The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 997 Dragon King 4 Princesses

The preaching activity was very successful.

The grand array of the Ziyun Palace continuously extracts the rich aura and five-element energy in a radius of thousands of miles, and then compresses, compresses, and compresses again.

On the first day, the aura and energy on the side of the Dry Bone Cave in the Great Barren Mountain had already condensed into a mist.

On the ninth day, the entire Great Barren Mountain Dry Bone Cave seemed to be submerged in the wave formed by spiritual energy.

At the same time, following Liu Ruian's lecture, all kinds of incomparably gorgeous visions suddenly appeared in this world.

All the hype falling, the golden lotus springing from the ground, the spirit beasts presenting treasures, and all the auspicious auras, all of them seem a bit pale to describe this grand event.

This time, Liu Rui'an spoke for twelve years, nine months and six days.

Different from the one in Zixiao Palace, Liu Rui'an's Taoism started from the basics.

From the most basic step to the cultivation of the Immortal Golden Immortal, the whole process was explained thoroughly in simple terms.

At the same time, it did not completely adopt the cloudy and mistsy way of traditional preaching, but half text and half white.

Coupled with the method of acting casually and directly pointing to the origin of the Dao, it is much easier to comprehend than the one in Zixiao Palace.

Even the flowers, plants, birds, and animals that have just been born with some spiritual intelligence can more or less comprehend the most suitable Taoism for them.

It's far from Zixiao Palace, where they don't have enough cultivation and opportunities, even if they can rush to the scene, they still don't understand at all.

Of course, in terms of level, Liu Ruian's opening speech this time is far inferior to the one from Zixiao Palace.

After all, the person who taught the Fa, everyone who went to listen to it was very capable.

But for those ascetics who are mixed in the world of immortals, the actual benefits are far, far greater than those of the Zixiao Palace.

Therefore, after more than 12 years of preaching at the altar, a new sect of monasticism not only officially debuted in the Earth Immortal Realm, but its disciples directly broke the record of Biyou Palace.

Taoism, also said that there is no distinction between teaching and learning, but not everyone can get started.

Even if Liu Ruian could avoid the incident of the Conferred Gods List, he definitely didn't want to repeat the same mistakes that Tongtian made.

Whether you are a human, a demon, a demon, or a ghost, if you are able to enter the Taoist sect, you must abide by the rules of the sect.

Violators of the rules will be punished lightly! If it is serious, you will die! !

After the establishment of Taoism, a large number of people, demons, ghosts, and spirits have become members of the sect.

Every month, a large number of disciples go down the mountain, or go to and from the secular world to accumulate merit, or look for opportunities in the blessed land of Lingshan.

Of course, if there are more disciples, the cultivation level will naturally be uneven.

Walking outside, it is inevitable to encounter some natural and man-made disasters.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is still a little bit of true spirit left in the treasure book of Zixiao Xianji, it will take some time to be reborn.

If it's just a natural disaster, that's fine. It's purely a matter of personal fortune and luck, and you can't blame others.

But if it happened because of a man-made disaster, hehe...the Taoist soldiers and immortal generals of the Taoist sect really only eat and don't work.

No, when the first unlucky guy appeared, tens of thousands of huge golden boats flew out of Ziyun Palace.

After enclosing a certain mountain range, with just a few words, ten thousand golden lights descended from the sky, directly refining the world back to chaos.

As for the force that dared to attack the sect of Xuanmen, hehehe...

Only dead enemies are good enemies. This has always been the principle of Taoist soldiers and immortal generals.

Not to mention the establishment and rapid growth of Xuanmen, after more than twelve years of teaching Taoism, Liu Rui'an left Ziyun Palace in Dahuangshan Shi Shiran on the grounds of retreat.

In this fairy world, the four seas are connected and boundless, which is far beyond the comparison of the four seas in the human world. I don't know how many hundreds of millions of kilometers.

At the end of that sea, there are countless fairy mountains outside the sea, countless earth immortals, gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas live in it, but the Dragon King of the Four Seas cannot rule it.

The boundary of Zhanzhou in the south is the South China Sea, and the boundary of Dongsheng Shenzhou is the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was canonized by the heavens and was named the Dragon God.

Xingyun, who is in charge of the four continents, rains and nourishes all things. His merits are immeasurable, and his strength is far above that of ordinary immortals.

Even the ancient immortals with extremely high mana, when they saw the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, they would salute each other, regardless of superiority or inferiority.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas is not only the commander of the Shui Clan, but also has a wide range of friendships. He has a deep friendship with countless immortals and is also canonized by the heavens.

The power is extraordinary, even the immortals, righteous gods, and bodhisattvas in the heavens have to sell some face.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea has three sons and one daughter. The three sons are all supernatural beings, and they have also been canonized by the heavens.

Only her daughter, Ao Luan, was not canonized at first because of her young age.

Because there is only such a daughter, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, Ao Qin, has loved her very much since Ao Luan was born.

Hold it in your mouth for fear of melting, and hold it in your hand for fear of falling. She is really a pampered young lady.

This has to be replaced by someone else. In such a family environment, some bad character will be properly cultivated.

But the fourth princess, Ao Luan, does not have the temper of a young lady, and has a gentle temperament.

If there is anything that Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, is dissatisfied with, it is that his daughter loves Taoism practice very much.

You must know that the Dragon Clan is the king of all demons, as long as they are not killed by others, their lifespan is infinite.

And he was born with tyrannical strength, which is not inferior to the masters in the middle stage of returning to the void.

Princess Aoluan is even more blessed by nature, there are countless elixir and rare treasures in the Dragon Palace, and the formulas for cultivation are also very profound.

In just a few hundred years, she lost her body and cultivated a human form.

Don't think that cultivating human form is easy, the higher the level of demon cultivators, the more difficult it is to cultivate human form.

I didn't look at the mountain guardian beasts in Ziyun Palace, they just inherited the blood of a few ancient beasts, and now they can only transform into form by slowly improving their cultivation.

Of course, if you're lucky, you won't have to work so hard if you get the Taixu Alchemy Pill from Master Zhangjiao.

But Taixu's Shape-Refining Pills are top-notch elixir, among the elixir they are top-quality goods, and they can be obtained so easily anywhere.

The dragon clan's physical body is tyrannical, and it is tens of millions of times more difficult to refine the body to cultivate a human form than those mountain guard beasts with mixed blood in Ziyun Palace.

Of course, once cultivated in human form, the supernatural powers are far from being comparable to ordinary monsters.

In addition, for some reason, Ao Luan was favored by an ancient immortal in overseas fairy mountains and worshiped under his door.

After practicing for more than a hundred years, his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has survived the nine great catastrophes.

Taoism has entered an unfathomable realm, even surpassing his father's momentum.

It is said that after the completion, even Ao Guang, the number one master of the aquatic tribe, the dragon king of the East China Sea, could do nothing to his niece.

Apart from the Eight-part Heavenly Dragon Guangli Bodhisattva in Western Bliss, this Princess Aoluan is now the number one master of the Aquarium.

Speaking of it is also chilling, after Ao Luan showed his reputation, the heavens sent down orders many times to canonize Ao Luan as the Dragon God.

However, this princess is pure and free, and doesn't like to have an official position. If she insists on not accepting it, the heavens have no choice.

Although the Dragon King of the Four Seas is an important minister in the heaven realm in name, but living in the earth fairy realm, he is equivalent to a prince of one side.

It made the heavens even more scruples, but it was the mysterious master of Princess Aoluan.

Later, it was the Dragon King of the East China Sea who persuaded his niece to reluctantly accept the canonization, but it was only a false title, and there was no specific job, and she didn't have to be on duty, so Ao Luan was fine.

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