Several people entered the house and then turned into the inner hall.

Sure enough, I saw an old woman lying on the couch, and a good-looking daughter-in-law was twisting a handkerchief in a copper basin to wipe sweat with the old woman. The wife of the Zhao family was also busy, and they were quite worried. look.

Doctor Xu didn't talk nonsense, just sat on the low stool beside the couch and took the pulse of the old woman.

Immediately, he took the medical box from Mr. Yun, took out the silver needles of different lengths and thicknesses inside, and started acupuncture slowly...

The old man Liu asked anxiously, "Is there something wrong with my wife?"

Doctor Xu put the needle in an orderly way, and said gently: "Let the wife be fine. After the old man gives the needle, after taking a few doses of medicine, he will be cured. However, at the end of his age, he still needs to be recuperated in the future, and he can't do it again. Dangerous things like this happened today."

After hearing what he said, and seeing that after the acupuncture went on, the old woman's complexion really improved, and these people in the room also relaxed.

After Dr. Xu said that, it must be all right...

Seeing that the old lady was well, Liu Wei gently pulled the Zhao family man.

Seeing this, the Zhao family man followed him out of the inner room and asked, "Liu Xiaozi, why did you call me out?"

Liu Xi pulled him farther away, and asked curiously, "Uncle Zhao, you only told me about Dr. Xu before, but you don't know what this Mr. Yun is from?"

Hearing his words, the Zhao family man's face showed a bit of embarrassment.

Liu Xun felt even more strange: "Is there something unspeakable?"

The Zhao family man sighed: "It can't be called an unspeakable secret." He said loudly, "Mr. Yun and Doctor Xu are a couple, a couple... a relationship like a husband and wife."

Now that the hardest thing to say has already been said, the next words will be easier to say.

"Since Dr. Xu is here, Mr. Yun is already here."

"The two of them went in and out at the same time, and they were very affectionate, but both of them were men, which made people feel a little weird at first..."

"However, they are still so harmonious over the years. Doctor Xu has excellent medical skills, and Mr. Yun has also killed the hungry people in the mountains for me. They are all very good people.

The villagers didn't feel that the two were bad, but the Zhao family's temperament was rough, and the relationship between the two men would not always be talked about. When I mentioned Dr. Xu just now, I didn't mention Mr. Yun deliberately. .

They all felt that it was difficult to explain.

Chapter 720 Mortal Dust

Liu Wei was surprised when he heard it.

However, he has been floating and sinking for many years. Although his luck is not good and he has not made progress in the scientific examination, he has also heard many anecdotes and customs.

There are still males and females in various countries, and they become husband and wife, but there are also places where men and men have blind dates and become brothers and sisters, or women are attached to each other but undoubtedly make a living. If they marry the same man and become wives and concubines, the man will have a pair of beauty. The beautiful woman enjoys the blessings of all people. The woman is also very harmonious in the backyard, with strong feelings and no disputes.

Now the two seem to have been in love for decades. Listening to their words, they are still a pair of senior brothers... I can't say that they have grown up together since childhood, and they are more affectionate than many male and female couples. After Liu Wei was astonished, he also Not much of a fuss.

And no matter what the reason was for those two to live in seclusion, it was rare to have a lover.

Knowing this, Liu Wei and the Zhao family returned to the house again.

He saw that Dr. Xu was really skilled in medicine. In a short period of time, he had actually applied a needle once, and was pulling out the long and short silver needles. His mother sweated more, but her complexion became better. After the last needle was pulled out, she sighed and woke up.

"Oh, why is my old woman lying on the couch?" The old woman opened her eyes, and the first person she saw was her old man.

And when the old man Liu saw his mother-in-law wake up and wiped off the sweat, he rarely smiled and started talking to her.

The rest of the people are happy.

Liu Wei saw that the old lady was fine, and saw that Dr. Xu had put away the medical box, and Mr. Yun immediately reached out and took the medical box. I don't know how many times I've done it before to be so tacit.

He looked at his parents, and then at the brothers who didn't want to disturb them and were walking out the door, and then his eyes fell on his wife again.

The lady has been in charge for many years, and she is no longer the beautiful girl of the year, but at this time, in his eyes, for some reason, she is more beautiful and moving than that peerless beauty.

A trace of tenderness flashed in Liu Xi's eyes, and then he lifted his foot to go out and called out, "Doctor Xu, do you know how much the diagnosis cost?"

That doctor Xu stopped for a while, turned around, and smiled slightly: "Since you are a neighbor, you can give me three coppers."

When he smiled, the corners of his eyes widened, his brows soft, and he looked like a wind blowing across his face, which made people feel down in an instant.

One can't help but think: If such a man was young, what kind of graceful character would he be?

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment: "Only three?"

Then Doctor Xu nodded gently: "Three is enough."

After paying the copper coins, Liu Wei watched the two go away.

I just felt that they walked side by side, and when the mountain wind was blowing, the sleeves were flying, and there was a feeling of flying away in the wind, like a fairy. But if you take a closer look, you can see that they are still two people with a deep friendship.

Liu Wei shook his head and turned back to the house.

His wife was still waiting for him, and their child was still sleeping in the cubicle.

That was where his heart rested.

For a mortal person to be able to achieve this in his entire life, he could not be happier or more secure.


Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie walked back hand in hand, their steps were not hurried, neither had they used any escaping techniques, nor had they used any supernatural powers, they were really just like ordinary people.

They are indeed in seclusion now.

Besides, back then, when Xu Ziqing saw the flood disaster, he couldn't bear it. He felt that mortals were desperate for their lives and wanted to be alive. He not only took action to vent the flood, but also turned into a genius doctor to alleviate the disaster.

After the incident, the divine doctor he transformed was appreciated by the people, and he erected a small statue to worship him. He was gifted by heaven and earth again, and suddenly a little insight came into his heart.

He just wanted to say: It is not difficult to visualize the laws of heaven and earth, but it is quite difficult to put the true spirit into harmony with the Tao. He has been in a bottleneck for many years, and although he is very hardworking, he is so high in the end that he is far away from his original heart. Is it precisely for this reason that he was never allowed to enter the country?

What Xu Ziqing cultivates is the way of reincarnation of life and death.

He used the reincarnation of ten thousand trees to infer the reincarnation of all things, and watched countless mortals and deaths. He also had several times of life and death. Even when he was a mortal in his previous life, he also realized the feeling of death... Such a strange experience, It was only that he could comprehend this way, but he had never been "born" like a normal human being.

In an instant, Xu Ziqing had an idea.

If he lived that life with a mortal body...

If so, he and his senior brother are just mortals...

Once this thought arises, it cannot be turned back.

Yun Lie had the same mind with him, and when he heard Xu Ziqing's words, he already said: "Return to the original and return to the truth, you should have something to gain."

Xu Ziqing's heart was slightly warm, and he no longer hesitated.

Cultivation of immortals has no time, and the life of a mortal is only a few hundred years at most.

He might as well treat himself as a mortal and truly enter the world once.

After making this decision, Xu Ziqing grabbed his senior brother, and the two traveled between countries in this vast land.

He became a wandering doctor. He practiced medicine wherever he went. He mostly used acupuncture and moxibustion techniques. He only suppressed the real essence to the level of the inner strength in the body of an ordinary congenital warrior, and only used it as inner strength. To use, but never used a little magic.

Yun Lie accompanied him, and since then he has also suppressed the true essence, just like a congenital, he does not move the sword, does not urge the sword soul, but the jīng wonderful swordsmanship, which changes endlessly, can be used without hindrance.

On the way, the two may not have encountered some "dangers", but they still have countless years of experience.

And the longer he walked, the more peaceful Xu Ziqing's heart was on this extremely ordinary journey, and he realized a kind of slack after the battle—not that he was tired and lazy, but a very simple relaxation.

It made his mood even better.

After so many years of traveling as a doctor, Xu Ziqing finally found such a village with simple folk customs and wanted to settle down. This village is now Huangyang Village.

The villagers here do not exclude outsiders. Seeing two young people in their twenties come to live here, they are quite helpful, telling them where to find things to build houses, and how to build houses.

That thatched hut was built by the two brothers and sisters.

Instead of refining the immortal mansion with spiritual materials like a monk, he used the strength of the flesh to cut wood, cut grass, and mud, and build it brick by brick.

After the completion, although it is a little rudimentary, it also contains some truths that return to the truth.

After the hut was built, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but smile.

This is interesting, the meaning of this center is different.

After moving in, Xu Ziqing still called himself a doctor, but he was still untrustworthy at first. He knew what he knew and was never anxious.

What's more, there have been natural disasters in various countries in recent years, and he occasionally travels to rescue the victims together with his senior brothers. Until that day, the calamity is not brought down again, and the national strength of various countries gradually recovers. The two brothers and sisters of them gradually rarely leave the village. Only in this village, they realize the most stable and safe life.

In the blink of an eye, these years have passed.

Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie never used the exercises, and they deliberately changed their bodies with the passage of time.

Between the two of them, they also had white hair like ordinary people.

Over the years, the two of them have also cohabited in the same bed as ordinary people, and like ordinary people, they are obsessed with love because of their mutual affection. They don't run the pair of cultivation methods, they only have a lingering body and love.

After a long time, Xu Ziqing felt in a trance, as if he really fell into the world of that world.

He doesn't seem to be Xu Ziqing, who has refined his heart in the world, but he has been apprenticed with his senior brother since childhood, and then grew up together.

Senior brother is a swordsman, he is a doctor, the two have suffered countless hardships in their lives, but they have also saved countless people... When the prosperity comes to an end, and they return to their true self, they will spend the rest of their lives together in one place.

It a trance, he and his senior brother have already loved this life...

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