In Xu Ziqing's heart, there were many guesses.

Suddenly, in front of a mountain wall, an immortal abruptly stood up, his face full of joy: "I realized it! "A Thousand Words"! Please check the gourd!"

As soon as the words fell, three gourds suddenly dropped from the top of the dòng.

It is blue, white and purple, but the golden-skinned gourd is still leisurely above.

These gourds never flew towards the immortal, but fell directly into the pool.

Only now did Xu Ziqing see clearly. It turned out that when the cultivator was exiting, a stone tablet suddenly appeared in the pool, with the inscription "A Thousand Words and Ten Thousand Words" written by Tan Lin. The immortal magic level behind it was still blank. .

I saw the gourds revolve around the stone tablet for several weeks, then suddenly rose again and dispersed.

At this time, both the green-skinned gourd and the purple-skinned gourd returned to the top, and the white-skinned gourd fell into the hands of the immortal Tan Lin.

Tan Lin couldn't hide his joy: "Middle-grade immortal art...good!"

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, the immortal seal between the eyebrows flickered, and a ray of white light appeared, directly covering the white-skinned gourd.

Visible to the naked eye, a lot of lines appeared on the white-skinned gourd immediately, and as the lines were covered, the inside of the gourd seemed to undergo dramatic changes...

Finally, after the last stroke was finished, the white-skinned gourd turned into a white light and disappeared into the stone wall.

Obviously, it was sent to the Tianbao Temple by some immortal method.

Xu Ziqing looked at the situation before and after, and then he understood what to do in this immortal cave.

Lu Yin let him observe, and when he saw him see through, he smiled and said: "This place is not limited by time. After comprehending an immortal method, it has its own records. The two young palace masters can be free."

Chapter 755

Comprehension of immortality is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Lu Yin has been leading Xu and Yun to familiarize themselves with this small Qianyuan Palace.

Now that Xu and Yun are staying in the Immortal Painting Cave, he should naturally do his own task first.

When Lu Yin thought about it, a stack of immortal talisman paper appeared in the palm of his hand, and he gave it to Xu Ziqing: "Lu will go to work first, if the two young palace masters have any orders, you can fold this thing into a paper crane and convey it, and Lu will follow. Call anytime."

Xu Ziqing took it and smiled at him, "So, thank you Senior Brother Lu."

So, the two sides bid farewell for the time being.

After Lu Yin left, Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie.

Yun Li nodded slightly at him.

Immediately, the two brothers and sisters turned around and went to the left and right to the mountain walls in different directions.

——The way they cultivate is different, so naturally it is better not to gather in one place.

Xu Ziqing walked slowly along the stone wall, and soon found an empty space, standing different.

The lines here are messy, and at first glance, it looks like graffiti, but when he glanced at it, he seemed to see something strange, and he couldn't help but pay attention.

When he saw it, the lines seemed to be able to dance and gradually twist to form a mood.

That is... as if there are many arrows coming towards the face, with fierce killing intent, intending to turn him into a sieve!

On Xu Ziqing's brow and heart immortal seal, a ray of light burst forth immediately.

This ray of light is extremely powerful, destroying the falsehood, and immediately suppressing all the shadows of the arrows, and that unique feeling has already been engraved in his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, he couldn't help but say, "Qianyashu?"

This is clearly an immortal method with decent power, but its grade is not high.

When his voice fell, another stone tablet appeared in the pool, with a letter: Qianyashu, Xu Ziqing, the enlightened person.

Xu Ziqing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Please check the gourd."

At the top of the dòng, there was a gourd falling down, still blue, white and purple, but the golden leather gourd easily moved.

After the three gourds circled the stone tablet for several weeks, the two returned, and the green leather gourd fell into Xu Ziqing's hands.

Xu Ziqing couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, the grade is not high, but it is only a low-grade immortal technique.

Holding the green leather gourd in his hand, the skin is clean and the tentacles are warm, Xu Ziqing finds it quite interesting. He now immediately knew how to act, and when his thoughts were turning, the unique feeling in his spiritual consciousness just now seemed to be pulled by something and poured out from the palm of his hand, as if it was about to dissipate.

Xu Ziqing immediately calmed down.

Immediately, he released his immortal consciousness, pulling that unique feeling, and slowly spread it on the gourd.

Not long after, as the unique feeling was released, many lines appeared on the skin of the gourd.

Xu Ziqing realized.

He just realized the Thousand Arrows Technique from the stone wall, and this "Thousand Arrow Technique" will also be placed in the Heavenly Treasure Hall. In the future, if someone chooses this immortal method, on the lines of the gourd's skin, they should also see the thousand arrows that he saw before, and then they can be considered to be cracked and able to practice.

Then, a golden light burst out from his immortal seal.

At this moment, it seemed that the source of the unique feeling was also pulled out from his sea of ​​consciousness, completely entering the gourd, and achieving a completely recorded immortal method.

It's...that's it.

At this moment, in Xu Ziqing's sea of ​​knowledge, there is no more mysterious sense related to "Thousand Arrow Technique", but some insights are still vaguely in his heart. If he uses it later, he should be able to use it, but it will not affect his cultivation. Way.

He just wanted to say: This fairy painting cave is really amazing


With a rough idea in mind, Xu Ziqing looked at them one by one.

Not long after, he stopped in front of a mountain wall again.

Here, the pattern was like a roulette wheel, spinning erratically, making him feel it again quickly. In his mind, the name "Ten Thousand Wheels Covering the Sea" suddenly appeared.

Obviously, this is another fairy method.

The stone tablet came out, the gourd fell, and after inspection, the grade was in the middle grade.

After recording the gourd again, Xu Ziqing walked forward again, looking at the past one by one, every time he felt something, he had to stop and observe it carefully.

Before he knew it, there were as many as seven or eight gourds flying out of his hands.

Although most of them are green-skinned gourds and white-skinned gourds, since only over an hour has passed in total, the speed of understanding is really impressive.

The more he understands, the more Xu Ziqing gradually understands.

When you comprehend the immortal methods in the immortal painting cave, those immortal methods are not necessarily related to the methods practiced by the enlightened person. They can only be comprehended when the comprehension is reached, or when the opportunity comes.

Moreover, different people come to comprehend the patterns of the grottoes in the same place, and what they have realized cannot be said to be different ways, or that those who originally cultivated the way are similar to those who have comprehended the level of immortal magic. Fairies are taller...

Xu Ziqing's performance naturally fell into the eyes of others.

When he first came, he was not very noticeable, but he recorded the gourds one by one, and it was difficult for others to ignore them when they saw them.

It is necessary to know that those who are here can only comprehend a single immortal method in a few days or months. There are also many people. Where have you seen such a lot of books in less than two hours?

Weird, so weird.

Especially the immortal who realized the Dao next to Xu Ziqing, he was at a bottleneck, he only felt that the pattern was like a mess, and he clearly knew that he could understand it smoothly by holding one end. .

After a short rest, he saw Xu Ziqing quickly release the gourd, and his mood immediately became complicated.

If he remembered correctly, this Immortal Luo Tian had just come here a quarter of an hour ago, how could he have realized it? Although he is only a Spirit Immortal now, is there such a big gap between Spirit Immortal and Luo Tianshang Immortal?

There is never a shortage of Luo Tian Shang Xian in the fairy painting cave, and I have never seen this before...

Seeing that Xu Ziqing was going forward, the spirit fairy couldn't help but say, "Brother, wait!"

Xu Ziqing heard it and turned around: "But are you calling me?"

Lingxian hurriedly saluted: "It's Li, who is in Li Lingyuan."

Xu Ziqing didn't know this person, but since the other party was polite, he took care of it and said with a smile, "Senior Brother Li, I'm here with Xu Ziqing, and I'm just entering Lingtian Palace."

Li Lingyuan saw that his temperament was gentle, and the anxiety caused by the abruptness was reduced a lot, and now he felt more at ease: "Junior Brother Xu, it turns out that you really only stayed for a quarter of an hour, and then you realized that fairy method..."

Xu Ziqing understood what he said.

This Li Lingyuan probably saw that he understood faster, and his mind was a little complicated. He wanted to ask him whether he had come to comprehend early, and now he just suddenly realized, or only in this short period of time.

In the previous answer, since Xu Ziqing said that he was entering Lingtian Palace for the first time, it was naturally the first time he had come here, so it meant that he had realized it very quickly.

But Li Lingyuan was very lost, but Xu Ziqing was not good at speaking. Seeing that he had no more words, he didn't say much, just smiled at him, and then said goodbye and went deeper into the painting cave.

Li Lingyuan didn't have the intention to call him again, only stunned for a moment, then turned around again, and tried his best to understand the "cluttered mess".


Over there, Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing walked with their backs, also to see the patterns on the mountain wall.

His sword intent was restrained, but he was like an immortal sword. While walking, he saw many patterns, all of which were quite mysterious, but he never stopped.

After walking more than a hundred steps, Yun Lie moved slightly.

At this time, his eyes moved slightly, looking at a certain mountain wall.

In the blink of an eye, a ray of sword light came towards him, crushed by his sword force, and immediately shattered.

At the same time, there was a sense of awe in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the Sword Canon.

A canon of swords for fairy swords.

Yun Li felt something in his heart, so he opened his mouth: "Huanghong Jiandian, the first style."

It is very strange, if there are some immortal methods, there is often one of them after comprehension, even if it is not deep enough, it is complete. But now, what he, the Sword Immortal, has realized, is only one style.

Could it be that this style of swordsmanship can also be a self-contained one?

At this time, a stone tablet appeared in the pool.

Inscribed on the stone tablet: The first form of Huanghong Sword Canon, the one who realizes it is Yun Lie.

It really did!

Yun Lie's eyes moved slightly.

With his immortal knowledge swept away, more stone tablets in the pool were trapped in it.

Immediately, he understood.

That stone tablet in the pool, as expected, there are many stone tablets related to swordsmanship, and the sword scriptures are all incomplete. It seems that kendo is a self-contained way, and in this painting cave, it is very messy.

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