The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 908 Redemption of 4 people!

If this was changed to the moment at the beginning, Liu Ruian would definitely do everything possible to get the most powerful forces in this world.

But now, the value of studying these forces is higher than the value of these forces themselves.

No, when Liu Ruian returned to the African continent, dozens of blood beads the size of bullets appeared in front of him.

The top three blood beads are from Charles Xavier, Jean Gray, and Hank McCoy.

Hank McCoy's ability didn't make Liu Rui'an spend too much time, it's not that this ability is bad, it's that Liu Rui'an has a better substitute in his hands.

Even Charles Xavier's spiritual power is relatively low in Liu Rui'an's opinion.

Well, the ability itself is not low, it's just that the people who use the ability are too low.

Regardless of Charles Xavier's personal philosophy, a dignified professor doesn't know how to deeply understand and tap his own potential.

Liu Ruian despises the fact that he only knows how to rely on external forces!

You know, the power of the mind is far more than that shown by Charles Xavier.

Needless to say, the movie called "Mind Teleporter" is enough to illustrate the problem.

Not to mention that this ability has evolved to a higher level, enough to directly affect or even distort reality.

The only thing that has real research value is Jean Gray's Phoenix Force.

Although the power of the phoenix must have been weakened a lot in the movie, no matter how much the power of the phoenix is ​​weakened, it is still the power of the phoenix.

Although Jean Gray is only a little older now, her spiritual strength is already comparable to, and even better than Charles Xavier in some aspects.

Liu Ruian really wanted to know, with the blood of the other party, could he have a glimpse of this powerful power at the level of the high-dimensional multiverse.

So, after waving away the other blood beads, Liu Rui'an swiped out with one finger, and split the remaining Qin Grey's blood bead in two.

After taking away the other half, he pointed at the blood drop that had been reduced in size by half.

The spiritual power that was almost condensed into substance was slowly poured into the blood beads like a gurgling water.

In just a few breaths, the blood drop, which was not much bigger than the little knuckle, suddenly swelled to a volume of more than 50 centimeters, about one meter high, like blowing a balloon.

Then this giant blood sphere, which looked like an egg, kept devouring the spiritual power sent by Liu Ruian like a bottomless pit.

In less than a minute, one-tenth of Liu Ruian's spiritual power was completely swallowed by the thing in front of him.

Don't think that one tenth is a small number. On the contrary, this level is so high that even Liu Ruian is surprised.

Just kidding, Liu Ruian is a god no matter what!

In addition to the real world, after the opening of the main god space, more and more alien planes have been mastered.

A large amount of original power has raised Liu Ruian's own power to a stage that is very unscientific and also beyond imagination.

Not to mention one-tenth of the spiritual power, even one-ten-thousandth is enough to blow up the powerhouses on the sci-fi side and the mysterious side.

But the thing in front of him was devoured by a full tenth, and finally stopped with satisfaction.

However, devouring such a powerful force only made this "fat" blood bead more like a single one.

The bright red blood on the surface solidified into an eggshell-like solid in front of Liu Ruian, and some unknown changes seemed to have taken place inside the giant egg, forming an egg-like structure.

Feeling the life fluctuation faintly emanating from the giant egg in front of him, Liu Ruian thought to himself in some surprise:

"It's such a change, it's really... really surprising..."

After confirming that the egg in front of him will take a long time to hatch, um, it is possible to hatch, Liu Ruian sent this thing directly to the Kingdom of God with a thought.

"Since the power of the phoenix is ​​said to be the connection point of the spiritual minds of all things that exist or will exist, it should be most appropriate for it to carry the minds of all beings."

Watching the phoenix egg mutated from Jean Gray's blood being placed on the altar, and began to receive worship from different worlds and races, Liu Rui'an was very curious about how far this thing could grow.

But it's just curiosity, at least for the time being.

After getting Qin Grey's blood, Liu Ruian put his mind on this dilapidated village flooded by hunger.

Under the powerful power of Magneto, the originally barren land was reclaimed into fertile farmland.

Magneto, who has always played the role of the villainous big boss, really never imagined that his abilities would be used in this one day.

But I have to say that after seeing tens of thousands of acres of farmland being reclaimed by myself, a sense of accomplishment suddenly arises in my heart.

In fact, not only has the soil become fertile, but even the magnetic field has changed in the area where the farmland is located.

Under Liu Rui'an's mentor, of course, this kind of change can't be bad.

On the contrary, although it is impossible for this change in the magnetic field to change the land instantly.

But as time goes on, this area flooded by hunger will slowly transform into a land of fish and rice.

For this reason, Magneto had to make appropriate changes to the nearby geographical environment, such as attracting underground water sources, raising mountains in some places, etc., to ensure that this beneficial change can continue.

When Magneto reclaimed tens of thousands of acres of farmland, Lingdie turned into an elf in the fairy tale world and began to scatter full seeds into the fields.

Then the storm girl used her ability to continuously change the climate of this area in the next period of time.

For example, there will be a few moderate rains, the temperature will drop to a level that is more suitable for the growth of crops, and so on.

As for Seraphim, he continued his job, using the ability further developed by Liu Ruian to treat villagers in the village who were near death due to hunger and disease.

Regardless of the fact that the entire Tianqi International Investment and Development Co., Ltd. only has five people, the power they exert is stronger than five large groups!

By the time the surviving villagers received food and treatment in time and gradually recovered their health, tens of thousands of acres of farmland had been covered by a stretch of green.

Considering the eating habits of the local people, there are not many varieties of crops planted this time.

Only wheat, corn, soybeans, cassava, and the cash crop cocoa.

Not to mention wheat and corn, cassava is the most commonly eaten food by the local people. It has a high starch content and is not only eaten by humans, but also by livestock. It can even be used to make wine.

Soybeans can be used to extract oil, and in addition to their own use, they can also be sold.

As for cocoa, the economic value is even higher.

One of the world's three major beverage plants is not in vain. At the same time, it can be refined into cocoa powder and chocolate, and cocoa butter is also extracted.

Under the premise of ensuring survival, they can also exchange materials with the outside world.

In less than three months, this land that was flooded by hunger and disease was redeemed!

When the video of the whole process was uploaded on the Internet intact, the whole world was in an uproar soon! !

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