Sure enough, a silver light flashed in Yun Lie's eyes.

This is his sword intent, so it will be like this.

Xu Ziqing also looked at the Nine Swordsmen.

These sword immortals are all sword souls, and the fiery red sword intent that burst out also really gave him the feeling of oppression that only his brother's sword intent used to give him.

... as expected of the Nine Masters of Kendo!

After the Nine Masters of Kendo became imposing for a while, there was a more vast sword energy coming from other directions.

Someone shouted: "Why don't you go back to the sect soon?"

When the Nine Masters of Kendo heard it, they turned into streamers and rushed straight to the largest palace.

They dispersed, and the rest of the onlookers naturally dispersed as well.

It turned out that he was the elder of Tianjianzong before and recalled the nine sons of Kendo.

But despite this, the power of these nine sons is still deeply engraved in the hearts of the swordsmen.

They couldn't help but feel that the Nine Masters of Kendo do have the ability to suppress Bafang!

Then, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie also returned to the palace.

Because of the almost unstoppable power of the Nine Masters of Kendo, the elders who were talking to each other just now have lost their minds.

They are all Sword Immortals. Naturally, if you want to transform the Sword Intent to such a degree that you can still be distracted and attack, you need to have a profound knowledge of swordsmanship. Even they themselves, although they have the realm of the Seven Refinements of the Sword and Soul, can also achieve the transformation of the Sword Intent, but in terms of durability, I am afraid that they are not comparable to the Nine Masters of the Sword Dao.

For a while, it was a little frustrating.

Unexpectedly, after these days, the Nine Masters of Kendo actually entered the country again!

Soon, the other elders left, and the young palace masters of Lingtian Palace all wanted to go back to their residences.

Xu Ziqing naturally wanted to leave with his senior brother, however, the two were stopped.

Elder Xiahou said: "Palace Master Yun Shao, Palace Master Xu Shao, wait a minute."

Yun Lie turned around, and Xu Ziqing followed him.

Both said, "Elder Xiahou."

Elder Xiahou got down from his seat and walked over to the two of them.

Xu Ziqing smiled and asked, "Does Elder Xiahou have any orders?"

An embarrassment flashed across Elder Xiahou's expression. But he quickly returned to his senses and asked in a low voice, "Palace Master Yun Shao, can you transform your sword intent into shape?"

After seeing the image spar, he felt that Yun Lie could fight against the Nine Masters of Kendo, but when he saw that they had entered such a state again, he couldn't help but feel a little less confident.

Although Yun Lie has a very cold temperament, he will not turn a blind eye when facing the elderly. Hearing him ask this at this time, he nodded slightly: "Naturally."

Elder Xiahou's expression was soothing, and he asked again, "Then... is it possible to be like the Nine Masters of Kendo?"

Yun Yan still nodded slightly.

Elder Xiahou felt relieved when he saw him like this. Originally, I wanted to ask something like "Are you sure you can beat the Nine Masters of Kendo", but after thinking about it, I felt that it was not appropriate to increase the pressure on this young palace master, so I let it go.

In any case, this time they will not be suppressed as in previous years, which is enough.

After that, Elder Xiahou no longer kept anyone, so he let the two of them go out.

After leaving, Xu Ziqing thought about the look of the elder before, and still found it quite interesting.

The dignified elder has lost his sense of common sense because of this matter... This kind of competition is much brighter than the ones he saw in the lower realms.


Three days later, there are still two days left before the inheritance begins.

All Sword Immortals who come to this place can participate in the sword fight, and they will be ranked according to a ranking.

And when the place of inheritance was opened, all the immortals entered one by one according to their rank and tried to accept the inheritance.

Because he was worried that he would miss the inheritance, the place of sword fighting was on the huge beach in front of the inheritance. In the huáng sand directly behind, there are hidden relics of inheritance. According to the immortals of Tianjian Sect who are good at deduction, when the time comes, the inheritance will emerge from the huáng sand.

At this time, the immortals no longer used the treasure car to show their majesty, but each used various means to float up and down over the broad beach.

Surrounded by many colored lights, more of them were cold sword qi, which squeezed those colored lights to the side.

Xu Ziqing and many of the young palace masters who came to join in the fun were all riding on the crane and flew near the edge. As for the Sword Immortal who came to participate in the sword fight from Lingtian Palace, he stepped on the sword intent and stood in front of the void.

The same is true for Yun Lie.

He is now stepping on a ray of silver light, and he is surrounded by nine sword immortals on the left and right.

The sword immortals who were closer to him were the young palace masters who had seven sword souls. The sword intent under their feet also showed a very strong edge.

It seems that it is much more powerful than Yun Lie's.

Qiu Shaoyang, the young palace master of Jinyang Sword Palace, was the closest to Yun Lie, so he naturally discovered this very quickly.

He felt a little strange in his heart. He heard that this junior brother Yun was a sword immortal with eight refined swordsmanship. Why does his sword intent seem to be mediocre, and he doesn't seem to have such a powerful power?

However, although he thought so, he never showed it. It's just because when he was watching the image spar, he saw with his own eyes the silver-white sword intent dòng wearing the Great Luo Jin Demon, the power is absolutely unparalleled, and what is the reason for thinking about it!

In fact, Qiu Shaoyang didn't know anything about it.

There are many sword immortals present, and those who come to fight the sword usually have to release their most powerful sword intent, but Yun Lie used to fight on the battlefield, so he often used the sword

I mean, I don’t use a single point more, and I don’t use a lot of it, so that I can maintain my strength to the maximum extent. Otherwise, once the Sword Intent is exhausted, and the True Yuan can’t be taken over, wouldn’t it be life-threatening?

After a long time, Yun Lie became more and more happy with the manipulation of sword intent. Now, since it is only used to set foot, among many sword immortals, he only uses the six refinements of the sword and soul, which is enough.

Only Qiu Shaoyang's perception.

Several other sword immortals in Lingtian Palace, while guarding Yun Lie in the middle, are also looking at the sword immortals of other forces.

The ninth sons of kendo of the Heavenly Sword Sect, who did not let him still occupy one side, also used his sword intent to transform into a shape, showing that he was not afraid of consumption and lasted for a long time. The entire east side was almost filled with their people, covering half of the sky. And among those people, there are at least hundreds of people, all of whom are swords and souls. Compared with only a few people in many forces, how many times more?

Their Heavenly Sword Sect did not even send out the Sixth Sword Soul Refinement - even in the huge Lingtian Palace, there was one Sword Soul Sixth Refinement in the top ten places. There are a lot of factions that have sent ten people, but among the ten people, there may be three or four or even more swords and souls.

The sword energy over there is condensed into essence, and the jiāo is woven together, and water cannot get in. If someone wants to enter it, it will be like being trapped in amber, and will be greatly hindered, making it too sticky to move forward.

The Nine Swordsmen of Kendo each took ten or twenty sword souls with seven refinements to separate the eastern void. The sword intent released from their "mountains" had a stronger edge than before.

Even if it is far away, there is a feeling of being cut.

The sword intent of many Sword Immortals was restricted—if they extended an inch further, they would all be counterattacked and would be injured.

This is the hegemony of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

But at the next moment, another sword intent shot up into the sky.

This sword intent is very powerful, with a kind of artistic conception of rainbow light penetrating the sky, rising from one place, as if setting up a rainbow bridge, and everywhere it goes, it is illuminated by the colorful light, and it withers away.

Xu Ziqing's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but let out a "Huh".

This mood is somewhat familiar.

However... there is death but not life, there is no rotation, and it is difficult to last.

That rainbow light sword intent doesn't seem to have any fireworks, and it is extremely beautiful, but many sword immortals feel it and find that its coercion is very strange, and it seems to suppress their sword intent faintly.

This is also the Sword Intent provoked by the Eight Refinements of Sword Soul!

The immortals couldn't help but look where the sword intent came from.

I saw a young man with a soft face standing among a group of Sword Immortals of Sixth and Seventh Refinement. He was wearing a very fancy fairy clothes. Although he showed a smile, there was a kind of malicious intent in that smile. .

Many immortals recognized that this yīn soft young man and the sword immortals around him were all members of the Burning Heaven Immortal Academy.

They couldn't help thinking in their hearts: I heard that there was a new sword immortal in the Fentian Immortal Courtyard. Could it be that this guy is neither male nor female?

No wonder the immortals have weird ideas.

It's not that I look down on this yīn soft young man, but even if it is a beautiful female fairy, she is not as dazzling as this person in normal clothes and colorful clothes. Moreover, looking at his expression and his behavior, I did not see the arrogance of most sword immortals... The dignified swordsmanship is not a life-and-death struggle, so let me remind you first, that is the way to learn from each other.

Being so sneaky, and acting like the sword fairy with insufficient kendo level, is a bit too much.

But at this time, after the swordsmen muttered a word, they also looked at the final place of the rainbow light, and also wanted to see how the nine sons of the swordsmanship dealt with it.

I don't know if this yīn soft sword immortal who provoked Tianjianzong can really succeed?

I saw the Hongqiao passing by, and went straight to the nearest Son of Kendo.

The ninth son of Kendo who was attacked was a fierce young man with extremely short hair and a rough appearance. He grinned, showing his white teeth, and slapped the seat again, "Qing láng", and said, "Bite him to death!"

Immediately, the green láng let out a howl, and immediately separated hundreds of thousands of giant green láng from its body.

As soon as they swarmed up, they rushed to the Hongqiao, and then, as if they were devouring something extremely delicious, they "crunched" and chewed.

It didn't take long for the immortals to see that the Hongqiao was really gnawed down piece by piece, and in just two or three breaths, it was eaten up by those green láng!

However, after these bluebirds devoured Hongqiao, they did not stop. They are running very fast in the void. From the perspective of others, they only feel that those green swords have turned into a blue sword light in the continuous running, and when the sword light is running fast, countless heads emerge from it, and the sound of howling is shaking. Human ear drum.

Yin Rou Jianxian's expression changed, she quickly turned her wrist, and swung her sword again.

The rainbow light suddenly appeared, and it split forward again, meeting the blue sword light!

After the violent collision, the rainbow light disappeared, but the cyan sword light had residual power, and it was not until a few feet away from the soft sword fairy that the power was exhausted and dissipated...

After that, the savvy young man showed more white teeth, his smile was very bright, but his tone was extremely mocking: "Tsk, that's all?"

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