After waving his hand to put away the big villain boss and the ancestor of mutants who were forced to sleep, Liu Ruian turned around and looked at the female CIA agent behind him.

"You...what do you want to do?!" Facing someone's playful eyes, Maura MacTaggart instinctively took a few steps back and asked with little confidence.

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to make someone sad." Looking at the other party's face that was definitely not pretty, Liu Ruian said with a smile:

"According to the rules, this kind of unowned benefit should be shared by those who see it. But for some reason, I can't share the harvest with you just now."

"Well, as compensation, I can help you restore the memory that was sealed by someone, and I will give you some other benefits by the way."

"Wait a minute! You said that I have a memory that was sealed?!" Instantly grasping the key point of what he said just now, Moura MacTaggart asked.

"Isn't it, you will know after you recover your memory."

Without giving the other party a chance to speak again, Liu Ruian broke the seal set by a bald professor who hadn't become a bald head on the person in front of him.

Maura MacTaggart, who was about to say something, was completely frozen on the spot in an instant because of the memories that emerged in her mind.

When the female agent of the CIA came back from the unraveled memory tearfully, she found that she had returned to her temporary station in Egypt.

"Why? Charles...why..." Maura MacTaggart burst into tears, reminiscing about the overwhelming feelings in her memory.

As the emotions that had been suppressed for too long erupted from his heart in an instant, an invisible force also gushed out from Maura MacTaggart's body at the same time.

"Boom! Boom!"

"It's sputtering!"


Everything in the room seemed to have been torn to pieces as if caught in a storm.

"This...what the hell is going on here?!" Seeing the mess in the room, Maura MacTaggart was dumbfounded on the spot.

It is a pity that one of the two people who can answer this question is still teaching students in his own school, and the other is already standing on the streets of Egypt.

Walking on the crowded street, Orolo Monroe, dressed as a bad girl, sent away the little guys who followed her, and quickly locked on her target.

As a thief, Ororo Monroe was different.

But just when her eyes turned abnormally white, and an apparently abnormal windstorm suddenly appeared on the originally sunny street, a hand was pressed on her shoulder.

"You... who are you?!" Orolo Monroe, who was forcibly interrupted by some force, looked at someone in shock and asked.

"My child, your strength should not be used for such trivial matters." Liu Ruian, who looked at the other party, said with a smile.

"I... I can't help it..." Orolo Monroe, who instinctively felt a sense of awe in her heart, stammered to defend herself.

"No need to explain, I already understand everything about you." Patting the other party's thin shoulder, Liu Ruian comforted with a smile:

"It's not fair to those who suffered losses, but you're just using your ability to steal, which is pretty good."

Under the gaze of gentle eyes, the courageous Orolo Monroe couldn't help asking:

"Are you... are you a mutant too?"

"In a sense, I am." Liu Ruian, who nodded, smiled.

"Then...then what do you want?" Orolo Monroe asked with some expectation and nervousness at the same time.

"Let you and your little ones get out of the current predicament first, and then talk about other things."

As Liu Ruian's words fell, an invisible force teleported Orolo Monroe and the little guys who had been sent away to their humble residence in an instant.

"Good... so amazing!!"

Seeing that he returned to his residence in an instant,

Orolo Monroe was shocked and envious, but also more in awe of someone.

"My child, you don't have to envy my strength." Liu Ruian looked around and said with a smile:

"After you unearth all your potential, the entire human world will be changed by your abilities."

"By then, the name of the Storm Goddess will be sung and worshiped by countless people."

If someone else dared to say that, Orolo Monroe wouldn't believe it if she didn't say that she would beat the other party up.

But for this mysterious kind in front of her, Orolo Monroe couldn't help but believe what she just said.

"Goddess of the Storm? Me?" said Orolo Monroe, who looked a little excited.

"Of course, but let's solve your living problems first." Liu Ruian, who nodded, said with a smile.

That night, some orphans, vagrants, and poor people who received the news gathered at Orolo Monroe's home.

"How come there are only so few people?" Orolo Monroe asked in disbelief looking at the sparse dozen or so people.

"My child, you can take this matter as the first lesson in your new life." Liu Ruian, who was standing beside the other party, said with a smile:

"Yes, the news is true for you, but it is a choice for everyone else."

"Some people choose to believe in you, so they come."

"Some people chose not to believe you, so they didn't come."

"There are still some people who have made other choices."

"Another choice? What is that?" Orolo Monroe, who instinctively had a bad feeling, asked hastily.

Liu Ruian did not give the answer to this question directly, but the sound of sirens outside the house was enough to explain the problem.

"Why? Why is this happening?" With the help of someone, Orolo Monroe, who saw the situation outside the house, was stunned.

"That's a good question, my child." Waving everyone else in the room away, Liu Rui'an said with a smile:

"Understand it, and you will understand what is the first lesson of your new life."

When the police outside the house and people from certain forces rushed into the house, what they faced was only a very simple and empty room.

When Liu Ruian reappeared with Orolo Monroe, he was already in a dark alley.

"Master, where is this?" Orolo Monroe couldn't help asking, looking at the surrounding area, which was obviously not a good place.

"Although it's not necessary, a legal identity can save us some trouble." Liu Ruian, who was walking in front, replied with a smile:

"What's more, there is another person here who will become your brother, oh no, it should be your sister."

"Sister?" Orolo Monroe, who didn't expect such an answer, looked surprised.

"Yes, maybe there is another interesting person, but it's only interesting." Liu Ruian smiled as he walked into a downward passage.

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