Let's end this trouble soon!

Chapter 777 The Second Son of Kendo

The Nine Masters of Kendo often compete with each other. Although they are all swordsmen, they secretly have a ranking. At first, this ranking changed frequently, but it gradually stabilized later, at least the top three have never changed.

If King Qing Láng is only the seventh son of Kendo, this Qin Xiao is the second son of Kendo, ranking only below Li Qingfei, the first son of Kendo.

At this moment, Qin Xiao had no expression on his face, got off the giant python and turned to look at Yin Rou Jianxian: "Ma Hongbo, I will let the sword go first."

That yīn Soft Sword Immortal—Ma Hongbo saw a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes, and his heart lit up. He is also a swordsman, what qualifications does Qin Xiao have to look down on him?

In the realm of kendo, he is slightly inferior to these old sword immortals, but he just used Luo Tianshang immortal's strength just now. Now it seems that he is wrong. He has such a cultivation base. Why should he talk about fairness and suppress his own grade instead? Isn't this kendo ninth son showing such arrogance because he is higher than him in kendo realm!

After Ma Hongbo wanted to understand, the momentum of the whole body suddenly changed: "The rainbow is like lightning, the sword is stunned by the wind, the travel is thousands of miles, and the world will be killed!"

After he finished speaking, a sword like a rainbow burst out, which was ten times more powerful than the Hongqiao that was erected before!

In this sword intent, there is a steady stream of stamina, and the artistic conception contained in it is a dead energy, annihilating thousands of miles, so that everything can not be preserved within the sword intent.

When Qin Xiao saw the sword intent that Ma Hongbo was using now, his expression became a little better.

This sword is quite interesting.

Then, Qin Xiao moved.

I saw the black giant python under his seat suddenly twisted, and at the same time, countless shadows shot out, like poisonous snakes, drilling everywhere, spitting snake letters.

There was only a "puff" sound. Even though the rainbow sword intent was rushing very fast, it was hit by the faster "poisonous snakes", and immediately seemed to be drilled open, and many small dòngs appeared.

It didn't take long for that little dòng to be densely packed, and the power radiated by the rainbow sword intent was getting smaller and smaller. Before it could rush to Qin Xiao, it was already pierced by the infinite dòng, and there was hardly any power left.

Ma Hongbo's expression changed.

But the next moment, those "poisonous snakes" wearing rainbow-like sword intent quickly gathered and turned into a streamer again. This streamer was exactly the transformed giant python. The snake's head and scales were looming, bursting out together with the surging sword intent. come!

Although these "poisonous snakes" had all shrunk in a circle just now in order to consume the rainbow sword intent, they were not slow at all when they came, and the lightning and flint had already arrived!

Then, Qin Xiao's figure disappeared.

Ma Hongbo held a long sword in his hand, and the long sword was filled with colorful light, and he was about to strike again.

But he did not expect that at this time, he could not find any trace of Qin Xiao...

Ma Hongbo froze in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of crisis came to him, and he subconsciously moved to resist, but his reaction was a little slow for a moment - the strong man made a move, and it was over in just a moment.

Sure enough, he felt a sharp pain at the same time, and then he covered his wrist, trembling slightly throughout his body.

It turned out that at this time, his right hand holding the sword had been pierced by a sword light, and there was a blue-black sword intent attached to it, which was very strange and could not be expelled in a short period of time!

And since it couldn't be expelled, his right arm was almost abolished, and he couldn't recover on his own.

Ma Hongbo was not careless, but in just a few breaths, he placed it in Qin Xiao's hands.

It's not that he is too weak, but even though he has the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, his understanding of sword intent is still far inferior to Qin Xiao's, and his combat experience is even more lacking.

Therefore, Qin Xiao seized the momentary opportunity and immediately dropped him—if he was fighting for life and death, he could even kill him directly. At that time, it wasn’t that he was so injured that he couldn’t use his long sword at all. Drive the sword intent.

This battle happened too fast, and Qin Xiao won too fast.

Previously, because of Yun Lie's losing streak of three people, the face of the Nine Masters of Kendo was dull, and there was a lot of discussion on the sidelines of Jian Xian.

But now there is another Sword Soul Eight Lian who challenged Qin Xiao, but he was quickly defeated by the son of kendo. People with discerning eyes even realized that Ma Hongbo lost with the same kendo level and a higher rank than Qin Xiao. Naturally, there would be no more. People dare to talk about it, or ridicule Tianjianzong.

The ability of the second son of kendo is better than that of the previous three - King Qing, the seventh son of kendo, Leng Qingshuang, the fifth son of kendo, and Huoliezi, the sixth son of kendo!

I don't know how he compares to the Yun Lie who suddenly shot out?

For Qin Xiao's battle, many veteran swordsmen who were watching also saw a lot:

"Qin Xiao's sword is tricky, like an assassin, very powerful!"

"Those who practice deceitful Taoism have always been difficult to achieve, but Qin Xiao has cultivated this Taoism so far, and it really is amazing!"

"As expected of the second son of Kendo!"

"Looking at his character, he is not like an ordinary deceitful person..."

People who practice devious ways are better among demons, but they are often unpopular among many immortals. Just because what kind of Dao a person cultivates, often has a lot to do with his temperament. Generally speaking, people who practice devious ways are very calculated in the world, very secretive, and even often do such despicable things. How does a person love?


Qin Xiao is different.

Perhaps this is also related to the fact that he is practicing kendo. Although the trajectory of kendo is strange, apart from being a little cold, most of the time, he has a broad mind. Especially above him, there is also Li Qingfei's suppression, and he and Li Qingfei are inseparable, and he has to learn his style in dealing with things. Therefore, even though he is a swordsman, he is only more tricky in his swordsmanship. The mood emanating from the will is very strange.

Ma Hongbo's face was pale.

He was injured by Qin Xiao's sword intent, and he had a great Luo Jinxian-grade cultivation, but he had almost no effect here, and he was defeated.

Some of the previous ambitions and some unwillingness had to be swallowed.

Among the people in the Burning Heaven Immortal Court, a Sword Immortal came over and picked him up.

These immortals also felt very embarrassed. They were so aggressive earlier, but now their faces are all broken, and all the limelight fell on Yun Lie, whom they had never noticed before, but their genius was...

After that, more immortals looked at Yun Lie more.

On the other hand, the people in the Burning Heavenly Immortal Courtyard had mixed feelings.

They hadn't paid attention to Yun Lie before, but after a careful investigation, they were more emotional about him than other forces.

Just because Yun Lie and his Taoist companions soared, one of them in Burning Heaven Immortal Academy saw it with their own eyes, and they wanted to welcome them back to their Immortal Academy and cultivated them at a great price. However, the other party was born in the affiliated forces of Lingtian Palace in the lower realm, and later followed away, causing them to fail to win over the Burning Heaven Immortal Academy.

Originally, the loss of two geniuses with infinite potential made them unwilling, but they gradually became less concerned. Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Sword Sect came back this time, and because of this person, they took away the glory that they thought would appear on Ma Hongbo.

——Although Ma Hongbo would not have received this honor even without him, that kind of emotion would inevitably breed in his heart.

If I could bring this sword fairy back to the Burning Heaven Immortal Academy...

Everything is about different.

At the other end, after Ma Hongbo was taken away, Qin Xiao's eyes fell on Yun Lie again.

After Yun Lie picked three people in a row, he quietly stood aside. At this time, he raised his eyes slightly to face Qin Xiao.

And Qin Xiao, facing Yun Lie, was much more cautious than facing Ma Hongbo.

He said sternly: "I also ask Yun Jianxian to advise."

Yun Lie nodded slightly: "The battle is over."

Soon, Qin Xiao slowly raised his arm.

In his palm, he held a slender, black fairy sword.

This fairy sword is very peculiar. It is not only the thickness of the little finger, but also the body of the sword is slightly bent. At the front of the sword, there is a half-arc like a hook. Others can see that this sword is extremely difficult to handle. It even It's not like a sword, but like a weird and odd-shaped weapon.

Then, Qin Xiao mobilized his sword soul, gave birth to the most powerful sword intent, and slashed down——


The sharp sound of breaking the sky, a ray of black light burst into she!

This black light is too fast, like a flash of lightning, wrapped in a terrifying momentum. It is looming, it will solidify for a while, but it seems to be hidden in the void for a while. Even it is not straight forward, but it is up and down, left and right, and it is uncertain. I don't know where it will appear.

It is indeed a trick!

Such a powerful sword intent can suddenly explode from all directions and ten directions in a silent manner. If it is normal, how can it be seen clearly? Even if you are aware of it, how can you resist it if you are caught off guard? And even if I seize the opportunity to resist, how can I resist...

As soon as this sword intent came out, it didn't turn into countless "poisonous snakes" like Qin Xiao did when he dealt with Ma Hongbo, but it was more sinister and vicious than that "poisonous snake".

Also more difficult to deal with.

However, Yun Yan closed his eyes at this moment.

The murderous aura around him exploded in an instant and spread farther.

Yes, he has now intentionally expanded the field of murderous aura that he usually unintentionally released.

In this boundless murderous aura, if he encounters any hostility, he can find it.

Murderous aura and Yunjie are almost one.

If it is said that human eyes and immortal consciousness can deceive themselves, but the sense of murderous intent cannot deceive Yun Lie.

Qin Xiao is proud of the tricky way of the sword. This tricky way is extremely suppressed and the murderous intention of ordinary people is completely undetectable. After entering this murderous field, it is like an open fire in the dark night, shining brightly, there is no way to do it. Conceal a little bit.

Yun Lie suddenly opened his eyes when the sword intent was getting closer and closer.

Then, he slashed out with a sword.

Chapter 778 Li Qingfei

The vast sword intent rises into the sky, majestic and vast, like a sea cháo, with boundless killing intent, rushing away!

These sword intents instantly spread over the murderous field of Yun Lie's body, immediately shrouding the strange black sword intent, and with boundless power, it froze the whole area.

The speed of the black sword intent suddenly slowed down.

Immediately, Yun Lie's sword intent was suddenly compressed, forming a cage, and he immediately moved the black sword intent to the middle.

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