All the soldiers, even if they wanted to rush to kill at first, were all killed at this moment.

Only the last general remains.

Yun Li looked up.

It just so happened that the many silver threads gathered together and finally formed a thin sword that penetrated directly between the general's eyebrows.

Even if he used the means of pressing the bottom of the box, even if he tried to run away, he still...dead brittle!

The first level, what about thousands of people?

It's just a stick of incense to kill it!

Xu Ziqing had a smile on his face, not at all surprised.

With his senior brother's ability, naturally it should be like this.

On the other hand, when the other Sword Immortals saw it, they were surprised, and vaguely seemed to take it for granted.

Yu Haoran couldn't help but ask: "Palace Master Xu, Young Master Yun, he seems to be very familiar with the war?"

A simple army formation is also an army formation. Thousands of people rushed to kill, but it did not affect the momentum of the young palace master at all. No matter how you look at it, it is extraordinary!

Xu Ziqing smiled: "When we were in the lower realm, we encountered a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and there were countless demons. Brother once commanded tens of thousands of swordsmen, formed a sword formation, turned into soldiers, and fought against them. Now there are only a thousand soldiers, so it will not be too embarrassing. ."

When Yu Haoran heard this, a strange light flashed in his eyes: "So it is! No wonder the Young Palace Master is so capable!"

Pu Jun and other genius brothers in the Wuling lineage also thought about it in their hearts.

You can ask Junior Brother Xunhang about such matters in the lower realm, or after this matter.

Du Xiu was even more calculated.

These two young palace lords have just arrived, and they have not shown much ability yet. Now that the young palace lord Yun is showing a little bit of prominence, he is already so extraordinary. The Xu young palace lord he followed, I don't know what happened?

Junior Brother Hang mentioned some things before, but it's not very clear. After that, we need to ask carefully...

On the killing gate, in the scene in the video, the corpses piled up in mountains on the ground have disappeared without a trace in an instant, and what remains is an empty piece of land.

Yun Lie's figure reappeared at the beginning, and in front of him, a gust of wind blew.

After the strong wind, more figures appeared.

There are still immortals and demons, and there are still thousands of soldiers.

But this time, there were three hundred soldiers in the thousand-man army, all riding on horses, and they were extremely fierce and mighty.

And the protected general's rank has also been raised to Heavenly Immortal, and the treasure armor on his body seems to be even more powerful in defense. However, those soldiers were still mortals and mortal demons.

It looks like there are still thousands of people now, but in fact, including those cavalry shòu who are obviously comparable in momentum to the soldiers, the total combat strength should be more than 1,300.

Those riding shòu had a ferocious appearance, red eyes, and were very fierce. Although they couldn't identify any demon shòu, there was no doubt that each of them was extremely brave and suffocating.

Those cavalrymen cooperate with them, I am afraid that the strength is not as simple as doubling.

When the Sword Immortals outside the killing gate saw, many of them laughed:

"Dragon Yak!"

"Dragon Yak came out, and it's still as fierce..."

"Let's see how Palace Master Yun Shao responds!"

Xu Ziqing asked Pu Jun and others, "Who is this dragon yak?"

Since they are also Sword Immortals, they naturally passed these levels, so he explained to him when he heard the words: "There are several Heavenly Lands in the Five Directions Heavenly Court, and the inhabitants are mostly Demon Immortals and Demon Shòu, and among them, the True Dragon clan... the descendants are the most. This dragon yak is the descendant of the real dragon and some immortal cows and demon cows. Because they have only superficial wisdom, they often cannot really open their minds and cultivate, and they are only the most uneducated descendants of the real dragon. ."

Yu Haoran continued: "Although it doesn't enter the stream, it is an excellent riding shòu, especially its head is like a dragon, its body is slightly scaled, and its running speed is extremely fast. "

Xu Ziqing was stunned.

He took a closer look at the dragon yak, and sure enough, it looked like a dragon's eyes and a dragon's mouth. On top of its head, there were a pair of very short and thick horns, which were similar to the dragon's horns. On their dark skin, some vital places are covered with a very thin layer of scales, and it may be difficult to destroy them.

It seems that it is indeed a horseman with some real dragon blood.

Riding a shòu like this is really useful on the battlefield.

In the video, Yun Lie doesn't know the origin of the Dragon Yak, and he doesn't pay attention.

He just released the sword threads again and let them spread out, killing endlessly.

These mortal mortals and mortal demons, whether they ride on the shòu or keep their feet on the ground, are no different to Yun Lie. The military formation seems to have changed more than before, but Yun Lie has seen many battle formations, and it is not difficult to crack it.

So, the silver thread goes too far and kills one!

The number of corpses is still increasing, and the scales of the dragon yak that protect the vital points are not enough to withstand the sharp silver threads of Yun Lie.

Sometimes the silver wire pierced the neck of the dragon yak from below, and went straight up, penetrating the cavalry's eyebrows, and it was smooth all the way, without any hindrance at all.

Soon, the bodies piled up again.

Even if he stayed far away from the killing gate, he seemed to be able to feel the blood in it—no, maybe it wasn't the real blood. Although the silver swords slaughtered a lot, they only pierced a small hole every time. It was clear that there was no river of blood everywhere, but at first glance, it seemed that in addition to the mountain of corpses, there was also a sea of ​​blood...

Just like the first level, the Heavenly Immortal General,

The old dies at the end.

When he fell, the whole scene disappeared, and all the corpses disappeared.

Immediately, what appeared in the third pass was a general of the Immortal rank and a total of two thousand soldiers.

Among these soldiers, there are also a hundred generals from heavenly immortals and demons, and each general leads nearly twenty soldiers from ordinary immortals and mortal demons.

At this time, the momentum they showed was several times higher than those in the second level!

Chapter 771 Killing God

The Sword Immortals originally thought that what the Young Master Yun had done in the Demon Slaying Sect was already unattainable, and they thought that there was no other performance that would make them even more shocked.

But I never thought that in this killing sect, this young palace master showed a real, almost despairing ability!

In the third pass, there is one Spirit Immortal, 100 Heavenly Immortals, and nearly 2,000 Ordinary Immortals.

Kill them all in one moment.

In the fourth stage, one Luo Tian is a high-level immortal, ten are a spirit-level immortal, a hundred heaven-level immortals, and five thousand mortal-level immortals.

Kill them all within half an hour.

In the fifth stage, two Luotian Immortals, 20 Spirit Immortals, 200 Heavenly Immortals, and 10,000 Ordinary Immortals were divided into two armies, forming two army formations.

Kill them all within an hour.

In the sixth stage, one Da Luo Jin Immortal, three Luo Tian Shang Immortal, 30 Spirit Immortal, 300 Heaven Immortal, and 20,000 Ordinary Immortals were divided into three armies, forming three army formations.

Within two hours, they were all killed.

The seventh level, two big Luo Jinxian level...

In the eyes, silver lights are flying, and corpses are everywhere.

In the beginning, Yun Lie didn't move, he only used his thoughts to turn his sword intent into sword threads, killing all the soldiers with ten thousand. Later, the number of soldiers will gradually increase, as if they are about to copy from all sides, which will make the battlefield even more cramped. He also turned into countless phantoms, shuttled back and forth between the formations, and wherever he passed, he fell.

When the soldier's rank was getting higher and higher, the battle became increasingly difficult for him, and finally he held the immortal sword in the palm of his hand.

——Until that Daluo Jinxian turned into a general, a sword field flew out of Yun Lie's eyebrows.

In this sword domain, countless sword intents also poured out frantically, and under the murderous pull of every sword intent, infinite power was released! And these sword intents, as early as the time of Yun Lie's soaring, were also tempered under the heavenly tribulation. Although they were not sword souls, they became the pseudo-souls due to the contamination of Yun Lie's breath, which prompted almost the second and third refinements. The sword will come.

Naturally, it can also kill mortal immortals, even heavenly immortals!

There are so many sword intents surging, and there are sword threads, and the giant sword is madly sweeping.

No matter how many soldiers appeared, they were all killed.

As for Yun Lie, he held a long sword and was distracted and multi-purpose. While he was in charge of the sword domain, he was dealing with the two big Luo Jinxian.

After countless mysterious swordsmanships, he was finally suddenly holding the sword left and right, one false and one real, cutting both sides!

He also killed the two big Luo Jinxian.

At this moment, Yun Lie's complexion was slightly pale, and after killing tens of thousands of soldiers in the eighth level, he killed a Daluo Jinxian again, and then he died of exhaustion.

Naturally, he never passed the eighth level.

But this kind of record has never been achieved by any sword immortal ever since the establishment of Tianjian Tower!

When the killing gate opened and the sword immortals in white walked out of it, the sword immortals outside looked at him, in addition to the frenzy, there was also some awe, and a hint of... fear.

He kills too much, kills too much.

From the beginning to the end, there has never been a time when the trick is to "kill the thief first kill the king".

He just kills! kill! kill!

Kill no one! Go to the next level!

The Sword Immortal who had already watched the spar of the previous image of Slaying Demons murmured, "Is this the way of killing swordsmanship..."

After Yun Lie entered the killing gate, he recognized many mysterious sword immortals, too: "The swordsmanship of killing is really the most powerful way! Sure enough... it is extremely terrifying!"

At this time, no one looked at the sword list anymore.

They all understood that this Young Palace Master Yun Lie Sword Immortal, deservedly, must be the top of the sword list!

After Yun Lie came out, he greeted his junior brother's smile as usual, and nodded slightly to him.

Xu Ziqing looked soft and said softly, "Senior brother, let's meditate for a while."

Others may not be able to see it, but he sees it very clearly.

In fact, his senior brother had already exhausted his immortal essence, and the last few killings were all supported by will. It is also because his sword intent is so powerful that he can have that residual power, otherwise he might not be able to use his sword intent.

If you don't take a break at this time, I am afraid that the foundation will float, which will be unfavorable in the future.

Yun Lie naturally agreed, and he immediately found a place to sit cross-legged and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

In an instant, in the dantian, the silver dragon, who seemed to be languishing, struggled, and the dozens of chains were bound even tighter, stretching and shrinking, as if his heart was beating.

In this Heavenly Sword Tower, although all power is imprisoned, if the dantian is empty in the first place, it is not forbidden when it is restored. Soon, Yun Lie's whole body showed traces of murderous aura.

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