansion.

The refugees of the people in the Taiyuan Mansion are almost like puppets who do not fight or move, and are extremely depressed.

But if it continues like this, either it will be suppressed too much, it will bounce back, or it will gradually disappear and turn into a rotten corpse outside the city...

However, mortals have mortal rules.

Xu Ziqing had long since left the mundane world and became a cultivator. When immortal cultivators and mortals are connected with fate, there is a game between cultivators, and if only one immortal cultivator intends to infiltrate the mortal dynasty, he will inevitably suffer from backlash.

The cycle of cause and effect, the rotation of life and death, Xu Ziqing can act according to his original heart and rescue mortals one by one, just because the Tao of heaven and the Tao of immortality are inherently related, which is beneficial to his Tao's heart. But for mortal affairs, he is inconvenient to use immortal methods to disturb the people in this room. It is not in line with his way, and it is not beneficial to the people.

Since the officials of Taiyuan Mansion did not act, and the vitality in the mansion was weak, naturally mortals should contain them and deal with them according to mortal regulations.

Xu Ziqing pondered for a while, then wrote a handwritten letter and manipulated a puppet to deliver it to the official of the Jingyuan Mansion.

Chapter 718 Feedback

After doing this, Xu Ziqing no longer sits outside the palace for a clinic, but enters the city to treat the sick.

Refugees from outside the city did not enter, but the brother and sister followed suit.

In the prefecture, many victims are busy under heavy pressure. There are often people on both sides of the street who are not strong enough to fall to the ground.

Occasionally soldiers came and went on patrol, and those soldiers looked solemn. Occasionally, seeing the pain of the victims, their faces only turned red, and they turned their heads helplessly and continued to walk.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie came together, and they didn't even bother to inquire. Since the first serious patient they encountered, they went over to diagnose and treat them.

These victims were all extremely vigilant and refused.

The brothers and sisters stepped forward to persuade them, and the young man even exposed his scars that had not yet healed, and went to see them with others. They tried their best to tell them to relax a little bit.

The little girl was afraid that Xu Ziqing would not be cured, so she took his hand and begged very much: "Don't worry about the miracle doctor, my uncle and auntie didn't mean it, Nan Nan was cured, my brother and many others were cured, the miracle doctor will definitely be able to help them. healed."

Xu Ziqing smiled slightly: "I'm not angry, you don't have to worry about it."

Not to mention that these disaster victims were so prepared because of despair, but that the brothers and sisters were pure-hearted and reciprocated, and it was enough to call him to take action.

After all, he is also a person who cultivates immortals, so how can he be so narrow-minded and care about a group of suffering people?

The little girl blushed: "Thank you so much for the doctor!"

Xu Ziqing's eyes softened, and she rubbed the top of her hair: "NanNan will have future blessings."

There was someone there who recognized the young man, and he looked at Xu Ziqing tremblingly.

Xu Ziqing's expression was still gentle, so he walked over to treat her pulse.

He did not know how many patients he had healed in the past few days, and he had seen many kinds of diseases for a long time.

After a while, this dubious person has already improved greatly, and he just needs to take care of himself.

The young man helped the former neighbor aside and said, "I never lied to Uncle Liang, isn't it okay now?"

The gān skinny old man's eyes flashed with water, and when he looked at Xu Ziqing, he was very grateful: "It's all a little old man with eyes but no pearls, a genius doctor with extraordinary medical skills, don't have the same knowledge as a little old man!"

Xu Ziqing didn't say much, just said: "It's not necessary."

Immediately, he walked up to another patient and wanted to diagnose and treat him.

The patient's lips quivered, his hands shook, and his wrists were exposed.

After that, just as Xu Ziqing gained the trust of the victims outside the city, the patients here also had light in their eyes, and they all begged.

Xu Ziqing treated them one by one as usual, and after the treatment was over, he continued to walk to another street, and then came to save people. In the same way, the pair of siblings followed closely to persuade the victims for him.

In this way, the news of a free medical doctor in this city was also spread.

Xu Ziqing did not need to sit in the clinic, and many patients from other streets flocked...

It stands to reason that Xu Ziqing's medical practice has already caused turmoil in the palace city, but the soldiers on patrol are just invisible, so that he can treat a few more people.

Suddenly one day, the parents in the city wanted to order the doctor to be captured, but before that, they received an imperial decree, scolding him not only for the corpse, but also for looting the people's fat and ointment, and making money from disasters. Since then, the black gauze on his head has been slapped to the end, and another trusted official has come here.

The new government official and the Jingyuan government official were originally from the same family. Disappeared in the city.

However, all the refugees in the city who were seriously ill and refractory were all recovered, but no one knew the whereabouts of the genius doctor.

There is a pair of brothers and sisters. It is rumored that the doctor who has been serving by the side of the magical doctor said that the magical doctor had completed his meritorious deeds in this city two days ago and left...

This new government official is quite righteous, and at the moment, he widely publicized the matter of the magical doctor, and the Jingyuan government official did the same. For a time, many victims of the disaster knew these two people.

At this time, Xu Ziqing went to the third palace city.

Post-disaster reconstruction cannot be accomplished in a short time, and the same is true for many refugee resettlement.

According to the words of the two government officials, after he came out of the city, before he had healed a few people, a government official came out of the city to welcome him, and specially dispatched people to help him build a shed to sit in the clinic. However, the official wanted to host a banquet, but Xu Ziqing politely declined. He came to heal people, but he didn't want to go deep into the mundane.

The official felt that he was noble and clean, and he was not reluctant. And since some government officials have personally confirmed that those sick people have also gained a little more trust, saving him a lot of things.

In this way, Xu Ziqing revitalized the life of the people in a city, and then went to the fourth and fifth prefectures.

For half a year, he went to many cities and saved countless people.

After the disaster victims in the last city, did the disaster stop!

However, this Cha Lin Guochaotang actually issued an imperial decree, telling him to go to the capital to meet each other, and to be appointed as the Imperial Physician Prefect, who can supervise the doctors in the country and be the "first doctor in the world".

Xu Ziqing wanted to leave, but was startled.

Immediately, he shook his head slightly.

When the official who conveyed the imperial edict saw this, he was very surprised: "Don't misunderstand the doctor. Although this official position is newly established, it has real power and is definitely not a false name."

Xu Ziqing smiled and said, "People from the mountains and fields are nothing but their own affairs, so they shouldn't be so important to the king."

Hearing this, the official frowned immediately: "Although the genius doctor has great achievements, he shouldn't be so arrogant."

Xu Ziqing's expression did not change, but he was still gentle: "This is the matter, I will leave. Thank you for your love."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

Suddenly, more than ten figures flew from all around, all of them descending from the sky with majestic breath.

It was actually fifteen innate warriors!

They had just arrived here, and they surrounded Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie, blocking them in all directions.

Xu Ziqing sighed and turned to look at Yun Lie: "Senior brother, we should leave."

Yun Lie nodded slightly, and only stretched out his arms to embrace the younger brother, and then the two of them rose into the air and disappeared.

The official was stunned, just about to ask these many innate warriors why they couldn't leave them behind.

But after he said it, he couldn't react, and only then did he realize that these innate warriors had already fainted.

In an instant, his back was wet, and it was cold sweat.

It turned out that the Lord of the State of Che Lin heard several reports, and learned that this divine doctor not only has amazing medical skills, but also that the medicinal liquid is extremely supernatural.

He issued a decree to call on the genius doctor with the intention of awarding himself, but also to obtain the prescription of the magic medicine, to increase the national strength and shock all directions. Those more than a dozen innate are the personal guards of the lord of the country, and they are sent here, which shows that they are paying attention.

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