At the same time, those silver-white light belts also broke away from the futon and wrapped directly on his primordial spirit.

Xu Ziqing's primordial spirit was erratic.

The primordial spirit should suffer from the light of the sky when it is separated from the body, and within the treasure, it should also be easily damaged.

But after being entangled by the silver-white light belt, this primordial spirit seems to be suddenly guarded by some treasure armor, and it is not disturbed by the outside world at all, just like the body is guarded.

On the contrary, he released his consciousness, but "saw" on the futon below. There was a man in azure sitting on a futon with his eyes closed. He was vaguely connected to the primordial spirit, and he could return to it as long as he thought again.

Is that his body?

I have refined clones before, but now looking down at the main body, it is still a little different.

Then, Xu Ziqing looked to the other side.

His senior brother Yun Lie also had only his body left, and now it was like a stone sculpture that landed on the futon—it was quite close to his own futon. Unlike other cultivators, after they came in, they dispersed.

... This may be because he and his senior brother are dual cultivators, which makes him different from others.

At this moment, Xu Ziqing noticed that there was a familiar aura beside him.

When he turned his consciousness, he saw a group of black-gold rays of light, extremely solid, and there were more than 20 phantoms of the avenues around them, which were tightly protected.

However, after Yun Lie Yuanshen appeared, he was not weak like other Yuanshen for a moment, just because he had already achieved the Seven Refinements of Sword Soul. Now Sword Soul is Yuanshen, which is extremely strong. Among all the monks who participated in the Daoyuan Conference If he ranks second, no one can rank first.

Soon, Xu Ziqing also touched Yun Lie's thoughts.

Yun Lie said: "Be more careful."

Xu Ziqing smiled in his heart and responded, "Brother, don't worry."

Apart from the two brothers and sisters, the other cultivators are now also gradually leaving their primordial spirits.

The futon supports the bodies of everyone and is scattered below, and all the primordial spirits have different colors and can manifest some magical powers, and their periphery is also wrapped and protected by silver-white light belts.

It's just... there are also some primordial spirits around, and there is no light band.

These primordial spirits were naturally owned by the cultivators who had not realized the phantom of the Great Dao after being expelled. They made a mistake at that time, and the primordial spirits now have no protection.

Therefore, after their primordial spirits were pulled away, they were illusory for a moment, flickered for a while, and then stabilized.

But it is still consumed, and it is not as easy as the rest of the monks.

Even, the usefulness of the avenue phantom is far more than protecting the primordial spirit.

At the moment when all the monks had their primordial spirits separated from their bodies, there was a sudden sound of glass-shattering joy from the light belts transformed by the innumerable Dao comprehension.

The next moment, the solid light belts flew away!

At this time, the cultivators discovered that the former light belts were still very honest, but they were imprisoned in a certain domain by the treasure. But now that the confinement is broken, the Dao Comprehension is no longer restrained, just like a urchin, it starts to jump up and down, making people elusive.

At this moment, Xu Ziqing noticed that the phantom of the avenue wrapped around him suddenly reacted somewhat.

His heart moved slightly, and the thought came out: "Go."

The phantom of this avenue suddenly stretched and lengthened, and it kept probing into the distance, and in the same direction, there was an avenue that realized and turned its head, and it seemed to be cautiously testing it.

Xu Ziqing's thoughts regenerated somehow: "Catch it!"

The phantom of the avenue suddenly grabbed it at the moment when the avenue realized and touched it! Immediately, it was suddenly withdrawn!

This realization of the Dao is like a fish caught in a net, actually stuck by the phantom of the Dao, and grabbed by it—and then penetrated directly into his Primordial Spirit!

——It was as if it was penetrated by lightning, and it was extremely stinging, but at the same time, all kinds of understanding of this avenue were poured into it!

This is the direct contact between the primordial spirit and the Dao, which is more direct and thorough than before...

This phantom of the Dao that protrudes out is a phantom of the way of life and death, and the realization of the Dao captured by it also happens to be the realization of the opposite way of life and death. It's just that if the truth contained in the phantom of the Dao is relatively simple, and it is only "one", then the truth in the understanding of the Dao is much deeper, and it is "hundred."

At this time, Xu Ziqing became more and more white.

In that hall, those phantoms of the Great Dao must be the phantoms left by the Great Dao hidden in this treasure, and because they are phantoms, they will be much duller and weaker, so when they penetrate the cultivator's body, Only the physical body can bear it, and the cultivator himself can understand it.

Then, with the help of the futon connected to the treasure of Qiankun, I will lead the realization of the Dao by comprehending a little Dao phantom before, and let go of all the primordial spirits to undertake this comprehension - even if I can't bear it for a while, there is still a relative emptiness. Shadow, come to help and disperse, and naturally can fully come to understand.

It has to be said that this is a shortcut given to the monks by the treasure of Qiankun, so that they can accept the teachings of their predecessors with the most original soul.

And since there is such a shortcut, after those outstanding heroes in the world of the 3,000-year-old accept it, they will naturally rise much more than ordinary monks, because they have seen more similar avenues than ordinary monks. , to make up for itself, and the foundation can be accumulated more vigorously.

But it is also those monks who have never obtained the phantom of the Dao. At this time, there is no protection, and there is no phantom of the Dao to help them lead the realization of the Dao. Therefore, they have to motivate their primordial spirits and enter the countless light belts. Once contacted...this is a lot slower since then.

In the end, the cultivators who came with him were all outstanding people from all walks of life, but the benefits obtained in this treasure of heaven and earth are also very different for everyone.

Xu Ziqing realized something in his heart, so he transmitted his thoughts to the Yuanshen Yun Lie beside him: "Senior brother, I'm going."

Yun Lie said: "Go."

The two did not say more, and immediately sacrificed their phantoms and went to all directions to search for the same Taoist experience!

They need to do their best, otherwise, who knows how long they can be enlightened here? If they are delayed for a while, they will not be able to find all the realizations, which will be extremely unfavorable for them...

Day after day.

The primordial spirits of all monks are flying around in this treasure, constantly searching for the understanding of the way they need.

Those many silver-white light strips were seized by this one and then fled, and then seized by that one. Some of them had a plan, and some had to be explored one by one. Each of them was very tight and tried their best.

They all know that the more they earn here, the more abundant their accumulation will be...

Gradually, many monks all entered into meditation.

All people have several or even dozens of Dao realizations entangled in them, circulating in cycles, instilling countless truths, so that almost all of them will manifest their own way.

Xu Ziqing gradually used all the more than twenty Dao realizations for his own use. Suddenly, he remembered the missing part of the way of reincarnation.

That is - the way of causal reincarnation!

Yes, good and evil fates all have cause and effect, he wants to understand the cycle of life and death, in that cycle, isn't it just because of cause and effect? In his early years, he experienced various events, many of which were related to cause and effect, and he was often told to sigh. However, when he realized the Dao on his own, he only remembered to understand the cycle of life and death, but he forgot where the cycle came from.

If there is no cause and effect, how can reincarnation be born? Even the life and death of one person, and the life and death of all things, cannot be separated from cause and effect.

Only by understanding cause and effect can we understand reincarnation!

It turned out that this was the reason why he still couldn't truly match his own way after his true spirit was thrown into the laws of heaven and earth and experienced the reincarnation of the world!

At this moment, Xu Ziqing realized something.

If he has a thought, he can enter the Tribulation at any time, but with his temperament, he is willing to polish it more.

But right now, he is really clear about the way of reincarnation of life and death.

And if Xu Ziqing looked inside, he should be able to see that in the small universe of his Zifu, the green dragon of wood shuttled up and down and tossed among the Taiji yīn yang fish.

And on the Azure Dragon, there were many chains of variable thickness.

In a trance, I can see the above handwriting:

There are black and white life and death, yīn yang life and death, good fortune life and death... and the cycle of good and evil, the cycle of fate... and then there is the thickest chain, called the cycle of karma. All linked together.

Cause and effect point directly to the core, dòng through life and death and reincarnation.

This is Xu Ziqing's way of life and death!

Chapter 731 The end of the conference

After the investigation, Xu Ziqing felt at ease.

In the dark, it seems that a door is slowly opening towards him. Although it is only a small gap now, as long as he wishes, it can be opened immediately.

This gate is formed by comprehending the laws of heaven and earth with the way of one's own body, and it is also the portal of ascension.

In the future, once the immortal world is summoned, you will be able to learn from this door!

On the other end, in the small universe of Yun Lie, there is also a black and gold dragon, entangled by dozens of chains.

But no matter how thick the other chains are, there is only one chain that runs up and down, and that chain has only the word "kill" written on it.

If Xu Ziqing's enlightenment is extremely complicated, then Yun Lie's enlightenment is extremely pure.

The former needs to be worn before and after, while the latter just needs to keep to the heart and keep one word in mind. It's just that although the former is difficult, the latter is by no means easy. If you really want to have only one word left in your heart, you will not be able to do it without great perseverance.

For a long time, many heroes from all walks of life have all revealed their abilities.

Gradually, the light of their respective magical powers dissipated, and what remained was the wisps of silver-white light.

This is the light of realization.

Suddenly, Xu Ziqing seemed to hear someone say in his ear: "The treasure of the universe, preserve the avenue, visualize the world, and teach it to future generations!"

Immediately, there were many voices telling them.

This treasure of heaven and earth was born for the law of heaven and earth, and it took many years to be born before it was born. And when it was born, there was a lot of Dao Qi in it, and all the loose immortals who had passed through it and had a Dao realization were all extracted and copied, and they were stored in the treasure.

After its birth, it has hundreds of avenues in its body, which is extremely precious.

The most valuable part of the treasure is that it can not only make the monks who use the treasure imagine dozens or hundreds of times faster, but also copy the understanding of the way of the body of the person who uses the treasure in the form of a silver light belt. In a sea of ​​enlightenment, it will benefit future generations.

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