Originally, when I received the refining materials, Lu Yin helped to lead the way and deal with it. Later, when the deacon in Yun Lie Palace was familiar with it, he only had to bring Yun Lie's handwritten letter to come here.

But now, with An Chengzhi's guidance, wherever he goes, there are no obstacles.

In almost a short period of time, a group of three people came to the secret treasure.

It is said that the guards of the secret treasure are two big Luo Jinxian. It is said that there are even Jiutian Xuanxian hidden and protected inside the secret treasure. In addition, there are many restrictions on the outside. It can be said that the defense is tight and airtight.

After An Chengzhi came over, he had to reveal his identity, as did Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie.

After the two big Luo Jinxian had checked, the extremely heavy Tianhe Jinjing gate suddenly opened.

An Chengyi walked forward and said, "Come in quickly!"

Xu and Yun did not take it lightly, and followed their words.

The Qianyuan Secret Collection is actually the treasure house of the Xiaoqianyuan Palace. It not only houses many resources such as heaven and earth treasures, but also some particularly precious medicinal herbs, fairy treasures and other items are also hidden here.

- Just like Xianbao. Outside that day, the treasure hall faced all the disciples, and there were countless immortal treasures, but there were still some very special immortal treasures that needed to be cautious.

This place is restricted one step at a time, ten steps one immortal formation, one hundred step formation superimposed, jiāo woven by mistake, more dense than spider webs. If there is no handwriting, token, identity certificate, etc., as long as someone comes in, even if it is Daluo Jinxian, it will be smashed into pieces by the dense array, even if Jiutian Xuanxian comes, it will also be trapped.

And the handwriting and the pass token, that An Chengzhi has both.

But even so, you still need to be careful when walking.

In the secret treasure, a number of important gates opened one after another.

Each major gate governs a secret room, and each secret room is extremely wide, with countless dazzling immortal formations, looking after different heaven and earth treasures.

All the treasures of heaven and earth that can be contained in the secret treasure, the deeper they go, the more precious they are.

Nine gold items belong to the best refining materials, and naturally they are all located in extremely far-reaching places.

An Chengyi didn't look at anything else on the way, and walked straight ahead. After passing through thirty-three doors, he came to the secret room containing the best refining materials, which was also one of the most guarded secret rooms for sacrifice.

Xu Ziqing raised his eyes and saw that there were ten kinds of colors, which reflected each other.

An Chengzhi brought Yun Lie to a transparent cylinder, pointed his finger, and said: "This is a kind of nine gold objects, and it is the same material as many gates outside. However, it is called Tianhe jīng. Gold, condensed with Tianhe Jinjing after countless years of deposition, is the essence of Tianhe Jinjing, which is very rare and extremely precious."

Yun Lie took a look.

He saw that even though he was isolated by the Immortal Formation that day, there were still wisps of sharp edge overflowing, and the crystal pillars were continuously cut, and the vigor was extremely sharp.

Really a good thing.

An Chengzhi said: "This thing can be your first smelting thing, a hundred kilograms is enough."

When he spoke, he also took out a transparent box from his sleeve, and ingested it against the crystal pillar.

Soon, in the crystal column, the originally large Tianhe Jin was split, and a fist-sized piece flew straight out, turning into a golden light in an instant, and submerging into the transparent box.

In that box, there are eight grooves, and the fist-sized Tianhe Jin is falling into the first groove.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing couldn't help but be amazed.

The treasure of the fairy family is really very strange.

Then, An Chengzhi walked to another crystal pillar. Inside, there was an arm-length jet-black thing. It looks very quiet, but every few breaths, it suddenly rotates, and when it rotates, the crystal column suddenly trembles, which is extraordinary!

An Chengzhi also introduced: "This thing is your second smelting thing, and the nine golds of black gold are worth a hundred kilograms."

Yun Lie also nodded.

Afterwards, the black objects in the crystal column were separated into pieces the size of an egg, and they also entered the transparent box.

It can be seen that the stock of these nine gold items is not much, but each of them is extremely heavy, and the gold of Wujin is obviously much heavier than the gold of Tianhe.

... This huge small Qianyuan Palace holds one of the thirty-six resources of the entire Lingtian Palace, but it only has these nine gold items.

Now that Yun Lie can obtain these refining materials, it is indeed the will of many powerful people in Xiaoqianyuan Palace.

Immediately, there are six kinds of nine-gold items, in this secret room, everything.

An Chengzhi has extensive knowledge, and the nine gold items are not a problem, so there is no need to ask or investigate. He just walked around the many crystal pillars once, and immediately took out one of them and put them in the transparent box.

Then, An Chengzhi took the two away again.

He also carefully walked through countless restrictions and immortal formations, and was finally able to escape.

After going outside, An Chengzhi gave the transparent box to Yun Lie's hand, and said only: "Your immortal sword is connected with your heart and soul, and the tacit understanding is very good. You must know better than the old man how to smelt it. In this case, the old man I don't want to point fingers, making it difficult for you. Now I just need to mention that when you smelt, carefully polish the sword intent. If you want to melt those smelting materials, don't use other fairy fires and strange fires. The best thing , nothing more than your heart fire."

Yun Lie heard it, knew his good intentions, and nodded naturally: "Thank you Elder An."

An Chengzhi was satisfied, and then floated away.

Xu Ziqing was in the back, and also made a congratulatory message.

Wait for the Lianbao Da

After leaving the house, Xu Ziqing also smiled and said, "Senior brother, will you and I go back to smelting the fairy sword?"

Yun Li nodded slightly: "Yes."

So, the two of them also turned and walked away, and after calling Xianhe with a clear whistle, they left calmly.


Back at Qingyun Palace, Yun Lie was about to retreat and smelt the fairy sword.

When Yu Haoran saw it, he knew that his young palace master had successfully received the refining materials, and he was also happy for him. Afterwards, he didn't bother the two of them, he just stood with his sword in his arms, and protected the Dharma outside the inner hall.

Xu Ziqing entered the quiet room and sat cross-legged a few feet away from the clouds, also protecting the Dharma for him.

Yun Lie sat cross-legged and flicked his fingers, and the transparent box was opened, and the eight pieces of nine gold objects in it, in front of him, were huffing and puffing with vigor, which was really amazing.

It is just a treasure of heaven and earth, and it has such power, I am afraid that it will not be easy to smelt.

However, as far as Yun Lie is concerned, it is only a must-do thing.

At the moment, Yun Lie's palm opened, and at the palm of his hand, a silver long sword appeared immediately, with dark light flowing, and its appearance was clumsy, but as long as it was turned slightly, it was ten percent powerful.

Although it is only a middle-grade fairy sword now, it has already faintly revealed infinite potential, and the terrifying power that cannot be seen through is frightening.

Yun Lie caressed the body of the sword, and then the long sword whispered, making a clear and clear sound, and seemed very happy.

Now, it seemed to know that what happened next would be of great benefit to it, and immediately a thin layer of shimmering light shrouded it, and it jumped.

Although the sword spirit has long since awakened, it still cannot manifest its body like other spirits of immortal treasures. This is the reason why the original grade was insufficient and the spirit was insufficient, but once it is smelted again, it will naturally be different.

Yun Lie pointed out a finger again, and pointed it between his eyebrows.

In an instant, the back edge of the fingertips slowly pulled out a silver line. The silver line was very smooth, but after taking it out, it had a burning feeling.

This is heartbreak.

In the lower realm, monks have pill fire and infant fire, but once they ascend, this infant fire will turn into heart fire.

Heart fire can be immortal and immortal, and it can also refine immortal treasures for immortals and temper themselves, with countless powers. Especially at this time, Yun Lie wants to smelt the sword of life, so it is most suitable to use it.

I saw the heart fire, and the lotus flame rose.

The fire of the heart turned into a fist-sized fire ball in front of Yun Lie, and this fire ball was in the shape of a lotus flower, and the petals stretched gently, but what it contained was a mysterious and mysterious artistic conception, which could not be detected. terrifying power.

Yun Lie points again on the gold of the river that day.

Tianhe Jin jumped up and immediately plunged into the lotus flame of the heart fire, making a "swoosh" sound.

Isn't this being melted by it?

At the same time, Yun Lie gave another pointer to the silver-white long sword, and in an instant, he was coated with a layer of sword intent.

This is the Sword Intent created by the refining of the Sword Soul, which is constantly running in with the Immortal Sword, expelling all foreign auras, and sweeping away all possible impurities.

Gradually, the gold of the Tianhe melted into golden water, Yun Lie's thoughts moved, and the golden water suddenly rushed over like a golden spot, and sprinkled all of it on the long sword!


A harsh sound.

But the next moment, all the golden water was submerged in the sword body, and the silver sword body suddenly showed a few thin golden threads, like a spirit snake, constantly wandering around the sword body.

At the same moment, the silver-white sword intent shrouded on the sword became even more powerful.

It turned out that it was Yun Lie who prompted the Sword Intent of the Second Refinement of Sword Soul.

And under the polishing of the sword intent of the second refinement of the sword soul, the thin golden thread traveled slower and slower, merged deeper and deeper with the silver sword body, and gradually disappeared... Finally, all of it was transformed into the sword within the body.

The silver immortal sword suddenly became brighter, as if all the dust on it had been wiped away.

Chapter 763 Sword Spirit

Immediately, Wu Jinzhi entered the lotus flame, and it was also melted into golden water, which was also sprinkled on the silver-white long sword.

Immediately after that, there is the third smelting item, Bailian Lingjin, the fourth smelting item, Tianxuan Holy Gold... the seventh smelting item, Wuchen Yuanjin.

Before the combination, there were a total of eight pieces of nine gold items, all of which were smelted into that fairy sword.

On this immortal sword, the golden threads of different colors flutter, and the meaning of the sword is connoted and polished back and forth. It is precisely the fusion of the eight refining sword intent and the eight top-quality refining materials, which are connected up and down, so that they can be used in circles without any traces. Obstruction.

And for each additional piece of nine gold items, the spirituality of the fairy sword is more powerful, and the breath is also more active. The sword spirit was eager to try, and almost wanted to break away from the sword and turn into another form.

However, there are still shortcomings.

Yun Lie is extremely patient, even if he senses the eagerness of the sword spirit, he only injects that cold killing intent to make it calm down: "Don't be anxious, it still needs to be tempered."

The sword spirit sensed Yun Lie's steady heart, and gradually calmed down.

There is only that sense of joy, but it is still faintly revealed.

Yun Lie injected the Eight Refinements Sword Intent into it again and continued to refine it.

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