The next moment, a leaf flew out from the many grass and trees, as if attracted by something, circling around the center.

Because the blue dragon wrapped in many chains in the small universe has already taken root in the dantian, this scene is like a gust of wind rolling up the leaves, winding and roaring in the huge void, forming a very strange picture.

The breath emanating from these grass and trees is also very mysterious, and it seems to be transformed into something terrifying!

However, even if they were swept away by the strong wind, those leaves were still rootless leaves.

Since there is no root, one cannot take root, no matter how much and how terrifying the power is, it will eventually disappear.

Therefore, after a few breaths, those leaves slowly descended again.

Then he was swept away by a gust of wind and returned to the grass and trees. At the same time, the grass and trees turned into dragons again, and these leaves became... inverse scales on the dragon's body.

Xu Ziqing suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now... what was that feeling?

It was as if he suddenly had some enlightenment and captured some mystery, but it was a pity that only that momentary feeling dissipated.

If you want to experience it again, you can't.

Xu Ziqing was a little disappointed.

But soon, he settled down again.

At this time, he already knew that it was probably the prototype of his own immortal method, but unfortunately there was no support, just like a house without a foundation, it could not be truly built after all.

But there is no need to worry, he can realize it once, and naturally he can realize it countless times.

As long as there is some entry every time, and then slowly come up with an opportunity to lay down the foundation, the immortal method will eventually be filled by him and achieve his own supreme power!

After thinking about it, Xu Ziqing closed his eyes again, and slowly realized the remaining insights.

no hurry, no hurry...


Unconsciously, the group of people stayed in the Tianjian Tower for nearly half a year.

Xu Ziqing and the immortals in Qingyun Palace meditated cross-legged and realized the Tao on their own, while the people in the sword palace, from the initial waiting, also entered the three portals one after another, and worked hard to cultivate.

The sword immortals in the sword palace are also very extraordinary, especially Pu Jun and Fu Ying. As immortals of Luo Tianshang, they have six refining swords and souls, and they are extremely talented. In fact, their ranking on the Tianjianlou sword list has already entered the top 50. .

There are tens of thousands of Sword Immortals in Lingtian Palace. Before Yun Lie's arrival, there were fewer than two palms in the Seventh Refinement, and there were no more than a hundred in the Sixth Refinement. When it comes to the realm of swordsmanship, these two talented senior brothers are also extremely good, and there have been many in the past. Practice here.

Yu Haoran is a little inferior, only in the fourth training, but he is very diligent, and he is also hovering between one thousand and two thousand on the sword list. If it is between the same kendo realm, his ranking is also extremely high.

Seeing Yun Lie achieve such a result now, many Sword Immortals in the Sword Palace are also surging, and they are undoubtedly more attentive and more diligent when it comes to cultivating and breaking through the barrier.

Although now I can only glimpse the back of Palace Master Yun Shao, but the road ahead is known, and one day, it may be impossible to catch up.

One day, two big Luo Jinxian walked into the Tianjian Tower.

They are not Sword Immortals, they are extremely coercive and solemn, but they are two very powerful deacons.

After coming in, the two of them said, "I am waiting for the order of the palace master to come to record the top ten rankings of the sword list, and set a quota for going to the Central Heavenly Court ten days later!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room fell silent.

The elder Kugān who changed the treasure platform stretched out his finger, trembled to a point on the sword list, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's here."

The two big Luo Jinxian immediately looked up, and immediately wrote down the names of the top ten.

Up to now, although other names have always been changing except for the top spot, which remains unchanged, the top ten rankings have stabilized in recent days.

The other nine people went up and down, but none of them fell below tenth, and the Sword Immortals ranked from eleventh to the following, after several efforts, could not improve.

Therefore, these ten places are indeed fixed.

Daluo Jinxian acted resolutely. After writing it down, he turned and left.

Before leaving, they never forgot to leave a sentence: "Those who have already won the quota can return to their residence and wait. When the time comes, someone will go and invite them to the Central Heavenly Court together!"

The swordsmen heard the words, and they all understood.

After the two left, the Sword Immortals began to discuss.

Although they didn't have a quota, they also hoped that going to Lingtian Palace this time could suppress the arrogance of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

His hope was naturally pinned on the newly promoted Young Master Yun Lie.

Afterwards, many of the people in the top ten returned to their residences and rested.

Yun Lie practiced here for another eight days, and Fang also left.

Xu Ziqing accompanies his senior brother to rest for a day, playing chess and having fun, and his mood is naturally stable.

And the messenger who came to invite Yun Lie also came to Qingyun Palace.

Chapter 773

The visitor was dressed in splendid clothes, with a dignified bearing, and his face was clear and handsome, and it was very eye-catching.

He has an excellent temperament and a calm tone. When he walked in, he smiled slightly: "Zhou Hezhi has seen two young palace masters."

Zhou Hezhi is a great golden immortal, and he is also a deacon who walks in the main palace and works for the palace master. Now that I have been ordered to come to invite you, my attitude is very warm and my words are quite respectful.

In terms of rank, Xu and Yun were inferior to him, but in terms of status, he was slightly inferior.

Xu Ziqing also doesn't care about being a big boss, so he also greeted him:

"There is Senior Brother Lao Zhou."

Yun Yan also nodded slightly.

Zhou Hezhi smiled and said, "Please also ask the two young palace masters to prepare the frame and go with Zhou."

Xu Ziqing was startled: "Are you going down too?"

Zhou Hezhi said: "Based on the relationship between Palace Master Xu and Young Master Yun, we can naturally go together. In the thirty-six palaces of Lingtian Palace, quite a few young palace masters are interested in joining in the fun, and Palace Master Xu does not need to mind. "

Xu Ziqing was also very happy when he heard it.

Because this was a great event for Sword Immortals, he thought that the place of inheritance might not allow immortals other than Sword Immortals to go, so although he was reluctant to part with his senior brother, he did not mention it. At this time, I can hear it together, and the mood is quite good.

So he said, "If that's the case, let's join in the fun."

That Zhou Hezhi smiled like a chūn style, and when people saw it, they were very happy: "I'll go to Tianjianzong to have fun first, and then go to the Central Imperial Court. That's the real lively."

Xu Ziqing was stunned.

Yes, there are two major events. In addition to the inheritance of the Slaughter Avenue, there is also the matter of Chang Yan Emperor Ji's summoning of a concubine.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziqing's expression moved slightly: "Could it be that there are talents in my Lingtian Palace who are going to apply for election and marry the emperor?"

Zhou Hezhi smiled even more: "So, this is a very interesting event?"

Xu Ziqing laughed: "It was a very interesting and lively event."

This week, Hezhi looked at the bright wind and the moon, and she was also quite interesting, which really made people have a good impression.

Zhou Hezhi actually winked at him, and then stretched out his hand to quote: "Both of you please."

Xu Ziqing glanced at his senior brother and tugged at his sleeve: "Let's go, senior brother."

So, a group of three people quickly came to the outside of the palace.

Both deputy palaces have deacons in charge of food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Now that the young palace is mainly traveling, it will be taken care of quickly. After a while, in mid-air, there was a huge frame suspended in the sky.

It turned out that because Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie were dual cultivators, their female officials and deacons were very good-natured, so they replaced the two treasure chariots with a larger and more powerful one. for majestic.

Xu Ziqing knew about this and naturally appreciated it.

The two of them had five pairs of birds and birds, three of which were given to their respective celestial signs, and the other two were given to the left and right celestial officials, and they were also used for pulling carts.

And these six smaller frames followed behind the huge frame.

There were also sixty white cranes, all of which were distributed among the Heavenly Soldiers who did not have any cranes in the two palaces. They also formed a huge team.

These countless powerful breaths stayed in the air, and even if they didn't let out a roar of dragons, they were still very imposing.

Seeing this, Zhou Hezhi smiled and said, "As expected of a two-in-one Taoist couple, the love is so far, it is enviable."

Seeing that his tone was so kind, Xu Ziqing was also joking: "If Senior Brother Zhou is envious, why don't you also find a beautiful woman, pursue it for a long time, and conclude a mandarin duck alliance?"

Zhou Hezhi smiled freely, looked at Yun Lie, and smiled at him: "So... a beautiful woman?"

Xu Ziqing understood the meaning of his words and nodded, "She is a beautiful woman."

Zhou Hezhi was dumbfounded for a moment, and then stopped laughing at him, shook his head and said, "Such a beautiful woman, I can't bear it..." After saying that, she cupped her hands, "Let's go, let's go!"

Xu Ziqing couldn't help laughing, but also bowed his hands: "Please, please."

After speaking, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie got on the frame.

During the time they spoke, all those who wanted to go with them were gathered together.

So in addition to each of the three heavenly officials, there were also one hundred heavenly soldiers, who followed.

Immortal energy fluttered in the sky for a while, and they all followed the large crane that carried Zhou Hezhi, and flew to the large field outside the Lingtian Palace.

Everyone, etc., all meet there.


After Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing's treasure car arrived, there were already many similar treasure cars, either pulled by grass dragons or driven by luan birds, all of them had arrived early.

They have been flying for several years, except for Fairy Chongling in Chongling Palace, they have never seen other young palace masters. Now, looking at it, there are as many as 100 frames, but there are quite a few.

There are always thirty-six palaces in Lingtian Palace, and each palace has a quota of nine young palace masters. If the candidates are fully selected, there should be more than three hundred people. But it is not complete now, so there are only two hundred seventy or eighty.

However, among these young palace masters, there are only four or five people who are superior to the middle people with sword immortals, and now these four or five people are all swordsmen.

Now to fight for inheritance, they have all come.

On the side, Du Xi slapped the bird and came to the left side of the treasure cart. In an orderly manner, he briefly explained the names and abilities of the young palace masters, especially the sword immortals, who were particularly clear.

Among them are Ren Xiao of Xiaoyao Sword Palace, Lihen of Qingtian Sword Palace, Feng Yuanchong of Liangyi Sword Palace, Li Pojun of Pojun Sword Palace, Qiu Shaoyang of Jinyang Sword Palace... The young palace masters of these sword palaces, The top ten rankings above the sword list and only below Yun Lie, although each has strength, but cannot overwhelm each other, when competing for places, it is also a battle between dragons and tigers.

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