The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 923: Evolution of Human Civilization

As for the sudden appearance of the evolution crystal, no one suspected that it was related to a certain conspiracy of Apocalypse International. 【】

After all, in the private research of various countries, it has been basically confirmed that there are fewer and fewer mutants, and they are more or less related to those "mutated crops".

As long as this new type of agricultural product is eaten for a long time, the X gene hidden in the human body will be slowly eroded and then completely dissipated.

In this case, it became natural that the chances of mutants appearing became less and less.

But the problem is, on the one hand, mutant crops can give people the benefits of good health and longevity, but on the other hand, it is impossible to determine the probability of birthing mutants.

Faced with such a choice, normal people know how to choose, no matter how reluctant they are.

After all, the mutant genes not only activate irregularly, but also no one knows what kind of power will appear after activation.

But even so, whether it is the governments of various countries or the major private forces, they have all raised a group of mutants in private.

Thinking of using these mutants as seeds to breed more mutants.

Then use the small brainwashing education and related preventive measures to let these mutants use them for themselves.

But who would have imagined that after raising mutants for a few years, the evolution crystals appeared before the effects could be shown at all!

On the one hand, it is a large investment with high cost and completely uncertain results, and on the other hand, it is an evolutionary crystal that can be taken home with only 888 yuan.

In this case, even if someone suspects that the evolution crystal is related to Apocalypse International, they can only hold their noses and jump into the pit.

Even if the abilities activated by evolution crystals are far less diverse than mutants in terms of types, but this thing can't stand it coming fast and stable!

As long as the talent is good enough, not to mention the SSS-level super evolution crystal, even the A evolution crystal can allow the user to successfully possess supernatural powers in just one or two months.

Even those countries or individuals who are very popular with Apocalypse International have to admit that if someone really wants to use evolutionary crystals to control countries or even the entire human civilization, it is not impossible!

But they just didn't do that, they just built a crystal palace on Mars.

Well, let's call it the Crystal Palace.

After simulating the ecological environment of the crystal planet at a huge cost,

Put all the evolutionary crystals from that crystal planet, regardless of level, in it.

It doesn't matter what kind of guy you are, what race you are, or what your profession is.

As long as 888, you can enter the Crystal Palace, and then use your talent to bring the evolution crystal home!

When you choose the evolution crystal, the evolution crystal will also choose you.

As long as the talent is good enough, even if you are just a commoner living at the bottom, it is possible to have the SSS Super Evolution Crystal.

The reverse is also the same, as long as your talent is not good enough, even if you are the leader of a country, you may only get a whiteboard crystal of the lowest group.

At the beginning, not everyone felt that this so-called two-way selection method was just a means used by Apocalypse International to divide human civilization.

But countries soon discovered that almost none of the people they sent to the Crystal Palace got whiteboard crystals.

The lowest level is above the middle water level, and a few lucky guys even got S-level super evolution crystals.

Coupled with the previous actions of Apocalypse International, once again the top leaders of various countries and the major forces feel that they have no idea what someone wants to do.

In fact, what Liu Ruian wants to do is simple and simple, and it is not simple or simple.

It can be summed up in one sentence: let mutants completely withdraw from the stage of this world, popularize supernatural powers, make human beings a long-lived race, and at the same time let human civilization rapidly evolve to an advanced civilization.

As for colonizing the entire universe, and even going to war with other civilizations in the later stage, in Liu Ruian's view, it was just incidental.

No, in order to allow human beings to evolve faster and possess more powerful power, evolution crystals appeared.

This thing is not just as simple as allowing humans to have supernatural powers and increase longevity. In the Eastern world, because of the emergence of evolutionary crystals, the power of martial arts, immortality, and even Shinto will begin to germinate, grow, bloom, and bear fruit over time.

In the western world, due to the emergence of evolutionary crystals, legendary powers such as magic, witchcraft, divine power, and even elemental power also began to germinate, grow, bloom, and bear fruit over time.

As for the question of whether human civilization will collapse due to chaos after possessing so many powerful forces.

In the past, it would definitely happen. As for now, internal fighting is inevitable, but the problem of complete collapse almost never exists.

Are you kidding me? The universe is so big and there are so many planets. If you have a sick mind, you will fight to the death for the benefit of the earth.

Coupled with the passage of time, human interstellar colonization ships and exploration forces are bound to come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

According to human nature, when an extraterrestrial civilization whose civilization level is lower than its own is found, aggression becomes inevitable.

If you encounter an extraterrestrial civilization whose civilization level is higher than your own, trading, stealing, infiltrating and other means can also allow human civilization to obtain a large amount of alien technology.

With so many things to do, at least in a short period of time, human civilization will maintain a momentum of rapid evolution.

As for how far human civilization can evolve in the end, and whether it can continue to exist in this world in the distant future, that's not something Liu Ruian should worry about.

At least when the time on Earth reaches the 21st century in the world of "X-Men: Apocalypse", the biggest problem of human civilization (mutants) has already disappeared.

In the past thirty years or so, many dangers faced by human beings were either avoided or passed through in the process of rapid evolution.

Powerful power allows human civilization to easily gain a firm foothold in the entire cosmic family, and a large number of high-tech from alien civilizations through different channels has also become the nourishment for the evolution of human civilization.

In the end, the evolution of human civilization has moved towards two different paths, one is the giant energy civilization, and the other is the spiritual civilization.

Giant energy civilization, as the name suggests, is a form of civilization that has mastered huge energy.

Internal force, true qi, divine power, magic power, witch power, etc., all belong to the category of energy.

An evolutionary system formed by mastering skills based on these energies is collectively referred to as a giant energy civilization.

The individual power of this form of civilization will be extremely high-end, and the destructive power will also be quite huge, and it is easy to cause troubles in the world by one's own power.

Fortunately, the foundation of giant energy civilization is still inseparable from evolutionary crystals, and the restrictions set by Liu Ruian in advance are not a big problem.

As for the spiritual civilization, it is an evolutionary system formed by the power of thought, mind, thought wave, and spiritual power, collectively referred to as the spiritual civilization.

The evolutionary direction of this type of civilization is to throw away the shackles of the physical body and evolve into a pure spiritual body, which is the so-called god.

Both civilizations have their strengths and weaknesses, and neither is better than convenience in the overall situation.

But at the individual level, each has its strengths and weaknesses. (To be continued.)

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