The inheritance of Tianjun himself is in the inner hall guarded by Xiaojian. Anyone who refines Xiaojian can enter, and those who fail to refine can go to the left and right halls and choose an inheritance by themselves. make up for it.

After learning this, Yun Lie didn't hesitate and walked straight to the inner hall.

Because he is the master of this inheritance at this time, he does not have to choose an inheritance in the small hall like the one who has never refined the small sword. If he wants to, as long as he can bear it, it doesn't matter if he sees it all.

But although other inheritances are good, he also intends to look at them, but if he sees that inheritance, the inheritance will dissipate, and it will be useless to future people, and it will not benefit him much, and it is not worth destroying it. And the inheritance of the Slaughter Dao in the inner hall must be of great use to him. It is impossible to tell him to see the inadequacies of his current cultivation, and to see the opportunity to break through to the Nine Refinements of the Sword and Soul... It is not to be missed.

Yun Lie soon came to the inner hall.

This inner hall is more spacious, and in the middle of the hall, there is a ten-zhang-high sword. Although its power has already been completely suppressed within the sword, it still exudes a terrifying aura.

It makes people feel how terrible the power is!

After "seeing" Yun Lie, the sword seemed to come to life suddenly, the sword body was bright for a moment, and the surrounding light was flickering, with an unparalleled aura, it was going to be crushed at the place of Yun Lie!

Yun Lie didn't move, didn't let a step, only released his sword intent to resist the breath of the huge sword.

Soon, the ruthless killing sword intent gradually resonated with the sword, and the huge sword began to tremble, and even after a while, the trembling slowly calmed down.

This tug of war ended with Yun Lie's victory in a short period of time.

Immediately, Yun Lie stretched out his hand and made a move to the sword.

The sword was immediately pulled from the ground, and suddenly turned into a torrent, all of which rushed into the cloudy purple mansion!

At the same time, countless large and small memory fragments were squeezed into Yun Lie's sea of ​​consciousness!

That is - the core mood of Killing Avenue!

Countless mysterious sensations, along with the immortal methods that Tianjun once practiced and the swordsmanship that he had practiced, were all absorbed by Yun Lie. At the same time, there was an extremely wonderful feeling, which was endless enjoyment in consciousness. The primordial spirit also seems to be gently stroked by something, as if to merge into it.

But Yun Lie snorted coldly, and suddenly a silver sword appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, just a few "swipes" to eliminate the aura of another person that was about to be contaminated by his primordial spirit.

What remained was only the most fundamental and detailed explanation of the Heavenly Monarch on his own slaughtering avenue.

Yun Lie sticks to his original heart and will not be fooled by the Tao of others. Even though the Dao of Slaughter is very close to his Dao of Swordsmanship, it is still not the same Dao—or, in other words, cannot be closely matched. If Yun Lie lets the Slaughter Dao invade in, in the end, his swordsmanship will become nondescript, or he will deviate from his original heart, and eventually he will take a path that will make him unable to get out of his life and will most likely fall halfway.

Endless insights flooded into my heart, Yun Lie stood still, tidying up roughly, and jotting it down first.

But if so, it took him more than two hours to fully accept the inheritance. After leaving here, I am afraid it will take a while before he can really digest it.

However, there is no need to stay here for long now.

Yun Lie's line of sight fell on the wall of the inner hall.

There, hung thirty-six tokens.

This Heavenly Monarch's lineage is very different from other lineages.

In the past, most of the inheritances allowed the sword immortals to enter in sequence, the losers quit, and then the next sword immortal was replaced, and the inheritance was not over until the inheritance was taken away.

But this Heavenly Sovereign is very cold and arrogant. Although I don't know when this place of inheritance will be born on its own, once it is born, only one person will be allowed in. After this person accepts an inheritance, the place of inheritance will be closed for ten thousand years. Later, he was born again.

Yun Lie has now accepted the inheritance of the Slaughter Avenue in the inner hall. If he leaves, the ancient hall will return to the ground again. Unless he takes away the thirty-six tokens, this ancient temple will remain open, allowing those who hold the tokens to come in and choose an inheritance.

——Tianjun is really good to the person he has chosen to inherit.

As soon as Yun Lie stretched out his hand, he put all the thirty-six tokens into his hands.

Then, he walked out of the inner hall and looked at the small halls on both sides.

Sure enough, most of the inheritances in the small hall are also very delicate, and they are all related to kendo, first-class inheritance. If someone absorbs it, they will definitely get a lot from it.

It's just that the masters of these inheritances are all just swordsmen with eight refined swordsmanship.

After Yun Lie took a rough look, he didn't stop, just swayed and left the ancient palace.


Let's say that Xu Ziqing and Li Qingfei were talking, when suddenly a move in his heart, he couldn't help but look towards the ancient palace.

I saw a white shadow suddenly appear there, flashing extremely fast, and came to him.

Xu Ziqing smiled: "Congratulations, Senior Brother, but it has already been passed down?"

He knew exactly the changes in the aura around his senior brother's body.

Yun Lie nodded slightly and replied, "That's it."

After Yun Lie came out, all the Sword Immortals looked over.

Although they all knew that with Yun Lie's comprehension and the way he cultivated, 99% of them would be able to inherit it, but when Yun Lie really admitted it, they were still a little disappointed.

This time the inheritance, it seems that they are connected

Hope it's gone...

Li Qingfei stood beside Xu Ziqing and saw that the Taoist couple replied to each other before giving a salutation: "Congratulations to Xiongtai's inheritance."

Yun Lie glanced at him and said, "There is still inheritance in the temple, and I want you to go and get it."

The voice fell behind, and he brushed it with his hand.

Immediately, there were thirty-six tokens floating around him.

The next moment, thirty-six tokens flew out quickly, and quickly landed in the hands of thirty-six Wei Jianxian.

And this Li Qingfei also had a piece in his hand.

Li Qingfei was stunned, took the token, and looked around.

It turned out that each of the Nine Swordsmen had a token, and Ma Hongbo of the Burning Heaven Immortal Academy also got a piece.

The remaining twenty-six dollars fell into the hands of the twenty-six people in the subsequent rankings, one was not much and the other was not.

Yun Yan continued: "With this token, you can enter the left and right small halls in the ancient temple, and choose the inheritance. Start with Li Qingfei and enter in order. If you don't enter for half an hour, the inheritance will return to the depths of the sand. Ten thousand years later, Fang Hui will open."

It is rare for him to say such a long sentence, but at this time, every sentence resounded in the ears of many sword immortals, making them unbelievable for a while, but what followed was full of ecstasy.

I thought I would get nothing this time, but there is such a big opportunity!

Even in the past, that one or several inheritances may not be my turn, but this time, there are 36 copies, and no matter what, when it is my turn, there are all left...

Immediately, all the Sword Immortals who got the token looked at Yun Lie with gratitude in their eyes.

After listening to Yun Lie's words, Li Qingfei didn't know whether to laugh or sigh, and only said, "Brother Gaoyi."

Afterwards, he said goodbye, took the first step, and went to the ancient temple.

With Yun Lie's move, the people who got the token are naturally happy, but some people are very surprised.

Now it seems that Yun Lie has clearly acquired all the inheritance of the ancient palace. He doesn't have to go to understand all of them. He didn't leave the token to the Sword Immortal in Lingtian Palace?

Others were puzzled, but Xu Ziqing understood very well.

His senior brother has always acted upright and upright, and no matter what the purpose of the Sword Sect that day was, every time he discovered the inheritance, he always informed the immortals and set the rules.

And since there are such rules, senior brothers should come here according to the rules, and because of the rules, the inheritance will not break the rules, nor will they destroy the opportunities of others due to temporary selfish desires.

Since it was agreed in advance that he would enter the ancient temple because of the ranking, the thirty-six tokens should belong to the thirty-six people behind him... If the person who made the token could not get the inheritance, the other party would take the token back and give it to him. the latter one.

Chapter 783

With Yun Lie's actions, many sword immortals felt that his character was quite good, and his kendo attainments were extremely high, so they were naturally willing to meet him.

The Heavenly Sword Sect has received the most tokens this time, and they have a better impression of Yun Lie - if they say that before, although they all know that it is not bad for many disciples in this sect to be hit by this, but after all, it is the major sect of the Sword Sect. , the entire sect was swept away by one person, and he was still somewhat unhappy.

Now, that grudge has disappeared, and when looking at Yun Lie, it is natural that there are more admirations.

Yun Lie didn't say much, he just stood with his eyes closed, quietly digested the many artistic conceptions and insights in the inheritance, confirmed them one by one with his own way, and made up for all the deficiencies of his consciousness.

Seeing his senior brother like this, Xu Ziqing also accompanied him. At the same time, he also began to understand the immortal methods he learned and improve his own strength, so as to avoid... being left too far by the inherited senior brother.

The other immortals never left.

Thirty-six tokens, thirty-six inheritances, they are also very interested - even if they don't have to practice, it is very good to have some knowledge.

Lingtian Palace has a big face this time, and Elder Xiahou can't help but smile on his face, but he is secretly thinking that after returning to the palace, the resources related to kendo should be more open to Yun Lie, so that he can focus on nothing else and try his best to improve it. . If it can go a step further, and whether it is to improve the grade, or to reach the ninth refinement of swordsmanship, it is a great good thing for Lingtian Palace...

Not long after, that Li Qingfei flew out of the ancient temple.

There was a bit of joy on his face.

Seeing him like this, the immortals naturally knew that he should have benefited, and couldn't help but be curious.

That day, the King of Sword Sect was anxious and couldn't help but blurted out: "Senior Brother Li, did you choose an inheritance?"

Originally there was nothing that could not be said to people, Li Qingfei was very calm: "I thought that the Daguang swordsmanship I practiced had come to an end, and I was afraid that I would not be able to enter an inch for a very long time. This time I entered the ancient temple, but I saw When you arrive at a prosperous kendo, after accepting the inheritance, you will know that the Daguang kendo is indeed lacking. It is precisely because it has no roots and no foundation, and it is lost in frivolity. Anything without a foundation is like floating grass, rising out of thin air and will not be stable. The same is true of kendo. I have obtained this prosperous kendo today, which can make up for the foundation and go further."

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