There is a trembling force that is slowly released from the formation formed by the heavenly monarchs.

Xu Ziqing took a deep breath.

Gathering the mighty power of the Heavenly Monarchs, the results brought about are actually so terrifying!

Every inch of his body seemed to be clamoring for fear, causing him to hold Yun Lie involuntarily, back and forth with him, until the terrifying force could no longer touch him, and then he stopped. .

The power of calculation before, although it has not approached him, has made his scalp numb, as if all his own experiences and all secrets must be clearly seen by him, and it will also form a ripple.

But this kind of prying is very dense and rough. If Xu Ziqing has not yet had the current strength, it is probably just a flash, and he is sweating, but he has this strength. It's unbearable for him... This is different from when he and his senior brother Yuanshen merged. At that time, he and his senior brother were in love with each other and willingly shared everything, but at this time, he was forced to take it out, so how could he not retreat ?

At the same time, Xu Ziqing also understood very well.

Under the power of such terrifying calculations, the secrets of the Moon Clan must no longer escape the prying eyes of the Heavenly Monarchs!

At this time, the power of calculation rose high and continued to condense.

After a short meeting, its image became clearer and clearer, and it turned into a huge gossip, hanging high above the formation formed by the heavenly monarchs.

There is no more ripples around the huge gossip, but at the same time, there is more power, which is continuously extracted and bet on this gossip.

At this moment, the goddess of destiny opened her eyes.

Now in her eyes, the eyeballs have turned into a black and a white, and the power that rotates like a vortex turns into two beams of light, which are thrown straight into the gossip!

The next moment, on the gossip, all the visions disappeared.

But in the middle of it, behind a vortex, various images were born.

The faces of the gods moved.

Isn't the figure above the Moon Clan?

These people are so powerful that they seem to be gathered in a stone hall.

Not many people...

The goddess of fate said, her voice was ethereal, as if from the sky: "I first entered the immortal formation for decades, and all the immortals that were plundered were raised in the barn, and they were left to eat when their lifespan was insufficient. Exist, there is a heavenly monarch who gathers his clansmen and sacrifices their flesh and blood to make plans and discuss big plans together."

As the picture continued to change, the voice of the Goddess of Destiny kept explaining.

What is known today is far more detailed than it was in the past.

The Heavenly Sovereigns did not dare to stop their calculations, but they listened very carefully, not wanting to miss any details.

The matter is also as they speculated, the plan of the Moon Clan really started countless years ago.

When they were in the Immortal Formation that year, even though the Moon Clan members continued to intermarry each other regardless of ethics, the total number of members of the Clan was also constantly decreasing. In the beginning, they only sacrificed the dying Moon Clan Heavenly Monarch whenever their lifespan was about to end, and took the opportunity to escape from the Immortal Formation and slaughter the Immortals, but despite this, their clansmen only decreased more slowly, but the generation Over the generations, the population is still shrinking.

Later, they learned that it was their own actions that hurt the way of the world, and they would definitely not be able to compete with immortals, but because of various reasons, their ethnic group would not be easily wiped out.

There are also wise people in the Moon Clan. After pondering for a long time, they tried countless methods.

Finally, they found a way in the immortal who was raised by their own blood.

Male immortals are still blood-eating, and they are combined with female immortals, but they can feel the yang energy and give birth to a kind of descendant.

All the gods also know what happened next.

The descendants of the Moon Clan born in this way are no different from monsters. They are extremely ugly, and they were born to eat their mothers. However, the Moon Clan people were not discouraged. After realizing that the blood of the Moon Clan on their bodies was indeed strong, they fed some male immortals.

Later, these descendants grew taller and taller and grew more than a hundred feet tall, and after they stopped growing, many descendants who originally lived in one place began to devour each other and kept changing.

In the end, after swallowing many descendants of the same clan, they gradually turned into the appearance of the real moon clan. The immortal bloodlines in their bodies were extremely compressed, and the moon clan's abilities were all in them, even more bloodthirsty than ordinary moon clan people, and better. Dou is even more powerful, and even Shouyuan is like an immortal.

Therefore, the entire Moon Clan almost boiled.

Later, they discovered that these newly born Moon Clan people are not only powerful themselves, but can also devour some immortal formations, causing those immortal formations to be slowly damaged.

Although this power is extremely small, if it accumulates year by year, it may not be the way out of trouble...

This is just a discovery.

Another discovery was that the demon-like descendant accidentally left the residence and disappeared suddenly.

The Moon Clan Heavenly Sovereigns were amazed, but it was only after the blood sacrifice that they discovered that this descendant of the Moon Clan had left the Immortal Realm and entered the void outside!

Anyone who comes to the Immortal Realm must pass through countless Immortal Realm laws if they want to go down to the realm and enter the void outside the Immortal Realm.

But the descendants of the moon tribe did it.

It's just that only these descendants can do it. It seems that because the combination of the moon clan and the immortal violates the law, the descendants are excluded from here. If they continue to devour and gradually become moon clan people, they will naturally not be rejected, but they can be used in reverse, but they can make them mature just when they grow up to a hundred feet.

Enter the endless void!

Since then, there have been countless years of attempts.

The descendants of the Moon Clan are also divided into males and females. If they meet in the endless void, what will be born is a huge and ugly piece of meat.

These chunks of meat will explode after many years, and each chunk of meat will turn into a monster that closely resembles them.

This is the origin of the Chen-level demon.

Chapter 867

The images in the gossip are constantly changing.

There are all kinds of weird and weird, shocking people.

I saw the countless Chen-level monsters struggling in the void wind, and they also jiāo with each other, giving birth to countless pieces of meat again, and these pieces of meat became star-level monsters again.

And the star monsters seem to have lost the distinction between males and females. They float in the endless void, and after colliding with each other again and again, they swallow the wind and form a huge black dòng.

Afterwards, the flesh and blood of the star-level demon split and splashed, transforming into a big demon. Similarly, the big demon also stripped its own flesh and blood and turned into endless high-level demons... Then, there were intermediate-level demons... low-level demons...

Endless light yīn runs through the void, and in these countless years, I don't know how many monsters have been created.

They almost became another group, densely establishing many "nests", and later, in the constant drifting, they found the closest place - that is also in the endless void, in the gap between time and space The realm of the nine virtual worlds.

Because of the restrictions of many laws, the monsters outside the world have found the weak point of the realm of the Nine Voids, but only the big monsters and below can enter. They found something indispensable to them in the body of spiritual cultivation.

Low-level monsters have only instincts and want to devour flesh and blood, but high-level monsters above star level have extraordinary wisdom. After devouring the flesh and blood of the gods, they found that in these flesh and blood, the power of time and space.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing was shocked.

He only knows that the power of time and space is indeed crystallized in the heart of the monster outside the world, but why is it appearing here, the power of time and space was originally in the flesh and blood of the gods?

However, he also heard at the time that those who cultivate in the divine way and become the Yang God are immortal and immortal... and the people in the realm of the Nine Voids do have long life spans, is it also related to this?

At that time, Xu Ziqing and Yun Lie killed countless demons on the battlefield of the Nine Voids, and they also checked their bodies, but the bodies of the soldiers of the gods were never desecrated.

Naturally, they will not find out whether there is also the power of time and space in their bodies.

Just as Xu Ziqing thought in his heart, the images after that were all said.

After the monster outside the world devoured the flesh and blood of the gods, in the wind of the void, it attracted the power of time and space, merged in the body, and turned into crystals.

Although the original monsters did not have this thing, the more later, the power of time and space gradually gathered in the body of the monsters, and the monsters that split again have this thing.

Generation after generation, year after year.

Although the demons no longer need to devour the cultivator, their entanglement with the cultivator is inexhaustible.

The gods and cultivators do not want to let go of such hatred, and the demons also like to eat blood, which is why there are countless times in the stalemate between the monsters outside the world and the gods.

Later, many demons crystallized with the power of time and space in their bodies. Although they could not be manipulated, they could use them to continuously migrate in the endless wind.

Gradually, they found the foundation of the fairy world, the nine thousand worlds.

The instinct imprinted in the bloodline tells them that the creatures born in these worlds are the enemies of their gods, and the flesh and blood of these creatures is the supreme delicacy.

Therefore, when the demons gathered their strength and seduced the few creatures in these big worlds, just when the laws of heaven and earth in these worlds were the weakest - just when a catastrophe was about to be brewed, they controlled the doom that they dominated with one hand.

This is also the origin of the first world catastrophe.

At this moment, you Tianjun are already convinced that the guess is true.

The image that was revealed later was the perfection of the Moon Clan's plan from generation to generation, and the continuous perfection of their conspiracy.

The Moon Clan's plan is vicious.

Nether monks who step into the way of cultivation must communicate with the way of heaven and gain the power of the law between heaven and earth. The portal between the fairyland and the fairyland was welcomed into the fairyland.

Immortal world is a very special world, immortals are the highest-level creatures born in this time and space.

In order to connect the lower realm and the immortal realm, all they can use is the strange law of the moment of ascension. Even the immortals who want to descend to the earth are extremely difficult, and they have to pay countless and imprison themselves. However, although the monks in the lower realms are not as high-level as the immortals, as long as they step on the immortal way, they will have that strange law, until they accumulate to the level of ascension.

When countless demons entered the nine thousand worlds of this lower realm, they constantly devoured the monks who possessed this strange law, collected them, and finally gathered them into the hands of the moon-level demons, which were mastered by the moon clan.

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